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西班牙不锈钢企业阿赛里诺克斯宣布,其在西班牙南部的Cadiz工厂将继续推行员工工时削减制度,该厂大多数员工的工时将继续维持之前减少50%的既定方案。  相似文献   

1910年滇越铁路的建成通车,开启了云南社会由传统向近代的过渡.滇越铁路是在半殖民半封建的语境下来表现云南近代化这一历史主题的.铁路管理权的丧失,不仅便利了帝国主义控制云南经济,使国人应得之利益大量流失;而且导致了云南社会的失衡和人的异化,使云南陷于经济发展失调、匪患严重的艰难境地.  相似文献   

基督教作为世界三大宗教之一,在西方思想文化传统和模式的形成过程中发挥了巨大作用.以矛盾的观点,从社会行为、信仰、知识三个方面分析了基督教的文化贡献.同时,对其阻碍文化发展、实行宗教迫害与歧视,以及作为殖民手段等消极影响进行了评述.  相似文献   

随着社会科技的进步,我国的电网设备也面临着新的课题-如何将电网中的线损降到最低,如何有效的全方位的进行线损管理.线损管理是一项综合性的管理工作,以线损管理为主,可以提高电网企业中的基础建设和电力生产的各方面管理工作,并且能提高企业的经济效益,推进节约型社会的建设,因而,如何推进全方位的线损管理是我们每个电力工作者必须思考的.  相似文献   

浅谈推行代建制的重要意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对项目代建制的范围、内涵、作用等方面的认识的基础上,阐述了代建制的重要意义。  相似文献   

英国的高等教育在世界教育领域是走在最前沿的,其拥有世界上最多和最一流的教育资源。而音乐高等教育源于西方也同样是在西方得到最好的发展。笔者根据自身经历,对比中英两国专业音乐教育的现状,侧重汲取西方先进的教育理念,对音乐教育进行深刻思考。  相似文献   

“八五”期间,太钢坚持站在“外抓市场,内抓现场”的高度,认真加强现场管理和班组建设,有效地促进了公司经济效益的稳定、健康增长,曾先后获得了全国冶金系统现场管理先进企业称号,同时又获得冶金部和省经贸委、省企协的管理成果一等奖。进入“九五”后,公司根据内外部环境的变化,紧紧围绕生产经营建设目标,在完善现场管理工作体系、强化班组建设的基础上,提出了“推行基层管理工程,巩固班组建设管理成果,搞好工段(队)管理升级活动,推行基层管理,确保管理重心下移”的要求,并在施工系统进行管理试验的基础上,在全公司推行…  相似文献   

平峒工段是尖山铁矿采选工艺的咽喉,是选矿生产线的龙头,承担全矿铁精矿粉生产的原矿采掘。破碎和运输任务。整个生产线全长5097米。由主副两套破碎系统、两条皮带、两个驱动站、两个中线站组成。全段共有10个班组,130名职工。生产现场既有上亿元的进口设备,又有矿级危险源控制点,现场管理工作举足轻重。1996年9月9日发生安全事故后,段长王福全根据长期一线工作经验,结合工段作业特点,把管理重点下移到机台、生产线、作业面,提出了“以点连线、以线带面、点线面结合”的现场管理思路。实施几年来,克服了平峒峒室作业点多面广、战…  相似文献   

在国资委的要求之下,中央企业开始全面实行经济增加值(EVA)考核.EVA在央企绩效考核体系中所占权重越来越大,加强对于EVA的研究显得尤为必要.本文主要针对EVA在实际应用中所存在的局限性进行简要分析,并结合实例,对EVA的计算方式、EVA与现有管理方式的融合以及BVA价值管理体系的构建等问题进行简要的探讨与研究.  相似文献   

阐述了推行清洁生产是企业实施可持续发展的必由之路,对昆钢推行清洁生产的必要性和钢铁企业推行清洁生产的必要性做了一定的分析,同时结合昆钢实施清洁生产的现状和技改中所采用的技术,提出了利用市场经济手段推行清洁生产的建议。  相似文献   

李宝文 《稀有金属》2006,30(Z1):101-106
介绍了使用计算机、 PLC、直流调速器、测厚仪等数字化先进设备对20世纪60年代松德维哥20辊轧机模拟电气控制系统及F-D机组进行数字化改造的方法,着重阐述了厚度控制系统、张力控制系统、传动系统、基础自动化部分改造的方法.改造后的设备已在陕西宝钛集团投入使用,实践证明改造后的电控系统运行是安全可靠和稳定的.  相似文献   

The gas generation from reactions between direct reduced iron (DRI) pellets and steelmaking slags is known to take place in two stages; (1) the reaction of FeO and carbon within DRI, i.e., pellet internal reaction, followed by (2) the reduction of slag FeO with DRI carbon at the pellet?Cslag interface, if any carbon remains from the first step. To understand the controlling mechanism of the reaction between FeO and C inside DRI, the rate of the gas release and the temperature of pellets suspended in a slag-free atmosphere were quantified. The results were used to determine the apparent thermal conductivity of DRI that showed values of approximately 0.5 to 2 W.m?1.K?1 for a temperature range of 573?K to 1273?K (300?°C to 1000?°C). Furthermore, it was found that the experimental gas evolution rates are consistent with the values predicted by a heat?Ctransfer based model, confirming that the FeO-C reaction within pellet is controlled by the rate of heat transfer from the slag to the DRI pellet.  相似文献   

Mn distribution and austenite morphology at the early stage of intercritical annealing of 5Mn steel were investigated. It was experimentally demonstrated that a newly formed 20 nm-thick austenite was formed without the partitioning of Mn. The elemental analysis confirmed that the growth of austenite should be controlled by the diffusion of C prior to the diffusion of Mn at a low heating rate. The austenite growth started under negligible-partitioning local equilibrium mode and then switched to partitioning local equilibrium mode. Mn segregation at the γ/α interface suggested that the collector plate mechanism was the essential way of Mn partitioning at the early stage of austenite growth.  相似文献   

总结了莱钢股份炼钢厂老区转炉冶炼前期溢出渣循环利用使用经验。开发了转炉冶炼前期溢出渣循环利用技术,通过枪位、渣料、氧压控制,制定了专用操作模型,有效解决了转炉冶炼前期溢出渣循环利用存在的问题,在实际生产中取得了良好的效果,并取得了可观的经济效益,实现含铁固体废弃物短流程直接回炉的综合利用,为中小型转炉经济、清洁生产走循环经济之路探索出新途径。该技术对其他中小转炉厂具有较强的推广意义。  相似文献   

关晓军 《宽厚板》2000,6(3):22-26
本语文根据充没电气设备内部绝缘物质的老化分解机理,阐述了气相色谱技术在无损分析诊断变压器运行状况及确定故障状态性质中的应用。  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of a couple-focused group intervention on psychological adaptation of women with early stage breast cancer and evaluated whether perceived partner unsupportive behavior or patient functional impairment moderated intervention effects. Two hundred thirty-eight women were randomly assigned to receive either 6 sessions of a couple-focused group intervention or usual care. Intent-to-treat growth curve analyses indicated that participants assigned to the couples' group reported lower depressive symptoms. Women rating their partners as more unsupportive benefited more from the intervention than did women with less unsupportive partners, and women with more physical impairment benefited more from the intervention group than did women with less impairment. Subgroup analyses comparing women attending the couple-focused group intervention with women not attending groups and with usual care participants indicated that women attending sessions reported significantly less distress than did women receiving usual care and women who dropped out of the intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conventionally, wall shear stress in an unsteady turbulent pipe flow is decomposed into a quasi-steady component and an “unsteady wall shear stress” component. Whereas the former is evaluated by using “standard” steady flow correlations, extensive research has been carried out to develop methods to predict the latter leading to various unsteady friction models. A different approach of decomposition is used in the present paper whereby the wall shear in an unsteady flow is split into the initial steady value and perturbations from it. It is shown that in the early stages of an unsteady turbulent pipe flow, these perturbations are well described by a laminar-flow formulation. This allows simple expressions to be derived for unsteady friction predictions, which are in good agreement with experimental and computational results.  相似文献   

 The growth behavior at the early stage of bainitic transformation was investigated using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electronic microscopy. The bainite was obtained by isothermal transformation at 200 ℃ only for a short time in a high carbon silicon-containing steel after austenitization at 200 ℃ only for 20 min. Transmission electronic microscopy shows that the bainite appears in the form of plates with a width of about 30 nm, and that the interface of the bainite leading tip is wedge shaped. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the bainite plates consist of single ferrite phase, with absence of carbides. The results confirm the occurrence of the moiré which suggests the existence of austenite grain boundaries at the bainite leading tip. Both the lateral growth and longitudinal growth of bainite have weak ability to traverse the lattice-distortion strain fields and austenite grain boundary. The austenite grain boundary impedes the longitudinal growth of the bainite plate, i. e. , the growth of bainite plate stops at the austenite grain boundary. The longitudinal growth of bainite associated with the features of shear mechanism can not completely be in accordance with that of martensitic transformation.  相似文献   

纳米WC/Co硬质合金粉末烧结早期的晶粒长大研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
研究了纳米晶粒WC/Co硬质合金烧结早期的晶粒长大问题,利用X射线衍射、TEM等技术对烧结过程中晶变化情况进行分析,并在此基础上探讨了烧结早期的晶粒长大机制。实验结果表明:WC晶粒长大在加热过程已经发生;晶粒开始长大温度为1000℃,在1100℃部分晶粒长大到100nm;在1200℃,有更显著的晶粒长大发生,有些尺寸达到400nm。烧结过程中WC晶粒形状变得规则化。烧结早期WC晶粒长大是在晶粒旋转合并机制与局部液相烧结机制共同作用下完成。  相似文献   

进行碳钢在5%、10%、15%、20%、25%的NaCl水溶液和西部盐湖卤水溶液中腐蚀速率随时间变化的跟踪试验研究时发现:碳钢在盐湖卤水初期腐蚀速率较高,与5%NaCl溶液中腐蚀速率接近,随着试验的继续进行腐蚀速率迅速下降至低于所有浓度的NaCl溶液中的腐蚀率,经过410 d的全浸试验,碳钢表面无明显红锈.为研究碳钢在盐湖卤水中的这一异常现象,采用扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪(EDS)和X射线衍射仪(XRD),分别从宏观、微观角度对其腐蚀后的形貌与结构进行研究;同时采用电化学方法研究了溶解氧对碳钢在盐湖卤水中腐蚀行为的影响.研究表明:(1)碳钢在盐湖卤水0~40 d左右的腐蚀速度非常快,没有铁锈生成,已显现出清晰的铁素体与珠光体相,呈现出一种"选择性"腐蚀,这个时期的腐蚀速率与溶液中氧含量关系不大;(2)碳钢在盐湖水里50~70 d发生一种类似抛光作用;(3)碳钢在盐湖卤水70 d左右发生明显的局部腐蚀,这个时期碳钢在盐湖卤水中的腐蚀速率依然与溶液中氧含量关系不大.  相似文献   

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