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本文通过刘华散文<青花>中的关键词"青花",根据文本提供的语境,对其语义进行义素分析,尝试从广义修辞学的修辞哲学层面分析关涉文本关键词"青花"修辞性话语对于主体精神建构的影响.  相似文献   

本文以20世纪末和21世纪初Atkinson、Chilton、Fairclough和Naciscione等学者所研究的政治语篇为主要理论框架,从语言操纵的角度分析了政治修辞中常用的修辞手段:典故、转喻和隐喻.文章主要以<泰晤士报>为语科来源,采用定性研究的方法,借鉴文本语言和文本语用的基本理论,分析了2006年<泰晤士报>上所刊登的与政治有关的部分文本,并把分析结果作为文章论证依据.研究表明,语言操纵是政治修辞中一项具有影响力的工具.  相似文献   

本文思考了中学语文教学中修辞这一问题,从地位与存在的问题几个方面进行了探讨,最后对如何加强修辞教学这一问题提出了自己的一些看法.  相似文献   

新闻报道语篇存在投射机构修辞人格和维持意识形态的内在张力.作为硬新闻的涉华危机报道保持这种张力平衡的机制在于通过中介引述和级差强化等评价资源获得累积效应和"修辞在场",并以动机语法组合暗显意识形态倾向,进而完成对立认同,最终实现重生修辞与举证责任转移.这实际上也例示了西方他者化中国的话语策略和可能原因.  相似文献   

从所用称谓的通行与否来看,称谓语可以分为通行性称谓和临时性称谓.临时性称谓可以运用多种修辞手段来建构,其中运用借代修辞手法建构的临时性称谓谓之借代类临时性称谓.这种称谓的表现形式多样,随着具体交际对象与交际目的等的变化呈现出各自的特色.但都可以传达修辞主体对受话人的伦理情谊及特定的伦理道德取向.恰当地构建借代类临时性称谓,不仅可以使称呼灵活多样,体现修辞主体的机智与才情,更有助于生动简洁地传达修辞主体对交际对象的伦理情谊与道德评价,收到言简意赅、辞约意丰的良好表达效果.  相似文献   

语言是人类最重要的交际工具,流行语作为一定语言社区内普遍使用的话语形式,集中体现出不同社群的语言特色.本文通过对大学生流行语进行分析,探讨了其在修辞方面的特点.  相似文献   

科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果,是对中国社会主义现代化建设及人类社会发展规律认识的深化,它蕴含着马克思主义深厚的哲学原理,进一步理解和掌握科学发展观的政治哲学意蕴,对建设社会主义和谐社会,推动世界文明发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Lloyd Bitzer(劳埃德·比彻尔)1968年的一篇文章<修辞情景>是美国修辞理论研究的转折点.这篇文章力图把修辞定义为对某一特定情景的话语反应,旨在突破新亚里士多德修辞学传统,一发表就引起了众多修辞理论家和批评家的注意.Bitzer提出的"修辞情景"这一概念得到了广泛的接受,但是批评家对如何理解修辞情景以及各要素之间的关系有着不同观点.本文旨在分析Bitzer"修辞情景"的本质意义,并探讨美国修辞情景研究后现代性趋势的演变状况.  相似文献   

随着商业的兴起,对联和商业相结合逐渐形成了具有文化广告作用的一种对联种类-行业联。行业联以文学的形式使用丰富多彩的修辞手法对商家起到了更好的广告宣传的作用。通过对大量对联的分析,探讨了行业联中的修辞手法种类及其作用。  相似文献   

从语音、语义、结构3个方面分析了英语谚语的语言修辞特点,在此基础上,提出了等值、直译、意译、直意结合等4种汉译方法。另外,还提及了引申、对衬、格言、借用等4种具体翻译技巧。  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary collaboration in child protection work in the UK is facing considerable strains resulting from major organizational changes across public welfare systems, budgetary cuts, and severe resource deficits. In parallel with this there has been a powerful impetus through new legislation to recast the management of child protection in order to involve clients far more in decision making, reduce the removal of children from families, and to redirect resources towards a more preventive approach. This paper considers the nature of effective partnerships both between clients and agencies, and between agencies in the child protection field. The need for clear definitions of "partnership" is emphasized as well as the necessity for partnerships to be underpinned by a continuum of supportive and protective services. A framework for interagency collaboration is offered.  相似文献   

语用偏离是指人们偏离合作原则,打破常规地创造性地使用语言,取得变异创新的表达效果.以对话为主要语料,例证了言语策略中语用偏离的辞格表现形式,并从语言与思维的辩证关系角度解读了语用偏离的理据.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育工作具有很多功能,通过调查我们发现不同程度地存在各种问题。究其原因是工作方法和平台的单一。影视作品在大学生生活中占有重要的地位,将其导入高校思想政治教育工作既有必要性,也具有可行性。通过调查研究后提出让影视作品在高校思想政治教育工作中扮演重要角色的策略。  相似文献   

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has been described as the most challenging disease in modern history. For many people with HIV/AIDS (PWA), issues of appropriate respite care and supported housing are a pressing concern. To meet the housing requirements for PWAs, it is essential to engage this community in determining its own housing needs. To that end, a participatory action research (PAR) investigation was undertaken with the PWA community to ascertain the desirability and feasibility of a supported-living/respite-care community home. PAR has been heralded as an important research methodology in ensuring research relevance and community participation leading to effective change. Although nursing interest in PAR is increasing, there are few nursing examples that describe the process of undertaking PAR. The purpose of this article is to describe, explain, and critique the use of PAR in the case of a supported-living/respite-care home. A PAR framework is presented and the process of conducting PAR is outlined.  相似文献   

I propose a model of the process by which political attitudes diffuse through the public. Following work by Converse (1962) and, especially, McGuire (1968), I assume that this process depends on variations in individual exposure to and acceptance of persuasive communications. The model specifies that exposure increases with individuals' level of political involvement; it further specifies that disposition toward acceptance of persuasive messages generally declines with involvement, but that the amount of this decline interacts with individuals' ideology and age. The model explains the initial public response to the issues of school desegregation in the 1950s, gay rights in 1978, defense spending in 1980, and the nuclear freeze in 1982. It also explains changes in public attitudes toward the Vietnam War between 1966 and 1970 and defections from the Democratic party in the 1972 presidential election. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the processes underlying evaluation of in-group and out-group political messages from candidates involved in a negative political campaign. The effectiveness of different types of attack messages depended on (a) the political affiliation with the source and target of an attack message and (b) the justification provided for the attack. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the content of the attack messages affected evaluations of an in-group candidate but not of an out-group candidate. Experiment 2 indicated that the use of "apparent justification" for attack messages resulted in more positive evaluations of an out-group source but diminished preference for an in-group source. The results indicate that although participants were sensitive to message content from both in-group and out-group sources, less stringent criteria were used when evaluating out-group political messages that when evaluating in-group political messages. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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