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Geminiviruses are plant viruses with circular single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes encapsidated in double icosahedral particles. Tomato leaf curl geminivirus (ToLCV) requires coat protein (CP) for the accumulation of ssDNA in protoplasts and in plants but not for systemic infection and symptom development in plants. In the absence of CP, infected protoplasts accumulate reduced levels of ssDNA and increased amounts of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), compared to accumulation in the presence of wild-type virus. To determine whether the gene 5 protein (g5p), a ssDNA binding protein from Escherichia coli phage M13, could restore the accumulation of ssDNA, ToLCV that lacked the CP gene was modified to express g5p or g5p fused to the N-terminal 66 amino acids of CP (CP66:6G:g5). The modified viruses led to the accumulation of wild-type levels of ssDNA and high levels of dsDNA. The accumulation of ssDNA was apparently due to stable binding of g5p to viral ssDNA. The high levels of dsDNA accumulation during infections with the modified viruses suggested a direct role for CP in viral DNA replication. ToLCV that produced the CP66:6G:g5 protein did not spread efficiently in Nicotiana benthamiana plants, and inoculated plants developed only very mild symptoms. In infected protoplasts, the CP66:6G:g5 protein was immunolocalized to nuclei. We propose that the fusion protein interferes with the function of the BV1 movement protein and thereby prevents spread of the infection.  相似文献   

Cells from complementation groups A through G of the heritable sun-sensitive disorder xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) show defects in nucleotide excision repair of damaged DNA. Proteins representing groups A, B, C, D, F, and G are subunits of the core recognition and incision machinery of repair. XP group E (XP-E) is the mildest form of the disorder, and cells generally show about 50% of the normal repair level. We investigated two protein factors previously implicated in the XP-E defect, UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UV-DDB) and replication protein A (RPA). Three newly identified XP-E cell lines (XP23PV, XP25PV, and a line formerly classified as an XP variant) were defective in UV-DDB binding activity but had levels of RPA in the normal range. The XP-E cell extracts did not display a significant nucleotide excision repair defect in vitro, with either UV-irradiated DNA or a uniquely placed cisplatin lesion used as a substrate. Purified UV-DDB protein did not stimulate repair of naked DNA by DDB- XP-E cell extracts, but microinjection of the protein into DDB- XP-E cells could partially correct the repair defect. RPA stimulated repair in normal, XP-E, or complemented extracts from other XP groups, and so the effect of RPA was not specific for XP-E cell extracts. These data strengthen the connection between XP-E and UV-DDB. Coupled with previous results, the findings suggest that UV-DDB has a role in the repair of DNA in chromatin.  相似文献   

Members of a new molecular family of bacterial nonspecific acid phosphatases (NSAPs), indicated as class C, were found to share significant sequence similarities to bacterial class B NSAPs and to some plant acid phosphatases, representing the first example of a family of bacterial NSAPs that has a relatively close eukaryotic counterpart. Despite the lack of an overall similarity, conserved sequence motifs were also identified among the above enzyme families (class B and class C bacterial NSAPs, and related plant phosphatases) and several other families of phosphohydrolases, including bacterial phosphoglycolate phosphatases, histidinol-phosphatase domains of the bacterial bifunctional enzymes imidazole-glycerolphosphate dehydratases, and bacterial, eukaryotic, and archaeal phosphoserine phosphatases and threalose-6-phosphatases. These conserved motifs are clustered within two domains, separated by a variable spacer region, according to the pattern [FILMAVT]-D-[ILFRMVY]-D-[GSNDE]-[TV]-[ILVAM]-[AT S VILMC]-X-?YFWHKR)-X-?YFWHNQ?-X( 102,191)-?KRHNQ?-G-D-?FYWHILVMC?-?QNH?-?FWYGP?-D -?PSNQYW?. The dephosphorylating activity common to all these proteins supports the definition of this phosphatase motif and the inclusion of these enzymes into a superfamily of phosphohydrolases that we propose to indicate as "DDDD" after the presence of the four invariant aspartate residues. Database searches retrieved various hypothetical proteins of unknown function containing this or similar motifs, for which a phosphohydrolase activity could be hypothesized.  相似文献   

Repetitive sequences have been proposed to be recombinogenic elements in eukaryotic chromosomes. We tested whether dinucleotide repeats sequences are preferential sites for recombination because of their high affinity for recombination enzymes. We compared the kinetics of the binding of the scRad51, hsRad51 and ecRecA proteins to oligonucleotides with repeats of dinucleotides GT, CA, CT, GA, GC or AT. Since secondary structures in single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) act as a barrier to complete binding we measured whether these oligonucleotides are able to form stable secondary structures. We show that the preferential binding of recombination proteins is conserved among the three proteins and is influenced mainly by secondary structures in ssDNA.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage P2 replicates via a modified rolling circle-type of mechanism, where the P2 A protein acts as an initiator of the replication by inducing a single-stranded cut at the origin of replication (ori). The exact location of the cut induced by the A protein in vivo is determined in this report by: (i) restriction analysis; (ii) DNA sequence analysis; and (iii) primer extensions. It is located 89.2% from the left end of the P2 genome, which is within the coding part of the A gene, in a region devoid of secondary structures. The A gene has been cloned into an expression vector, and the A protein has been purified. The purified A protein does not bind to double-stranded ori containing DNA, but it cleaves single-stranded ori containing DNA, which indicates that a special DNA structure and/or protein is required to make the ori accessible for the A protein.  相似文献   

The presence of a curved DNA sequence in the gene for the NADH-dehydrogenase subunit 2 of rat mitochondrial genome, upstream from the origin of the light strand replication have been demonstrated through theoretical analysis and experimental approaches. Gel retardation assays showed that this structure makes a complex with a protein component extracted from the mitochondrial matrix. The isolation and purification of this protein is reported. With a Sepharose CL-6B and magnetic DNA affinity chromatography a polypeptide was purified to homogeneity having 25-kDa mass as shown by gel electrophoresis. To functionally characterize this protein, its capability to bind to other sequences of the homologous or heterologous DNA and to specific riboprobes was also investigated. A role for this protein as a trans-acting agent required for the expression of the mammalian mitochondrial genome is suggested.  相似文献   

This randomized controlled trial evaluated the efficacy of a brief intervention designed to reduce the harmful consequences of heavy drinking among high-risk college students. Students screened for risk while in their senior year of high school (188 women and 160 men) were randomly assigned to receive an individualized motivational brief intervention in their freshman year of college or to a no-treatment control condition. A normative group selected from the entire screening pool provided a natural history comparison. Follow-up assessments over a 2-year period showed significant reductions in both drinking rates and harmful consequences, favoring students receiving the intervention. Although high-risk students continued to experience more alcohol problems than the natural history comparison group over the 2-year period, most showed a decline in problems over time, suggesting a developmental maturational effect.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) family members play significant roles in a variety of intracellular signal transduction processes, but information about the substrate specificities of each PKC family member is quite limited. In this study, we have determined the optimal peptide substrate sequence for each of nine human PKC isozymes (alpha, betaI, betaII, gamma, delta, epsilon, eta, mu, and zeta) by using an oriented peptide library. All PKC isozymes preferentially phosphorylated peptides with hydrophobic amino acids at position +1 carboxyl-terminal of the phosphorylated Ser and basic residues at position -3. All isozymes, except PKC mu, selected peptides with basic amino acids at positions -6, -4, and -2. PKC alpha, -betaI, -betaII, -gamma, and -eta selected peptides with basic amino acid at positions +2, +3, and +4, but PKC delta, -epsilon, -zeta, and -mu preferred peptides with hydrophobic amino acid at these positions. At position -5, the selectivity was quite different among the various isozymes; PKC alpha, -gamma, and -delta selected peptides with Arg at this position while other PKC isozymes selected hydrophobic amino acids such as Phe, Leu, or Val. Interestingly, PKC mu showed extreme selectivity for peptides with Leu at this position. The predicted optimal sequences from position -3 to +2 for PKC alpha, -betaI, -betaII, -gamma, -delta, and -eta were very similar to the endogenous pseudosubstrate sequences of these PKC isozymes, indicating that these core regions may be important to the binding of corresponding substrate peptides. Synthetic peptides based on the predicted optimal sequences for PKC alpha, -betaI,-delta, -zeta, and -mu were prepared and used for the determination of Km and Vmax for these isozymes. As judged by Vmax/Km values, these peptides were in general better substrates of the corresponding isozymes than those of the other PKC isozymes, supporting the idea that individual PKC isozymes have distinct optimal substrates. The structural basis for the selectivity of PKC isozymes is discussed based on residues predicted to form the catalytic cleft.  相似文献   

Homing endonucleases are a diverse collection of proteins that are encoded by genes with mobile, self-splicing introns. They have also been identified in self-splicing inteins (protein introns). These enzymes promote the movement of the DNA sequences that encode them from one chromosome location to another; they do this by making a site-specific double-strand break at a target site in an allele that lacks the corresponding mobile intron. The target sites recognized by these small endonucleases are generally long (14-44 base pairs). Four families of homing endonucleases have been identified, including the LAGLIDADG, the His-Cys box, the GIY-YIG and the H-N-H endonucleases. The first identified His-Cys box homing endonuclease was I-PpoI from the slime mould Physarum polycephalum. Its gene resides in one of only a few nuclear introns known to exhibit genetic mobility. Here we report the structure of the I-PpoI homing endonuclease bound to homing-site DNA determined to 1.8 A resolution. I-PpoI displays an elongated fold of dimensions 25 x 35 x 80 A, with mixed alpha/beta topology. Each I-PpoI monomer contains three antiparallel beta-sheets flanked by two long alpha-helices and a long carboxy-terminal tail, and is stabilized by two bound zinc ions 15 A apart. The enzyme possesses a new zinc-bound fold and endonuclease active site. The structure has been determined in both uncleaved substrate and cleaved product complexes.  相似文献   

In diploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the alpha2 and a1 homeodomain proteins bind cooperatively to sites in the promoters of haploid cell-type-specific genes (hsg) to repress their expression. Although both proteins bind to the DNA, in the alpha2 homeodomain substitutions of residues that are involved in contacting the DNA have little or no effect on repression in vivo or cooperative DNA binding with a1 protein in vitro. This result brings up the question of the contribution of each protein in the heterodimer complex to the DNA-binding affinity and specificity. To determine the requirements for the a1-alpha2 homeodomain DNA recognition, we systematically introduced single base-pair substitutions in an a1-alpha2 DNA-binding site and examined their effects on repression in vivo and DNA binding in vitro. Our results show that nearly all substitutions that significantly decrease repression and DNA-binding affinity are at positions which are specifically contacted by either the alpha2 or a1 protein. Interestingly, an alpha2 mutant lacking side chains that make base-specific contacts in the major groove is able to discriminate between the wild-type and mutant DNA sites with the same sequence specificity as the wild-type protein. These results suggest that the specificity of alpha2 DNA binding in complex with a1 does not rely solely on the residues that make base-specific contacts. We have also examined the contribution of the a1 homeodomain to the binding affinity and specificity of the complex. In contrast to the lack of a defective phenotype produced by mutations in the alpha2 homeodomain, many of the alanine substitutions of residues in the a1 homeodomain have large effects on a1-alpha2-mediated repression and DNA binding. This result shows that the two proteins do not make equal contributions to the DNA-binding affinity of the complex.  相似文献   

The replication terminator protein (RTP) of Bacillus subtilis is a homodimer that binds to each replication terminus and impedes replication fork movement in only one orientation with respect to the replication origin. The three-dimensional structure of the RTP-DNA complex needs to be determined to understand how structurally symmetrical dimers of RTP generate functional asymmetry. The functional unit of each replication terminus of Bacillus subtilis consists of four turns of DNA complexed with two interacting dimers of RTP. Although the crystal structure of the RTP apoprotein dimer has been determined at 2.6-A resolution, the functional unit of the terminus is probably too large and too flexible to lend itself to cocrystallization. We have therefore used an alternative strategy to delineate the three dimensional structure of the RTP-DNA complex by converting the protein into a site-directed chemical nuclease. From the pattern of base-specific cleavage of the terminus DNA by the chemical nuclease, we have mapped the amino acid to base contacts. Using these contacts as distance constraints, with the crystal structure of RTP, we have constructed a model of the DNA-protein complex. The biological implications of the model have been discussed.  相似文献   

The function of repressor activator protein 1 (Rap1p) at glycolytic enzyme gene upstream activating sequence (UAS) elements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is to facilitate binding of glycolysis regulatory protein 1 (Gcr1p) at adjacent sites. Rap1p has a modular domain structure. In its amino terminus there is an asymmetric DNA-bending domain, which is distinct from its DNA-binding domain, which resides in the middle of the protein. In the carboxyl terminus of Rap1p lie its silencing and putative activation domains. We carried out a molecular dissection of Rap1p to identify domains contributing to its ability to facilitate binding of Gcr1p. We prepared full-length and three truncated versions of Rap1p and tested their ability to facilitate binding of Gcr1p by gel shift assay. The ability to detect ternary complexes containing Rap1p.DNA. Gcr1p depended on the presence of binding sites for both proteins in the probe DNA. The DNA-binding domain of Rap1p, although competent to bind DNA, was unable to facilitate binding of Gcr1p. Full-length Rap1p and the amino- and carboxyl-truncated versions of Rap1p were each able to facilitate binding of Gcr1p at an appropriately spaced binding site. Under these conditions, Gcr1p displayed an approximately 4-fold greater affinity for Rap1p-bound DNA than for otherwise identical free DNA. When spacing between Rap1p- and Gcr1p-binding sites was altered by insertion of five nucleotides, the ability to form ternary Rap1p.DNA.Gcr1p complexes was inhibited by all but the DNA-binding domain of Rap1p itself; however, the ability of each individual protein to bind the DNA probe was unaffected.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is deregulated during oncogenesis. Since several major anti-cancer drugs act on topoisomerases, we investigated the effects of cytosine methylation on topoisomerase cleavage activities. Both topoisomerase I and II cleavage patterns were modified by CpG methylation in c-myc gene DNA fragments. Topoisomerase II changes, mainly cleavage reduction, occurred for methylation sites within 7 base pairs from the topoisomerase II breaks and were different for VM-26 and azatoxin. For topoisomerase I, cleavage enhancement as well as suppression were observed. Using synthetic methylated oligonucleotides, we show that hemimethylation is sufficient to alter topoisomerase I activity. Cytosine methylation on the scissile strand within the topoisomerase I consensus sequence had strong effects. Cleavage was stimulated by methylation at position -4 and was strongly inhibited by methylation at position -3 (with position -1 being the enzyme-linked nucleotide). This inhibitory effect was attributed to the presence of a methyl group in the major groove, since the transition uracil to thymine also inhibited cleavage. Altogether these results suggest an interaction of topoisomerase I with the DNA major grove at positions -3 and -4. In addition, DNA methylation may have profound effects on the activity of topoisomerases and may alter the distribution of cleavage sites produced by anticancer drugs in chromatin.  相似文献   

Gbp1p is a putative telomere-binding protein from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that contains two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) which are commonly found in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs). Previously we demonstrated that Gbp1p binds single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) containing the Chlamydomonas telomeric sequence but not the RNA containing the cognate sequence. Here we show that at lower protein concentrations Gbp1 can also bind an RNA containing the cognate sequence. We found that mutation of the two RRM motifs of Gbp1p to match the highly conserved region of hnRNP RRMs did not alter the affinity of Gbp1p for either RNA or DNA. The ability of Gbp1p to associate with either of these two nucleic acids is governed by the dimerization state of the protein. Monomeric Gbp1p associates with either ssDNA or RNA, showing a small binding preference for RNA. Dimeric Gbp1p has a strong preference for binding ssDNA and shows little affinity for RNA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a protein that qualitatively shifts its nucleic acid binding preference upon dimerization. The biological implications of a telomere-binding protein that is regulated by dimerization are discussed.  相似文献   

Initiation of adenovirus DNA replication occurs by a jumping back mechanism in which the precursor terminal priming protein (pTP) forms a pTP.trinucleotide complex (pTP.CAT) catalyzed by the viral DNA polymerase (pol). This covalent complex subsequently jumps back 3 bases to permit the start of chain elongation. Before initiation, pTP and pol form a tight heterodimer. We investigated the fate of this pTP.pol complex during the various steps in replication. Employing in vitro initiation and elongation on both natural viral templates and synthetic oligonucleotides followed by glycerol gradient separation of the reaction products, we established that pTP and pol are separated during elongation. Whereas pTP.C and pTP. CA were still bound to the polymerase, after the formation of pTP. CAT 60% of the pTP.pol complex had dissociated. Dissociation coincides with a change in sensitivity to inhibitors and in Km for dNTPs, suggesting a conformational change in the polymerase, both in the active site and in the pTP interaction domain. In agreement with this, the polymerase becomes a more efficient enzyme after release of the pTP primer. We also investigated whether the synthesis of a pTP initiation intermediate is confined to three nucleotides. Employing synthetic oligonucleotide templates with a sequence repeat of two nucleotides (GAGAGAGA ... instead of the natural GTAGTA ... ) we show that G5 rather than G3 is used to start, leading to a pTP. tetranucleotide (CTCT) intermediate that subsequently jumps back. This indicates flexibility in the use of the start site with a preference for the synthesis of three or four nucleotides during initiation rather than two.  相似文献   

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