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通过对住宅工程质量投诉等一系列问题的整理和分析,结合建设工程质量治理两年行动,归纳总结了太原市住宅工程质量投诉现象及表现形式,从设计、施工、监理等方面入手,探讨了确保住宅工程质量的有效方法,以期对住宅工程质量的提高起到积极的规范和促进作用。  相似文献   

当今,国际上一些环保专家巳将“室内空气污染”问题列为继“煤烟型污染”、“光化学烟雾型”污染之后的第三代空气污染问题。ASHRAE(美国暖通空调和制冷工程师协会)标准62—1989R中,首次提出了可接受的室内空气品质的概念,定义如下:房间内绝大多数人(80%或更多)没有对室内空气表示不满意,并且空气中没有巳知的污染物达到了可能对人体健康产生严重威胁的浓度。  相似文献   

王鹏  白静 《建筑创作》2006,(2):96-107
国内大城市房地产市场单纯靠概念炒作、局部优势取胜的局面已经过去,代之而起的是产品“综合素质”的呈现——作为住宅设计灵魂的“创新”,以及产品综合品质的高低,已经逐渐成为其发展的关键因素。  相似文献   

According to the Air Quality Framework Directive, air pollutant concentration levels have to be assessed and reported annually by each European Union member state, taking into consideration European air quality standards. Plans and programmes should be implemented in zones and agglomerations where pollutant concentrations exceed the limit and target values. The main objective of this study is to perform a long-term air quality simulation for Portugal, using the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model, applied over Portugal, for the year 2001. The model performance was evaluated by comparing its results to air quality data from the regional monitoring networks and to data from a diffusive sampling experimental campaign. The results obtained show a modelling system able to reproduce the pollutant concentrations' temporal evolution and spatial distribution observed at the regional networks of air quality monitoring. As far as the fulfilment of the air quality targets is concerned, there are excessive values for nitrogen and sulfur dioxides, ozone also being a critical gaseous pollutant in what concerns hourly concentrations and AOT40 (Accumulated Over Threshold 40 ppb) values.  相似文献   

Microbial quality assessment of household greywater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A monitoring program was undertaken to assess the microbial quality of greywater collected from 93 typical households in Melbourne, Australia. A total of 185 samples, comprising 75 washing machine wash, 74 washing machine rinse and 36 bathroom samples were analysed for the faecal indicator Escherichia coli. Of these, 104 were also analysed for genetic markers of pathogenic E coli and 111 for norovirus (genogroups GI and GII), enterovirus and rotavirus using RT-PCR. Enteric viruses were detected in 20 out of the 111 (18%) samples comprising 16 washing machine wash water and 4 bathroom samples. Eight (7%) samples were positive for enterovirus, twelve (11%) for norovirus genogroup GI, one (1%) for norovirus genogroup GII and another (1%) for rotavirus. Two washing machine samples contained more than one virus. Typical pathogenic E. coli were detected in 3 out of 104 (3%) samples and atypical enteropathogenic E. coli in 11 (11%) of samples. Levels of indicator E. coli were highly variable and the presence of E. coli was not associated with the presence of human enteric viruses in greywater. There was also little correlation between reported gastrointestinal illness in households and detection of pathogens in greywater.  相似文献   

宜人·怡人·冶人--议如何创造高品质的居住小区外部环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对居住小区外部环境的设计现状谈创造高品质的居住小区环境,应对景观环境设计与总体规划设计同步进行,注重设计的连续性和整体性,注重创造小区环境的个性特征,保护和创造小区户外环境的生态自然环境,创造住户参与户外活动与设计的"冶人"空间,从而达到经济效益、社会效益、环境效益共赢的目的.  相似文献   

采用水质综合标识指数法对某水体2012年全年水质污染特征进行分析.结果表明,该水体各断面水质基本达标;空间分布上水质从上游到下游呈下降趋势,时间分布上丰水期水质与枯水期水质相比基本无差异;CODMn是该水体的主要特征污染物,非点源是主要污染来源.  相似文献   

Some factors affecting coastal landscape aesthetic quality assessment   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Seventy beaches in Wales, UK, were investigated with regard to quality of beach scenery using video panoramas. Scenic beauty was judged by three groups: coastal managers/academics; students in environmental sciences; and technical staff with no environmental training. Cloud cover at time of filming had a significant effect on scoring so a correction was applied for further data analysis. A strong preference was observed for undeveloped beaches over those where anthropogenic structures were prominent (p = 0.00), and for beaches with high relative relief. Beach commercialization level had an independent effect only on scores from the student group (p = 0.02). Results suggested that coastal managers/academics may assess beach landscape quality according to different criteria to those applied by people with no environmental training. Extreme scores did not seem to be well predicted by analysis of quantifiable landscape components and scores from the untrained judging group were also less predictable. The findings could contribute to coastal aesthetic resource management by demonstrating the feasibility of quantitatively assessing beach scenic quality for a large number of beaches. Identification, albeit tentative, of landscape parameters important in scenic quality assessment by various stakeholder groups could also contribute to the coastal management/planning process.  相似文献   

作为设计师,我们做到了居住建筑所需求的个性,从单体平房到多层综合住宅。我们喜欢伴随住宅设计的个人接触。从更广的层面上来说,我们的总体规划照顾一个有活力的社区的所有需要。我们的方法总是将居住建筑物和谱地融入到它们的环境之中。  相似文献   

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important consideration for health and well-being as people spend most of their time indoors. Multi-disciplinary interest in IAQ is growing, resulting in more empirical research, especially in affordable housing settings, given disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations. Conceptually, there is little coherency among these case studies; they traverse diverse spatial scales, indoor and outdoor environments, and populations, making it difficult to implement research findings in any given setting. We employ a social-ecological systems (SES) framework to review and categorize existing interventions and other literature findings to elucidate relationships among spatially and otherwise diverse IAQ factors. This perspective is highly attentive to the role of agency, highlighting individual, household, and organizational behaviors and constraints in managing IAQ. When combined with scientific knowledge about the effectiveness of IAQ interventions, this approach favors actionable strategies for reducing the presence of indoor pollutants and personal exposures.  相似文献   

"华城美地"昆山新城住宅规划项目,位于长江三角洲扬子江畔,是多功能混合的大型社区,整个环境河流密布、风光秀丽.在总体规划中,以当地存在的河流水系作为设计的统一主题和布局的发展元素.3 700个居住单元与超大的商业空间通过建筑的合理布局整合起来,通过轻松怡人的开敞空间串联起来.  相似文献   

针对同一车混凝土强度质量检验情况,从标准执行、混凝土本身质量变化和试验操作三方面分析了存在差异的原因,提出了促进混凝土强度检验评定执行标准的协调一致、加强和创新结构实体强度检验方法、混凝土企业确保提供合格产品、施工单位引进混凝土专业技术人才来规范混凝土质量控制以及政府质量监督管理部门有力执法,是分清混凝土质量相关方质量职责,解决混凝土质量争议,净化混凝土行业市场环境,保障混凝土结构工程质量的有效措施.  相似文献   

利用模糊综合评判原理研究了现有钢结构焊接质量安全性的综合评定问题,确定了相应的隶属函数,建立二级模糊综合评判模型,为建立相应的专家系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土施工质量评价的智能方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
将智能方法引入到钢筋混凝土施工质量评价研究中,以模板工程、钢筋工程、混凝土工程施工质量为输入指标,钢筋混凝土施工质量程度为输出指标,基于支持向量机建立钢筋混凝土施工质量评价的智能分析模型。并将该模型应用到工程实际中,研究表明:预测结果能反映施工质量的优劣,该模型回判错误率低,预测精度高,为钢筋混凝土施工质量评价提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

李和滨  赵彦芹 《山西建筑》2009,35(2):215-216
分析了建设工程质量风险评价的意义,对建设工程质量风险指标的鱼刺图进行了分析,构建了建设工程质量风险评价物元模型,并给出了计算实例,以加强工程质量风险的分析和评价,有针对性地制定风险控制对策。  相似文献   

城市居住区分化及混合生态居住模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着近年来我国经济社会迅猛发展,城市居住分异现象的出现及其负面影响已引起极大关注。本文从分析产生大城市居住分异现象的经济社会根源出发,借鉴西方混合居住发展模式和经验,运用系统理论、政治经济学、公共利益理论和社会生态理论,提出了在当前我国城市住宅开发中积极推进混合生态型居住模式的对策和建议。  相似文献   

高志 《百年建筑》2006,(5):31-31
文化具有非常广泛的外延,当一个建筑能代表一个国家、一个城市.甚至代表一个民族的时候.它的存在就是有文化的。文化是全世界的财富,建筑师并不是只能做本土的建筑。做只是一个过程.只要是最后完成的结果是能辨别的、有特定文化的建筑就可以。至于是谁操作不重要。  相似文献   

在全球金融危机的凛冽寒风之中本期专辑高层住宅与读者见面了。市场经济的发展有其自身的规律经济扩张与经济紧缩总是变替更选循环往复。但人的基本需求不会改变社会对住宅的需求也就不会改变.土地资源的稀缺性不会改变人类集约节约利用土地的必要性也就不会改变城市中建造高层住宅的必要性也就不会改变在房地产市场“过冬”的此时,静下心来认真地探讨高层住宅的规划与设计问题恰似对农业而言至关重要的“冬季农田水利基本建设”,是为来年的丰收打基础的工作。  相似文献   

<正>美国阿灵顿Arlington,USA2016-2019项目位于阿灵顿市中心的罗斯林地区,与华盛顿特区的白宫、杰弗逊纪念堂、林肯纪念堂等标志性城市建筑隔河相望。MAD的设计的双塔从一个长方体中间自然裂开,如山谷被劈开,两塔遥相呼应,包容了周边的城市环境,建筑本身也成为城市的景观。双塔间的距离和空间得到了延展和扩阔,形成了有趣的呼应关系,也保持了舒适的距离,同时也大幅优化了塔间  相似文献   

<正>法国巴黎Paris,France2012-2018正如利尔克曾说过的,"巴黎是一座无与伦比的城市"。它浪漫、优雅,同时又时尚而先锋,它在不同时期都有着超出寻常的新建筑,埃菲尔铁塔、蓬皮杜艺术中心、卢浮宫金字塔……巴黎总能引领时代的新潮,是一座具有文化和艺术先驱性的城市。UNIC住宅项目位于巴黎市新区的克利希巴蒂尼奥勒(Clichy-Batignolles)社区,  相似文献   

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