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不管是军事用途还是民间用途,吸波材料都扮演着极其重要的角色,能够有效的躲避敌人的雷达探测,从而做到杀敌于无形,在日常生活中,能够有效减少或躲避电磁波对人体或者重要仪器的破坏。吸波材料按照成分分类可分为传统型磁性金属基吸波材料、新型碳基吸波材料、金属硫化物基吸波材料、金属氧化物基吸波材料、MOFs基吸波材料、LDHs基吸波材料、导电聚合物基吸波材料等。综述了吸波材料的最新研究进展,介绍了吸波材料的吸波机理和吸波性能的电磁参数。  相似文献   

在吸波材料的设计中传输线理论是被广泛采用的一种理论方法.文章重点分析传输线理论计算中所体现的多吸收峰现象,得出产生这些吸收峰的原因是电磁波的干涉作用引起,并指出吸波材料的厚度匹配问题,实质上就是解决材料厚度与干涉相消的关系,同时提出了水泥基吸波材料一些厚度匹配优化建议.  相似文献   

炭黑/掺杂盐酸聚苯胺复合材料的吸波特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了聚苯胺(PAn)和乙炔炭黑(CB)填充于腈橡胶(NBR)的吸波性能。并就其组成、配比、硫化条件对吸波性能的影响进行分析和讨论。结果表明:在NBR/PAn复合材料中,随着PAn含量(在40-100份之间)的增加,其最大吸收衰减增大;NBR/CB复合材料在CB含量达100份时,最大衰减达12dB;硫化能改善材料的吸收性能。  相似文献   

吸波材料研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
雷达波吸收材料是现代武器隐身技术的关键材料之一。随着隐身技术的迅猛发展,吸波材料的研究受到世界各国的高度重视。本文介绍吸波机理、涂覆型吸波材料与结构型吸波材料的种类、结构型式以及国内外的相关研究进展情况,并提出吸波材料的发展趋势。  相似文献   

针对吸波材料存在的涂层大面积脱落和结构件承重不足导致材料吸波性能和力学性能急剧下降的问题,设计开发兼具优异吸波性能和力学性能的复合吸波材料。采用炭黑(CB)和羰基铁粉(CIP)作为复合吸波剂与环氧树脂(EP)复合制备复合吸波材料。利用单因素试验分析材料电磁性能,探究各组分质量比对材料吸波性能的影响,采用响应面试验分析了材料力学性能。建立高斯方程模型和多元回归方程模型,协同设计出CB/CIP环氧基复合材料各组分最佳质量分数比:CB、CIP、EP质量分数比为1%∶45%∶54%。模拟与实际具有一致性,为吸波材料的协同设计提供了可行性方案。  相似文献   

本文研究了乙炔炭黑含量和镁铝复合粉含量分别对无纺布吸波材料电阻值与氧指数的影响。实验结果表明:降低吸波剂中乙炔炭黑的质量有利于提高吸波材料的电阻和电磁损耗;提高无机阻燃剂中镁铝复合粉的含量有利于提高吸波材料的氧指数。  相似文献   

以FeCl_3·6H_2O(AR)、FeSO_4·7H_2O(AR)、NH_3·H_2O(AR)为原料,采用水热法制备得到纳米Fe_3O_4,采用X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜和矢量网络分析仪对其相组成、形貌与电磁性能进行了表征,将纳米四氧化三铁掺入到水泥基材料中制备水泥基吸波材料,采用弓形法测试水泥基吸波材料在8~18 GHz频段内的吸波性能。结果表明:纳米四氧化三铁的平均尺寸在80~90 nm之间;电损耗角正切tanδe和磁损耗角正切tanδm分别在0.03~0.29和0.01~0.41之间;当其掺量为10%,试样厚度为30 mm时,水泥基复合吸波材料在8~18 GHz频段范围内的吸波性能最佳,反射率小于-10 d B的频带宽为4.7 GHz。  相似文献   


为了研究铁氧体的电磁性能以及铁氧体引入量的质量分数和样块厚度对材料性能的影响,以玻璃和陶瓷造粒料为基料,炭黑为发泡剂,引入铁氧体,经过球磨、烧结、发泡、退火工艺后制备出泡沫吸波材料. 结果表明:900℃处理对铁氧体的电磁性能无明显影响. 铁氧体引入量的质量分数为5%和10%的吸波性能优于铁氧体为15%和20%引入量的吸波性能;研究初步显示,该结果是由于铁氧体的引入影响多孔材料的泡孔结构. 铁氧体引入量的质量分数为10%时,材料的吸波性能随着样块厚度的增加而增大;样块厚度为50mm时,材料的有效吸收带宽(反射率小于-10dB)达18GHz,反射率低至-23.4dB.


提出了一种耐高温的宽带吸波超材料的设计和制备方法,得到了在整个X波段均具有90%以上宽带吸收率、可在室温到400℃工作的吸波超材料。该超材料结构由上层石墨电阻膜方片单元,底层石墨反射层以及中间氧化铝介质层构成,结构参数经过有限元模拟优化得到,通过丝网印刷法制备完成。实测与模拟吸收性能吻合良好,且在不同温度下能保持稳定的吸收性能。超材料的宽带强吸收源于磁共振机制带来的宽带阻抗匹配,以发生在电阻膜层的欧姆损耗为主。得益于磁共振机制,其吸波性能保持了较好的稳定性。与传统耐高温吸波超材料相比,该耐高温吸波超材料具有频带宽、吸收强、厚度薄、制备便捷、温度适应性好等特点,有望运用于高温吸波隐身及电磁兼容等领域。  相似文献   

吸波超材料已经成为国内外电磁隐身和防护领域的研究热点,并取得了一系列重要的研究成果.介绍了材料的吸波原理和设计方法,综述了二维频率选择表面(Frequency Selective Surface,FSS)型和三维周期性结构两类电磁吸波超材料的研究进展,并对宽频电磁吸波超材料的相关研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

分析并阐述纤维与织物车水泥基复合材料中的应用,复合材料的制备方法、使用范围及其发展潜力。  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity and piezoresistivity of carbon fiber graphite cement-matrix composites(CFGCC) with carbon fiber content(1% by the weight of cement),graphite powder contents (0%-50% by the weight of cement) and CCCW(cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing materials,4% by the weight of cement) were studied.The experimental results showed that the relationship between the resistivity of CFGCC and the concentration of graphite powders had typical features of percolation phenomena.The percol...  相似文献   

采用 Φ120 mm分离式霍普金森压杆(Split Hopkinson Press Bar,SHPB)试验装置进行巴西圆盘劈裂试验,研究在应变率范围0.96~30.30 s-1微胶囊-纤维水泥基复合材料的应变率敏感性和破坏规律.试验结果表明,水泥基复合材料具有明显的应变率效应,其劈裂抗拉强度随着应变率的增加而提高,掺入聚乙烯醇(P V A)-聚乙烯(P E)混杂纤维时水泥基复合材料劈裂抗拉强度最高.在动态荷载作用下,掺入纤维不仅能有效抑制基体微裂纹的萌生和降低扩展速度,而且能改善微胶囊自修复混凝土的抗冲击韧性.  相似文献   

The microwave absorbing properties and magnetic properties of as-grown Fe-filled carbon nanotubes (CNTs), annealed Fe-filled CNTs, and multi-walled CNTs were studied. Vibrating sample magnetometer results showed that the annealed Fe-filled CNTs have the weakest coercivity and strongest saturation magnetization among the three types CNTs, due to the presence of more ferromagnetic α-Fe nanowires. After annealing, the values increased to 291.0 Oe and 28.0 emu/g and the samples showed excellent microwave absorbing properties. The reflection loss was over 5 dB between 11.6 GHz and 18 GHz with a maximum value of 10.8 dB for annealed Fe-filled CNTs (1.1 wt%)/epoxy composite.  相似文献   

Leaching is one of the major factors that alter the mechanical properties of cement-based composites. This study is aimed to investigate the effect of leaching on the properties of cement-based composites. Specimens with two water/cementitious ratios and two mineral admixtures were tested. An electrical potential was applied to accelerate the leaching process. Compressive strength test, scanning electronic microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis were conducted. Test results demonstrated that the calcium leaching reduced compressive strengths of concrete specimens, and such effect was prominent on the specimens without mineral admixtures. The leaching resistance increased with a decrease in water/cementitious ratio and an increase in amount of mineral admixtures. The mineral admixtures would reduce the amount of calcium hydroxide and refine the pore structure through pozzolanic reactions. A fair relationship was found between the calcium leaching and the compressive strength.  相似文献   

Two kinds of nickel particles with flower-like struc~'es assembled with a number of nano-flakes were synthesized and the relationship of their morphology and microwave absorbing properties was studied. The electromagnetic parameters of these flower-like Ni were measured with vector network analyzer at 2-18 GHz frequency and the reflection losses (RL) with different sample thicknesses were calculated. The results indicate that the flower-like nickel-wax composites with the sample thickness less than 2 mm show excellent absorbing ability. This result is expected to play a guiding role in the preparation of the highly efficient absorber.  相似文献   

Single fiber pull-out testing was conducted to study the origin of the functional responses to loading of carbon fiber reinforced cement-based composites. The variation of electrical resistance with the bonding force on the fiber-matrix interface was measured. Single fiber electromechanical testing was also conducted by measuring the electrical resistance under static tension. Comparison of the results shows that the resistance increasing during single fiber pull-out is mainly due to the changes at the interface. The conduction mechanism of the composite can be explained by the tunneling model. The interfacial stress causes the deformation of interfacial structure and the interfacial debonding, which have influences on the tunneling effect and result in the change of resistance.  相似文献   

The texture of interfacial zone between cement paste and quartz in the cement-based composites containing polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) ,methylceUulose (MC) and their polyblend in an amount of 10 wt % with respect to cement, as well as the texture of dehydrated bodies of PVA , MC , and the polyblend solutions, were inves-tigated with SEM. The network texture of the dehydrated polyblend is confirmed by comparing the texture of dehy-drated bodies of PVA and MC. The network texture has restrained the movement of polyblend molecules in the ce-ment mortar but is helpful to forming a coherent interface between cement paste and quartz. The key factor of form-ing the coherent inteoCace is not the neutralization reaction between H ^ from hydrolysis of quartz and OH ^- from hydration of cement, but the electrostatic attraction and the chemical reaction between polar groups on the polyblend molecule and cations and anions from hydrolysis of quartz and hydration of cement, respectively. The model of the coherent interface formation is that excessive [ HSiO3 ]^ - and [ SiO3 ]^2- an/ons are bonded tgzh the hydrated cations such as Ca^2 and Al^3 , which is confumed by the gel containing Ca and Si on the quartz surface.  相似文献   

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