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We describe a novel space-based low-temperature radiation detector, the “Particle Heating Detector” (PhD), which was recently selected to be part of the first mission of the Low-Temperature Microgravity Physics Facility, scheduled to fly on the International Space Station in 2008. This massive bolometer will measure total heating induced in an aluminum absorber by the space radiation environment. The use of paramagnetic alloy thermometers with SQUID readout, giving resolution, combined with a large-area absorber, will enable the detector to perform high-resolution, real-time measurement of the low energy deposition levels caused by galactic cosmic rays in low-Earth orbit.  相似文献   

In the past year and a half, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) collaboration has been active at the Soudan mine in installing a system for running ZIP detectors that will be used to search for dark matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. Presently, there is an operating cryogenic system, working electronics, a functional data acquisition and analysis system, passive shielding, an active muon veto, and 12 ZIP detectors. Six of the 12 ZIP detectors have been tested in situ and are fully operational with acceptable noise profiles. CDMS is in the process of commissioning the experiment and expects to be making a background measurement by the end of summer 2003.  相似文献   

The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment utilizes discriminating detectors where both the recoil energy and ionization produced by each particle event are simultaneously measured. Here we present our latest results from operating 4 Ge (4×250 g) and 2 Si (2×100 g) detectors at the shallow Stanford site. Our new WIMP exclusion limit excludes new parameter space for low-mass WIMPS.  相似文献   

A computation code is presented, allowing numerical simulation and pulse-shape analysis of the ionization and heat signals in low-temperature massive Ge detectors for Dark Matter research. The effects on charge collection are pointed out, arising from the Coulomb repulsion of free carriers within the charge clouds. Test experiments are described, aimed at event localization for improved background rejection.  相似文献   

The most compelling nature of X-ray astronomy is its richness and scale. Almost every observable object in the sky either naturally emits X-ray radiation or can be observed through X-ray absorption. Current X-ray observatories such as Chandra and XMM-Newton have considerably advanced our understanding of many of these systems by using imaging X-ray cameras and dispersed X-ray spectrometers. However, it is the combination of these two techniques to provide a true broadband, high spectral-resolution, imaging spectrometer that will drive the next revolution in X-ray astronomy. This is where Low-temperature detectors (LTDs) can play a key role but also where the science will continuously challenge the technology. In this brief overview we will explore the constraints that both the science goals and the space environment place on the implementation of LTDs, how current missions such as XQC and Astro-E2 have met these challenges, and where future missions such as Constellation-X, XEUS, and NeXT will drive LTD instruments to a much larger scale. Finally, we will address scaling issues in current LTD detectors and where the LTD community needs to proceed to address both the science goals and expectations of the astrophysics community.  相似文献   

Using the Low-Temperature Nuclear Orientation (LTNO) technique one can study various interesting properties of atomic nuclei and nuclear decay which can be deduced from the measurements of the angular distributions of charged particles emitted during the decay. However, the use of particle detectors working in conditions of LTNO devices (which are generally not available commercially) is a necessary precondition for the realization of these experiments.

Planar HPGe detectors for detection of charged particles at “liquid helium” temperatures were developed and produced at NPI e . Relatively simple technology using vacuum evaporation and diffusion was employed. The performance of detectors at low temperatures was tested and their characteristics measured in a testing cryostat before using them in real experiments.

The HPGe detectors were extensively used in a whole range of LTNO experiments with various physical objectives — in offline (IKS Leuven) as well as online (CERN-ISOLDE, Louvain-la-Neuve — LISOL) experiments. In frame of the project “Meson-Exchange Enhancement of First-Forbidden Beta Transitions in the Lead Region”, the measurements of angular distribution of emitted β-particles allowed to determine experimentally the “meson-exchange currents” contribution to the β-decay. In the project “Isospin Mixing in NZ nuclei”, the isospin-forbidden β-transitions of the nuclei in region (A=50–100) were studied in order to obtain information on the isospin structure of the nuclear states. A new project looking for the possible presence of the tensor currents contribution to the β-decay is being prepared for the CERN-ISOLDE facility.  相似文献   

The titanium alloy TA6V was nitrogen implanted to improve its wear resistance. In order to extract the value of the elastic modulus of the thin layer that is formed by ion implantation of this titanium alloy, a modelling taking into account different features occurring during implantation is considered, namely erosion, concentration profile and nature of the layer. Then, the elastic modulus of the thin layer is deduced. The estimated value is shown to be consistent with the formation of a TiN rich layer about 0.2 μm thick. In this paper, a procedure based on the resonance frequency of a cantilever is presented leading to the optimisation of the measurement. Then the actual modelling proposed above is described and reliability of calculated values is discussed.  相似文献   

Superconducting tunnel junctions (STJs) with the structure Ti/Nb/Al, AlOx/Al/Nb/NbN and corresponding layer thickness 30/100/8/13/150/30 nm were investigated as X-ray detectors at T=1.35 K. STJs with one active electrode in which the response of the other one is suppressed due to trapping layer on the surface opposite to the tunnel barrier have a number of potential advantages. The best line width (FWHM) is 78 eV for 6400 μm2 junction. Contribution of the electronic noise is about 50 eV. The intrinsic detector line width is less than 60 eV. The collected charge from inactive electrode is more than 8 times less than that from the active one. Titanium proved to be an appropriate material for a sublayer and a trap.  相似文献   

Thin films of CaCO3 (calcite) have been grown with the atomic layer chemical vapour deposition (ALCVD) technique, using Ca(thd)2 (Hthd=2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptan-3,5-dione), CO2, and ozone as precursors. Pulse parameters for the ALCVD-type growth are found and self-limiting reaction conditions are established between 200 and 400 °C. Calcium carbonate films have been deposited on soda-lime glass, Si(100), -Al2O3(001), -Al2O3(012), -SiO2(001), and MgO(100) substrates. The observed textures were: in-plane oriented films with [100](001)CaCO3 [100](001)Al2O3 and [100](001)CaCO3[110](001)Al2O3 on -Al2O3(001), amorphous films on -Al2O3(012) when grown at 250 °C, and columnar oriented films on soda-lime glass, Si(001), -SiO2(001), and MgO(100) substrates with (00l) and (104) parallel to the substrate plane at 250 and 350 °C, respectively. The film topography was studied by atomic force microscopy and AC impedance characteristics were measured on as-deposited films at room temperature. The films were found to be insulating with a dielectric constant (r) typically approximately 8. Thin films of CaO were obtained by heat treatment of the carbonate films at 670 °C in a CO2-free atmosphere, but the thermal decomposition led to a significant increase in surface roughness.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to explain on a simple basis how a low-temperature detector works. The different physical processes involved in the production, thermalization and interaction of phonons with electrons, which finally provide the measured electrical signal will be reviewed to give what is needed to determine the basic properties of a low-temperature detector. Spurious signals coming from microphonic noise will be evoked.  相似文献   

X-ray detectors based on the concept of magnetic calorimetry are well suited for high-resolution spectroscopy. Metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMC) make use of a metallic paramagnetic temperature sensor, which is in tight thermal contact with a metallic X-ray absorber. The paramagnetic sensor is placed in a small magnetic field. Its magnetization is used to monitor the temperature, which in turn is related to the internal energy of the calorimeter. High-energy resolution can be obtained by using a low-noise, high-bandwidth DC SQUID to measure the small change in magnetization upon the absorption of an X-ray. With recent prototype detectors an energy resolution of ΔEFWHM=3.4 eV for X-ray energies up to 6.5 keV has been achieved. We discuss general design considerations, the thermodynamic properties of such calorimeters, the energy resolution, and the various sources of noise, which are observed in MMCs.  相似文献   

Schottky and pn junction detectors were fabricated with p-InSb. Fabrication methods, energy spectra of 241Am alpha particles and rise times are shown. We could observe pulses at operating temperatures up to 77 and 115 K for the Schottky and the pn junction detectors, respectively.  相似文献   

The energy resolution of calorimetric low-temperature detectors for heavy ions has been analyzed. It is shown that the contribution of base line noise is small. The energy resolution is determined by intrinsic fluctuations of the detector signal. An incomplete energy thermalization during the stopping process of the heavy ion, the dependence of signal shape on impact position and fluctuations of the Al-TES thermometer response are considered as main sources of detector line broadening. Test measurements with 5 MeV -particles are presented.  相似文献   

The development of a superconductive detector for simultaneous measurement of energy and arrival time is reported. The detector consists of two superconducting tunnel junctions coupled through a passive network. The first junction operates in the quasi-particle regime and measures the energy absorbed by counting the total charge that tunnels. The second junction uses the DC Josephson effect to act as a fast discriminator for the onset of surplus current in the first junction. The feasibility of the detector is demonstrated through simultaneous time and energy measurements of 6 keV X-rays. A model of the detector is presented and numerical simulations show good correspondence with experimental data.  相似文献   

We discuss the performance, of a normal metal hot electron bolometer (NHEB) that we have measured at 0.3 K. We found that the noise equivalent power was limited by the amplifier noise. To improve the NHEB power response and to make it more robust and reliable we propose to substitute the normal metal with heavily doped silicon. The heavily doped silicon behaves like a metal with lower carrier concentration and has a smaller electron–phonon thermal coupling. We have fabricated superconductor-doped silicon-superconductor contacts (S-Sm-S) and we have used them as thermometers and coolers.  相似文献   

We describe the design, fabrication and performance of a fully lithographically patterned magnetic microcalorimeter X-ray detector. The detector is fabricated on the same chip as a low-noise SQUID that measures the change in the magnetic sensor film's magnetization as the film is heated by absorbed X-rays. Our proof-of-principle detectors use a 100 μm×100 μm–2 μm paramagnetic Au:Er film coupled to a low-noise on-chip SQUID via a meandering superconducting pickup loop that also provides the magnetic field bias to the film. Absorption of 6 keV X-rays in the film causes heating on the order of 1 mK with a decay time of 1 ms or less, the fastest reported using a magnetic calorimeter. However, the resolution is currently poor due to poor Au:Er film properties and non-optimized coupling to the SQUID. We describe the design and fabrication of this device and present measurements of the heat capacity, decay time constant and effective thermal conductance of the microcalorimeter as a function of temperature. Because the SQUID and calorimeter are lithographically patterned on the same substrate, this technology can be readily applied to the fabrication of arrays of multiplexed magnetic microcalorimeter detectors.  相似文献   

For the first time, calorimetric low-temperature detectors were applied in accelerator mass spectrometry, a well-known method for determination of very small isotope ratios with high sensitivity. The aim of the experiment was to determine with high accuracy the isotope ratio of 236U/238U for several samples of natural uranium, 236U being known as a sensitive monitor for neutron flux. Measurements were performed at the VERA tandem accelerator at Vienna, Austria. The detectors consist of sapphire absorbers and superconducting transition edge thermometers operated at T≈ 1.5 K. The relative energy resolution obtained for 17.39 MeV 238U is ΔE/E=4–9×10−3, depending on the experimental conditions. This performance enabled to substantially reduce background from neighbouring isotopes and to increase the detection efficiency. Due to the high sensitivity achieved, a value of 236U/238U=6.5×10−12 could be obtained, representing the smallest 236U/238U ratio measured until now.  相似文献   

We present an analysis, supported by numerical simulations, of the heat and ionization yield for events with incomplete charge collection in low-temperature germanium detectors. A consistent explanation of the ionization and heat balance (including an incomplete Luke effect) at different collection voltages is obtained on the assumption that any carriers (electrons or holes) reaching the surface are trapped at surface states.  相似文献   

The present generation of double-beta experiments is limited by two main backgrounds: surface alpha interactions and Compton interactions from high-energy gamma-ray lines. Using the detector developments realized for the EDELWEISS Dark Matter experiment, we propose a strategy to eliminate completely the alpha radioactivity background and to reduce by nearly two orders of magnitude the Compton background. This would lead to a nearly background-free experiment, and an effective neutrino mass sensitivity of 15 meV achieved in 5 years with a one-ton array of ionisation-heat 76Ge detectors.  相似文献   

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