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This study describes the numerical modeling of three-dimensional coupled turbulent flow, heat transfer, and solidification in a continuous slab caster for stainless steel. The model uses generalized transport equations which are applicable to the liquid, mushy and solid regions within the caster. The turbulent characteristics in the melt pool and mushy region are accounted for using the low-Reynolds number kε turbulence model by Launder and Sharma. This version of the low-Reynolds number turbulence model is found to be more easily adaptable to the coupled flow and mushy region solidification caster problem compared to the standard high-Reynolds number and other low-Reynolds number turbulence models. The macroscopic solidification process itself is based on the enthalpy-porosity scheme. The governing transport equations are solved employing the primitive variables and using the control volume based finite-difference scheme on a staggered grid. The process variables considered are the casting speed and the inlet superheat of the melt. The effects of these process variables on the velocity and temperature distributions and on the extent of the solidification and mushy regions are reported and discussed. The numerical predictions of solidification profile are compared with the limited experimental data available in the literature, and very good agreement was found.  相似文献   

A model is developed to simulate the solidification of the steel shell in the mold region of the continuous casting process. Conduction-dominated temperature fields in the mold, mold flux, steel shell, and molten steel regions are determined through the development of an evolution equation for the solidifying front. This equation is derived in the limit of small aspect ratio, mold width to height, using asymptotic methods. These results are coupled with a lubrication-theory model for the mold flux region. This model assumes a temperature-dependent viscosity for the mold flux and allows for solidification of the flux at temperatures below a critical value. System response to changing casting speeds, superheat, mold wall temperatures, and mold flux properties is investigated.  相似文献   

以某钢厂250mm×2 100mm断面板坯连铸结晶器为研究对象,采用水力模拟的方法研究了拉速在0.88m/min条件下不同水口结构参数对钢液行为的影响。研究表明:1号水口(原方案)在浸入深度为57mm时,液面波峰谷差值达到3.67mm,卷渣严重,冲击深度为205mm;优化设计的5号水口在浸入深度为57mm时,液面波峰谷差值减小为2.74mm,卷渣现象基本消失,冲击深度为177mm。确定5号水口为最优水口结构参数,浸入深度以57~67mm为宜。  相似文献   

Unsteady three-dimensional flow in the mold region of the liquid pool during continuous casting of steel slabs has been computed using realistic geometries starting from the submerged inlet nozzle. Three large-eddy simulations (LES) have been validated with measurements and used to compare results between full-pool and symmetric half-pool domains and between a full-scale water model and actual behavior in a thin-slab steel caster. First, time-dependent turbulent flow in the submerged nozzle is computed. The time-dependent velocities exiting the nozzle ports are then used as inlet conditions for the flow in the liquid pool. Complex time-varying flow structures are observed in the simulation results, in spite of the nominally steady casting conditions. Flow in the mold region is seen to switch between a “double-roll” recirculation zone and a complex flow pattern with multiple vortices. The computed time-averaged flow pattern agrees well with measurements obtained by hot-wire anemometry and dye injection in full-scale water models. Full-pool simulations show asymmetries between the left and right sides of the flow, especially in the lower recirculation zone. These asymmetries, caused by interactions between two halves of the liquid pool, are not present in the half-pool simulation. This work also quantifies differences between flow in the water model and the corresponding steel caster. The top-surface liquid profile and fluctuations are predicted in both systems and agree favorably with measurements. The flow field in the water model is predicted to differ from that in the steel caster in having higher upward velocities in the lower-mold region and a more uniform top-surface liquid profile. A spectral analysis of the computed velocities shows characteristics similar to previous measurements. The flow results presented here are later used (in Part II of this article) to investigate the transport of inclusion particles.  相似文献   

Particle motion and capture in continuous steel casters were simulated using a Lagrangian trajectory-tracking approach, based on time-dependent flow fields obtained from large-eddy simulations (Part I of this article). A computation was first conducted on a water model of a full-scale standard slab caster, where measurements were available. It simulated the transport of 15,000 plastic particles and their removal by a screen positioned near the mold top surface. The computation shows the screenremoval fractions to be 27±5 pct for 0 to 10 seconds and 26±2 pct for 10 to 100 seconds, which agrees with previous measurements. The flow exiting the nozzle was relatively uniform, and turbulent motion in the domain was very chaotic, so particle removal did not depend on the initial location of particles introduced in the nozzle port. A computation of motion and capture of 40,000 small inclusions (10 and 40 μm) was then performed in an actual thin-slab steel caster. The particles moved through the mold region with an asymmetrical distribution, which was caused by transients in fluid turbulence in the lower recirculation region, rather than by inlet variations at the nozzle port. Only about 8 pct of these small particles were removed to the top surface. This removal fraction was independent of both particle size and density, likely because all the simulated particles were too small to deviate significantly from the surrounding fluid flow. Finally, the computational results were further processed to predict the ultimate distribution of impurity particles in the solid thin slab after a short burst of inclusions entered the mold. They were reprocessed to reveal the distribution of total oxygen content for a steady inclusion supply from the nozzle. The results of this work confirm the important role of flow transients in the transport and capture of particles during continuous casting and can serve as a benchmark for future simplified models.  相似文献   

欧阳鹏  李丽 《武钢技术》2009,47(1):51-54
结合玉溪新兴钢铁有限公司的生产实践,通过对现场调研收集的大量实际运行数据进行分析,得到方坯、板坯设备及结晶器供水情况,提出该循环水系统的最佳设备改造方案。生产结果表明,改进后,结晶器水、设备冷却水水温下降10℃,软水使用量明显下降。  相似文献   

The work studies the extent of asymmetric flow in water models of continuous casting molds of two different configurations. In the molds where fluid is discharged through multiple holes at the bottom, the flow pattern in the lower portion depends on the size of the lower two recirculating domains. If they reach the mold bottom, the flow pattern in the lower portion is symmetrical about the central plane; otherwise, it is asymmetrical. On the other hand, in the molds where the fluid is discharged through the entire mold cross section, the flow pattern is always asymmetrical if the aspect ratio is 1:6.25 or more. The fluid jet swirls while emerging through the nozzle. The interaction of the swirling jets with the wide sidewalls of the mold gives rise to asymmetrical flow inside the mold. In the molds with lower aspect ratios, where the jets do not touch the wide side walls, the flow pattern is symmetrical about the central plane.  相似文献   

针对4#小扁坯铸机不配精炼炉的实际情况,制定相应的钢水脱氧制度、温度制度以及时序的控制和用包制度.保证了4#小扁坯铸机的生产顺行.  相似文献   

The continuous casting of steel in a section continuous caster with a three-plate sliding gate placed in the tundish is considered. The main causes of casting-channel clogging in casting are shown to be related to the displacement of the central plate with respect to the two other plates and to high heat removal through the tundish nozzle walls. The results obtained are used to find the rational displacement of the central plate and to correct the casting channel diameter.  相似文献   

重点研究了浸入式水口浸入深度、拉速等工艺参数对结晶器内钢液流动状态的影响.研究结果表明:改变这些影响因素在一定程度上可以起到改善钢液流动状态的目的,但通过改变这些影响因素并不能完全实现对结晶器内钢液流动状态的有效控制,尤其是对液面波动和对窄面冲击强度的控制.  相似文献   

Bifurcated nozzles are used in continuous casting of molten steel, where they influence the quality of the cast steel slabs. The present study performs two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) simulations of steady turbulent(K- ε) flow in bifurcated nozzles, using a finite-element (FIDAP) model, which has been verified previously with water model experiments. The effects of nozzle design and casting process operating variables on the jet characteristics exiting the nozzle are investigated. The nozzle design parameters studied include the shape, angle, height, width, and thickness of the ports and the bottom geometry. The process operating practices include inlet velocity profile and angle as well as port curvature caused by erosion or inclusion buildup. Results show that the jet angle is controlled mainly by the port angle but is steeper with larger port area and thinner walls. The degree of swirl is increased by larger or rounder ports. The effective port area, where there is no recirculation, is increased by smaller or curved ports. Flow asymmetry is more severe with skewed or angled inlet conditions or unequal port sizes. Turbulence levels in the jet are higher with higher casting speed and smaller ports. Formerly Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Formerly Research Assistant in the same department.  相似文献   

采用1:4的比例建立水力学模型模拟210 t多功能RH浸渍管内钢液流动装置,对钢液流态进行分析,并考察吹氩量、浸渍管插入深度及吹氩孔个数对钢液流场和混匀时间的影响.结果表明:钢包内存在一主回流和大量小回流,并且来自下降管的下降液流和其周围液体形成了液-液两相流,这种流动状态对钢包内的混合及传质起着决定性的作用;本文得到的关于RH钢包内液体的这种流动状态,否定了RH过程的早期研究中关于下降管和上升管间存在\  相似文献   

陈敏  王楠  韩文习  王洋  金爱军  胡道峰  李翔  马军  马骏 《炼钢》2007,23(3):36-40
通过水力模型实验,研究了水口结构对南钢板坯连铸机结晶器内钢水流动特性的影响.研究结果表明:使用现有水口结晶器内液面波动大且存在明显裸露并有严重的卷渣现象,适当增加浸入式水口出口面积,在不改变水口其它结构参数和插入深度条件下,能够获得液面波动小,保护渣覆盖良好且没有卷渣的钢水流动特性,不仅能够实现提高拉速的要求,还能提高铸坯质量.  相似文献   

In this study, the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations are solved on a curvilinear nonorthogonal grid, following the finite volume approximation, with a pressure prediction-correction method, for the case of a flow in a model steel casting mold. The steel flow is simulated by water flow and the slag layer by an oil film, following conditions of previous experimental studies. The simulation aims at the understanding of the free wave and the interface surface wave behavior and the mechanism that leads to the breakup of the steel-slag interface, and thus induction of impurities inside the final steel product. Boundary conditions are set on the free and the interface surfaces, and an adaptive grid mechanism is used in order to update the grid’s shape so as to follow the wave formation. Several cases have been considered with the inlet velocity parameter, and results concerning the velocity field and the generated waves are reported. It is shown that a critical casting speed exists that leads to wave instability, which may be associated with emulsification phenomena.  相似文献   

采用大涡模拟研究连铸钢水非定常湍流特性,比较了雷诺平均数学模型与大涡模拟数学模型对预测结晶器内钢水湍流运动的影响.模型采用一种低温液态金属模型的超声波多普勒速度仪(UDV)的测量结果进行验证,表明大涡模拟比雷诺平均模拟与实验测量结果更加吻合.瞬态湍流研究表明,大涡模拟优于雷诺平均数学模型,能够捕捉到水口附近高频率的湍流脉动现象.水口出流钢水区域内小尺度湍流结构起支配作用,射流以阶梯状上下摆动向结晶器内扩散.受湍流大尺度作用,结晶器内流场偏流现象始终存在,并且呈周期性变化,随着对流场时间平均的增加,结晶器内的不对称现象逐渐消除.  相似文献   

The Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Combine has mastered a technology for obtaining continuous-cast semifinished products of low-carbon ([C] < 0.10%) steels SAE1006 and SAE1008. These steels are cast in an open stream on a continuous section caster with 100 × 100 mm molds. It was determined that good-quality semifinished products and favorable casting conditions are assured by deoxidizing the steel with secondary aluminum during casting. The amount of aluminum used here is 1.2 kg/ton. The aluminum is introduced into the ladle before the ferroalloys. The value of the ratio [Mn]:[S] in the finished steel should be no lower than 22, while the value of [Mn]:[Si] should be at least 2.5. Casting speed is kept at or below 5.2 m/min, and the maximum pressure exerted on the semifinished product by the withdrawing rollers is 35 ton-f. Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray phase analysis were used to determine the composition of the sulfide compounds in the steels when the ratio [Mn]:[S] has the values 14.8 and 17.7. __________ Translated from Metallurg, No. 7, pp. 59–62, July, 2007.  相似文献   

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