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最近,建设部印发的《1998年建设事业体制改革工作要点》指出,1998年建设事业体制改革工作要围绕加快城镇住宅建设和城市基础设施建设,促进经济增长的中心任务,推进各项改革。 对于市政公用事业的改革工作,《要点》提出了明确的思路。一是要转变城市基础设施建设的观念。转变市政公用设施只能国家垄断经营的观念,引入竞争机制,鼓励多种所有制并存;转变市政公用事业吃“皇  相似文献   

<正>《城市公用事业》是有关城市公用事业的综合性技术刊物,创刊于1987年,国内外公开发行。国内统一刊号CN31-1268/TU,国际刊号ISSN1001-599X。《城市公用事业》主要介绍国内外城市交通、城市燃气、城市给排水等方面的研究成果、经营管理、信息动态、科技文摘等内容,广泛开展学术交流,服务和促进城市公用事业的科技创新和经济发  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和改善城市居民生活的需要,我国各级政府对城市基础设施建设的投资力度不断加大,市政公用事业——如供水、节水、供热、供气、公共交通、排水、污水处理、道路桥梁、市政设施、市容环境卫生、垃圾处理、和城市绿化等方面建设,资金的缺口越来越  相似文献   

城市市政公用事业包括城市供水、供热、供气、公共交通、排水、污水处理、道路与桥梁、市政设施、市容环境卫生、垃圾处置和城市绿化等方面。我国城市公用事业与其他一般性竞争行业相比,具有以下几个鲜明的特点。  相似文献   

我国城市公用事业发展的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市公用事业一般包括城市供排水、供气、供热,市政设施,公共交通,污水处理,垃圾处理,城市绿化等内容。新中国成立以来,我国城市公用事业一直由国家管理。在这种管理方式下,政府通过直接生产  相似文献   

岳阳作为湖南省的唯一通江口岸城市,近年来城市得到了较快发展,由过去的滨湖小城发展到今天中心城区面积65平方公里,人口为55万的大城市,城市公用事业的地位和作用越来越突出,建设和发展速度越来越快,对社会经济水平的提高和市民生活质量的改善也起到了有力的推动作用。但公用设施一度存在着投入不足、基础薄弱、欠账较多、经营管理观念陈旧等一系列问题,严重影响了公用事业经营企业的效益发挥,其功能设施应显示出的作用也受到抑制,某些方面甚至成为经济发展和环境改善的瓶颈。针对这一现状,我们认为只有在困境中求生存、改革中求…  相似文献   

周镇宏 《城乡建设》2001,(11):44-45
重新认识城市资产的属性 城市资产是一笔最大的国有资产.多年来政府对城市基础设施和公用事业建设投入了巨资,但产出极微,大量的城市资产沉睡而没有得到有效盘活.长期以来形成的城市基础设施投资一元化的体制,使得城市基础设施建设和公用事业投资完全依赖政府,形成了一种僵化的格局.  相似文献   

“九五”计划期间,国家进一步加大了产业结构的调整,加强了对城市基础设施和环境设施建设的投资力度。同时,由于城市市政公用事业投资、建设和管理体制改革的进一步深化,拓宽了来自市场的资金投入渠道,对市政公用事业固定资产投资额度增加的幅度是前所未有的。“九五...  相似文献   

<正> 值此新的一年到来之际,我谨向《城市公用事业》编辑部以及广大读者、作者和社会各界朋友们致以良好的问候,井衷心感谢大家对公用事业的关心和支持。 “九五”起步之年,上海公用事业迈出了改革发展的大步。围绕推进两个根本性转变,加大公用事业改革力度。投资建设走内外结合多渠道筹资的新路,全年投资额预计完成45亿元,再次突破历史记录。设施能力进一步增强,服务供应总量持续增长。全市自来水综合  相似文献   

城市公用事业企业如何转换经营机制,尽快提高经济效益,减轻政府负担,加快城市公用事业的发展,是摆在城市公用事业企业面前急待解决的问题。江泽民总书记在党的十五大报告中提出的改革和发展战略,对调整完善公用事业企业所有制结构,推进公用事业企业改革,充分发挥市场机制作用等重大问题,指明了前进的方向。青岛市热电公司是青岛市最大的集中供热企业。由于拨改贷造成的高负债,严重制约了企业的生存与发展,形成了非经营性亏损连年递增。为摆脱这一局面,九七年上半年,我们对公司资产进行了重组,设立了青岛热电股份有限公司,并在…  相似文献   

Water policy reforms introduced in Peninsular Malaysia have yielded relatively positive improvements in the operational and financial performance of water utilities. This article analyses contemporary water governance in the context of the historical origins of uneven water development in Malaysia and national heterogeneity in the political economy of water provision. The investigation builds on political ecology scholarship in urban water policy and reaffirms postcolonial critiques of neoliberal inspired water reforms in developing countries. Our study analyses the impact of the ‘asset light policy’ – a policy introduced in 2008 with the aim of commercialising public water utilities and centralising water sector investment and ownership. It is found that notwithstanding evidence of improved financial health and technical efficiency in certain states, the asset light policy has accentuated uneven water development across the country. Thus despite the policy's relatively narrow focus on technical and financial matters, it is shown to have a fundamentally political outcome. This in turn explains the current ‘policy impasse’ in five of the eleven states in Peninsular Malaysia. Furthermore, the omission of environmental considerations within the policy framework is argued to undermine the overall ambition of the policy. It is recommended that water policy makers give greater consideration to the embedded social, political and economic inequalities that characterize many former European colonies.  相似文献   

针对茂名市存在城市供水矛盾的现状,通过现状分析和预测,比较了茂名市的农业用水、城市杂用水、工业用水等污水再生回用潜在对象的状况.结果表明,目前茂名市生活污水再生回用的首选对象是茂名市热电厂.  相似文献   

In contrast to previous studies on the economic impact of universities that focus on the demand side, this study centres on universities' effects on the supply side of the economy. Through a case study of the Spanish University System, this paper proposes a methodology based on counterfactual scenarios and growth accounting to estimate the long‐term impacts of universities on their regional economies. Our study evaluates the stylized impacts of universities' activities on human capital, salaries and occupation of the working age population, on generation of technological capital and, finally, on the GDP growth of the Spanish economy in the period 1989–2010.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(7):654-661

Water utilities often rely on industrial water supply (e.g. desalination) to complement natural resources. These climate-independent sources of supply allow operators to respond quickly to varying operating conditions, but require them to choose operating strategies, or rules. How does such operational flexibility impact the performance of water supply systems? How might it affect long-term plans for capacity expansion? Possibly significantly, as demonstrated by the analysis of a water supply system based on Singapore. First, we simulate the dynamics of the system under multiple rainfall and operating scenarios to understand the extent to which the operators’ behavior affect system performance. Results show that different operating rules can have comparable impact on the variability in system performance as hydrological conditions. Then, we show that small changes in the operating rules can lead to substantial changes in the capacity expansions, such as the size of a new desalination plant.  相似文献   

南水北调工程通过对水资源的优化配置,在解决缺水地区用水紧张问题的同时,也保证了城乡之间和区域之间经济和社会的可持续发展。实际上,南水北调工程的供水效益与受水地区的经济增长之间存在着一定关联性,采用灰色系统理论建立灰色关联分析模型,以通榆河北沿送水工程为例,通过处理历史数据,证实其供水效益与受水地区连云港经济增长之间存在较高的关联性。并通过计算各因素关联程度的大小和分析两者具有相关性的原因,为政府制订更加合理的调水工程发展策略提供参考。  相似文献   

林国敦 《城市建筑》2013,(12):151-151
随着生产工业的快速发展,其对用水量的需求也不断增加,用水结构也需要做相应的调整,节约和高效用水是缓解我国水资源的供需问题的本质途径。因此,发电单位推行节水和高效用水方案,不但是涉及到电力单位的经济问题,而且还涉及到电力单位可持续发展、保证社会经济快速发展的十分重要的社会问题。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to assess the efficiency of Russian water utilities based on a set of characteristic indicators. The novelty of the research is in the application of tools of the theory of economic “growth points” for analyzing water utility performance. The generalized development of a water utility is defined in terms of the efficiency of external and internal resources use. Conclusions on the development of water utilities in the six regional administrative centers of Siberia (Barnaul, Chita, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Tomsk) in the 2013–2016 period were made.  相似文献   

宋勇 《山西建筑》2009,35(27):193-195
从降低线路损耗、变压器的经济运行、无功补偿及功率因数的改善等方面出发,就如何改进和提高供电系统的经济性进行了探讨,最后提出降低电能损耗的技术措施,从而保障供电系统优化经济运行。  相似文献   

The evaluation of the economic efficiency of regulatory schemes is essential for regulators and utilities. In this study it is analysed for the first time the welfare costs of non-marginal cost pricing in the water supply in England and Wales, by computing the deadweight loss of the water only companies (WoCs) that existed over the period of 1993–2009. The results indicate that the current price schemes can have substantial efficiency costs. Our estimates show that the loss of efficiency for the WoCs lies between 15 and 60 million GBP over the period 1993–2009. These amounts could have been redistributed either to the companies in terms of profits or to the consumers via price reductions. The methodology and results of this study are of great interest for both regulators and water utilities managers to evaluate the effectiveness of price regulation and make informed decisions.  相似文献   

米来喜  刘家栋 《山西建筑》2014,(29):140-142
简要介绍了电源的分类,民用建筑的常用供、配电方案,对不同类别的备用电源、应急电源的标准、技术要求、用途和适用范围进行了比较,并对EPS应急电源使用中的一些问题进行了探讨,以供参考。  相似文献   

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