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It is possible to determine statistically the repartitions of shapes or sizes in a population of particles from the recurrence of shapes or sizes of their outlines in microscopical sections. This method was applied to a population of 1326 follicular profiles randomly sampled from 30 ovaries of pubescent homozygous "Nude" mice. Under experimental conditions, the follicles were not spherical but could be assimilated to prolate ellipsoids with a mean eccentricity of 0.81. The average radius of the follicles taken as a whole was 20.2+/-0.7 (S.E.) mum. From these, the average radius of only the non-primary follicles was 58+/-1.3 (S.E.) mum. The volumetric repartition of the ovarian follicles indicated that 62% of the total follicular mass was made of follicles with a radius greater than 115 mum, although these represent only 2% of the total number of follicles.  相似文献   

The effect of thymidine (TdR) on the growth of a human melanoma transplanted in nude mice has been studied. It was found that the injection of 1 g/kg/h of TdR for at least 72 h is sufficient to suppress the growth of the melanoma cells. This inhibition lasts for the duration of the treatment, and causes no apparent toxicity to the host. Nude mice treated for 6--9 days with TdR survived 158 days after melanoma transplant versus 126 days for the controls.  相似文献   

The relationship between the bioenergetic status of human glioma xenografts in nude mice and morphometric parameters of the perfused vascular architecture was studied using (31)P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), fluorescence microscopy and two-dimensional digital image analysis. Two tumour lines with a different vascular architecture were used for this study. Intervascular distances and non-perfused area fractions varied greatly between tumours of the same line and tumours of different lines. The inorganic phosphate-nucleoside triphosphate (P(i)/NTP) ratio increased rapidly as mean intervascular distances increased from 100 microm to 300 microm. Two morphometric parameters - the percentage of intervascular distances larger than 200 microm (ivd200) and the non-perfused area fraction at a distance larger than 100 microm from a nearest perfused vessel (area100), - were deduced from these experiments and related to the P(i)/NTP ratio of the whole tumour. It is assumed that an aerobic to anaerobic transition influences the bioenergetic status, i.e. the P(i)/NTP ratio increased linearly with the percentage of ivd200 and the area100.  相似文献   

Neuropsin is a trypsin-type serine protease that was first cloned from the mouse brain as a factor related to neural plasticity. Subsequent in situ hybridization histochemical analysis indicated a broad localization of its mRNA throughout the whole body, although the details remain obscure. In this study, we showed that neuropsin immunoreactivity is localized in the keratinized stratified epithelia of the mouse epidermis, hair, tongue, palate, nasal cavity, pharynges, esophagus, and forestomach. In the skin and mucous membranes, neuropsin immunoreactivity was found in the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum. The immunoreactivity in the former sublayer was mainly present in the cytoplasm, but that in the latter sublayer was exclusively present in the intercellular space or on the outer surface of the cell membrane and thus exhibited a lamellar-like peripheral distribution. During development, the appearance of neuropsin immunoreactivity in the various epithelia was found at embryonic days 14.5-15.5, prior to formation of the stratum corneum. More extensive expression of neuropsin immunoreactivity was found in the nude mouse skin and mucous membranes than in wild-type mice. Because the nude mouse is characterized by genetic impairment of keratinization, such abnormal neuropsin expression might be caused or affected by this impairment. Therefore, neuropsin, an extracellular serine protease, is suggested to be involved in keratinization in the stratified epithelia.  相似文献   

With the Bodian method stained fibers were observed in the lobules of the rat liver and with the modified Karnovsky and Roots thiocholine method cholinesterase (presumably acetylcholinesterase (AChE))-positive nerve fibers were found in a pattern similar to that of the Bodian-stained fibers. The AChE-positive nerve fibers form a network in the liver lobules in close relation to hepatocytes and sinusoids. Fluorescent varicose nerve fibers demonstrated by the glyoxylic acid and Falck-Hillarp fluorescence methods were found only in the interlobular spaces associated with vessels. As no overlapping of distribution patterns of AChE-positive nerve fibers and fluorescent nerve fibers occurs, the AChE activity of the nerves of the liver lobules probably reflects the associated presence of acetylcholine in the nerve fibers. In consequence we suggest that nerves of the liver lobules belong to the autonomic parasympathetic nervous system. SEM of liver tissue revealed light cords apparently situated in smooth-surfaced channels between adjacent hepatocytes and in the space of Disse, where fibers also cross sinusoids. We tentatively suggest that the cords of the SEM represent the AChE-positive nerve fibers of our LM observations.  相似文献   

The morphology of Peyer's patches transplanted under the kidney capsule in syngeneic mice was studied up to 30 days after transplantation. Changes undergoing in transplants were arbitrarily divided into three stages: the initial stage of necrosis, then from the third day on -- clearing of dead tissues, and finally, from the fifth day -- lymphoid regeneration. Starting from the ninth day on, the lymphoid structure of the transplants was quite distinct. Transplants appeared to be similar to Peyer's patches in situ. Reconstituted transplants contained a huge number of blood vessels located with lymphocytes. The epithelial cysts were found in all the transplants. They were formed by remnants of persisted intestinal epithelium covering Peyer's patches in situ. The possibility of epithelial influence on lymphoid regeneration of the transplants is discussed.  相似文献   

Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are often diagnosed after demonstration of T-lineage-related antigen expression on neoplastic lymphocytes by paraffin immunoperoxidase (PIP). However, complete T-cell subset analysis for helper, suppressor/cytotoxic, alphabeta, and gammadelta phenotypes has not been examined by PIP. Therefore, PIP was performed for CD4, CD8, T-cell intracellular antigen (TIA)-1, and betaF1 expression in 31 PTCLs previously studied for CD4 and CD8 by flow cytometry. The CD4 and CD8 results from both methods were compared. All betaF1- PTCLs were studied for T-cell receptor (TCR)gammadelta by PIP. PIP showed 71% correlation with the 21 PTCLs that had distinct CD4+ CD8- or CD4- CD8+ phenotypes by flow cytometry, with 64% and 90% sensitivity for CD4 and CD8 expression, respectively. Tumor cells in four of six PTCLs that had no clear CD4 or CD8 predominance or coexpression of these antigens by flow cytometry were shown to be CD4+ CD8- or CD4- CD8+ by PIP. Twelve (39%) PTCLs demonstrated a cytotoxic (TIA-1+) phenotype by PIP, including eight CD4- CD8+, one CD4+ CD8- and three CD4- CD8- cases. Of 30 immunoreactive PTCLs, 26 (87%) were alphabeta (betaF1+) by PIP. Both large cell cases among four betaF1- PTCLs were TCRgammadelta+ by PIP, including one gammadelta+ case confirmed by flow cytometry. We conclude that CD4 and CD8 T-cell subsets can be assigned for most PTCLs by PIP, with CD4 showing moderate and CD8 showing strong correlation with flow cytometric results. PIP can also define CD4 or CD8 expression on tumor cells in the PTCLs in which flow cytometry produces inconclusive results. Cytotoxic PTCLs can be identified easily with TIA-1, which can also distinguish cytotoxic from "suppressor" CD8+ PTCLs. Most PTCLs are derived from alphabeta T-cells, however some large cell gammadelta PTCLs may be identified by PIP.  相似文献   

In the present study, we attempted to determine the extent to which an anterior capsulorrhexis carried out during cataract surgery contracts postoperatively. The size of the continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis (CCC) was measured at the end of surgery and at the final follow-up examination in 52 eyes of 40 patients who underwent phacoemulsification/aspiration and implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL) with 6-mm optics. Images obtained by video during surgery and by slit-lamp microscopy were used to determine the CCC size with reference to the optics of the IOL. The average CCC size was 5.0 mm at the end of surgery; it contracted to 4.4 mm by the final postoperative examination. The contraction of the anterior capsule progressed rapidly in the first 50 days following surgery and then gradually thereafter. The extent of contraction was greater in older patients. The smaller the CCC size immediately after surgery, the more rapidly it contracted. The size of the capsulorrhexis contracted an average of 22% following cataract surgery. The contraction rate tended to be higher in older patients. The results suggest that the capsulorrhexis carried out in cataract surgery for elderly patients should be sufficiently large, but not larger than the optics size of the IOL.  相似文献   

The structure and the electrical and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-0.22 wt % Sc-0.15 wt % Zr alloys with various magnesium contents (0, 1.5, 4.5 wt %) are experimentally studied during the decomposition of the solid solution of scandium and zirconium in the states after solidification from a melt (cast ingots) and after subsequent multicycle equal-channel angular pressing (microcrystalline structure). The dependences of electrical resistivity ??, microhardness HV, macroelasticity limit ??0, and yield strength ??y on the annealing temperature and time are analyzed.  相似文献   

In Exp I, stable lines of mice that differed in the frequency and latency of attacks were rapidly established in 2 series (by S? in the 1st series and S? or S? in the 2nd). For evaluation of the developmental-genetic proposal, an analysis was made of the ontogeny of aggressive expression in male mice of the 2 series, with a report provided of the S? and S? generations of the 2nd breeding series (Exps II and III). Comparisons between results of a longitudinal design and results of a new type of cross-sectional design (involving only siblings, or co-sibial) indicated (a) a reliable developmental course of attack expression, with a sharp rise in early maturity and a slow decline thereafter; (b) a convergence in later maturity of the behavior of lines selectively bred for high or low aggressive behavior, if Ss had been assigned to the longitudinal design; (c) a strong effect of repeated testing on attack latency and frequency, even though the dyadic tests were brief in duration and separated by long intervals. In addition, cross-generational comparisons suggested that the selective breeding differences came about primarily by changes in the behavior of the low aggressive lines, in that these Ss failed to show in early maturity the sharp increases in attack occurrence that were observed in earlier generations. Implications for developmental and evolutionary concepts (e.g., neoteny, acceleration, and heterochrony) are discussed. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of duodenogastric reflex on the development of residual stomach cancer and cell proliferation kinetics were investigated in Wistar rats. Billroth II resection (B-II group) was performed on 24 rats and Billroth I resection (B-I group) was performed on 22 rats. The incidence of cancer in the B-II group was 20.8%, though no cancer was noted in the B-I group. The incidences of the pseudopyloric gland, dilated gland and gastritis cystica profunda in the B-II group were significantly higher than those in the B-I group. The degree of mucosal atrophy was greater in the B-II group than in the B-I group. The stomal area in the B-II group had expansion of proliferative zone as well as increased S-phase duration and turn over time, compared with those in the B-I group. The sequence of histological and proliferative events associated with duodenogastric reflux suggests that the residual stomach in the B-II group is susceptible to the development of cancer.  相似文献   

In this case report we discribe clinic, pathology and diagnostic of an avian reovirus-infection in pheasants. The disease was observed 1993 in a flock of game-pheasants in the western part of Turkey. Of a live-stock of 100 animals, 27 were affected most of them being three to five months old. Beside a general disorder, sick pheasants showed signs of shortness of breath as well as greenish, watery diarrhoea and died within a week. The pathologic findings were dominated by an extreme hepatopathia. In addition a fibrinous tracheitis, a catarrhal inflammation of the gut and a perihepatitis fibrinosa could be observed. From organs of affected pheasants a pathogen could be isolated, which was characterized anti-genetically, by physico-chemical properties an by electronmicroscopy as avian reovirus.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the structural integrity of the aged hippocampus by using computer-aided morphometry to quantify the volume of principal hippocampal circuits in young, mature adult, and aged Long-Evans rats. A key feature of the experimental design was that the status of hippocampal-dependent learning and memory was documented prior to histologic evaluation. The following regions, which were visualized by using Timm staining, were included in the analysis: 1) outer portions of the dentate gyrus molecular layer (OML) innervated by the lateral entorhinal cortex, 2) middle portions of the molecular layer (MML) that receive input from the medial entorhinal cortex, 3) the commissural/associational zone (IML) immediately adjacent to the granule cell layer, and 4) the hilus and mossy fiber projection to the CA3 pyramidal cell field (MF). To identify morphometric changes that emerge during the same segment of the life span as age-related learning impairment, analysis of the volumetric results focused on comparisons between the mature adult group and the aged group. Among the individual regions that were analyzed, age-related decreases in total volume were restricted to the MML. This effect, however, occurred against a background of other, subtle changes that, together, reflected substantial reorganization in the normal balance of hippocampal circuitry. Age-related decreases in the proportion of the molecular layer (ML) that comprises the MML were accompanied by a corresponding increase in relative IML volume. The ratio between the volumes of the MML and the MF also displayed significant age-related decline. Overall, aging affected septal levels of the hippocampus disproportionately, and, with the exception of MML/MF volume ratio, the temporal hippocampus was spared. Finally, the status of spatial learning among the aged animals correlated selectively with decreases in the MML/ML and MML/MF ratios. These results demonstrate that the effects of aging are regionally selective and circuit specific, and they suggest that connectional reorganization may contribute to age-related decline in the computational functions of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The influence of the TAP complex on T-cell allorecognition of MHC class II molecules was examined using human B-cell lines that have mutations in the TAP 1 or 2 genes. The TAP mutations led to the loss of allorecognition for two of 28 anti- HLA-DR T-cell clones. Restoration of TAP expression by transfection of a TAP 2 cDNA clone led to recovery of the alloresponse for both clones. These results could be explained in two ways. First, TAP dependence could reflect specificity for a peptide derived from an MHC class I molecule that is less efficiently generated by the endocytic pathway in the TAP-deficient stimulator cells owing to reduction in surface class I expression. The proliferative responses of these clones to the TAP-deficient stimulator cells was not restored by rescue of cell-surface expression of class I molecules by low temperature culture or by the addition of class I-binding peptides. These data therefore favor the alternative explanation that class II loading by some peptides is TAP dependent. Circumstances that lead to the amplification of this minority pathway of endogenous presentation by class II MHC molecules may have the potential to interrupt self-tolerance.  相似文献   

目的:探讨放射性125I 粒子植入对裸鼠人乳腺癌细胞种植瘤的抗肿瘤作用,阐明其抗肿瘤机制.方法:将120只人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7移植瘤模型的裸鼠,随机分为3组:放射性125I粒子植入组、空粒子植入组和无粒子植入组,每组40只,按照巴黎系统原则植入粒子.采用RT-PCR和Western blotting法检测肿瘤组织中Fas mRNA和蛋白的表达以及caspase-3和caspase-8酶的活性,流式细胞术检测细胞周期.结果:人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7放射性125I 植入组与空粒子组及无粒子植入组比较,肿瘤组织体积明显缩小(P<0.05),Fas mRNA、Fas蛋白、caspase-3及caspase-8表达均明显增高(P<0.05),其中caspase-3和caspase-8表达均大于0.6.流式细胞术显示,放射性125I粒子植入组G0/G1期细胞显著增多(P<0.05),而S期细胞明显降低(P<0.05).结论:放射性125I 粒子植入人乳腺癌肿瘤内可以杀伤肿瘤细胞,抑制肿瘤细胞生长周期,促进肿瘤细胞凋亡.  相似文献   

Hydroxylations of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) at the 7 alpha- and 7 beta- positions have been reported in numerous murine tissues and organs, including liver, and the responsible cytochrome P450 (P450) species await identification. Using thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, we report identification of 7 alpha-hydroxy-DHEA and 7 beta-hydroxy-DHEA metabolites produced in mouse liver microsome digests and kinetic studies of their production with apparent KM values of 3.19 +/- 0.292 microM and 2.82 +/- 0.241 microM for 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation, respectively. Investigation of P450 inhibitor and of steroid hormone effects on both 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation of DHEA showed that, 1) different P450s were involved in 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation of DHEA because metyrapone inhibited solely 7 alpha-hydroxylation, 2) P450 2D6, 2B1, and 2B11 were not responsible for 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation of DHEA because respective specific inhibitors quinidine and chloramphenicol triggered no inhibition, 3) aside from P450 7b, P450 1A1, and 1A2 may be responsible for a fraction of DHEA 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation because alpha-naphthoflavone and furafylline, which inhibit specifically P450 1A1 and 1A2, decreased the 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation partly, 4) comparison of these findings with those obtained with brain microsomes suggested that tissue-specific P450 species are responsible for the 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation of DHEA, 5) 7 alpha-hydroxylation of DHEA may be shared with other 3 beta-hydroxysteroids, such as 3 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-17-one, 5-androstene-3 beta,17 beta-diol and pregnenolone, which acted in a noncompetitive manner. Taken together, these findings will be of use for identification of the P450 species responsible for 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxylation of DHEA and for studies of their activities in liver.  相似文献   

Immunogenetic analysis of Y-factor localization in mouse genome was carried out by means of skin grafts. The data obtained indicate to autosomal localization of Y-factor rather than Y-linked one. This leads to the conclusion that Y-factor is a sex-influenced factor, but not a sex-linked one. If the hypothesis about Y-factor localization in Y-chromosome is accepted, this gene will be identical in CGA and C57B1/6 strains and the variety of reactions, caused by T-antigen, will be determined by the genetical constitution of the male donors and the female recipients.  相似文献   

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