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黑龙江省十二五期间正在进行"八大经济区"建设和实施"十大工程",为大学生创业提供了机遇。大学生的创业要本着坚持内外统筹,以外活内,以内拓外的原则,既要盯住俄罗斯资源市场,也要盯住国内资源市场,着力抓重点、抓工程、抓项目的这一发展方向,在政府政策的大力支持下,真正面向社会需求,"以创业带动就业"缓解大学生就业压力。  相似文献   

大学生自主创业已成为一种潮流和趋势,树立正确的创业意识,提高创业能力,已经成为当代大学生进入社会后实现自主创业的关键所在.本文对大学生自主创业的现状进行了分析,就现存问题以及应该如何看待自主创业,阐述了相应的观点和对策.  相似文献   

构建了大学生创业支持体系.通过对辽宁部分高校的问卷调查,分析了大学生对待创业问题的整体态度、对创业支持体系工作的评价与需求等情况.从大学生创业支持体系4个核心要素,即:政策支持、教育支持、资金支持和孵化支持出发,提出了实施与完善大学生创业支持体系的建议.  相似文献   

目前,大学生创业已经成为解决大学生就业困难的途径之一,很多选择创业的学生也将之视为实现自我人生价值的重要方式,得到了社会的广泛肯定和鼓励。然而当大学生真正面临创业时,他们却十分迷茫和困惑。如何理性认识大学生创业,给予大学生创业相对宽松的环境,鼓励大学生端正创业动机、明晰创业方向、调整创业心态、提高创业能力已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

大学生自主创业已成为一种潮流和趋势,树立正确的创业意识,培养综合创业素质,已经成为当代大学生进入社会后创业成功的关键所在.因此本文就当代大学生自主创业应具备的综合创业素质进行了探讨.  相似文献   

大学生创业教育是一种新的教育理念.当前,我国高校的大学生创业教育仍处于起步阶段.本文分析了开展大学生创业教育的意义,阐述了大学生创业教育的内容,并提出了开展大学生创业教育的一些有效途径.  相似文献   

随着大学生毕业人数的增加,大学生就业形势愈加严峻,国务院发文提倡并大力支持大学生自主创业.政策的支持极大地促进了大学生创业的激情,然而,我国大学生创业的成功率非常低下,这不得不引起政府、社会和高校的极大关注和重视.本文将对我国大学生创业活动现状进行分析,并就如何提高大学生创业的成功率提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

应用CVM和0E问卷方法研究福州市茶叶消费者有机茶支付意愿及其影响因素,采用列联表和pearson卡方独立性检验的统计分析方法,发现40-49岁和60岁以上者、本科及以上学历者、身体健康者、茶龄为4-6岁和11岁以上者、月收入3000元以上者对有机茶有大于平均数617.86元/kg的支付意愿.  相似文献   

随着社会和教育的发展,勤工俭学的涵义也在不断地丰富和发展.勤工俭学不再是学校贫困生的"专利",而是市场经济条件下所有大学生提高其多方面综合素质的重要途径和机会.通过研究分析,大学生对勤工俭学与创业的认知情况,发现勤工检学对创业有促进作用,即建立适合高等教育创业导向勤工俭学教育模式,对教育改革的提升及大学生毕业后自主创业都有良好的促进作用.  相似文献   

大学生创业能力培养途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业能力是一种高层次的综合能力。高等院校的创业教育需融入学校人才培养的全过程,树立创业教育理念,建立健全与创业教育相适应的管理制度,并从校园文化、教育教学、课程设置、科研、师资及学生管理工作等多方面入手,培养学生的创业意识、创新能力与创业能力。  相似文献   

Individuals' reactions to their performance appraisal interviews were examined in two analyses of managers who appraised their subordinates. We hypothesized that managers' reactions toward their own appraisal interview would be influenced by both supervisor satisfaction and favorability of the feedback they received. We also hypothesized that managers' reactions would be affected by system satisfaction (i.e., their attitudes toward the system's ability to document the performance of their subordinates). Questionnaires were administered to managers in eight colleges and universities in one state system. Results indicated that managers distinguished between satisfaction with their own appraisal and its value in improving performance. Appraisal satisfaction was predicted by supervisor satisfaction and the recollection of their rating, but not system satisfaction. In a follow-up analysis, results were confirmed with managers in the original sample. The appraisal's improvement value was associated with supervisor satisfaction, and inversely related with performance rating. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study with 85 spinal-cord-injured male inpatients (mean age at time of injury 33.2 yrs; mean time since injury 10 yrs) evaluated the relative contributions of physical vs psychological variables to Ss' long-term perceptions of themselves after injury and illustrated the usefulness of a multivariate analytic approach to research questions about these effects. LISREL examinations of predictors (e.g., education, physical activities) and outcomes were conducted. Although some variables (e.g., level of injury) have long been assumed to exert powerful effects on all areas of adjustment to injury, causal analyses in the present study indicated that Ss' long-term perceptions of physical/externally observed features were best predicted by the same sort of predictor; a similar correspondence was seen for psychological/internally observed perceptions and their predictors. For example, level of injury was a relatively strong predictor of Ss' perceptions of health and physical activity, while perceptions of pain, which are acknowledged to have a large psychological component, were best predicted by more psychological predictors (e.g., S's role in sustaining the injury, S's level of education). The present authors assert that their assessment of the location and degree of correspondence between predictors and outcomes along a physical-psychological dimension of experience in the present study would not have been possible without causal analysis. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The data supported the following 2 hypotheses: (a) the more successful an individual's past group experience, the more favorable is his subjective likelihood estimate of subsequent success via group action, and (b) the more equivocal the information possessed by the individual concerning an alternate course of action available to him, the less certain is he of his subjective likelihood estimate of success via that course of action." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

针对重视职业教育的重要性及迫切性,探讨了我国加入WTO之后职业教育新的使命和发展的方向,同时提出了新形势下对职业教育的要求和如何适应发展的措施。  相似文献   

Impression material goes from a plastic to an elastic state during setting. Movement of the impression and excessive seating pressure during this transition can cause distortion in the impressions. The purpose of this study is to determine if the impression distortion is related to movement during setting or to distortion of the putty phase in the two-step impressioning technique. A master model of a maxillary quadrant of teeth was impressed using four different procedures: 1) one-step technique without movement (1S-NM); 2) one-step technique with movement (1S-M); 3) two-step technique without movement (2S-NM); and 4) two-step technique with movement (2S-M). An artificial oral environment and surface analysis technique of the Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics were used to produce the impressions and measure their accuracy. A digitized image of the first premolar of the master model was aligned with a digitized image of the first premolar of each epoxy model using AnSur. The root mean squared difference (RMS) between the aligned images is a measure of the distortion. The corresponding RMS values for the different methods were: 1S-NM = 23.7 +/- 9.21; 1S-M = 20.4 +/- 3.9; 2S-NM = 20.5 +/- 7.7; 2S-M = 21.3 +/- 4.4. Statistical analysis using a two-way analysis of variance showed no difference at the 0.05 level of significance. Pairwise comparison using the Tukey method showed that neither technique (one-step vs two-step) nor movement is a significant factor. These results showed that low seating pressure will not cause any greater distortions in the two-step impression technique than in the one-step technique, and minor movement during the setting of the impression material will no cause distortion.  相似文献   

 如何提高铸坯表面质量来满足连铸生产要求,这是当前连铸技术发展的一项重要课题,而结晶器振动曲线的形状是影响铸坯质量的重要因素之一。现场的结晶器振动机构不可避免地存在间隙及摩擦,这些非线性因素对结晶器位移的影响是值得理论和实践探讨的。基于ADAMS仿真分析软件,创建结晶器驱动机构模型,虚拟仿真理想模型状态下结晶器振动的位移曲线,以及仿真模型在含有间隙和摩擦两因素时结晶器振动的位移曲线。研究结果表明,间隙是影响振动位移曲线的主要因素,而运动副摩擦、铸坯阻力在理想模型状态下对结晶器振动位移曲线的影响不大,但在含有间隙的机构中,会导致振动曲线的形状突变更加明显。  相似文献   

Discusses the need to reorganize the Children's Bureau in relation to the necessity of developing coordinated policies to address such problems as child abuse and neglect, unavailable and inadequate childcare, and the health risks of poor children. It is recommended that the Children's Bureau (1) become the central data base on children and families in the US, (2) promote research and demonstration projects, (3) serve as an interagency and interdepartmental coordinator of child and family programs in the federal government, and (4) disseminate information to other government agencies and the general public. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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