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Our objective was to assess the accuracy of ultrasonographic estimation of fetal weight in twins and triplets as compared to singleton pregnancies. Retrospective analysis was undertaken of ultrasound data of all fetuses who underwent an examination within 1 week of delivery (singletons 1832, twins 518, triplets 51). At birth weights below 2500 g, there was a significant overestimation of fetal weight in twins as compared to singletons, but the accuracy of the estimate was the same, except in twins between 1500 and 2499 g, when the weight was based on abdominal circumference and femur length alone. At birth weights of more than 2500 g, no difference was detected between twins and singletons. At all birth weights below 2500 g, the accuracy of weight estimation in triplets was equal to that in singletons and there were no triplets above this weight. We conclude that ultrasonographic estimation of fetal weight is as accurate in twins and triplets as it is in singletons.  相似文献   

Fifty-four (54) unrelated patients with Mediterranean Kaposi's sarcoma (MKS) and 8 patients members of 4 unrelated families with familial MKS were serotyped for HLA-A,B and DR antigens. The diagnosis was histologically confirmed and all patients were negative for anti-HIV antibodies. An increased frequency of HLA-B18 (44.4% vs 14.2% in the controls, p < 0.001, RR = 4.8) and HLA-DR5 (57.6% vs 37.2% in the controls, p < 0.025, RR = 2.29) was observed in the group of patients with MKS. Seven (7) of the 8 family members with FMKS possessed HLA-DR5, and the affected members in the 3 families shared a common haplotype which included HLA-DR5. These findings support the hypothesis that genetic factors linked to HLA-DR5 antigen may contribute to the pathogenesis of MKS.  相似文献   

An audible Doppler ultrasound method for detecting human fetal breathing movements in utero has been developed. The frequencies synchronous with fetal breathing movements probably originate from the lung rather than the chest wall. This method is much cheaper and simpler than the ultrasound A-scan method and is suitable for screening large numbers of people.  相似文献   

Thirty children have had percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) inserted for feeding purposes. During a follow-up period of 5-45 months (mean 24 months), complications were recorded in 13 patients. Some patients had more than one complication. Complications included colocutaneous fistula, gastro-oesophageal reflux, wound infection, granulation tissue formation, tube leakage, tube blockage and bleeding. The authors present a retrospective review of the results and discuss the management of these complications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: The choice of monitoring parameters in fetal surgery has thus far been based on feasibility rather than on predictability. Ideally, monitoring should be noninvasive, have a rapid response time and high sensitivity, and be applicable to open and endoscopic techniques. Herein, the authors studied the response of several parameters to standardized episodes of fetal ischemia and stress. METHODS: Eight time-dated fetal lambs (110 days, term, 145 days) were used. Under general anesthesia, a balloon occluder was placed around the umbilical cord. Pulse oximetry (POx + heart rate, HR), electrocardiography (ECG), direct oximetry (DOx), and blood pressure (BP) were recorded continuously. After stabilization, the umbilical cord was completely occluded for 5 seconds, then released. False-negative recordings were defined as failure of a parameter to respond to umbilical occlusion; false-positive episodes were defined as 10% change in value over < or = 10 seconds during stabilization (baseline) period. RESULTS: The fetuses were monitored for an aggregate of 358 minutes. Baseline DOx was 64%+/-5%, POx, 66%+/-16%; HR, 141+/-18 beats per minute (bpm); systolic BP (SBP), 51+/-3 torr; and diastolic BP (DBP), 38+/-2 torr. During umbilical occlusion (n=15), SBP increased to 56+/-3 torr and DBP to 43+/-2 torr at 0.5 seconds, then returned to baseline at 8.0 seconds. A decrease was seen in DOx (start at 3.5s, maximum delta 9.9+/-1.5% at 10.5 seconds) and POx (start at 4.2 seconds, maximum delta 7.3+/-2.4% at 20.5 seconds). Heart rate showed <10% decrease (start at 8.5 seconds, nadir 131+/-14 bpm at 19.5 seconds). No ECG changes were noted. Sensitivity was 100% for DOx, POx, and BP, but only 14% for HR; specificity was 97% for DOx and 88% for POx; positive predictive value was 58% for DOx and 37% for POx; negative predictive value was 100% for DOx and POx. CONCLUSIONS: Direct intravascular oximetry and blood pressure provide a prompt and reliable response to acute fetal stress, but are too invasive for routine use. Bradycardia is an insensitive and late sign of fetal distress. Pulse oximetry has a rapid response time (<5 seconds), high sensitivity, and negative predictive value. In addition, its application is noninvasive and has proven to be feasible in open and endoscopic fetal surgical procedures. It therefore appears to be the monitoring parameter of choice for fetal surgery.  相似文献   

Analysis of autopsy data shows that, from the 26th through the 38th gestational weeks, fetal brain weight (BrW) is a function of the 3.124 power of the largest head circumference (HC). Because there is excellent correlation between prenatal ultrasound measurement and postnatal tape measurement of the HC, it is possible to determine fetal BrW in utero. An alteration of the BrW:somatic weight (SW) relationship is an important physical stigma of asymmetric intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). The value of longitudinal studies of fetal BrW and SW as a means of discriminating between normal and asymmetric growth is tested in a population at risk for IUGR.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to obtain, in normal pregnancies, references values of predicted and actual fetal weight for both male and female fetuses and for fetuses born to nulliparous and multiparous women between weeks 28 and 41 of gestation. Predicted fetal weight curves represented calculations of weight in the third trimester based on weight data obtained during the second trimester. These curves were obtained from 134 ultrasonograms obtained between weeks 20 and 27. Actual fetal weight curves represented the values calculated from third trimester measurements and were based on 374 ultrasonograms obtained between weeks 28 and 41. For predicted fetal weight minor differences were found between male and female fetuses and between fetuses born to nulliparous and multiparous women. For actual weights, differences increased progressively for gender and parity during the last trimester. Predicted weights progressed at a steeper rate, and this effect was stressed in cases of female fetuses and fetuses born to nulliparous women. If predicted weights reflect normal growth, differences between fetal gender or maternal parity might be due to environmental influences. Therefore, it might not be justified to construct separate weight charts differentiated by sex or parity.  相似文献   

含金样品取样量的若干问题探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
郑大中  郑若锋 《黄金》1989,10(9):37-41,55

Pitfalls in the determination of intraocular lens power without ultrasound   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The rule is simple: An 18 diopter intraocular lens tends to restore the basic refraction. For each diopter of basic refraction to be corrected add or subtract 1.25 diopters. To determine the basic refraction a careful history and an examination of old glasses and past refraction records is necessary. When the basic refraction cannot be ascertained, capital errors may occur. Given the basic refraction, errors or several diopters are still apt to occur. Calculation of intraocular lens power based on K-readings and ultrasonic measurements is therefore always advisable and a must when there is doubt about the basic refraction.  相似文献   

At present, the preferred tool for parameter estimation in compartmental analysis is an iterative procedure; weighted nonlinear regression. For a large number of applications, observed data can be fitted to sums of exponentials whose parameters are directly related to the rate constants/coefficients of the compartmental models. Since weighted nonlinear regression often has to be repeated for many different data sets, the process of fitting data from compartmental systems can be very time consuming. Furthermore the minimization routine often converges to a local (as opposed to global) minimum. In this paper, we examine the possibility of using artificial neural networks instead of weighted nonlinear regression in order to estimate model parameters. We train simple feed-forward neural networks to produce as outputs the parameter values of a given model when kinetic data are fed to the networks' input layer. The artificial neural networks produce unbiased estimates and are orders of magnitude faster than regression algorithms. At noise levels typical of many real applications, the neural networks are found to produce lower variance estimates than weighted nonlinear regression in the estimation of parameters from mono- and biexponential models. These results are primarily due to the inability of weighted nonlinear regression to converge. These results establish that artificial neural networks are powerful tools for estimating parameters for simple compartmental models.  相似文献   

The commonest fetal intracranial tumour is a teratoma. The prognosis is poor with death usually occurring shortly after birth. Modern high resolution ultrasound scanners facilitate examination of the cranial contents, allowing earlier diagnosis. We report a case where an intracranial teratoma was identified at 21 weeks gestation, the earliest gestational age that this has been reported. The ultrasound appearances are discussed.  相似文献   

A combined one- and two-dimensional ultrasonic system for monitoring respiratory movements in the human fetus has been developed. A real-time cross-sectional image of the fetal chest at the level of the fetal heart can be obtained, and a time motion recording of fetal respiratory movements can then be written on a strip-chart recorder. Combining the features of one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems produces an accurate means of investigating fetal breathing movements.  相似文献   

Normal values of the pulsatility index in the fetal renal arteries in a group of 65 uncomplicated pregnancies were established. The measurements were obtained between 28 and 40 weeks of gestation. The values of pulsatility index may be used as a reference for further investigation of pathologic pregnancies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Granuloma annulare is an uncommon benign inflammatory dermatosis characterized by the formation of dermal papules with a tendency to form rings. There are several clinically distinct forms. The subcutaneous form is the most frequently encountered by radiologists, with the lesion presenting as a superficial mass. There are only a few scattered reports of the imaging appearance of this entity in the literature. We report the radiologic appearance of five cases of subcutaneous granuloma annulare. DESIGN AND PATIENTS: The radiologic images of five patients (three male, two female) with subcutaneous granuloma annulare were retrospectively studied. Mean patient age was 6.4 years (range, 2-13 years). The lesions occurred in the lower leg (two), foot, forearm, and hand. MR images were available for all lesions, gadolinium-enhanced imaging in three cases, radiographs in four, and bone scintigraphy in one. RESULTS: Radiographs showed unmineralized nodular masses localized to the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The size range, in greatest dimension on imaging studies, was 1-4 cm. MR images show a mass with relatively decreased signal intensity on all pulse sequences, with variable but generally relatively well defined margins. There was extensive diffuse enhancement following gadolinium administration. CONCLUSION: The radiologic appearance of subcutaneous granuloma annulare is characteristic, typically demonstrating a nodular soft-tissue mass involving the subcutaneous adipose tissue. MR images show a mass with relatively decreased signal intensity on all pulse sequences and variable but generally well defined margins. There is extensive diffuse enhancement following gadolinium administration. Radiographs show a soft-tissue mass or soft-tissue swelling without evidence of bone involvement or mineralization. This radiologic appearance in a young individual is highly suggestive of subcutaneous granuloma annulare.  相似文献   

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