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家具是人们生活与工作密不可分的亲密“伴侣”,而以木材为原材料制成的木家具还具有调节室内环境的功能,使人类朝夕相依的室内环境得到相应的改善。如: 温度 木材比热大,热传导率小。据测定,木材的比热平均值为0.327千卡/千卡·度。中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所测定33种木材的平均导热系数为  相似文献   

木材因其独特的生物结构和环境学属性,所以常常用于制造家具、室内装修等;有时,人们也模仿木材的色泽、纹理制造一些复合材料。其内在的奥秘是木材的视感与人的心理生理学反应遵循和符合1/f涨落的节律。其内涵具有十分重要和有趣的科学意义。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍了木材吸湿、解湿特性对室内环境和木材干缩、湿胀特性对木制品形状与尺寸稳定性带来的重要影响,同时分析了木材中的水分对木材性质及加工利用的影响。  相似文献   

张慧中  姜明  田雨 《广西轻工业》2011,27(5):105-105,112
从材料设计效果的角度研究木材,探讨了木材材料属性与做旧设计效果之间的关系,并对木材的色彩属性进行了分析,以此为基础对木材做旧表现力的色彩特征进行了研究,为木材的利用提供了新思路。  相似文献   

本文探讨了木材的美学属性及其对家具设计的意义,并以泡桐木材为例探索了木材微观构造美学元素应用于家具造型与装饰设计的可行性。借助现代显微技术,发掘木材内部构造的天然之美,并把木材的天然构造之美应用于家具设计,这是一种人文与自然相结合、艺术与技术相结合的设计方法,是一种崇尚自然的设计理念,期待能够为家具设计探索出一条新的思路。  相似文献   

木质复合材料及其在室内环境中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要介绍了木质复合材料的发展现状以及它在室内环境中的应用。木质复合材料是木材工业的发展重点,木质复合材料研究的深度、应用的广度及其发展的速度已成为衡量一个国家木材工业技术水平先进程度的重要标志之一。  相似文献   

本文从室内家居陈设设计的功能、形式作用,表现元素以及载体角度出发,探索室内家居陈设设计的原则以及审美、品味、格调属性。从室内家居陈设设计组成元素与布置原则作为切入点,洞察室内家居陈设设计和室内环境艺术设计的不同属性,分析室内陈设的魅力和需求,根据当代创新性艺术的意义作为文化的创新思维,从整体的符号载体语言、材料元素媒介、美学心里价值体系、及其综合组合而成的艺术气息作为导入,探索室内家居陈设设计的不同空间属性。  相似文献   

借助大众文化技术化的相关理论阐述木文化技术化的基本概念,进而分析了木文化技术化的层级关系。在此基础上分别从木制品、木行为、木价值理念三个方面通过理论和案例分析,论述了木文化在现代室内环境中技术化应用的方法,为木文化在现代室内环境中的普遍应用提供理论指导。  相似文献   

室内环境艺术效果的好坏很大程度上取决子灯具设计与光源的配套设计。 灯具在室内环境中具有双重的属性;其一是它产生的光照度、光源的色调、照射范围;其二是本身的设计造型,在室内环境设计中具有举足轻重的作用。不同的室内设计风格将由不同特点的灯具来表达完整的设计概念  相似文献   

<正>日本的森林覆盖率高达66%,是世界上屈指可数的森林之国。今天,日本在吸收了源自中国的众多文化和文明的基础上,创新发展为具有高度木文化的国度。在长期的木材利用过程中,日本创造了先进的木材利用技术。特别是在近十年中开发了住宅构件的预制加工、金属连接件、构件一体化等众多的先进技术和高性能的结构用胶合板、胶合木、LVL等制品。丰富的日本杉、日本柏、日本落叶松等优良木材和低成本的海运使资源和市场的对接成为可能。我们相信日本的木材一定能够获  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to evaluate selected lumber attributes, species preferences, and lumber use properties among secondary wood manufacturers in the United States. Our sample included producers of kitchencabinets, furniture, doors, windows, and molded products who attended regional and national wood manufacturing events. More than 51% of respondents had annual sales of less than $500000, and the median company size was five employees. Results are presented for 17 selected lumber attributes, and indicate that appearance-related attributes were generally the most important, and that use of certified lumber was generally the least important. Price-related attributes (including low price and price stability) were generally intermediate in importance. There were statistically significant differences among geographic regions for four of the attributes, and among business types for three of the attributes. The most popular species for use by secondary manufacturers included the oaks, maple, and cherry, and there were strong preferences for kiln-dried, 4/4 (2.54 cm) lumber having random length and width.  相似文献   

The limiting factors in maximizing the amount of wood on the one hand and saving wood on the other during the transformation of softwoods into commercial lumber in sawmills are discussed. The limiting factors inherent to wood are e.g. shrinkage during drying and its growth properties. They affect the establishment of the “target size”, i.e. that size of a piece of lumber which is optimum for subsequent dyring and planing and which helps to minimze the loss of wood in machine operations. Other limiting factors concern the sawmill machinery, the transport systems, the computerized control devices as well as the problems of management and plant personnel.  相似文献   

The forest and wood industry in Japan require the development of automation technology to produce high-quality lumber from medium-quality sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) logs. This study investigates the influence of pith location on the warp of lumber. While drying reduced the bow of lumber drastically its crook remained almost unchanged. Therefore, an effective sawing method to reduce crook was sought after. Crook measured immediately after sawing increased as the distance between the center of the lumber and the pith location along the width of lumber increased. A sawing method which takes pith location into account was concluded to be effective in reducing crook. Based on these results, a new sophisticated sawing procedure to produce high-quality lumber is proposed.  相似文献   

为继承与发扬我国传统木文化,在了解木设计文化概念的基础上,通过研究《考工记》中攻木部分的技术规范,重点分析了先秦时期的用木原则、相木方法、攻木方法、木制品评价标准,并结合木设计中存在的弊端,试分析了传统木文化在今天木设计活动中的应用方法,对丰富我国传统术文化与指导设计实践有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

介绍了三层结构实木复合地板的特点,并从发展仿古三层结构实木复合地板、速生材压密表板、LVL表板、科技木表板、竹材表板、多树种表板等方面阐述了三层结构实木复合地板表板发展的趋向。  相似文献   

木地板种类繁多,其中实木复合地板是应用最为广泛、发展前景最好的品种之一。现阶段人们非常注重地板的材质和环保性能,却往往忽视地板与家居整体环境的协调,导致装修后整体效果不及预期。本文针对这种现象,结合实木地板的基本特性和室内设计的相关知识,总结了实木复合地板的组织设计原则及其与家具色彩的搭配方式,通过大量实例,生动展示了如何根据装饰装修风格来组织设计实木复合地板的颜色、纹样和功能,从而使家具陈设、墙面装饰、顶棚设计以及地面的铺装布局,在三维立体空间内实现多元有机互动,营造协调、宁静,并富有文化底蕴的室内环境氛围。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种新型木质人造板──单板条平行成材。该产品是利用小径木或生产胶合板时产生的低等级单板,通过纵向平行铺装挤紧热压而成的新型人造成材,具有质量均匀、尺寸稳定的优点,提高了木材综合利用率和企业的经济效益,是一种很有发展前途的新产品。  相似文献   

Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) has been used to treat lumber for over 60 years to increase the expected lifetime of CCA-treated wood. Because of the toxicity of the arsenic and chromium used in CCA treatment, regulatory and public attention has become focused on the potential risks from this exposure source. In particular, exposure of children to arsenic from CCA-treated wood used in decks and play sets has received considerable attention. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) was used to evaluate the chemical structure of As and Cr in three samples of CCA-treated materials: newly treated wood, aged wood (5 years as decking), and dislodgeable residue from aged (1-4 years as decking) CCA-treated wood. The form of the Cr and As in CCA-treated material is the same in fresh and aged samples, and between treated wood and dislodged residue. In all cases, the dominant oxidation state of the two elements is As(V) and Cr(III), and the local chemical environment of the two elements is best represented as a Cr/As cluster consisting of a Cr dimer bridged by an As(V) oxyanion. Long-term stability of the As/Cr cluster is suggested by its persistence from the new wood through the aged wood and the dislodgeable residue.  相似文献   

徽州和潮州两地具有鲜明特征的民间建筑装饰木雕反映出两地深层次的历史文化差异。本文从文化生态学角度入手,着重分析两地木雕在材料、装饰手法、表现语言等各方面的差异,探讨自然生态环境、历史文化观念、民间生活形态等自然社会诸因素与设计之间的必然联系。  相似文献   

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