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文章介绍为适应惯性约束聚变(ICF)靶材料研究而发展的一种密度测量方法。通过测量X射线经靶材料吸收前后的强度变化,可较为精确地计算出待测样品的密度。用于泡沫材料密度测量的X射线源是特制的激发源。 相似文献
采用广义两步法,在典型SiO2低密度泡沫材料中均匀掺入高浓度Ge元素,获得了低密度泡沫材料中掺入某些金属元素的新工艺,克服了传统溶胶-凝胶工艺制备多元氧化物混合材料所遇到的因水解速率相差悬殊而造成的困难. 相似文献
用自制自由空气电离室,在能量为2-12keV同步辐射光束线现场测量了单能X射线的电离量,依据X射线在空气中的传输和衰减特性及能量转移系数,计算了电离室入射口的照射剂量值。进而求出在空气中的相应比释动能和光子通量。讨论了软X射线照射量随能量的分布特性及混合能量X射线的照射量测量方法。 相似文献
研究了采用低能γ射线穿透方法检测蓄电池液密度的可行性.设计和制作了样机.密度的测量范围为1.000~1.300g/cm3,在线测量的绝对值误差好于±0.005g/cm3. 相似文献
双能量CT能够准确地测定被扫描物质中原子序数和电子密度的分布,实现物质识别和精确测定,在医疗和安全检查等领域得到了广泛的应用.在质子和重离子放射治疗中,需要精确测定不同组织中的电子密度,为放疗方案的制定提供参考,双能量CT则为电子密度测定提供了一种精确方法.首先介绍了双能量CT技术的发展和图像重建方法以及双能量CT在物... 相似文献
The propagation of a supersonic heat-wave through copper-doped foam with a density of 50 mg/cm^3 was experimentally investigated. The wave is driven by 140 eV Holhraum radiations generated in a cylindrical gold cavity heated by a 2 kJ, ins laser pulse (0.35 μm). The delayed breakout time of the radiation waves from the rear side of the foam is measured by a three-chromatic streaked x-ray spectrometer (TCS) consisting of a set of three-imaging pinholes and an array of three transmission gratings coupled with an x-ray streak camera (XSC). With one shot, simultaneous measurements of the delays of the drive source and the radiation with two different energies (210 eV, 840 eV) through the foam have been made for the first time. The experimental results indicate that the time delays vary with photon energies. The radiation with an energy of 210 eV propagates at a lower velocity. The radiating heat wave propagates with a velocity that is larger than the sound speed. Using TGS, the transmitting spectrum was measured, and then lower limit of the optical depth which is more than 1, was obtained. The experimental data were in agreement with numerical simulations. 相似文献
低能(50keV以下)光子探测器广泛应用于外大气层核爆监测,天体物理现象研究。采用半导体探测单元试制了低能X射线探测器模块。说明了配置多探测器系统的方法,并介绍了探测单元模块的设计、主要试验和技术指标。室温下噪声等效输入光子能量为2.1keV。 相似文献
相对中子通量密度分布是反应堆的重要物理参数之一,测量环形燃料零功率反应堆堆芯相对中子通量密度分布对了解环形燃料堆芯反应堆物理特性及开展安全分析具有指导意义。本文在环形燃料堆芯多边形装载下,采用箔活化法对辐照后燃料元件外表面不同位置金箔的γ活度进行测量,得到不同位置燃料元件轴向、径向的相对中子通量密度分布,并将测量值与蒙特卡罗理论计算值进行比对。结果表明:实验测量值与理论计算值最大相对偏差在12%以内,相对中子通量密度分布测量结果符合实验设计预期,现有蒙特卡罗分析手段可较好地分析堆内元件轴向通量密度分布情况。本文结果可为环形燃料的工程化应用提供重要的数据支撑。 相似文献
Propellant ionization in the Hall thruster discharge channel is a significant process and has strong influence on the thruster's efficiency. In this work, the functional relation has been established between the ionization density distribution and the function of the ion energy distribution through the basic equations governing the ion flow in the Hall thruster channel and the method achieved for reconstructing the ionization density distribution inside the channel by ordinary plasma diagnosis of the potential distribution and ion energy spectrum of the plasma jet. The ionization density distributions of single and double charged ions in an ATON-thruster channel have been reconstructed according to the experimental data of the potential distribution along the axis of the channel and the ion energy spectrum of the plasma jet. The agreement between the calculation and experimental results of the percentage of double charged ions proves the validity of our method achieved in this work. 相似文献
In this study, the influence of the initial jet angles (IJAs) and ion number densities (INDs) at the cathode side on the low current vacuum arc (LCVA) characteristics is simulated and analysed. The results show that the ion temperature, electron temperature, ion number density, axial current density and plasma pressure all decrease with the increase of the cathode IJAs. It is also shown that LCVA can cause a current constriction for lower cathode IND, and the anode sheath potential is more nonuniform, which is mainly related to the nonuniform distribution of the axial current density at the anode side. 相似文献