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Topotecan, a water soluble semisynthetic analogue of camptothecin, is a topoisomerase I inhibitor that has recently entered phase II clinical trials. Topotecan has shown significant preclinical activity in refractory murine tumors and in human tumor xenograft models. In addition, objective antineoplastic activity has been observed in recent adult phase I clinical trials. Topotecan is unstable in solution and is rapidly and spontaneously converted to a less active open ring form which predominates at physiological pH. This study was undertaken to better define the pharmacokinetic behavior of this highly unstable compound in both plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and to measure the degree of CSF penetration of this novel antineoplastic agent. Three nonhuman primates with indwelling Ommaya reservoirs received 10 mg/m2 i.v. topotecan administered as a 10-min infusion. Frequent plasma and CSF samples were obtained and immediately extracted and assayed with a reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography assay to quantitate the concentration of topotecan (lactone). Samples were then acidified and reinjected to quantitate total drug (lactone ring plus open ring). Peak plasma concentrations of topotecan ranged from 0.27 to 0.45 microM. Plasma disappearance of the lactone ring was biexponential with a distribution half-life (t1/2 alpha) of 22 +/- 5 min and an elimination half-life (t1/2 beta) of 1.3 +/- 0.1 h. Total body clearance of topotecan was 72.1 +/- 15.8 liters/h/m2. The volume of distribution at steady state was 88.6 +/- 33.2 liters/m2. Peak CSF concentrations of topotecan occurred at 30 min following drug administration and ranged from 0.044 to 0.074 microM. CSF disappearance paralleled that in plasma. The mean ratio of the area under the CSF concentration-time curve to that in plasma was 0.32 (range, 0.29 to 0.37). The mean CSF penetration of topotecan exceeds 30%, which is significantly greater than the penetration of most structurally similar chemotherapeutic agents. The impact of chemotherapy on the survival of patients with primary or metastatic central nervous system malignancies is very limited. Therefore, this novel antineoplastic agent is an excellent candidate for further study in patients with high risk or refractory central nervous system tumors.  相似文献   

Cystoscopy can be routinely performed in female rhesus macaques using a pediatric cystoscope. It reveals no major differences between the rhesus and human bladder. Ureteral physiology is also similar to that of man.  相似文献   

In 5 experiments, 4 monkeys and 1 ape chose between 2 food sources, each held in 1 of the experimenter's hands while he stood in front of a cage. When choosing between 2 sources of the same food that differed in amount, preference for the larger amount decreased as the size of each good proportionately increased. A second finding was that subjects were indifferent between a 2-food mixture and a single food that was part of the mixture if the single food was the preferred food of the mixture, a result suggesting the less preferred food had no value. Experiment 6 replicated these effects in 4 additional monkeys. These effects may be incompatible with previous theorizing about animal choice and may reflect a cognitive difference between nonhuman primates and humans. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

P. G. Roma, A. Silberberg, A. M. Ruggiero, and S. J. Suomi (see record 2006-03207-008) noted that the results S. F. Brosnan and F. B. M. de Waal (see record 2003-08401-002) attributed to inequity aversion could also be explained as a frustration effect. Roma et al. redressed this confound by designing a procedure that could have supported either of these interpretations. Nevertheless, they found that only a frustration effect accounted for both their data and those of Brosnan and de Waal (2003). The criticisms Brosnan and de Waal (2006) offered of Roma et al. ignored the fact that Brosnan and de Waal's (2003) research design was not capable of offering an unequivocal demonstration of inequity aversion. This conclusion holds no matter what the claimed inadequacies of Roma et al.'s procedures might have been. Caution is urged in inferring the existence of inequity aversion in nonhuman primates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The reports of primacy and recency memory effects in nonhuman primates have been criticized because they have all used an initiating response. That is, the presentation of the to-be-remembered list of items was always contingent on a response being initiated by the nonhuman primate. It has been argued that this initiating response improves performance for early items in the list, resulting in the occurrence of the primacy effect, independent of any memory processing mechanism. This criticism was addressed in the present study by not using an initiating response prior to the presentation of the list. Nevertheless, both a primacy and a recency effect were observed in all 6 rhesus monkeys evaluated using a serial probe recognition task. Thus, the results are similar to those for humans, in that both primacy and recency effects can be obtained in nonhuman primates. A brief literature review is included, and it is proposed that the primacy and recency effects observed in humans, nonhuman primates, and infraprimates can be explained within the context of the configural-association theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Osteoid osteoma, a benign bone tumor, has traditionally been treated with operative excision. A recently developed method for percutaneous ablation of the tumor has been proposed as an alternative to operative treatment. The relative outcomes of the two approaches to treatment have not previously been compared, to our knowledge. The rates of recurrence and of persistent symptoms were compared in a consecutive series of eighty-seven patients who were managed with operative excision and thirty-eight patients who were managed with percutaneous ablation with radiofrequency. Patients who had a spinal lesion were excluded. The minimum duration of follow-up was two years. There was a recurrence, defined as the need for subsequent intervention, after operative treatment in six (9 per cent) of sixty-eight patients who had been managed for a primary lesion and in two of nineteen who had been managed for a recurrent lesion. The average length of the hospital stay was 4.7 days for the patients who had a primary lesion and 5.1 days for those who had a recurrent lesion. There was a recurrence after percutaneous treatment in four (12 per cent) of thirty-three patients who had been managed for a primary lesion and in none of five who had been managed for a recurrent lesion. The average length of the hospital stay was 0.2 day for these thirty-eight patients. With the numbers available, we could detect no significant difference between the two treatments with regard to the rate of recurrence. The rate of persistent symptoms (that is, symptoms that did not necessitate additional treatment) was greater than the rate of recurrence. According to responses to a questionnaire, eight (30 per cent) of twenty-seven patients had persistent symptoms after operative treatment and six (23 per cent) of twenty-six patients had persistent symptoms after percutaneous treatment with radiofrequency. Two patients had complications after operative excision, necessitating a total of five additional operations. There were no complications associated with the percutaneous method. The results of the present study suggest that percutaneous ablation with radiofrequency is essentially equivalent to operative excision for the treatment of an osteoid osteoma in an extremity. The percutaneous method is preferred for the treatment of extraspinal osteoid osteoma because it generally does not necessitate hospitalization, it has not been associated with complications, and it is associated with a rapid convalescence.  相似文献   

The manipulative propensity and diversity of 4 members each of 10 species of primates, from lemurs to great apes to a simple inanimate object was recorded by means of a multidimensional behavioral taxonomy. The great apes as a group demonstrated a higher degree of behavioral diversity as indexed by (a) the number of combinations of body part and action used, (b) an index of diversity based on the communications technology concept of uncertainty, and (c) the proportion of the total behavior accounted for by the 30 most frequent response categories. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Coccidial parasites of the genus Isospora cause intestinal disease in several mammalian host species. These protozoal parasites have asexual and sexual stages within intestinal cells of their hosts and produce an environmentally resistant cyst stage, the oocyst. Infections are acquired by the ingestion of infective (sporulated) oocysts in contaminated food or water. Some species of mammalian Isospora have evolved the ability to use paratenic (transport) hosts. In these cases, infections can be acquired by ingestion of an infected paratenic host. Human intestinal isosporiasis is caused by Isospora belli. Symptoms of I. belli infection in immunocompetent patients include diarrhea, steatorrhea, headache, fever, malaise, abdominal pain, vomiting, dehydration, and weight loss, blood is not usually present in the feces. The disease is often chronic, with parasites present in the feces or biopsy specimens for several months to years. Recurrences are common, Symptoms are more severe in AIDS patients, with the diarrhea being more watery. Extraintestinal stages of I. belli have been observed in AIDS patients but not immunocompetent patients. Treatment of I. belli infection with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole usually results in a rapid clinical response. Maintenance treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is needed because relapses often occur once treatment is stopped.  相似文献   

The use of nonhuman primates (NHP) is invaluable for drug abuse research. The laboratory animals most closely related to humans are NHP. The phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, neurochemistry, and behavior of NHP are more similar to humans than other laboratory species. There is now an extensive body of literature documenting the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neuropharmacological similarities between NHP and humans and the differences between NHP and other laboratory species in dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, opioid, and gamma aminobutyric acid systems. Comprehensive studies comparing pharmacokinetics in humans, monkeys, dogs, and rats have shown that data in monkeys are the most predictive of human pharmacokinetic parameters. The long life span and extended adolescent period for NHP permits intensive, long-term investigations and the use of within-subject experimental designs similar to those used in human laboratory studies. Within-subject designs require fewer subjects than standard between-group designs and permit the careful evaluation of individual differences. NHP have been used extensively in drug abuse research for over 40 years and have provided useful information on the behavioral processes associated with drug abuse and addiction as well as drug abuse liability in humans. This review focuses on important species differences between rodents and NHP and on the value of NHP in bridging the gap between rodents and humans to enhance the ability to generalize preclinical findings to human drug abuse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To titrate a clinically effective eltenac dosage (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg of body weight), compared with vehicle only, and to compare efficacy of the most effective eltenac dosage with that of 1.1 mg of flunixin meglumine/kg. ANIMALS: 40 healthy horses, ranked after model induction on the basis of lameness severity, were randomly assigned to 5 treatment groups, with 4 replicates of 10 horses each. PROCEDURE: On day -5, after surgical preparation of the left carpal region, 0.7 ml of Freund's complete adjuvant was injected into the intercarpal space. Horses were observed daily, from the day of carpitis induction to day 0, when stride length was used as the method of ranking horses for randomization to treatment assignment. Treatments were administered i.v. once daily for 3 consecutive days, starting on day 0. Prior to carpitis induction on day -5, and at time 0 (pretreatment), 2, 4, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 96 hours after treatment initiation, resting respiratory rate and pulse, rectal temperature, carpal circumference, carpal flexion angle, stride length, carpal hyperthermia, and signs of carpal pain were recorded. RESULTS: Compared with the vehicle and 0.1 mg of eltenac/kg, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg caused statistically significant improvements (ie, reduction of carpal circumference, increase in carpal flexion angle, and increase in stride length of the affected limb), but values did not differ significantly between the 2 dosages. Thus, a dose-response plateau for eltenac was reached at 0.5 mg/kg. Comparison with flunixin meglumine at a dosage of 1.1 mg/kg did not indicate significant differences between the 2 treatment groups at the pivotal time of 96 hours for carpal circumference, carpal flexion angle, stride length, carpal hyperthermia, and signs of carpal pain. Adverse reactions were not observed. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Under conditions of this study, a dosage plateau for eltenac was determined (0.5 mg/kg) that was statistically equivalent to eltenac (1.0 mg/kg) and flunixin meglumine (1.1 mg/kg) in a 3-day i.v. dosing regimen.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether nonhuman animals can use physical tokens to flexibly represent various quantities by combining token values. Previous studies showed that chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and a macaque (Macaca mulatta) were only partly successful in tests involving sets of different-looking food containers representing different food quantities, while some capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) have shown greater success in tests involving sets of various concrete objects representing different food quantities. Some of the discrepancy in results between these studies may be attributed to the different methods used. In an effort to reconcile these discrepancies, we presented two primates species, chimpanzees and capuchin monkeys, with two token tasks. The critical test in each task involved summing the value of multiple tokens of different types to make accurate quantity judgments. We found that, using either method, individuals of both species learned to associate individual tokens with specific quantities, as well as successfully compare individual tokens to one another or to sets of visible food items. However, regardless of method, only a few individuals exhibited the capacity to sum multiple tokens of different types and then use those summed values to make an optimal response. This suggests that flexible combination of symbolic stimuli in quantity judgments tasks is within the abilities of chimpanzees and capuchins but does not characterize the majority of individuals. Furthermore, the results suggest the need to carefully examine specific methodological details that may promote or hinder such possible representation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A recent study showed that clopidogrel reduces thrombo-occlusive complications in patients with symptomatic atherosclerosis more effectively than aspirin. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effects of clopidogrel and aspirin have been compared, singly and in combination, for measurements of 111In-labeled platelets and 125I-labeled fibrin deposition in baboon models of arterial thrombosis and related to platelet aggregation and expression of activation epitopes induced by ADP, collagen, and thrombin receptor agonist peptide (TRAP) and to template bleeding times (BTs). Low-dose oral clopidogrel (0.2 mg. kg-1. d-1) produced cumulative (1) intermediate decreases in 111In-platelet and 125I-fibrin deposition for segments of prosthetic vascular graft, deployed endovascular metallic stents, and endarterectomized aorta (P<0.009 in all cases); (2) elimination of ADP-induced platelet aggregation (P<0.001); (3) modest inhibition of collagen-induced platelet aggregation (P<0.01); (4) no reduction in TRAP-induced platelet aggregation; and (5) minimal prolongation of BTs (P=0.03). High-dose oral clopidogrel (>/=2 mg/kg) produced the same effects within 3 hours. The effects of clopidogrel dissipated over 5 to 6 days. Aspirin 10 mg. kg-1. d-1 alone did not decrease 111In-platelet and 125I-fibrin deposition on segments of vascular graft but detectably decreased 111In-platelet and 125I-fibrin accumulation on stents (P<0.01), minimally inhibited ADP- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation (P<0.05 in both cases), and minimally prolonged BTs (P=0.004). Within 3 hours of aspirin administration, the antithrombotic effects of acute high-dose or chronic low-dose clopidogrel were substantially enhanced, and BTs were modestly prolonged without inhibiting platelet aggregation induced by TRAP (P<0.001 in all cases compared with clopidogrel alone). CONCLUSIONS: Clopidogrel produces irreversible, dose-dependent, intermediate reduction in thrombosis that is substantially enhanced by the addition of aspirin. The effects of combining aspirin and clopidogrel need to be evaluated in patients at risk of vascular thrombosis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated the incidence of well-directed violent behavior and suicide attempts in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, with special attention to postictal psychosis. METHODS: We compared 57 episodes of postictal psychosis with 62 episodes of acute interictal (or alternative) psychosis and with 134 complex partial seizures. All patients were matched for age and for age at onset of seizures. RESULTS: The incidence of well-directed violent behavior against human beings was significantly higher (23%) during postictal psychotic episodes than during acute interictal episodes (5%) and postictal confusion (1%). Suicide attempts were also more frequent during postictal psychosis (7%) than during either acute interictal psychosis (2%) or postictal confusion (0%). CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that well-directed violent and self-destructive behavior was not a feature of epileptic psychosis in general but a specific hallmark of postictal psychosis.  相似文献   

The role of gonadal hormones in the maturation of the orbital prefrontal cortex (ORB) was studied in normal male and female rhesus monkeys, monkeys given ORB lesions at 50 days of age, and female monkeys given androgen at different ages. Monkeys were tested on an object discrimination reversal task at 75 days of age. Gender influenced the performance of monkeys on the task during normal development and after ORB lesions. Normal males made fewer errors than did normal females. Females treated with androgen performed similarly to normal male monkeys. ORB lesions produced deficits in male monkeys and in females given androgen during late prenatal or early postnatal life, but not in normal females. These findings suggest that gonadal hormones may play an inductive role in the differentiation of higher cortical function in nonhuman primates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhibition of thrombin by either the indirect thrombin inhibitor heparin or by more potent direct thrombin inhibitors such as hirudin reduces thrombus formation after arterial injury. The present study was designed to determine if a fibrin-specific thrombin inhibitor could, by local thrombin inhibition, prevent thrombosis more effectively. METHODS AND RESULTS: We first studied antithrombotic potency in vitro, comparing fibrin-targeted hirudin (recombinant hirudin covalently linked to the Fab' fragment of the anti-fibrin monoclonal antibody 59D8) to recombinant hirudin in baboon plasma. Fibrin-targeted hirudin was nine times more effective than recombinant hirudin in inhibiting fibrin deposition on experimental clot surfaces in baboon plasma (P < .01). The potency of fibrin-targeted hirudin was then compared with that of recombinant hirudin in a baboon model of thrombus formation. 111In-labeled platelet deposition was measured in a synthetic graft segment of an extracorporeal arteriovenous shunt in control animals and in animals receiving either fibrin-targeted hirudin or hirudin. In these experiments, fibrin-targeted hirudin was 10-fold more potent than hirudin in inhibiting platelet deposition and thrombus formation (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that targeting a thrombin inhibitors such as hirudin to an epitope present in thrombi results in increased antithrombotic potency.  相似文献   

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