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Investigated whether changes in mental abilities associated with alcohol abuse are in the direction of mental aging or in the direction of organic brain syndrome. 158 25-64 yr old alcoholic inpatients were divided into 4 CA groups corresponding to WAIS age norms, and WAIS score profiles were computed for each group. Results indicate that Ss differed significantly from normative values derived from the WAIS manual both in accelerated mental aging and in evidence of organicity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used multivariate ANOVA to examine the independent effects of several factors (age, diagnosis, sex, race, and socioeconomic status) on WAIS subtest patterns. A total of 414 psychiatric patients were studied, including 29 with organic brain syndrome and 29 alcoholics. A discriminant function contrasting organic brain syndromes with lesser functional psychiatric disorders was defined. Alcoholic patients were found to occupy a position close to the organic brain syndrome group on that continuum. Aging was associated with deficits in specific subtests, whereas the organic brain syndrome pattern involved more generalized deficits. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined WAIS performance by 32 sociopaths and 33 normal controls, as defined by MMPI criteria. The 2 groups showed no differences in overall intellectual functioning. Differences in performance on some measures, however, challenge the idea that sociopaths are attentive only to aspects of the environment that lead to immediate gratification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using a procedure that eliminated repetition of identical items, thus avoiding order effects, we administered the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the WAIS—Revised to 108 subjects. All correlations between the two tests were significant and similar to those reported in the WAIS—R manual. For the group as a whole, verbal, performance, and full scale IQ scores on the WAIS—R were significantly lower than their respective WAIS scores; however, this difference was not consistent across IQ levels. Subjects of both average and borderline intelligence had WAIS IQ scores significantly above their WAIS—R scores. For the mildly retarded subjects, the performance IQs were equal for the WAIS and WAIS—R, whereas the WAIS—R verbal and full scale IQ scores were higher than the corresponding WAIS IQ scores. However, these score differences were small (1 point) and of little practical value. The differences of moderately retarded subjects, on the other hand, were large and in the reverse direction: the WAIS—R IQ scores were significantly higher than the WAIS IQ scores. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored the effects of verbal reinforcement, nonverbal reinforcement, and no reinforcement by the examiner on the performance of 24 male and 24 female Ss receiving the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Scores were consistently, though nonsignificantly, higher in the 2 reinforcement conditions than in the no-reinforcement condition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Full administration of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised (WAIS—R) was compared to a rescored Satz-Mogel short form of the WAIS—R (P. Satz and S. Mogel, 1962) in 51 elderly, demented individuals. The comparison revealed a high degree of association between these two forms. A smaller subset of 15 Ss was administered the Satz-Mogel short form and the full WAIS—R. Correlations between the two forms were significant for approximately half of the subtests and all of the subscales. No significant differences in means were found between forms. These findings are considered to represent some initial, positive support for the use of the Satz-Mogel short form of the WAIS—R in an elderly, demented population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Portal hypertension is a result of chronic liver disease in the majority of cases. Rare, potentially curable causes of portal hypertension include vascular conditions such as hepatic or portal venous thrombosis and arterio-portal fistulas. We present the rare case of a spontaneous splenic arterio-venous fistula in a 40 year old multiparous woman. The young woman presented with massive diarrhea, ascites, abdominal pain, and an abdominal machinery type bruit and represents the second ever reported case with diarrhea as presenting symptom of splenic arterio-venous fistula. The diagnosis was confirmed by color Doppler ultrasound. Transfemoral aortography was performed to assess the possibility of catheter embolization. Surgical intervention was initially complicated by collateral arterial tributaries of the fistula and finally resulted in a dramatic recovery with persistent resolution of all symptoms. This case report demonstrates a curable form of portal hypertension that must be considered in acute onset portal hypertension in multiparous women and in the absence of liver disease. A machinery type bruit in the upper left abdominal quadrant represents an important and simple diagnostic symptom found by auscultation. Color Doppler ultrasound represents a non invasive, universally applicable and fast method of establishing the diagnosis. The literature and management of splenic arterio-venous fistulas are reviewed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Factors related to physical health have been implicated in both normal and pathological aging of cognitive abilities. To substantiate this notion, we studied existing morbidity, as diagnosed by the general practitioner according to well-defined criteria, as a potential predictor of cognitive test performance. METHODS: A sample of 1360 individuals, aged 24-81 years and living in the community, was stratified for age, sex, and general ability. Active and total morbidity in this group were classified according to the International Classification of Primary Care. Neurocognitive tests were used to assess the domains of verbal memory, sensorimotor speed, and cognitive flexibility. RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses with adjustment for age, sex, and educational level showed both insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetes to be negatively associated with all cognitive measures. More specific negative associations were found for chronic bronchitis (performance speed) and presbyacusia (memory). Single or aggregated cardiovascular morbidity (including hypertension) was unrelated to test performance. CONCLUSIONS: Existing morbidity as a whole contributes only modestly (up to 3.5%) to total variance in cognitive function. However, some specific, relatively common diseases of the elderly, such as diabetes and chronic bronchitis, may aggravate the age-related decline in cognitive ability.  相似文献   

Four laboratory studies documented systematic performance illusions for individuals and group members. After completing a task, most individuals typically rank their performance below the median (a negative performance illusion) and most group members rank their group performance above the median (a positive performance illusion). This evaluation gap surfaced in all studies; group members consistently assign their group a higher rank than individuals assign themselves. This gap contradicts a number of theories assuming that group biases merely extend individual biases. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In man, as well as in the mouse, there is morphologic and functional evidence for a direct, stimulatory influence of the sympathetic nervous system on the secretion of thyroid hormone by noradrenaline (NA), released from interfollicular adrenergic nerve terminals. In mice and rats, an age-related reduction of the sympathetic innervation of the thyoid has recently been observed. In the present study, possible age-related variations of the sympathetic innervation and the concentration of NA in human thyroid tissue were examined. Interfollicular adrenergic nerve terminals were studied by fluorescence histochemistry, and the tissue concentration of NA was measured by fluorometry. In apparently normal thyroid tissue, obtained from fetuses, young (20-45), and elderly (greater than 60) euthyroid people with thyroid cancer or hyperparathyroidism, the number of interfollicular adrenergic nerve terminals appeared to be reduced with increasing age, and the thyroid tissue concentration of NA was significantly lower in elderly than in young people. These findings may have functional importance.  相似文献   

The present study examined the residual effects of smoking status on cognitive function in 76 nondemented older adults. Current smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers who were screened for health and intellectual impairments were adminstered a battery of standardized neuropsychological tests to measure problem solving, psychomotor speed, memory, attention span, perception, and language production. Performance decrements were found for smokers on measures of psychomotor speed. No between-group differences were noted on any of the nonspeeded tests. There were no differences between nonsmokers and ex-smokers on any measures. The results suggest that the residual effects of current cigarette smoking negatively influence speeded cognitive capabilities in older adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two groups, each consisting of 24 normal young men, were given the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychology Battery and additional tests of intellectual and personality functioning, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, and the Cornell Medical Index. The test (and subtest) scores were intercorrelated. No significant correlations were found between any of the personality tests and any of the subtests of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychology Battery. Most of the WAIS measures likewise failed to correlate with the Halstead-Reitan measures in the two samples. The exceptions were the Digit Span and Block Design subtests and the Performance Scale IG score on the WAIS which did correlate with some of the subtests from the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychology Battery. The findings with normal subjects reported in this paper, in contrast with findings with psychopathological and brain-damaged groups of subjects reported by others, indicate that for Ss in the top half of the population in education and WAIS FSIQ, individual differences in scores on the WAIS, the MMPI, TMAS, and CMI do not materially influence performance on the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychology Battery Measures.  相似文献   

Folate metabolism was studied in normal, folate-deficient and alcoholic man by tracer measurements of plasma clearance, urinary excretion, tissue storage and release of folate using both [3H]pteroylglutamic acid (3H-PteGlu) and 14C-methyl-H4PteGlu. Alcohol ingestion did not adversely affect tissue uptake of folates. Whether in normal or folate deficient subjects, the relative clearance rates of 3H-PteGlu and 14C-methyl-H4PteGlu were maintained in the face of alcohol ingestion and there was no evidence of increased urinary loss of intact vitamin or labelled breakdown products. As measured by the flushing technique, the rate of storage or tissue binding of 3H-PteGlu was not influenced by folate deficiency, folate store depletion or alcohol ingestion. However, alcohol may retard the release of methyl-H4PteGlu from tissue stores to plasma. A significantly greater recovery of 14C-methyl-H4PteGly with flush was observed in those normal subjects who ingested alcohol for 6 d. A partial block in the rate of release of tissue folate stores would be a possible mechanism behind the rapid depression in serum methyl-H4PteGlu levels and early induction of megaloblastic erythropoiesis which has been observed following acute alcohol ingestion.  相似文献   

This paper systematically reviews the results from epidemiologic studies investigating the hypothesis that breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women increases with increasing concentrations of estradiol in blood and with increasing urinary estrogen excretion rates. Data from 29 epidemiologic studies of endogenous hormones and postmenopausal breast cancer were used. The ratio of the average estrogen concentration in the women with breast cancer to that in the women without breast cancer (and its 95 percent confidence interval [CI]) was calculated for each study, and the results were summarized by calculating weighted averages of the log ratios. In six prospective studies of serum estradiol concentration, 329 women who subsequently developed breast cancer had, overall, a 15 percent (CI = 6-24 percent, P = 0.0003) higher mean concentration of estradiol in their blood than the 1,105 women who remained free of cancer. The results of these prospective studies did not differ significantly from each other (chi2 for heterogeneity = 8.7; degrees of freedom = 5; P > 0.1). Similar differences in mean estrogen levels were seen in the case-control studies which reported either estradiol concentrations in the blood or urinary estrogen excretion. However, the case-control studies showed significant heterogeneity among their results. The data from the prospective studies strongly suggest that breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women is associated with relatively high concentrations of endogenous estradiol.  相似文献   

Tested 40 schizophrenics and 40 neurotics using WAIS scores, with Arithmetic (A) and Digit Span (DS) subtest scores subtracted, as a measure of IQ, and the MMPI as a measure of anxiety. Results suggest: (1) the intelligence level of S must be considered to interpret the relationship between A and DS; (2) the relationship between A and DS is a better indication of anxiety than the level of DS alone; (3) DS well below A may be a function of anxiety or intelligence and the affect is enhanced when S is bright and anxious; and (4) chronic or low-anxiety, dull schizophrenics and dull but not anxious nonschizophrenics show out-of-pattern relationship of DS above A. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of 28-h sleep loss on performance, reaction time (RT) distribution functions, and spectral composition of the EEG were evaluated in three choice-RT tasks for young (N = 12, aged 18-24 years) and old (N = 12, aged 62-73 years) subjects. Manipulations of stimulus degradation, stimulus-response compatibility, and interstimulus interval variability were to affect encoding, response selection, and motor adjustment stages, respectively. In order to discriminate between independent variables that were presumed to be computational or energetical in nature, effects on EEG spectra and RT-distributions were studied. Spectra of the EEG indicated higher cortical arousal levels for the elderly than for the young. The most dramatic effect of sleep loss on performance was a marked increase in the number of omitted responses. This effect was smaller for the elderly than for the young. The results suggest that the detrimental effects of sleep loss are smaller in the elderly, which is consistent with an inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance. The age effects on the processing stages were mainly limited to response selection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study the validity of the most common systems for evaluating obstetric risk in a random representative sample of pregnant Andalusian women. DESIGN: Crossover study of 1852 pregnancies of over 28 weeks and in which the women gave birth in the public hospitals of Andalusia (C.I. 95%, 7.5% accuracy). Information came from the maternity and neonatal clinical records and from a home visit after the birth. Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of each cut suggested by the author in each system evaluated was calculated. Systems were compared with ROC curves. PARTICIPANTS: Andalusian women who gave birth in public hospitals. Measurements and main results. Obstetric risk was evaluated with the Nesbitt and Aubry (ASMI), Hobel, Coopland and IROM indices, with the criteria used in Malaga West District, and Bull's proposals for English general practitioners. The validity of the predictions was studied for premature birth, low birth-weight, the CIR, hypoxia in the new-born, pathological birth and lengthy hospital stays of mother and child. The low predictive power of the indices studied was demonstrated. The best were the Hobel, Coopland and IROM indices. The indices had greater predictive power than the referral criteria: this, appreciating the different philosophies underlying the systems which, independently of their validity, determine the number of pregnant women at risk. CONCLUSIONS: Since defining a pregnant woman as at risk is not innocuous, the research showed the importance of constructing systems, or at least validating existing ones, for the target community.  相似文献   

Using the five factor model with an emphasis on extraversion and conscientiousness, the authors investigated how personality is related to small group processes and outcomes. Graduate students (N ?=?289) assigned to 4- and 5-person teams in 61 groups engaged in a series of creative problem-solving tasks over a period of several weeks. Extraversion was associated with group processes and outcomes at both individual and group levels of analysis. At the individual level, extraverts were perceived by others as having greater effect than introverts on group outcomes. Covariance structure modeling suggested that extraverts induce these perceptions through the provision of both socioemotional and task-related inputs. At the group level, the proportion of relatively extraverted members was related curvilinearly to task focus and group performance. Contrary to expectations, Conscientiousness was unrelated to processes and outcomes at either the individual or group level. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate neutrophil functions in the elderly. METHODS: We investigated the PMN migration in vivo and PMN superoxide production and adhesion in response to a variety of compounds; PMN have been isolated both from blood and from a skin experimental exudate (obtained by Senn's skin window technique) of 25 normal elderly and of 25 normal young control subjects. RESULTS: No difference was found in PMN migration in vivo (62.9 +/- 21.3 x 10(6) and 65.5 +/- 9.1 x 10(6) PMN/cm2/24 hours in elderly and young subjects respectively), neither were different the adhesion under basal condition and after some stimuli and the superoxide production in basal condition and in response to STZ and PMA in two groups. In elderly subjects superoxide production, in response to fMLP, markedly resulted lower than in young controls both by circulating PMNs (3.6 +/- 2.7 and 9.3 +/- 3.3 nMOLES O2-/10(6) PMN respectively, p < 0.0001) and by exudate PMNs (13.6 +/- 4.3 and 19.4 +/- 6 nMOLES O2-/10(6) PMNs respectively, p < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Many PMN functions in the elderly do not differ from young people, suggesting that the overall defense function of these cells is not affected by aging. The only parameter that we have found to be different between the two groups is the poor superoxide production after fMLP stimulus of PMNs. The stimulus- and function-specificity of this defect in PMNs from elderly subjects indicates the existence of a dysregulation of the signal transduction pathway distal to fMLP receptor and proximal to NADPH oxidase activation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neuropsychological and imaging studies suggest that frontal dysfunction may occur in apparently normal chronic alcoholic subjects. METHODS: To investigate this issue further, we performed neuropsychological and fluorodeoxy-glucose-PET studies in 17 chronic alcoholics without patent neurological and psychiatric complications. RESULTS: Metabolic abnormalities were found in the mediofrontal and in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, but not in the orbitofrontal cortex. Neuropsychological testing revealed significantly reduced verbal fluency and impaired performance on the Stroop test. The mediofrontal hypometabolism correlated with the reduction in verbal fluency and the time necessary to perform the interference condition of the Stroop test. The left dorsolateral prefrontal hypometabolism correlated with the number of errors on the Stroop test. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that circumscribed frontal dysfunctions may occur in chronic alcoholic subjects before clinically obvious neurological complications, and may account for some of the alcohol-related neuropsychological and behavioural impairments.  相似文献   

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