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罗平 《电子世界》2000,(6):48-49
<正> 本文介绍的绕线机计数器电路,由三块COMS-LED组合电路CL102(可用CH284L代换)、一块三输入“与非”门CC4023、一块双BCD同步加计数器CC4518、三个预置拨盘和部分外围元件组成,线路简单,制作容易。CL102引脚功能如附表所示。  相似文献   

介绍了细微线空心绕线机的主要技术指标、设备结构组成、详细阐述了复合排线的原理,所研制的细微线空心绕线机得到了批量应用。  相似文献   

采用单片机AT89C51构成绕线电脑计数控制器,电路结构紧凑,抗干扰能力强,计数准确可靠,功能丰富,便于修改控制模式和控制参数。还可在其它领域得到广泛的应用。  相似文献   

文章针对绕线机的单片机控制系统进行简要介绍,深入分析绕线机当中的软件及硬件这两个方面的设计内容.发现该系统主要是通过直流无刷电动机所提供的动力来实现绕制的过程,并且该系统的功能非常齐全,具体包含了排线、精密绕线以及断线等多样化的功能.此外,该系统还运用了专用的芯片来实现其看门狗的功能作用,极大地丰富了软件处理及光电隔离的抗干扰措施,促使绕线机的抗干扰性能获得显著提升.  相似文献   

主要介绍了多轴绕线机的概况、结构特点和工艺流程,并对其部分结构的功能和工作原理进行详细叙述。  相似文献   

邱振清  郑姚生 《电子器件》1999,22(4):323-326
本文介绍了一种数控数控机的帧绕线机的设计方法,主要对绕线机的硬件和软件两方面的设计进行了研究,最后研制的机器经14in单色内偏显示管和21in彩色内偏显示管的帧偏转线圈绕制,共性能完全满足研制内偏的需要。  相似文献   

电子设备的测试方法多种多样,从最简单的手工测试到最为复杂的大规模自动测试设备(ATE)。本文重点讨论一种具有较高性价经的中等规模测试方案。  相似文献   

基于节省人力、提高效率、提高工业自动化水平为目的考虑,采用了可编程控制器技术实现自动罐装的方法.通过在药厂的试验,得出数料机清点颗粒数目准确、比人工罐装卫生、工作效率比人工提高60%以上的结论,可见此数料机值得在企业推广.  相似文献   

光电瞄准设备读数图像自动识别系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该读数图像自动识别系统利用CCD摄取瞄准设备读数图像经采集卡采集 ,运用软件的方法实现了字符识别与刻线定位 ,从而完成了瞄准设备方位读数的计算机动态精确自动判读。文中重点介绍了系统的硬件框架组成、软件模块结构、字符识别的连通域处理算法、刻线精确定位的内插细分算法以及系统总读数的合成。系统字符识别的正确率几乎 10 0 % ,刻线定位精度达 1″以上  相似文献   

Run-to-run and supervisory control algorithms determine the equipment recipe to produce a desired output wafer state given the incoming wafer state and the current equipment model. For simple, low-dimensional equipment models, this problem is not difficult. However, when there are multiple responses for the system and the equipment models are nonlinear, automated synthesis of recipes is complicated by the potential for multiple solutions. While there are standard techniques for handling such inverse problems in general, each of these techniques is optimal only under certain conditions. We present a framework for performing automated synthesis of recipes that integrates database search, local optimization, and global optimization into a consistent methodology that is applicable to a wide range of equipment models and inversion problems in general. The integrated framework imposes quasi-continuity on the extracted recipes, is scalable to systems of high dimensionality, and can be optimized to minimize the expected synthesis time for any given problem. The framework has been implemented in a system that performs statistical optimization of CMOS transistor designs. The integrated framework provides a factor of 16 increase in performance over global optimization and a factor of three increase over exhaustive search and multiple starts of a local optimizer  相似文献   

WQ-502A型自动外圆切割机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对晶体材料进行整形及分片的外圆切割技术已在微电子工业中被广泛应用。随着电子工业的迅猛发展 ,昂贵且硬脆的晶体材料已朝着外形尺寸更大的方向发展 ,并且对切割刀片的刃口要求更薄 ,对切割精度及切割表面粗糙度的要求更高。因此 ,对外圆切割设备的性能也就提出了新的要求 ,而原有的设备已无法满足上述的要求。针对此现状 ,信息产业部电子第四十五研究所 ,精心开发了WQ— 50 2A型自动外圆切割机。详尽介绍了该设备的用途、工作原理、设计要点、加工技术难点的解决。  相似文献   

Automatic CRP mapping using nonparametric machine learning approaches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper studies an uneven two-class unsupervised classification problem of satellite imagery, i.e., the mapping of U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) tracts. CRP is a nationwide program that encourages farmers to plant long-term, resource conserving covers to improve soil, water, and wildlife resources. With recent payments of nearly US $1.6 billion for new enrollments (2002 signup), it is imperative to obtain accurate digital CRP maps for management and evaluation purposes. CRP mapping is a complex classification problem where both CRP and non-CRP areas are composed of various cover types. Two nonparametric machine learning approaches, i.e., decision tree classifier (DTC) and support vector machine (SVMs) are implemented in this work. Specifically, considering the importance of CRP classification sensitivity, a new DTC pruning method is proposed to increase recall. We also study two SVM relaxation approaches to increase recall. Moreover, a localized and parallel framework is suggested in order to efficiently deal with the large-scale CRP mapping need. Simulation results validate the applicability of the suggested framework and proposed techniques.  相似文献   

石峰  程宏昌  闫磊  郭欣  李世龙  邱洪金  丁习文 《红外技术》2023,41(10):1066-1083
随着我国海洋、江河和地下水资源勘探、开发和利用的日益深入,以及领海主权防卫的军事需求日趋迫切,在水下获取远距离条件下高质量的目标图像已成为水下环境勘测、目标探测与敌我对抗等许多领域迫切需要解决的问题。目前,水下成像探测技术主要有声探测和光电探测两种途径。本文研究了目前主要水下高分辨力光电探测成像技术现状,分析了不同技术途径的优缺点,对比了各种水下探测/成像系统中采用的光电探测器的情况,结合自身技术背景,提出了应加快发展高灵敏度、低噪声、高增益、快响应、宽动态范围、良好线性度的GaAsP光阴极双微通道板像增强器,从而简化光电系统中因探测器性能不佳带来的灵敏度低、噪声大、增益低、处理时间长等不足,加速各种新技术向产品、实用化设备的转化。本文成果对水下光电成像技术发展将有一定支撑作用。  相似文献   

We present a method designed to solve the problem of automatic color grading for industrial inspection of plain and patterned ceramic tiles. We discuss problems we were confronted with, like the temporal and spatial variation of the illumination, and the ways we dealt with them. Then, we present results of correctly grading a series of ceramic tiles, the differences of which were at the threshold of human perception  相似文献   

临床上检测异位性心搏,对心血管疾病的早发现、早诊断、早治疗有重大意义。异位性心搏的自动识别能有效减轻人工识别的负担。采用37只小鼠各10 min的心电图(ECG)信号,由3位专家完成异位性心搏的标定及数据库的建立。在此基础上,使用7种机器学习方法,组合脉冲排除滤波器和模板匹配算法的值,对异位性心搏点进行自动识别。实验结果表明,7种机器学习的方法都能得到较好的预测性能(所有曲线下面积(AUC)大于0.899),其中集成学习AdaBoost的预测能力最好(AUC=0.940,准确度、特异性均为0.888)。  相似文献   

In the application of modern control theory to mining processes, the optimal control of winding engines has recently been investigated. This letter sets the problem in a general context, and derives the optimal minimum-energy controller when the system is subject to hard state constraints on the midshaft speed.  相似文献   

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