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The plasma density and electron temperature of a multi-source plasma system composed of several collisional inductively coupled plasma (ICP) cells were measured by a doubleprobe. The discharges of the ICP cells were shown to be independent of each other. Furthermore, the total plasma density at simultaneous multi-cell discharge was observed to be approximately equal to the summation of the plasma density when the cells discharge separately. Based on the linear summation phenomenon, it was shown that a larger area plasma with a uniform density and temperature profile could be constructed with multi-collisional ICP cells.  相似文献   

The radio frequency (rf) self-bias of the substrate in a rf inductively coupled plasma is controlled by means of varying the impedance of an external LC network inserted between the substrate and the ground. Experimental studies were done on the relations of the tuned substrate self-bias with varying discharge and external circuit parameters. Under a certain discharge gas pressure, the curves of tuned substrate self-bias Vtsb versus tuning capacitance Ct demonstrate jumps and hysteresises when rf discharge power is higher than a threshold. The hysteresis loop in terms of △Ctcrit1(= Ccrit1 -- Ccrit2, here, Ccrit1, Ccrit2 are critical capacitance magnitudes under which the tuned substrate self-bias jumps) decreases with increasing rf discharge power, while the maximum |Vtsbimn| is achieved in the middle discharge-power region. Under a constant discharge power |Vtsb min|, Ctcritl and Ctcrit2 achieve their minimums in the middle gas-pressure region. When the tuning capacitance is pre-set at a lower value, Vtsb varies slightly with gas-flow rate; in the case of tuning capacitance sufficiently approaching Ctcritl, Vtsb undergoes the jump and hysteresis with the changing gas-flow rate. By inserting a resistor R into the external network, the characteristics of Vtsb -- Ct curves are changed with the reduced quality factor Q depending on resistance values. Based on inductive- and capacitive-coupling characteristics of inductively coupled plasma, the dependence of a plasma sheath on plasma parameters, and the impedance properties of the substrate branch, the observed results can be qualitatively interpreted.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the application of plasma as wireless antenna. In order to reveal the radiation characteristics of column plasma antenna, we chose the finite-difference time- domain (FDTD) numerical analysis method to simulate radiation impedance and efficiencies of each channel for a few sets of plasma densities and plasma collision frequencies. Simulation results demonstrate that a plasma antenna shares similar characteristics with a metallic antenna in radiation impedance and efficiency of each channel when an appropriate setting is adopted. Unlike a metallic antenna, a plasma antenna is capable of realizing such functions as dynamic reconfiguration, digital control and dual-channel communication. Thus it is possible to carry out dual-channel communication by plasma antenna, indicating a new path for modern intelligent communication.  相似文献   

A spacecraft loses all forms of communication, including global positioning system signals, data telemetry, voice communication and so on, when it enters the communication blackout phase. This becomes more and more critical with the development of reentry vehicle missions since radio blackout brings about many serious issues related to vehicle safety. This paper studies the influence of magnetic field on antenna performance in plasma. The results indicate that the effect of plasma on the antenna performance can be negligible when the magnetic field reaches a certain strength. This provides another way to solve the reentry blackout problem.  相似文献   

The attenuation of electromagnetic(EM) waves in unmagnetized plasma generated by an inductively coupled plasma(ICP) actuator has been investigated both theoretically and experimentally. A numerical study is conducted to investigate the propagation of EM waves in multilayer plasma structures which cover a square flat plate. Experimentally, an ICP actuator with dimensions of 20 cm×20 cm×4 cm is designed to produce a steady plasma slab. The attenuation of EM waves in the plasma generated by the ICP actuator is measured by a reflectivity arch test method at incident waves of 2.3 GHz and 10.1 GHz, respectively. A contrastive analysis of calculated and measured results of these incident wave frequencies is presented, which suggests that the experiment accords well with our theory. As expected, the plasma slab generated by the ICP actuator can effectively attenuate the EM waves, which may have great potential application prospects in aircraft stealth.  相似文献   

Along with the introduction of the concept of dual-channel communication,we utilized the finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) method to simulate and measure the radiation pattern under certain plasma densities and plasma collision frequencies.Results show that under certain settings,the radiation pattern of a plasma antenna resembles that of a metallic antenna.In contrast to a metallic antenna,a plasma antenna possesses other functionalities,such as dynamic reconfiguration and digital controllability.The data from simulation are similar to the measurement results,indicating that column plasma antenna can realize dual-channel communication.This work confirms the viability of realizing dual-channel communication by column plasma antenna,which adds a new but promising method for modern intelligent communication.  相似文献   

CrN films have been synthesized on Si(100) wafer by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-enhanced radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. The effects of ICP power on microstructure, crystal orientation, nanohardness and stress of the CrN films have been investigated. With the increase of ICP power, the current density at substrate increases and the films exhibit denser structure, while the DC self-bias of target and the deposition rate of films decrease. The films change from crystal structure to amorphous structure with the increase of ICP power. The measured nanohardness and the compressive stress of films reach the topmost at ICP power of 150 W and 200 W, respectively. The mechanical properties of films show strong dependence on the crystalline structure and the density influenced by the ICP power.  相似文献   

The tuned substrate self-bias in a radio-frequency inductively coupled plasma is controlled by varying the impedance of an external tuning LCR (inductor, capacitor and resistor) network inserted between the substrate and the ground. In experiments, it was found that the variation of the tuned substrate self-bias with the tuning capacitance demonstrated three features, namely, continuity, instability and bistability. In this paper, a numerical study is focused on the elucidation of the physical mechanisms underlying continuity and bistability. For the sake of simplicity and feasibility to include the key factors influencing the tuned substrate bias, the tedious calculation of inductive-coupling to obtain the plasma density axtd electron temperature is omitted, and discussion of the tuned substrate self-bias is made under the prescribed plasma density and electron temperature. On the other hand, the parameters influencing capacitive- coupling are retained in modeling the system with an equivalent circuit. It is found that multi-stable state appears when one of the parameters, such as the resistance in LCR, substrate area and plasma density, decreased to its critical value, or the rf voltage or electron temperature increased to the critical value individually. In the reverse cases, the tuned substrate self-bias varies continuously with the tuning capacitance.  相似文献   

Surface modification on a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) panel was performed with sequential nitrogen plasma treatments and surface-initiated polymerization. By introducing COO– groups to the surface of the PTFE panel through grafting polymerization of acrylic acid (AA), a transparent poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) membrane was achieved from acrylic acid solution. Grafting polymerization initiating from the active groups was achieved on the PTFE panel surface after the nitrogen plasma treatment. Utilizing the acrylic acid as monomers, with COO– groups as cross link sites to form reticulation structure, a transparent poly (acrylic acid) membrane with arborescent macromolecular structure was formed on the PTFE panel surface. Analysis methods, such as FTIRmicroscopy and XPS were utilized to characterize the structures of the macromolecule membrane on the PTFE panel surface. A contact angle measurement was performed to characterize the modified PTFE panels. The surface hydrophilicities of modified PTFE panels were significantly enhanced after the plasma treatment. It was shown that the grafting rate is related to the treating time and the power of plasma.  相似文献   

ZrN fihns were deposited on Si(111) and M2 steel by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-enhanced RF magnetron sputtering. The effect of ICP power on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of ZrN films was investigated. When the ICP power is below 300 W, the ZrN films show a columnar structure. With the increase of ICP power, the texture coefficient (To) of the (111) plane, the nanohardness and elastic modulus of the films increase and reach the maximum at a power of 300 W. As the ICP Power exceeds 300 W, the films exhibit a ZrN and ZrNx mixed crystal structure without columnar grain while the nanohardness and elastic modulus of the films decrease. All the ZrN coated samples show a higher corrosion resistance than that of the bare M2 steel substrate in 3.5% NaCl electrolyte. The nanohardness and elastic modulus mostly depend on the crystalline structure and Tc of ZrN(111).  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of 10 kW and 110 kW inductively coupled plasma (ICP) wind tunnels were carried out to study physical properties of the flow inside the ICP torch and vacuum chamber with air as tile working gas. Two-dimensional compressible axisymmetric Navier- Stokes (N-S) equations that took into account 11 species and 49 chemical reactions of air, were solved. A heat source model was used to describe the heating phenomenon instead of solving the electromagnetic equations. In the vacuum chamber, a four-temperature model was coupled with N-S equations. Numerical results for tile 10 kW ICP wind tunnel are presented and discussed in detail as a representative case. It was found that the plasma flow in the vacuum chamber tended to be in local thermoehemical equilibrium. To study the influence of operation conditions on the flow field, simulations were carried out for different chamber pressures and/or input powers. The computational results for the above two ICP wind tunnels were compared with corresponding experimental data. The computational and experimental results agree well, therefore the flow fields of ICP wind tunnels can be clearly understood.  相似文献   

The plasma property of a hybrid ICP/sputtering discharge driven by 13.56 MHz/60 MHz power sources was investigated by Langmuir probe measurement. For the pure sputtering discharge, the low electron density and ion flux, the rise of floating potential and plasma potential with increasing power, as well as the bi-Maxwellian distribution of electron en- ergy distributions (EEDFs) were obtained. The assistance of ICP discharge led to the effective increases of electron density and ion flux, the suppression of rise of floating potential and plasma potential, as well as the change of EEDFs from bi-Maxwellian distribution into Maxwellian dis- tribution. The increase of electron density and ion flux, and the EEDFs evolution were related to the effective electron heating by the induced electric field.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In ICP (inductively coupled plasma) sources, ca- pacitive coupling coexists with inductive coupling [1], since the radio-frequency (rf) current flowing in the coil should be driven by rf voltage, and the coil simul- taneously works as an rf electrode employed in CCP sources. The rf current driven by the coil rf voltage, namely capacitive current, circulates not only within the plasma but also in the external circuits connected to the grounded chamber wall of the plasma source.…  相似文献   

The Fusion-Driven Subcritical System (FDS) is a subcritical nuclear energy system drived by fusion neutron source. In this paper, an advanced plasma configuration for FDS system has been proposed, which aims at high beta, high bootstrap current and good confinement. A fixed-boundary equilibrium code has been used to obtain ideal equilibrium configuration. In order to determine the feasibility of FDS operation, a two-dimensional time-dependent free boundary simulation code has been adopted to simulate time-scale evolution of plasma current profile and boundary position. By analyses, the Reversed Shear mode as the most attractive one has been recommended for the FDS equilibrium configuration design.  相似文献   

The functionality of the plasma antenna has been narrowed to types and brand names only.The physics of its operation has been neglected and has stagnated technological innovations.The magnetic field in the sheath and plasma were investigated.Notable specifications were worked out in the proposed improved cylindrical monopole plasma antenna.The occurrence of femto spin demagnetization was discovered between the duration of switch on and switch off of the antenna.This phenomenon seems transient because magnetization is highest at the switch on/off point.  相似文献   

本工作研究铀矿地质样品中铀含量仲裁分析方法——同位素稀释电感耦合等离子体质谱法。样品经混酸密闭消解溶矿,采用浓缩铀为稀释剂,使用高分辨电感耦合等离子体质谱测定铀同位素比值,进而计算样品中的铀含量。本方法具有明晰的计量溯源特性,铀的测量范围为1~10000μg/g,对于铀含量约为4μg/g的砂岩样品,相对扩展不确定度小于4.0%(扩展因子K=2.57),可满足砂岩铀矿地质样品中铀含量仲裁分析要求。  相似文献   

Vortex patterns of dust particles have been observed in a magnetized dusty plasma system. The formation mechanism of two-dimensional (2D) vortex patterns has been investigated by analysing the forces acting on dust particles and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in a 2D confined magnetized dusty plasma. It has been found that with a weak confining electric field and a strong magnetic field, the particles' trajectories will form a vortex shape. The simulation results agree with our experimental observations. In our experiments, vortex patterns can be induced via circular rotation of particles by changing the rf (radio-frequency) power in a magnetized dusty plasma.  相似文献   

In this article, numerical investigation of the effects of different plasma actuation strengths on the film cooling flow characteristics has been conducted using large eddy simulation(LES). For this numerical research, the plasma actuator is placed downstream of the trailing edge of the film cooling hole and a phenomenological model is employed to provide the electric field generated by it, resulting in the body forces. Our results show that as the plasma actuation strength grows larger, under the downward effect of the plasma actuation, the jet trajectory near the cooling hole stays closer to the wall and the recirculation region observably reduces in size. Meanwhile, the momentum injection effect of the plasma actuation also actively alters the distributions of the velocity components downstream of the cooling hole. Consequently, the influence of the plasma actuation strength on the Reynolds stress downstream of the cooling hole is remarkable. Furthermore, the plasma actuation weakens the strength of the kidney shaped vortex and prevents the jet from lifting off the wall. Therefore, with the increase of the strength of the plasma actuation, the coolant core stays closer to the wall and tends to split into two distinct regions. So the centerline film cooling efficiency is enhanced, and it is increased by 55% at most when the plasma actuation strength is 10.  相似文献   

使用同位素稀释技术,采用配有六极杆碰撞室的多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱,对红酒标准物质中铁含量进行了测量,得到高精密度同位素丰度比测量结果。同时采用相对测量方法 ICP-MS和 ICP-OES对红酒样品中的铁含量进行了测量,并与同位素稀释质谱法进行了比较,结果符合一致。方法的不确定度分析包含了实验过程中每个步骤所产生的不确定度和使用的标准物质的不确定度,其中,流程空白对方法检测限和精密度的影响不容忽视。建立的红酒中痕量铁含量的同位素稀释质谱方法为标准物质的定值提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

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