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目的克隆B型肉毒毒素轻链Bont-B基因,使其在大肠杆菌内表达,并对表达的重组蛋白进行纯化。方法设计并人工合成Bont-B基因,克隆入表达载体pMD19-T中,构建质粒pMD19-T-Bont-B,经酶切后与pET-28a载体连接,构建重组表达质粒pET-28a-Bont-B,将重组表达质粒转化感受态大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),IPTG诱导表达。表达产物经SDS-PAGE及Western blot分析后,经金属螯合层析Cu2+柱进行纯化,纯化产物经SDS-PAGE分析纯度。结果重组表达质粒pET-28a-Bont-B经PCR、双酶切及测序鉴定,证明构建正确;表达的重组蛋白相对分子质量约50 000,主要以可溶性形式表达,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的6%;纯化后的重组蛋白纯度可达90%以上。结论已成功克隆并在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中原核表达了Bont-B轻链基因,为制备抗Bont-B轻链单克隆抗体及研究肉毒中毒机制和治疗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的对我国治疗用A型肉毒毒素生产用菌株Hall株神经毒素(BoNT)全基因进行克隆及序列分析,了解其遗传特性,为该制剂的质量控制提供依据。方法取生产用主代种子、工作种子,通过PCR扩增BoNT全基因片段,将其克隆至载体pGEM-T中,构建重组克隆质粒pGEM-T-BoNT,对克隆的BoNT基因进行序列测定与分析。结果测得的Hall株BoNT全基因序列3891bp,共编码1297个氨基酸。4种核苷酸的比例分别为:A:40.58%,G:16.17%,T:33.13%,C:10.13%;GC含量为26.29%,AT含量为73.71%。主代种子、工作种子核苷酸序列3591位的G变成A,为无义突变,未导致其推导的氨基酸的改变。序列测定结果与GenBank中登录的Hall标准株进行比较,主代种子、工作种子核苷酸和氨基酸序列的同源性分别为99.99%和100%。结论 A型肉毒梭菌Hall株在实验室长期的保存和生产传代过程中,BoNT基因遗传特性非常稳定。  相似文献   

目的分析注射用A型肉毒毒素和注射用A型肉毒神经毒素活性药用成分(active pharmaceutical ingredient,API)的纯度、N-末端氨基酸序列和相对分子质量,并通过多个非临床研究试验,评价两种制品在药理、毒理特性等方面的一致性。方法采用SDS-PAGE法检测注射用A型肉毒毒素(衡力~,Lantox~,以下简称复合物)和注射用A型肉毒神经毒素(Chintox~,以下简称神经毒素)的纯度;对其N-末端氨基酸序列进行测序,并将测序结果与NCBI blast数据库中A型肉毒梭菌Hall株的氨基酸序列比对,确证其各组分的成分;毛细管凝胶电泳(capillary gel electrophoresis,CGE)检测其在非还原及还原条件下各组分的相对分子质量;单次肌肉注射、静脉注射、灌胃给予大鼠及单次肌肉注射给予食蟹猴的试验评价复合物和神经毒素的急性毒性;重复肌肉注射给予食蟹猴39周和恢复期12周的药理毒理试验评价复合物和神经毒素的长期毒性;家兔红细胞的体外溶血试验评价两者的溶血性;肌肉注射给予大鼠Ⅰ、Ⅱ段生殖毒性试验评价肉毒毒素的生殖毒性。结果神经毒素组:非还原条件下,神经毒素相对分子质量约152 000,N-末端氨基酸序列ALNDLQINVN,为完整的A型肉毒神经毒素;还原条件下,由相对分子质量约101 000,N-末端氨基酸序列ALNDLQINVN的重链和相对分子质量约51 000、N-末端氨基酸序列PFVNKQFNYK的轻链组成;复合物组:非还原条件下,含A型肉毒神经毒素(Mr 152 000)、非毒素非血凝素蛋白(non-toxic non-HA,NTNH)(Mr 136 000)、HA70组分(Mr 57 000、17 000)、HA33组分(Mr 30 000、28 000)和HA17组分(Mr 15 000),还原条件下,则含有重链、轻链、NTNH、HA70、HA33和HA17组分。注射用A型肉毒毒素、注射用A型肉毒神经毒素单次肌肉注射和静脉注射给予大鼠,肌肉注射的最大耐受剂量≥100 U/kg,静脉注射的最大耐受剂量≥30 U/kg;单次肌肉注射给予食蟹猴所产生的急性中毒反应与死亡情况一致,最大耐受剂量均为20 U/kg,近似致死剂量为40 U/kg;反复肌肉注射给予食蟹猴的试验中,未见明显毒性作用剂量(no observed adverse effect level,NOAEL)均为16 U/kg;在体外对家兔红细胞无溶血作用,不引起红细胞凝聚;Ⅰ段生殖毒性试验对雄鼠生育力的NOAEL为4U/kg,对雌鼠生育力的NOAEL为8 U/kg,对孕鼠早期胚胎发育的NOAEL为16 U/kg;Ⅱ段生殖毒性试验对孕鼠的NOAEL为1 U/kg,对胚胎-胎仔毒性和致畸性的NOAEL为16 U/kg。结论注射用A型肉毒毒素和注射用A型肉毒神经毒素在食蟹猴和大鼠的急性毒性、长期毒性等试验中,剂量、动物病理解剖结果一致,进一步说明A型肉毒毒素和A型肉毒神经毒素的药理毒理特性是相同的,且在反复肌肉注射给予食蟹猴的长期毒性试验中发现,A型肉毒神经毒素更不易产生抗体。在神经毒素灌胃试验中半数致死剂量高于复合物,表明其安全性更好。  相似文献   

目的构建A型肉毒毒素轻链表达载体重组质粒,在大肠埃希菌中表达后,利用金属螯合层析柱纯化。方法以p GEM-Bo NT/AL轻链质粒为模板,PCR扩增Bo NT/AL基因,克隆至表达载体p ET-28(a)中,构建重组质粒p ET-28(a)-Bo NT/AL,转化E.coli BL21(DE3),分别于37、30、25℃IPTG诱导表达,表达产物经Chelating Sepharose 4Fast Flow(Cu~(2+))层析柱纯化,纯化产物经尿素梯度复性。结果质粒p ET-28(a)-Bo NT/AL经酶切鉴定及测序证明构建正确;表达的重组蛋白相对分子质量约52 000,主要以包涵体形式存在,37℃诱导表达量最高,占菌体沉淀总蛋白的41%;包涵体经2%Trition-X100和2 mol/L尿素洗涤后,可去除部分杂蛋白,8 mol/L尿素能溶解大部分包涵体;经再次浓缩后,蛋白浓度可达89μg/ml,纯度达90%。结论成功克隆及表达了Bo NT/A轻链基因,为制备抗Bo NT/A轻链单链抗体以及研究肉毒中毒机制和治疗方案奠定了基础。  相似文献   

肉毒神经毒素的体外检测对于食品卫生、进出口检疫检验、临床诊断以及应对生物恐怖袭击是非常重要的。本文就肉毒神经毒素体外检测方法的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

肉毒毒素生物学活性的检测和肉毒中毒诊断方法的研究进展迅速,对食品检验、肉毒中毒实验室诊断、生物反恐和肉毒毒素制品的开发及应用具有十分重要的意义。本文就肉毒毒素生物学活性及肉毒中毒病原检测方法的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的 制备马抗肉毒 (Botulinum)A、B、E、F型抗毒素。方法 菌种经过复苏分离与检定后 ,采用产毒培养、酸沉、盐析及脱毒等步骤 ,制备肉毒A、B、E、F四型类毒素 (Toxoid)和试验毒素 (Testtoxin) ,免疫健康马匹。结果 各型血浆效价均超过 2 0 0 0年版《中国生物制品规程》中对于抗毒素的要求 ,B型与F型的效价均超过 2倍以上 ,A型与E型也达到较好的应答水平。结论 已成功制备四型肉毒抗毒素。  相似文献   

目的修饰、克隆B型肉毒神经毒素重链C-端(BoNT/b HC)片段,并在大肠杆菌中进行表达。方法以B型肉毒梭状杆菌8806株基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增B型肉毒神经毒素重链的转膜区和结合区,并以高频密码子替换BoNT/bHC基因N-端的5个低频密码子。将目的片段克隆入表达载体pET-42b,转化E.coli BL21(DE3)PlysS,IPTG诱导表达后,进行Western blot鉴定及可溶性分析。结果重组表达质粒经PCR及酶切鉴定证明构建正确;表达的重组蛋白相对分子质量约为80000,表达量占菌体总蛋白的32.6%,主要以包涵体形式存在;重组蛋白可被相应的抗BoNT/b全毒素的多克隆抗体所识别。结论已成功修饰并表达了B型肉毒神经毒素重链C-端片段,为进一步研制重组疫苗及高特异性的诊断试剂奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的对注射用A型肉毒毒素(Botulinum toxin type A for injection,商品名衡力,出口商品名BTXA)制品中的活性药用成分(Active pharmaceutical ingredient,API)的性质及2009~2011年生产的注射用A型肉毒毒素原液的比活性进行分析。方法对BTXA收获物样品进行阴离子交换层析,分离毒素复合体各组分;采用血凝试验、HPLC法、SDS-PAGE、等点聚焦电泳及N-末端氨基酸测序等方法分析A型肉毒毒素复合体及其各组分的性质;统计2009~2011年连续生产的注射用A型肉毒毒素原液的比活性数据,分析连续生产的工艺稳定性和质量重现性。结果 BTXA收获物样品在碱性条件下可被解离,解离出的A型肉毒神经毒素相对分子质量约为150 000,无血凝效价;BTXA的API为完整的单体,纯度均在99.5%以上;复合物和神经毒素的等电点分别为4.97、4.91,N-末端氨基酸测序结果与GenBank基本一致;在连续3年的生产过程中,原液比活性平均为3.0×107LD50/mg蛋白,BTXA成品中API载量约为5 ng/瓶。结论注射用A型肉毒毒素的活性成分是特异的复合体结构,可在碱性条件下解离出A型肉毒神经毒素;BTXA原液的比活性在连续3年的生产中持续稳定,具备很好的连续性,为临床使用的安全性提供依据。  相似文献   

江扬  熊晓晖  熊强 《化工时刊》2003,17(5):9-12
肉毒毒素是肉毒杆菌在生长繁殖中产生的一种神经毒素。注入肌肉后,能迅速与突触前胆碱能神经终板结合,减少周围运动神经末梢和神经肌肉接头处乙酰胆碱的释放,抑制细胞外乙酰胆碱,造成肌肉松弛和麻痹。20世纪70年代末肉毒毒素被开发并逐步应用于临床,以治疗某些神经肌肉疾思。目前,肉毒毒素已经用于眼科、神经科、康复科、消化科及皮肤科(多汗症、美容)等领域50余种病症的治疗,取得了诸多成果。本文就肉毒毒素在临床医疗、医学美容、生物农药等方面的应用情况进行了概述。  相似文献   

The botulinum neurotoxins are potent molecules that are not only responsible for the lethal paralytic disease botulism, but have also been harnessed for therapeutic uses in the treatment of an increasing number of chronic neurological and neuromuscular disorders, in addition to cosmetic applications. The toxins act at the cholinergic nerve terminals thanks to an efficient and specific mechanism of cell recognition which is based on a dual receptor system that involves gangliosides and protein receptors. Binding to surface-anchored gangliosides is the first essential step in this process. Here, we determined the X-ray crystal structure of the binding domain of BoNT/E, a toxin of clinical interest, in complex with its GD1a oligosaccharide receptor. Beyond confirmation of the conserved ganglioside binding site, we identified key interacting residues that are unique to BoNT/E and a significant rearrangement of loop 1228–1237 upon carbohydrate binding. These observations were also supported by thermodynamic measurements of the binding reaction and assessment of ganglioside selectivity by immobilised-receptor binding assays. These results provide a structural basis to understand the specificity of BoNT/E for complex gangliosides.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent, neuroparalytic protein toxins that block the release of acetylcholine from motor neurons and autonomic synapses. The unparalleled toxicity of BoNTs results from the highly specific and localized cleavage of presynaptic proteins required for nerve transmission. Currently, the only pharmacotherapy for botulism is prophylaxis with antitoxin, which becomes progressively less effective as symptoms develop. Treatment for symptomatic botulism is limited to supportive care and artificial ventilation until respiratory function spontaneously recovers, which can take weeks or longer. Mechanistic insights into intracellular toxin behavior have progressed significantly since it was shown that toxins exploit synaptic endocytosis for entry into the nerve terminal, but fundamental questions about host-toxin interactions remain unanswered. Chief among these are mechanisms by which BoNT is internalized into neurons and trafficked to sites of molecular toxicity. Elucidating how receptor-bound toxin is internalized and conditions under which the toxin light chain engages with target SNARE proteins is critical for understanding the dynamics of intoxication and identifying novel therapeutics. Here, we discuss the implications of newly discovered modes of synaptic vesicle recycling on BoNT uptake and intraneuronal trafficking.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (BoNT/A) is the most potent protein toxin to humans. BoNT/A light chain (LC/A) cleavage of the membrane-bound SNAP-25 has been well-characterized, but how LC/A traffics to the plasma membrane to target SNAP-25 is unknown. Of the eight BoNT/A subtypes (A1–A8), LC/A3 has a unique short duration of action and low potency that correlate to the intracellular steady state of LC/A, where LC/A1 is associated with the plasma membrane and LC/A3 is present in the cytosol. Steady-state and live imaging of LC/A3-A1 chimeras identified a two-step process where the LC/A N terminus bound intracellular vesicles, which facilitated an internal α-helical-rich domain to mediate LC/A plasma membrane association. The propensity of LC/A variants for membrane association correlated with enhanced BoNT/A potency. Understanding the basis for light chain intracellular localization provides insight to mechanisms underlying BoNT/A potency, which can be extended to applications as a human therapy.  相似文献   

Tetanus and Botulinum type B neurotoxins are bacterial metalloproteases that specifically cleave the vesicle-associated membrane protein VAMP at an identical peptide bond, resulting in inhibition of neuroexocytosis. The minute amounts of these neurotoxins commonly used in experimental animals are not detectable, nor is detection of their VAMP substrate sensitive enough. The immune detection of the cleaved substrate is much more sensitive, as we have previously shown for botulinum neurotoxin type A. Here, we describe the production in rabbit of a polyclonal antibody raised versus a peptide encompassing the 13 residues C-terminal with respect to the neurotoxin cleavage site. The antibody was affinity purified and found to recognize, with high specificity and selectivity, the novel N-terminus of VAMP that becomes exposed after cleavage by tetanus toxin and botulinum toxin type B. This antibody recognizes the neoepitope not only in native and denatured VAMP but also in cultured neurons and in neurons in vivo in neurotoxin-treated mice or rats, suggesting the great potential of this novel tool to elucidate tetanus and botulinum B toxin activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Previously, a whole-genome comparison of three Clostridium butyricum type E strains from Italy and the United States with different C. botulinum type E strains indicated that the bont/e gene might be transferred between the two clostridia species through transposition. However, transposable elements (TEs) have never been identified close to the bont/e gene. Herein, we report the whole genome sequences for four neurotoxigenic C. butyricum type E strains that originated in China. An analysis of the obtained genome sequences revealed the presence of a novel putative TE upstream of the bont/e gene in the genome of all four strains. Two strains of environmental origin possessed an additional copy of the putative TE in their megaplasmid. Similar putative TEs were found in the megaplasmids and, less frequently, in the chromosomes of several C. butyricum strains, of which two were neurotoxigenic C. butyricum type E strains, and in the chromosome of a single C. botulinum type E strain. We speculate that the putative TE might potentially transpose the bont/e gene at the intracellular and inter-cellular levels. However, the occasional TE occurrence in the clostridia genomes might reflect rare transposition events.  相似文献   

目的优化固定化胰蛋白酶的制备条件,并探讨固定化胰蛋白酶在纯化抑肽酶中的应用。方法以介孔分子筛SBA-15作为载体,戊二醛作为交联剂,对胰蛋白酶进行固定化,并对固定化条件进行优化。将优化条件制备的固定化胰蛋白酶作为亲和吸附剂,对抑肽酶进行分离纯化。结果固定化胰蛋白酶制备的最适条件为:戊二醛浓度0.8%,加酶量3.0mg,反应温度35℃,反应时间3h。以此条件制备的固定化胰蛋白酶活力可达15.6U/mg。以此酶作为亲和吸附剂纯化抑肽酶,纯化倍数可达420倍以上,活性回收率超过80%。结论优化了固定化胰蛋白酶的制备条件,以此酶作为亲和吸附剂用于抑肽酶的分离纯化,效果较好。  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most poisonous substances in nature. Currently, the only therapy for botulism is antitoxin. This therapy suffers from several limitations and hence new therapeutic strategies are desired. One of the limitations in discovering BoNT inhibitors is the absence of an in vitro assay that correlates with toxin neutralization in vivo. In this work, a high-throughput screening assay for receptor-binding inhibitors against BoNT/A was developed. The assay is composed of two chimeric proteins: a receptor-simulating protein, consisting of the fourth luminal loop of synaptic vesicle protein 2C fused to glutathione-S-transferase, and a toxin-simulating protein, consisting of the receptor-binding domain of BoNT/A fused to beta-galactosidase. The assay was applied to screen the LOPAC1280 compound library. Seven selected compounds were evaluated in mice exposed to a lethal dose of BoNT/A. The compound aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) conferred 92% protection, whereas significant delayed time to death (p < 0.005) was observed for three additional compounds. Remarkably, ATA was also fully protective in mice challenged with a lethal dose of BoNT/E, which also uses the SV2 receptor. This study demonstrates that receptor-binding inhibitors have the potential to serve as next generation therapeutics for botulism, and therefore the assay developed may facilitate discovery of new anti-BoNT countermeasures.  相似文献   

For expressing trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), trypsin units inhibited (TUI), trypsin inhibited, and trypsin inhibitors have been used. Although the last two units are preferred, their calculations in current practices require refinement. With the proposed AOCS method Ba 12a-2020, four experiments were conducted, using four trypsin preparations having specific activity of 11,625, 12,602, 13,728, and 14,926 -benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester (BAEE) units/mg protein, respectively. Experiment 1 determined the relationship between absorbance at 410 nm (A410) and trypsin concentration. Experiment 2 involved assaying raw and heated soybeans, expressing TIA as TUI/mg sample and μg trypsin inhibited/mg sample, and determining conversion factors between the two units. Experiment 3 resembled Experiment 2 except for using purified soybean Kunitz inhibitor (KTI) and Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI). Conversion factors determined correlated highly with trypsin-specific activity (R2 = 0.9789). After standardizing against a reference trypsin having 15,000 BAEE units/mg protein, a standardized conversion factor of 0.03 A410 (1.5 TUI) = 1 μg trypsin inhibited was determined. It remained consistent regardless of trypsin specific activity, with or without inhibitors, and type of inhibitor samples. By using purified inhibitors (Experiment 3), conversion values between TUI and μg trypsin inhibitor and between μg trypsin inhibited and μg trypsin inhibitor could also be calculated, enabling expression of TIA in amounts of pure KTI, BBI or their equivalents. Furthermore, when the AOCS method was modified with half substrate concentration, half trypsin concentration or half both (Experiment 4), TIA values in TUI could change with modifications but values in mg trypsin inhibited (standardized) or trypsin inhibitor remained consistent.  相似文献   

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