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<正>我是一口气读完《日夜书》(上海文艺出版社2013年3月第1版)的。《日夜书》以白马湖茶场的知青生活为背景,用宏阔壮丽的描写、典型形象的塑造,深刻展示了一大批青年知识分子、工人、个体户乃至普通官员从当年的困惑到当下的残酷现实中可歌可泣的人文情怀,倾情关注并细腻描绘了一代知青在岁月流变中风光、沉沦、觉醒、挺立的艺术群像。知青是上世纪60年代末到80年代初的特殊历史现象。当时正值文革,大量即将毕业的城市中学生以接受贫下中农再教育的名义,被  相似文献   

艾里香 《水利天地》2014,(10):37-37
<正>今年是邓小平诞辰110周年,为纪念这位伟人,著名作家叶永烈推出了《邓小平改变中国(典藏版)》(四川人民出版社2014年8月)一书,该书图文并茂,生动再现了邓小平作为一代杰出政治家的大智大勇,让人不禁明白,这才是那个改变中国命运的时代。这本书真实反映了从1976年10月文革结束后,到1978年底中共十一届三中全会的召开,这样一个艰难曲折的历史转折过程中的某些重大事件,描述了参与其中  相似文献   

中国工程院院士马洪琪院士所著的《大型水电工程建设技术》一书由中国电力出版社出版,正式面向全国公开发行。马洪琪院士,曾荣获全国"五一"劳动奖章,被评为国家有突出贡献专家、中国优秀施工企业经营者,2001年当选中  相似文献   

<正>开卷难以释手,合卷难以释怀。这是拜读靳怀堾先生长篇报告文学《悲壮三门峡》一书给我——一个在陕西三门峡库区管理局工作了二十八年、与三门峡水库结下不解之缘水利人——的真切感受。在阅读此书前,我压根没想到,靳先生尽管作为一个水利人、文化人,但就三门峡工程而言,他应该是一个局外人,未曾想他对资料掌握如此之详实,对工程梳理如此之清晰,历史场景描写  相似文献   

在继《建筑考古学论文集》之后,中国社会科学院考古研究所研究员杨鸿勋教授以多年来学术工作的独特思路与见解,又出版了《宫殿考古通论》一书。在这本著作中,他以反映思想意识、最高技术成就与象征表现的宫殿建筑为研究对象,大大提高了我们  相似文献   

在继《建筑考古学论文集》之后,中国社会科学院考古研究所研究员杨鸿勋教授以多年来学术工作的独特思路与见解,又出版了《宫殿考古通论》一书。在这本著作中,他以反映思想意识、最高技术成就与象征表现的宫殿建筑为研究对象,大大提高了我们对于中国古代建筑与古代社会的理解。  相似文献   

《红水河》杂志属国内外公开发行的水力发电技术期刊,为中国科技论文统计源期刊,《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收录期刊,《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》入编期刊,《中国科学技术期刊文摘数据库(CSTA,英文版)》入选期刊,并全文入编《中国期刊网》、《万方数据(ChinaInfo)系统科技  相似文献   

张汝翼 《中国水利》2004,(19):56-56
由经济科学出版社出版的<水灾害经济学>一书,是谢永刚博士最新的一部力作,于2003年12月出版,我有幸率先拜读,获益匪浅.本书是作者参考了中外最新研究成果,结合自己对我国水灾害多年的研究,将古今中外的水灾害提升到经济学的高度经过系统化研究后撰写的.将水多(洪水)、水少(干旱)、水脏(水污染)统称为水灾害,这是将传统的水量多少,扩充到水质的概念,而且从经济学的角度进行分析研究,颇有新意,且适合时代的需要,是一部利国利民的科学专著,也是一部很好的科普读物.  相似文献   

刘仲桂 《人民珠江》2010,31(2):56-57
在珠江水利委员会成立30周年之际,《珠江续志》(1986—2000)出版了,它秉承存史、资治、教化的宗旨,服务当代,利及千秋。从《珠江续志》的主要内容及特点,谈几点体会与感想,以该史志的出版契机,为水利志编修工作鼓劲。  相似文献   

《红水河》杂志属国内外公开发行的水力发电技术期刊,为中国科技论文统计源期刊,《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收录期刊,《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》入编期刊,《中国科学技术期刊文摘数据库(CSTA,英文版)》入选期刊,并全文入编  相似文献   

今天,高桥电站正式投产运营,柏香林电站正式开工建设,这是我市经济发展中的一件喜事。在此,我代表昭通市委、市人民政府表示热烈祝贺!向高桥公司全体员工和电站建设者以及高桥电站所在的昭阳区、大关县、永善县及4个乡的广大干部群众表示亲切慰问!  相似文献   

以夜继日笑洒热汗千滴、沐雨栉风喜建高桥电站!  相似文献   

Salmonid rivers in Austria are considerably regulated by small hydropower facilities, resulting in potential declines of the spawning habitats of salmonids. To assess the restrictions and possible quality of hydropower‐influenced river sections for salmonid, spawning redd densities of brown trout and rainbow trout were monitored in two rivers in 2014 and 2015. The results showed spawning close to small hydropower facilities for both investigated species — with similarities in redd characteristics like pit and tail length. Differences occurred concerning the distance of redd construction to the next shore. Brown trout spawn close to the banks in comparison to rainbow trout which use the entire active channel width. In addition to the preference of brown trout for certain cover types, it turned out that the presence of high quality spawning gravel in the river is the dictating abiotic variable (probably bottleneck) in the control of salmonid populations even for river reaches impacted by small hydropower plants. Moreover, the assessments of spawning redd densities enabled a discussion of different opportunities for spawning habitat enhancement of salmonids in river sections regulated by small hydropower facilities. Here, in conclusion, it was found that the fill‐up of the backwater sites by transported sediments or the structural modification (e.g. boulder placement) in the tail of the backwater could improve the spawning situation in a sustainable way. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the sorption of Fe(III) by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of the Acidiphilium 3.2Sup(5) bacterium, which has promising properties for use in microbial fuel cells (MFC). The EPS of A. 3.2Sup(5) was extracted using EDTA. The sorption isotherms were determined using aliquots of purified EPS. The exosubstances loaded with metal were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The sorption uptake approaches to 536.1 +/- 26.6 mg Fe(III) (g EPS)(-1) at an initial ferric concentration of 2.0 g l(-1). The sorption of Fe(III) by EPS can be fitted to the Freundlich model. The sorption process produces hydrated iron (III) oxalate [Fe(OH)(C2O4) x 2H2O] by a reversible reaction (log K = 1.06 +/- 0.16), indicating that a shift in the sorption of the cation can be easily achieved. Know the magnitude and form of iron sorption by EPS in MFC can foresee the potential impact on the metabolism of iron-reducing and iron-oxidazing bacteria and, therefore, on the feasibility of the system.  相似文献   

Metal-based compounds are promising adsorbents for phosphate.A novel dual metal-organic framework as an effective adsorbent for phosphate was synthesized by a solvothermal method.The structure analysis revealed that the as-prepared adsorbent (denoted as MIL-101(Fe/Zr)) possessed a porous polyhedral structure with a large specific surface area of 479.1 m2/g and a pore width of 3.4 nm.The X-ray diffraction pattern and Fourier transform infrared spectra suggested that the MIL-101(Fe/Zr) shared a similar structure with MIL-101(Fe),implying successful incorporation of Zr atoms as a second metal into the MIL-101(Fe) structure.Kinetic adsorption of PO43—by MIL-101(Fe/Zr) conformed to the pseudo-second-order model and intraparticle diffusion model,while adsorption isotherm fitted the Freundlich model well (R2=0.978 5).It is suggested that such an adsorption belonged to multiply-layer adsorption.The adsorption capacity of MIL-101(Fe/Zr) was to be 66.00 mg/g.MIL-101(Fe/Zr) performed well at a wide range of pH 2.0~10.0 and high ionic strength (0~40 mg/L NaCl).A structural analysis indicated that the complexation interaction was mainly responsible for PO43—adsorption.These findings can inspire preparation of other dual metal MOFs adsorbent for phosphate removal and recovery from water.  相似文献   

The potential of a new wet chemical process for phosphorus and aluminium recovery from sewage sludge ash by sequential elution with acidic and alkaline solutions has been investigated: SESAL-Phos (sequential elution of sewage sludge ash for aluminium and phosphorus recovery). Its most innovative aspect is an acidic pre-treatment step in which calcium is leached from the sewage sludge ash. Thus the percentage of alkaline soluble aluminium phosphates is increased from 20 to 67%. This aluminium phosphate is then dissolved in alkali. Subsequently, the dissolved phosphorus is precipitated as calcium phosphate with low heavy metal content and recovered from the alkaline solution. Dissolved aluminium is recovered and may be reused as a precipitant in wastewater treatment plants.  相似文献   

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