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We measured plasma catecholamine concentrations and urinary catecholamine excretion during the ovulatory cycle in six healthy women. Plasma norepinephrine was consistently at its lowest during the follicular phase of the cycle. Plasma norepinephrine began to increase about 2 days before ovulation and continued to increase after ovulation, so that the average luteal phase NE concentration was significantly higher than the average follicular phase concentration (217 versus 143 pg/ml, p less than 0.001). Urinary norepinephrine excretion showed a similar but attenuated pattern. The results suggest that sympathetic neural activity changes with the phase of the ovulatory cycle. Cyclic patterning of plasma norepinephrine is one of many factors which should be considered in the design and analysis of studies which use plasma norepinephrine as an indicator of sympathetic neural activity in human disease states.  相似文献   

The purpose of the trial was to investigate the effect of prednisolone treatment during pro-oestrus and oestrus on the ovarian function in heifers. Four heifers were treated daily with 30 mg prednisolone i.m. per 100 kg body weight from pro-oestrus until ovulation was palpated. Treatment with prednisolone did not appear to have any effect on the length of the follicular phase or on ovulation. In three of the treated heifers, the urinary excretion of oestrous behaviour was normal but in the remaining heifer the excretion of oestrogen was found to be lower and oestrous behaviour weakly expressed. The effects of corticosteroids on the follicular phase, ovulation and oestrous behaviour in different species are discussed.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the hyperprolactinemia in incubating turkey hens is associated with recruitment of lactotrophs in the pituitary gland. In this study we have used double immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization histochemistry to 1) identify mammosomatotrophs in the anterior pituitary gland of egg-laying turkey hens and incubating hens, and 2) verify PRL gene expression within mammosomatotrophs by colocalizing PRL messenger RNA in GH-immunoreactive (ir) cells. The pituitaries of laying and incubating turkey hens were collected, and the midsagittal sections were dual labeled for either PRL and GH or PRL messenger RNA and GH. The plasma PRL concentrations were higher in incubating hens (231 +/- 10.6 ng/ml) than in laying hens (43 +/- 7.4 ng/ml; P < 0.01). In the midsagittal pituitary sections, mammosomatotrophs were predominantly found scattered in the caudal lobe of the anterior pituitary gland, in the ventral half of the cephalic lobe, and at the junction of cephalic and caudal lobes. In incubating hens, the proportion of mammosomatotrophs was 7.4 +/- 1.52% (mean +/- SEM) of the total number of GH-ir and/or PRL-ir cells counted, which was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that found in laying hens (0.6 +/- 0.23%). Furthermore, PRL gene expression was observed in many GH-ir cells in the incubating hen pituitary gland. These data suggest that 1) mammosomatotrophs are present in the turkey pituitary gland, and 2) there is an increased abundance of mammosomatotrophs in the incubating turkey hen that may contribute to hyperprolactinemia.  相似文献   

Repositol progesterone was injected intramuscularly into 4 steers and 17 postpartum cows at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg body weight. In steers the plasma progesterone concentration rose to 6.8 ng/ml 1 day postinjection and declined to a mean concentration of 2.1 ng/ml on days 3 and 4 postinjection. Postpartum, presumed anestrus, cows reached a lesser progesterone concentration of 2.9 ng/ml 1 day postinjection and then declined to a lower mean of .7 ng/ml on days 3 and 4 postinjection. These data suggest different rates of metabolism and/or excretion of progesterone by cows and steers.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to study the prostaglandin excretion in young nonpregnant ovulatory women during the menstrual cycle on the one hand and in postmenopausal women on the other hand and to investigate the influence of female sex hormones (estradiol, progesterone) on urinary prostanoid excretion. Urinary excretion rates of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, thromboxane B2 (TxB2) and their metabolites PGE-M (11 alpha-hydroxy-9, 15-dioxo-2,3,4,5,20-pentanor-19-carboxyprostanoic acid), 2,3-dinor-6-keto-PGF1 alpha, 2,3-dinor-TxB2 and 11-dehydro-TxB2 were determined by gas chromatography-triple stage quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) in 41 young non-pregnant women during the follicular phase and during the luteal phase and in 23 postmenopausal women. Excretion rates of all urinary prostanoids were not significantly different in the follicular phase when compared with the luteal phase. In contrast to the young ovulatory women, PGE2 and TxB2 were significantly higher in postmenopausal women. Concerning the other prostaglandins significant differences between these groups of women did not exist. Although serum levels of estradiol and progesterone were different in young and postmenopausal women, sex hormones have not been shown to correlate with prostaglandins. Our data do not suggest sex hormones to be responsible for the difference in the prostaglandin excretion in women of reproductive age and in women in the menopause. Further systematic investigations into age dependency of prostaglandin excretion in women are necessary.  相似文献   

Cytology in malignant melanoma of the skin is a useful method, which alone yields in many cases enough diagnostic informations for a therapeutical approach. It is of a special importance in cases with marked anisocytosis of cells and with large, sometimes polynuclear cells and with cells with melanotic pigment. In cases with middle-sized apigmented cells of epitheloid appearance it should be always completed by biopsy, which, in these cases predominates over cytology. Combination of both methods brings a more substantial elucidation of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that women's mate preferences change across the ovulatory cycle in a number of ways. The leading explanation for these changes--the good genes hypothesis--predicts that women should prefer presumed markers of genetic benefits ("good genes") most strongly when they are fertile and evaluating men as possible short-term mates. Research testing this hypothesis has almost exclusively examined preferences for purported markers of good genes. Little is known about how preferences for men who display traits valued in long-term, investing mates (e.g., warmth and faithfulness) change across the cycle. The authors had women at different points in their ovulatory cycle rate videotapes of men in terms of how attractive they found each man as a short-term and long-term mate. The authors then examined how women's preferences for traits typically valued in long-term and/or short-term mates varied according to women's fertility status. The results supported the good genes hypothesis. Implications of these findings for models of human mating are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This case illustrates the possibility of achieving a pregnancy and birth when elevated progesterone concentrations (> 4 ng/ml) are present during the follicular phase (from 6 days before human chorionic gonadotrophin injection) of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist/menotrophin cycle for in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The present patient underwent three IVF/embryo transfer cycles in which progesterone concentrations were repeatedly increased from the midfollicular phase onwards. A pregnancy was achieved after the first IVF attempt but ended in a miscarriage in the 19th week of gestation. During the second IVF attempt an endometrial biopsy taken on the day of oocyte retrieval revealed an endometrial advancement of 2 days. A successful pregnancy and birth was again achieved after the third IVF attempt although progesterone concentrations were considerably increased from 6 days before the ovulatory stimulus.  相似文献   

Daily plasma testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) as well as plasma lueteinizing hormone, plasma estradiol (E2) and plasma progestrone (P) were measured by radioimmunoassay in seven ovulatory cycles and in three anovulatory cycles. In ovulatory cycles, plasma T ranged from 110 to 637 pg. per milliliter, while plasma DNT ranged from 10 to 246 pg. per milliliter. There is an increase in the mean plasma T during the early follicular phase of the cycle with a fall on the day of ovulation. Plasma T levels rise again during the early luteal phase and drop during the late luteal phase of the cycle. Plasma E2 rises during the follicular phase with a preovulatory surge followed by a drop after ovulation and a subsequent secondary rise. Plasma P was less than 1 ng. per milliliter during the follicular phase and increased to above 5 ng. per milliliter after ovulation, reaching levels of 20 to 25 ng. per milliliter during the luteal phase. In anovulatory cycles, there is random fluctuation with no well-defined patterns. Plasma P remained below 1 ng. per milliliter throughout the cycle. The finding of maximum T levels prior to midcycle may reflect increased T production by the ovaries in response to increasing levels of follicle-stimulating hormone. There is little fluctuation in the levels of T during the menstrual cycle. These findings obviate the need for multiple plasma T estimations in the assessment of women with hirsutism, polycystic ovarian disease, and the testicular feminization syndrome.  相似文献   

Jugular plasma prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) and progesterone (P4) levels were estimated in goats under three different conditions with prolonged luteal function (P4 > or = 1 ng/ml): pseudopregnant animals (n = 4), goats hysterectomized during early pregnancy (n = 4) and does with normal pregnancy (n = 4). Mean duration (+/- S.E.M.) of luteal phases were 189 +/- 20, 171 +/- 10, and 147 +/- 2 days in the three groups, respectively. Until day 120, mean PRL levels were below 150 ng/ml in each group. After day 120 of the luteal phase, PRL concentrations were significantly higher than before, but continued to increase up to 800 ng/ml only in pregnant animals around parturition. Mean GH levels varied between 2 and 3 ng/ml in animals of each group during the luteal phase. Only after parturition, a significant elevation occurred. P4 levels in pseudopregnant animals were significantly lower than in the other two groups between days 10 and 55, and showed a gradual but continuous decline towards the end of the luteal phase. After hysterectomy of early pregnant animals, P4 concentrations decreased to levels measured in pseudopregnant animals but were significantly higher again as compared to pseudopregnant animals between days 121 and 150. It is concluded that a pseudopregnant condition, characterized by intrauterine fluid accumulation, is not related to increased plasma PRL and GH concentrations. The low and gradually decreasing plasma progesterone levels in the pseudopregnant animals probably reflect the absence of a luteotrophic stimulus by the conceptus. The progesterone profile in the animals that were hysterectomized during early pregnancy suggests that the corpora lutea of these does have been permanently changed by the presence of the conceptus during the first weeks of the luteal phase.  相似文献   

The concentration of plasma free tryptophan was shown to undergo a regular and statistically significant fluctuation through the four phases of the oestrous cycle of the rat. The highest concentration of plasma free tryptophan was observed during oestrus. During metoestrus the concentration of plasma free tryptophan decreased by 25% to the lowest observed level; thereafter it gradually increased during dioestrus and pro-oestrus. The concentration of plasma total tryptophan was found to be unchanged during the oestrous cycle of the rat.  相似文献   

Nine periods in seven women with partial epilepsy have been invetigated with respect to frequency of fits, and estrogen-progesterone levels in blood plasma. Six cycles with ovulation showed a positive correlation between the number of secondary generalized seizures and the mean estrogen/progesterone (E/P) ratios and a negative correlation to plasma progesterone levels. Three periods without ovulation showed an increase in the number of fits during days of high estrogen. The number of fits seemed not to be correlated to changes in body weight.  相似文献   

We prospectively compared effectiveness, selectivity and biocompatibility of three LDL-apheresis methods, immunoadsorption (IMAL), dextran sulphate adsorption (DSAL) and heparin-induced extracorporeal LDL precipitation (HELP). Seven patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia were treated twice with each method in random sequence. Reduction in atherogenic lipoproteins was without significant difference: LDL -60% to -75%, VLDL -20% to -30%, triglycerides -20% to -42%. High-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol was reduced by IMAL only (-27%, P < 0.05); DSAL and HELP did not decrease HDL. Total plasma protein reduction was 13-15% with each method, indicating unselectivity. Albumin was significantly decreased by IMAL (-15%, P < 0.05) but not by the other methods. DSAL and HELP reduced fibrinogen (-40%, -58%, P < 0.0001) and other clotting factors. IMAL had almost no effect on coagulation. The white blood cell count did not change. C3 and C4 complement were decreased (-20% to -46%) by all methods. C5a complement did not increase in systemic blood, but was increased in the extracorporeal circulation of IMAL (+200%) and HELP (+150%). Plasma PMN elastase rose in all methods (+200%) indicating neutrophile degranulation. In conclusion, in this short-term study of a small patient population, effectiveness of the three LDL-apheresis methods was similar, but selectivity and biocompatibility were different. The therapeutic relevance of these differences for long-term treatment remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR) status at the time of breast carcinoma surgery is used as a marker of both prognosis and hormone dependency to guide adjuvant therapy. The authors studied the influence of hormonal milieu at the time of surgery on ER and PgR levels. METHODS: A population of 2020 patients with breast carcinoma, including 575 premenopausal women, was analyzed. ER and PgR levels were determined by radioligand binding assays (cutoff values, 10 fmol/mg). Serum estradiol (E2), progesterone (Pg), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels obtained on the day of surgery were used to define the menstrual cycle phase in premenopause. RESULTS: In premenopause, there was a higher proportion of ER positive (ER+) tumors in the follicular phase (62%, n = 316) than in the ovulatory phase (51%, n = 59) and the luteal phase (53%, n = 200, P = 0.03). The mean ER level was also higher in the follicular phase (30 fmol/mg) than in the ovulatory phase (20 fmol/ mg) and the luteal phase (25 fmol/mg, P < 0.001). The percentage of PgR positive (PgR+) tumors tended to be higher in the ovulatory phase (85%) than in the follicular (78%) and luteal (72%) phases (P = 0.11). The mean PgR was also higher in the ovulatory phase (177 fmol/mg) than in the follicular and luteal phases (134 and 92 fmol/mg, respectively; P < 0.001). The percentage of ER+ tumors was higher among menopausal women than among premenopausal women (67% vs. 59%, respectively; P < 0.001). Conversely, the percentage of PgR+ tumors was lower among menopausal women than among premenopausal women (65% vs. 78%, respectively; P < 0.001). In premenopause, there was a weak negative correlation between ER and E2 levels. No correlations were found between levels of ER and Pg and levels of FSH and LH or among levels of PgR and E2, Pg, and FSH and LH in premenopausal and menopausal women. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in ER and PgR levels in breast carcinoma during the menstrual cycle and menopause suggest that interpretations of hormone dependency on the basis of steroid receptor values should take into account hormonal status at the time of surgery.  相似文献   

Sir Vincent Wigglesworth (1899-1994), a founder of the discipline of Insect Physiology, was a central figure in the emergence of the concept of postembryonic insect development as sequential polymorphism regulated by endocrine signals. At a time in mid-century when genetics and developmental physiology were severely compartmentalized, he made the conceptual linkage with the recognition that sequential polymorphism must have a genetic basis with gene activation regulated by internal signals.  相似文献   

Estrogen responsive neurons have been anatomically identified with autoradiographic and immunohistochemical techniques and their distribution mapped in the lumbosacral spinal cord of female rats. Such neurons contain estrogen receptors (ERs). The present study was undertaken to: 1) quantify cytosolic estrogen receptor (ER) concentrations in the lumbosacral spinal cord and 2) determine if there is a relationship between cytosolic ER concentrations and fluctuations in serum estradiol (SE2) levels during the estrous cycle. Lumbosacral spinal segments were removed from intact cycling rats during the morning of proestrus, the afternoon of proestrus, and the morning of estrus, metestrus and diestrus. Trunk blood was collected at euthanasia and SE2 levels were determined using radioimmunoassay. Cytosolic ER concentrations were measured using a dextran-charcoal coated tube method. Concentrations of cytosolic ERs were low during estrus and metestrus, increased during diestrus with maximum concentrations during the afternoon of proestrus. These changes in ER concentrations paralleled SE2 levels measured in intact cycling animals; i.e., during estrus SE2 levels were low, but began to rise during metestrus, diestrus, and during the morning of proestrus with a maximum peak increase during the afternoon of proestrus. These data indicate there are fluctuations of cytosolic ER concentrations during the estrous cycle and that these changes coincide with changing SE2 concentrations suggesting that ER content is influenced by SE2.  相似文献   

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