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New Concepts on the Production of Hydrolyzed Starch Products from Maize Grits. The application of a Brabender amylograph for investigating different methods of pre-treating maize grits prior to enzymatic liquefaction with α-amylase is described. The effect of pretreatment on grain structure is illustrated with microscopic photographs. The possibility of amylase inhibitors obstructing liquefaction is subsequently discussed. The application of a Votator continuous cooker for affecting liquefaction while at the same time eliminating pre-treatment is illustrated. The advantages of such a continuous cooking procedure is finally described.  相似文献   

Use of High-pressure Homogenization for the Production of Starch from Maize A process for the successful desintegration of maize after steeping under pressure for two hours followed by high-pressurehomogenization is presented. The quantitative and qualitative data of the high-pressure process were compared with those of an existing laboratory process. The high-pressure process resulted in a reduced granule spectrum of the wet milled material and an improved removal of the starch from the fiber fraction. The bonding of the starch granules with protein and fiber were shown with the aid of light- and electronmicroscopic preparations. The solubility and rheological properties of the starch were affected only to a small extent. These results were confirmed when the process was carried out an a semiindustrial scale.  相似文献   

Experiences with NIR-Reflectance Spectroscopy in Routine Analysis of Starches, Starch Derivatives and Starch Saccharification Products . Application of reflectance-techniques in the Near Infrared is possible without any sample pretreatment in most cases. For routine-use the development of microcomputers was necessary because no distinct absorptions are measured between 900 and 2 500 nm. Therefore identification of absorption bands is rather complicated. A new generation of instruments based on this principle enables a rapid analysis of many products consisting of several components. The electronically stored calibration curves are activated by pressing a push-button and the instrument is ready for the next sample. Analysis time including sampling is one minute. Experiences with this technique in analysis of corn, starches, starch derivatives and starch saccharification products as well as their components water, protein, starch, and degree of substitution (acetate, hydroxypropyl, cyanoethyl, cationic groups) and degree of degradation (dextrose-equivalent, carbonyl and carboxyl groups) are given in the lecture. Broad application is possible because of the flexibility of this technique. Simple handling is important for use by untrained people. Estimated pay-back-period therefore is one year at maximum.  相似文献   

Production of Ethanol from Starch Industry By-products, Especially from Potato-Pulp The paper presents a fermentation plant, in which wastes and by-products from potato-and wheat-starch factories, starch derivatization, starch saccharification and production of potato flakes with different quality and varying amounts can be fermented to ethanol. Special attention is put on potato pulp which represents the greatest part of by-products and whose marketing in wet form at best covers, costs or even is leading to significant expenses in the case of drying. Due to the composition it is difficult too to ferment potato pulp to ethanol in conventional plants especially caused by its contents of gelling materials such as pectin and hemicelluloses. As a result of respective work referring to this a hydrolysis process is described which is especially geared towards obtaining hydrolysates possibly high in dry matter contents with respect to the subsequent fermentation.  相似文献   

Some Problems on the Production of Fructose Containing Sirups from Starch . A method has been developed for the simultaneous application of saccharification with amyloglucosidase and isomerization with glucose isomerase. The procedure was tested with dissolved enzymes in pilot plant scale. Further research was conducted for the continuous application of glucose isomerase bound to DEAE cellulose and simultaneous continuous application of intracellularly fixed glucose isomerase and continuous application of intracellularly fixed glucose isomerase and dissolved amyloglucosidase and/or immobilized glucose isomerase and amyloglucosidase. Technological and economic parameters of the individual procedures have been compared.  相似文献   

Production and Application of Caramel Colour from Starch Products. Caramel colours are very dark brown to black syrup-like liquids or powdered products which are used for colouring foods. They are obtained by special processes by controlled heat treatment of commercially available sugars. To promote caramelization permitted technical adjuvents may be employed. Due to their functional properties they are suitably classified into 4 classes: For the production mainly starch degradation products like starch sugar or glucose syrup are used as raw material. In the Federal Republik of Germany the production rate and the consumption run up to about 10000 t/annum.  相似文献   

Process Technology for the Production of Starch, Protein and Fiber from Oats. Novel raw materials for starch manufacturing processes have gained greater importance since by-products of high value became more and more decisive for the economy of the entire production process. Oat as raw material does not only contain small granule starch with novel technically suitable properties but also proteins, lipids, fibers, β-glucans and other valuable by-products for modern human nutrition and various industrial utilization purposes. Small granule starches with a narrow range of particle size distribution are of particular interest for the production of fine printing paper, biodegradable synthetic material and plastic sheets as well as technical and cosmetic powders. A process for the fractionation of oats developed from laboratory scale results and a series of pilot plant tests runs up to 30 t of oats will be presented.  相似文献   

K. Richter 《Starch - St?rke》1990,42(8):305-310
Application of Robots in the Process Control of Starch Hydrolizates Production. Constantly increasing quality requirements for a variety of starch hydrolysates necessitate intensified process control via sugar break-down to an increasing extend. Hydrolysates. produced in continuous processes, are more and more applied as mixing components for the preparation of products of well-defined sugar composition. The thorough knowledge of the composition of those hydrolysates, therefore, represents an indispensable necessity. Thus, a relatively high density of data is required, which, in an economic way, can only be made available directly in the corresponding production areas via automised analysis systems. This paper presents first experience with the employment of a robotic system, combined with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Within this system, the robot takes charge of the sequential sampling from several production channels, as well as the entire sample preparation (wheighing, dilution, mixing) and injection into the HPLC. The injection sequence is steered by a personal computer, which takes over the analysis of the chromatograms and the preparation of the protocoll. The PC, which is communicating with the robot, furthermore, takes charge of calculating the Dextrose-equivalent (DE) out of the sugar composition and controls the function of the HPLC-system on basis of absolute and relative retention times. Endproduct samples or samples of higher priority can directly be handled over to the robot by the operators. The former can be prepared and analysed with higher priority, without interruption of the regular process-control and -steering program. The system requires only one HPLC system and one processing-unit for the control of several production channels, which reduces investment as well as the expenditure of service and maintenance to a large extent.  相似文献   

Usage of Starchy Products for Preparation of Phenolic Resins. Incorporation of starches and starch hydrolysates in phenolic resins of novolak and resol type has been investigated via acid catalyzed dehydration to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in the presence of phenol and formaldehyde. Due to formation of HMF/phenol-condensates savings up to 40% phenol and 65% formaldehyde are possible in comparison to commercial resins. Besides very low amounts of residual monomers, curing is accelerated with increased carbohydrate incorporation, which can be used to reduce time consuming manufacturing processes. Especially starch hydrolysates with different average molecular weights can be used in a very flexible way to achieve special requirements like softening points, mol weight distributions, viscosities and curing behaviour.  相似文献   

Improved Starch Settling Tables Test Plant for the Laboratory Separation of Starch and Gluten of Maize. An apparatus for separation of starch and gluten as part of the laboratory determination of the processing value of maize for wetmilling is described. The apparatus consists of a mobile chassis and a starch settling tables-plant with collimating equipment which guarantees fast readiness for operation and precise adjustment of the incline of the settling tables and thus high reproducibility of test results.  相似文献   

Production of Starch Derivatives by Cooking Extrusion. It was possible to produce starch derivatives from corn and potato starches and maize grit by cooking extrusion process with a conical, counter-rotating twin-screw extruder. The used chemical reagents for derivatization were citric acid for citrate-starches, sodium trimetaphosphate for phosphate-starches and 2,3-epoxypropyl-trimethyl-ammonium chloride and 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl-trimethyl-ammonium chloride for cationic starches. With citrate starches 60–70% of bound citric acid yields were found in the extrudates. Heat treatment of extrudates after extrusion increased the amount of bound citric acid to 68–77% and icreased Brabender-viscosity values. Shear stability and freeze-thaw stability were also improved. For phosphate starches 15–30% of bound phosphate were found in the extrudates. After heat treatment bound phosphate was increased to 20–35%. Physical and functional properties were also improved. The production of cationic starches by cooking extrusion process was also possible. There was about 50–60% of bound nitrogen from reagents in the extrudates. This yield was further increased to 65–90% after heat treatment.  相似文献   

Effect of Wet-Conservation Technique of Corn on Starch Quality. A corn starch production by German corn is practicable with reservation. Since the moisture content of the cernels varies between 30 and 40% instead of drying two wet conservation techniques were tested. With the experiments of using sodium hydrogensulfite no remarkable differences of quality criteria in comparison with non stored reference starches were observed along with the storage about 24 weeks. The ensiling of corn-cob-mix by a lactic acid fermentation resulted in starches of high quality, too. Consequently these two kinds of wet conservation techniques of storage are suitable in the same manner for starch production.  相似文献   

Contribution to the Enzymatic Degradation of Starch Sizing Agents on a Textile Fabric. In this work some experiments concerning the enzymatic desizing of cotton fabrics using cyclodextrin glucosyl transferase are discussed. It has been reported that the enzyme catalyzes the formation of β-cyclodextrin in solution. The results demonstrate that it is possible to degrade starch on a textile fabric by means of CGTase. On the present conditions the enzyme catalyzes the formation of α-cyclodextrin. More experimental work is necessary to optimize the conditions for enriching β-cyclodextrin against α-cyclodextrin.  相似文献   

F. Meuser  W. Kempf 《Starch - St?rke》1970,22(12):417-423
Analytical Problems and Possibilities for Application of Enzymatic Starch Determination. Enzymatic starch determination by amyloglucosidase is applied to the products of the starch manufacturing process, and critically examined as to their possibility to provide standardized analytical conditions. Moreover, hydrolytic properties of four amyloglucosidase preparations have been verified.  相似文献   

G. Tegge  G. Richter 《Starch - St?rke》1986,38(10):329-335
On the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Various Starches. The behaviour of different commercial starches to amylolytic enzyme preparations and of their hydrolyzates during raffination was investigated. No significant differences in final degree of saccharification of starches from yellow maize, waxy maize, amylo-maize, potatoes and wheat were observed. The lower De-values of waxy maize hydrolyzates after liquefaction were completely compensated during final saccharification phase. Determinations of viscosity after liquefaction and saccharification always showed highest viscosity in raw hydrolyzates produced from wheat starch. After filtration of the raw hydrolyzates these differences in viscosity were no more observed. Addition of pentosanase during sacharification period did not affect viscosity and filtration of the hydrolyzates. Glucoamylase with increased pentosanase activity affected filtration of wheat starch hydrolyzates positively; viscosity kept unchanged. Development of enzymatic liquefaction of the individual starches was studied by means of a Brabender Viscograph. By this informative differences between potato and waxy maize starches on one side and maize and wheat starches on the other side were observed.  相似文献   

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