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在纷繁的声乐教学工作中,如何有效提高声乐教学质量是衡量教师教学能力的重要度尺,那么总结教学经验和发现教学问题就显得至关重要,本文结合声乐教学理论和教育学、心理学的有关知识对声乐教学的基本原则进行一个概括、梳理。力图形成正确的教学思维,在教学中帮助学生成才,从而更有利于声乐教学的良性发展。  相似文献   

本文就实际教学中,老师们运用案例教学存在的问题作了分析归结,同时,结合作者的教学体会,对"案例教学"的特点作了粗浅地探讨和阐述,旨在帮助大家充分认识"案例教学"在地理教学中的价值,不断探索案例教学的规律,实现课堂有效教学,提高课堂教学的质量和效益.  相似文献   

教学创新是现代教学发展的必然趋势,运用新的教学手段和理念,培养学生的创新能力,是初中历史教学创新的客观要求。为了适应历史教学新形势的需要,必须遵照新课标下的历史教学要求,创新历史教学原则、教学理念、教学手段等等。  相似文献   

教学创新是现代教学发展的必然趋势,运用新的教学手段和理念,培养学生的创新能力,是初中历史教学创新的客观要求.为了适应历史教学新形势的需要,必须遵照新课标下的历史教学要求,创新历史教学原则、教学理念、教学手段等等.  相似文献   

教学预设是教师实施课堂教学活动前的教学预想,是围绕课堂教学活动开展的课前系统教学准备.教学生成是因课堂教学师生异常表现及其突发事件节外生枝,离开或者超越了原有的教学路线,使课堂教学另辟蹊径向前推进的教学状态.教学预设与教学生成相互影响,相互促进,共同作用于课堂教学.为了更好地发挥两者的作用,必须全面提升教师素质,使其正确认识教学预设与教学生成的相互关系,充分做好教学预设,正确处理教学生成,科学评价课堂教学.  相似文献   

职业教育的教学过程强调的是职业实践,六阶段教学按照完成工作的顺序实施组织教学,恰恰突出了职业教育的特征,通过对六阶段教学内涵的综合阐述,并以<汽车电工电子技术应用>课程中"制作汽车电子器件"项目为例,说明六阶段教学在高职教学中的具体应用,以及取得良好的效果,而且通过实践研究总结出了六阶段教学的特征.六阶段教学在高职教学中的实施将有助于职业能力和职业综合素质的培养,有利于深化高职教育的教学与课程改革.  相似文献   

信息技术在教学中的应用有利于提高教学的有效性.信息技术条件下有效教学的特征:知识内容呈现情境化,有宽松和谐的教学氛围,教学过程具有互动性,教学手段具有先进性和多样性,学生能获得全面发展.信息技术条件下实现有效教学的策略:创设恰当的学习情境,应用多元化的教学模式,营造和谐的教学氛围,实施多元化的教学评价.  相似文献   

教学是一门艺术,教学语言的艺术性是其主要特征和表现形式之一.历史教学是以培养学生形成健康人格和思想品格伟核心的学科,历史教学中教学语言的运用是否具有艺术性,不仅关系到历史课堂的教学内容和形式的表达方式,还直接影响到教学目标和教学过程能否顺利的开展和实施.  相似文献   

本文通过详细的流程方式介绍了如何在语文教学中有效实施学案教学的方法,首先介绍学案教学产生的背景,其次说明什么是学案教学,学案教学的实施步骤,最后介绍实施学案教学的好处.  相似文献   

在历史教学中,教学观念要以学生为主体,教师要创造性地探索新的教学途径,改进教学方法和教学手段.本文结合自身的教学实践,谈一谈在高中历史教学中是如何发挥学生的主体作用.  相似文献   

油画课程是高等师范院校美术教育课程中的重要组成部分,油画教学第二课堂是第一课堂的有效补充,构建油画教学第二课堂为实现高师油画教学目标提供了平台阵地和现实途径。  相似文献   

针对高校建筑装饰设计专业人才培养在招生和教学环节中存在的不同程度的弊端,提倡在尊重建筑装饰艺术教学规律的基础上,探索适合我国高校建筑装饰设计人才的培养机制和对策。  相似文献   

摄影教育是高校美育的重要组成部分,对丰富校园文化生活、构建和谐校园具有重要意义。随着信息化时代的到来,网络技术为高职院校加强摄影教育提供了一个强大而有效的工具。创造性的利用好这一工具对于加强高职院校摄影教育意义重大。文章在结合实践的基础上对如何运用现代网络技术进一步加强高职院校摄影教育进行了探索。并提出了一些合理化建议。  相似文献   

As the goals of psychiatric education are evaluated and innovative teaching methods are sought, the current cinema represents an untapped resource. Thoughtful viewing of contemporary films with serious discussion of them in a film discussion group as part of the residency training program is a useful and enjoyable teaching format that helps bridge the gap between the art and science of psychiatry.  相似文献   

阅读教学肩负着美育责任,与审美教育有着质的统一性。通过阅读教学引导学生:感知美的情境,发现形象美;调动审美体验,发现情感美;展开审美鉴赏,发现艺术美;提高审美能力,发现内在美。  相似文献   

In recent years,public art has stepped in our lives. As an important part of public art,landscape opusculum is popular in daily life. But how landscape opusculum plays its feature,how to reconcile with public art better ,and how unify art、culture and natu  相似文献   

根据一般工科院校底子薄、基础差、经费紧张,实验室建设规模严重滞后于迅速膨胀的学生规模和国内外网络实验室的发展状况,提出了一种基于计算机网络技术的现代实验室系统方案.  相似文献   

The art and skill of psychotherapy supervision and its teaching have received relatively little attention compared to their importance in psychiatric education. Supervision is a complex task, requiring teaching and clinical skills, as well as an awareness of the numerous responsibilities of the position. We describe the responsibilities of the supervisor and group them to include those to the supervise, to the patient, to the training program and profession, and to the supervisor himself or herself. The core responsibility to supervise is teaching them how to be psychiatrists, which for supervisors requires a balance between a hierarchical and collaborative approach. The primary responsibility to patients is that of assuring satisfactory treatment. Evaluating supervise within an educational framework is the primary responsibility to the training program and profession. Finally, the responsibilities to the supervisors themselves include self-examination during the supervision process and general ongoing education. Several themes are highlighted. One theme, which is a central development in the understanding of supervision, is seeing the supervisor as a participant in the supervisory process, rather than an outside observer of the therapy process. Another theme is that these responsibilities are at times competing, requiring the supervisor to establish priorities. Vignettes are used throughout to illustrate the problems and subtleties of supervision.  相似文献   

计算机艺术设计是融科学、艺术、实践为一体的最新应用技术。本文概述了艺术设计的过去和现状,现代电脑艺术设计的起源和发展,重点论述了计算机艺术设计的价值和特点,同时还就计算机的应用给艺术设计以新的内涵,计算机对现代设计的影响以及计算机能否代替设计家的“双手”等问题进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Reviews the book "Art and visual perception," by Rudolph Arnheim (see record 1955-03680-000). In reading this book, one realizes why more psychologists have not been concerned with art. Art is a technical specialty in its own right and one must be expert both in psychology and in either creative art or the history of art to write on art. Arnheim's book brings the scientific knowledge of a trained psychologist to bear on the fundamental problems of visual art as it has developed through the ages. The discussion is always with reference to concrete works of art. Many original drawings, diagrams, and figures illustrate basic principles and important points. The writing is superb. The book is full of penetrating insights into questions of art and also into many problems of concern to the psychologist. Fundamentally this book is an argument against the usual art historian's approach, so well described by Arnheim as the purely subjective point of view, that what a person sees in a work of art "depends entirely on who he is, what he is interested in, what he has experienced in the past, and how he chooses to direct his attention". A book which reflects so well the author's urbanity, catholicity, and keenness of mind, as well as his technical grasp of the scientific and the artistic, is no small achievement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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