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随着面向学生的数字化教学资源研究的推进,电子书包正逐步成为一种新兴的教学形式,而学习共同体将在这种数字化的教学系统中扮演着重要角色。本文在深入分析电子书包发展现状及其学习共同体的建构原则与特征基础上,构建了基于学习共同体的电子书包的应用模式。  相似文献   

有关于电子书包的研究是目前研究的热点,在众多相关的文章中,较少有对学习者心理的研究,应用电子书包学习的同时应该更多地考虑到学习者的心理因素。本文阐述电子书包的定义及研究现状,侧重分析电子书包的应用给大学生心理带来的影响,并针对学习主动性不强、产生负面情绪、降低创新能力等消极影响,提出相应的调节策略,以期给应用电子书包产生心理问题的大学生以一定指导。  相似文献   

为了构建学习型社会,开放学习成为世界各国关注的焦点,成人的继续教育在学习型社会建设过程中发挥着突出的作用,将电子书包这一新兴的学习资源应用于开放学习过程中将取得更好的效果。本文结合电子书包的特点,探讨电子书包在成人开放学习过程中存在的优势,并尝试着提出了电子书包在成人开放学习过程中的应用模式。  相似文献   

陈雅娜 《福建电脑》2020,(5):105-107
电子书包是一种全新的教学形态,将其应用于高中信息技术学科的教学将为创建高效课堂、推动个性化学习在资源方面提供有力的支持,是开展智慧教育的有力工具。本文在阐述电子书包的内涵、功能以及特点的基础上,分析新课程标准背景下对高中信息技术学科提出的新要求,进一步探讨将电子书包应用于高中信息技术学科教学的有力措施。  相似文献   

广东省深圳市福田区于2012年3月率先开始探索电子书包在中小学教育中的应用,福新小学成为了福田区首批电子书包试点学校之一。2012年迄今,福新小学已经正式成立了4个试点班级,为了更好地推广和学习应用电子书包的方法和经验,本文通过问卷调查和访谈的方法收集资料,分对待电子书包的态度、电子书包应用方法两个方面来进行了探讨。  相似文献   

电子书包作为教育信息化发展过程中的产物,又一次焕发出生命的光彩,以北京、上海、深圳、南京、山东等地区为代表的电子书包实验区,正在进行基于电子书包的课堂教学变革。电子书包实验探索有着天时地利人和的有利优势。无论是技术的成熟度,还是数字化学习的接受度,都为电子书包的产生创造了有力条件,所以电子书包项目顺理成章地进入了教育系统。  相似文献   

电子书包是一种智能化的移动学习工具,目前在基础教育过程中的应用已经日渐成熟,但是与其相关的教学应用研究却始终是缺乏的。本文在这种背景下依托目前的实践经验,首先对电子书包的应用特征进行了简单的阐述,然后对小学数学学科教学中电子书包的应用进行分析与探讨,希望本文的研究可以为相关研究提供一些借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

电子书包是近几年非常热门的话题,就国内而言,越来越多的地区和学校开展了电子书包项目。电子书包这个概念大体上相当于国外的"一对一数字化学习",即每个学生一台移动终端环境下的新型教与学的方式。而这个移动终端通常是笔记本电脑、上网本、平板电脑。从世界范围来看,电子书包进入课堂是大势所趋。  相似文献   

在广州市番禺区开展“电子书包”项目研究期间,项目组教师在“电子书包”的功能开发和学科特色运用上进行了认真的探索。笔者作为区“电子书包”项目化学学科中心组的成员,利用“电子书包”展示了新的教学理念,并为化学课堂提供了新的教学辅助手段。“电子书包”为化学课堂教学提供了更为方便快捷的服务,让化学课堂教学更高效。经过大量的课例研究,笔者总结了新课程改革背景下“电子书包”与化学教学有效融合的途径与策略。  相似文献   

推荐理由:到底电子书包是带来缝缝补补的小改动,还是对于课程内容、教学形式等全面的变革呢?北郊小学用自己的大胆尝试给出了答案。电子书包不仅仅是带来环境、教学呈现方式以及互动方式的变化,关键是电子书包环境下需要对课程内容和学习方式重构。常州市北郊小学,一所"草根"学校,怀揣教育梦想,希冀通过数字化丰富和改善整体学校教育系统。多年的努力,学校"数字化"特色开始彰显——数字化不仅在服务管理领域、学生活动领域、教师发展领域初见成效,更进入了课程教学领域。乘着江苏省"e学习"的东风,2012年我校开始了"iMath"(爱数学)课程实验。  相似文献   

The emergence of VR technology brings new technical support for experiential learning. In order to explore the application effect of VR technology in experiential learning, the experiential learning situation model based on VR technology and student-cen- tered mode, enables students to experience the working situation of the real world in the virtual world and provides students with an environment to acquire highly practical learning skills. By designing an experiential learning situation model based on VR technolo- gy, this paper analyzes the various elements of the model, and carries out teaching cases under the guidance of this model, obtain bet- ter application effects, and provides mirror and reference for educators to explore the application advantages of VR technology in ed- ucation.  相似文献   

体验式教学模式是根据学生的认知特点和规律,通过创造实际的或重复经历的情境和机会,呈现或还原教学内容,使学生在亲历过程中理解并建构知识、发展能力、产生情感、教学观念和教学形式生成意义。在《Protel99SE》这门课程中运用"体验式"教学模式,可以提高学生的学习积极性,学生能在快乐学习环境中做中学,学中做。  相似文献   

Concept and design of Ad Hoc and Mobile classrooms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract This investigation describes the concept of mobile learning and the design of Ad Hoc and Mobile classrooms. Four classes of mobile learning and implementation of Ad Hoc and eSchoolbag systems are presented. The paper discusses the development of advanced wireless technologies for building an ad hoc classroom to create a modern and new learning environment. As in a traditional classroom, information technology is developed to provide the teacher with aids, such as a blackboard, a board rubber, coloured chalk, a microphone, a voice recorder, a video recorder, and so on, to support teaching and discussions. Additionally, students are provided with an electronic schoolbag which contains electronic books, a notebook, a parents' contact book, a pencil case, writing materials, sheets, a calculator, an address book, and other items. Taking lessons in a lively, vivid and new learning environment, it is expected that students will improve their learning performance with perhaps less attendance in a physical classroom and they gain the flexibility of being able to learn at their own convenience.  相似文献   

文章针对学院具有特色的1321模式的小学期实践学习架构,分析了目前社会IT人才需求标准,提出一种针对高职高专软件类专业基于综合实践项目案例的实践教学改革模式,并通过实际的综合应用项目设计,设置与软件类专业相关的专业岗位,让学生在校内体验真实的项目组工作过程。  相似文献   

Legg SJ  Laurs E  Hedderley DI 《Ergonomics》2003,46(8):859-869
This study was undertaken as a preliminary investigation to compare cycling errors and sudden stopping distance in secondary students traversing an obstacle course on their bicycle with and without a schoolbag, to determine if further studies of cycling accident aetiology amongst children were warranted. Twenty children cycled as fast as they could around an obstacle course. Each child undertook two separate trials, about an hour apart on a morning of the same day. The children traversed the course one at a time in turn using their own bicycle and wearing their own usual school clothes. For the first trial they did not carry a schoolbag. On the second trial they carried a schoolbag weighing 6 kg. There were no significant differences in the number of cycling errors made by the children when traversing the obstacle course with and without a schoolbag. However, the children generally took longer to complete the course when carrying the schoolbag and stopping distances were greater. It was not possible to be certain that these findings were genuine or whether the effect of carrying the schoolbag was reduced by increased familiarity with the course, since all of the children first traversed the course without a schoolbag and then with one. It is concluded that there is some justification for conducting further studies to explore the implications of carrying schoolbags on cycling accident aetiology amongst children.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken as a preliminary investigation to compare cycling errors and sudden stopping distance in secondary students traversing an obstacle course on their bicycle with and without a schoolbag, to determine if further studies of cycling accident aetiology amongst children were warranted. Twenty children cycled as fast as they could around an obstacle course. Each child undertook two separate trials, about an hour apart on a morning of the same day. The children traversed the course one at a time in turn using their own bicycle and wearing their own usual school clothes. For the first trial they did not carry a schoolbag. On the second trial they carried a schoolbag weighing 6 kg. There were no significant differences in the number of cycling errors made by the children when traversing the obstacle course with and without a schoolbag. However, the children generally took longer to complete the course when carrying the schoolbag and stopping distances were greater. It was not possible to be certain that these findings were genuine or whether the effect of carrying the schoolbag was reduced by increased familiarity with the course, since all of the children first traversed the course without a schoolbag and then with one. It is concluded that there is some justification for conducting further studies to explore the implications of carrying schoolbags on cycling accident aetiology amongst children.  相似文献   

针对多层BP网络的不足,在BP网的基础上,给出一种带有偏差单元的递归神经网络模型及其算法,在学习过程中引入经验知识。仿真表明该算法能大大提高学习速度和训练精度。  相似文献   

Abstract   A field experiment compares the effectiveness and satisfaction associated with technology-assisted learning with that of face-to-face learning. The empirical evidence suggests that technology-assisted learning effectiveness depends on the target knowledge category. Building on Kolb's experiential learning model, we show that technology-assisted learning improves students' acquisition of knowledge that demands abstract conceptualization and reflective observation but adversely affects their ability to obtain knowledge that requires concrete experience. Technology-assisted learning better supports vocabulary learning than face-to-face learning but is comparatively less effective in developing listening comprehension skills. In addition, according to empirical tests, perceived ease of learning and learning community support significantly predict both perceived learning effectiveness and learning satisfaction. Overall, the results support our hypotheses and research model and suggest instructors should consider the target knowledge when considering technology-assisted learning options or designing a Web-based course. In addition, a supportive learning community can make technology-assisted learning easier for students and increase their learning satisfaction.  相似文献   

针对多层BP网络的不足,在BP网的基础上,给出一种带有偏差单元的递归神经网络模型及其算法,在学习过程中引入经验知识。仿真表明该算法能大大提高学习速度和训练精度。  相似文献   

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