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六年来,《小兵张嘎》动用了北京,上海,深圳,杭州,大连,长春,青岛,以及朝鲜的创作人才,最多时创作队伍达到600人,在“非典”时期,几十个人汇聚在一个厂棚里与几箱方便面为伴,一天都没有停工,剧本改编,美术设计,确立造型,语言动画,音乐选择,后期合成,每一个环节换一个城市,每一个环节都勒紧裤腰带完成,  相似文献   

电流,工业声响,街头噪音,唱片,合成器,电脑软件,舞池,欲望,节奏,原始未来,虚幻,频率,秘密,星空与大海,后工业的蝴蝶穿过酸雨腐蚀的田野,抖落身上冰冷的金属粉尘,在风格森林的钢胸铁肺之后,在流萤与碎影中寻回失传已久的彩虹……[编者按]  相似文献   

应变电测与传感技术在各种工程和领域中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了应变电测与传感技术在航空,航天,电力,动力,土建,水利,冶金,化工,桥梁,道路,船舶,交通,机械等各种工程和医学,生物力学,文娱,体育等领域中应用的各种例子。  相似文献   

人生光阴,如川流逝去,不舍昼夜。人生取舍,尺壁非宝,寸阴是竞。真理之路,漫漫而远兮,上下而求索,朝闻道,夕死可。择书阅读,是人生魂魄铸造过程。培根曾言:读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩,凡有所学者,皆成性格。择书亦如交友,书如其人,孔子曾云:益者三友,友直,友谅,友多闻。择书阅读,慎哉,慎哉!  相似文献   

MAES系列通用专家系统的结构及使用方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述一种国内自主开发的专家系统开发工具,可以替代进口的专家系统。它可应用于工业,农业,军事,医疗,交通,旅游,环保,气象,航空等领域,实现诊断,计划,设计,咨询,管理,市场预测,投标等。  相似文献   

Lailai是一个人物,爱幻想,爱思考,没有嘴巴,回为Lailai不爱多说话,不喜欢是是非非,也没有耳朵,因为Lailai不在乎别人的看法,走自己的路,独立,自由,眼神很顺利,因为Lailai要用它来分辨这世间的一切美和丑,双手发达,因为Lailai热爱劳动,热爱生活,  相似文献   

一般冒泡排序算法用TureBasic语言描述如所附子程序sort。为提高排序速度,本文对其做两点改进。第一[注],由原来的每趟比较只向一个方向(由前向后或由后向前)改为由前至后和由后至前交替进行。这是因为当由前向后比较时,大数向后移动快,而小数向前移动慢;当由后向前比较时,小数向前移动快,而大数向后移动慢。例如,考虑以下各数:2,8,5,4,7,6,3,1,9由前向后比较一趟结果是:2,5,4,7,6,3,1,8,9显然,8向后移动得很快。再由后向前比较一趟结果是:1,2,5,4,7,6,3,8,9显然,1向前移动得很快。考虑几率均等,…  相似文献   

登登  丘震 《数码摄影》2006,(8):112-117
我和我的新娘,是有关爱情的,孤独,抛弃,追求,理解。 我和我的新娘,是有关城市的,权贵,建设,没落,符号。 我和我的新娘,是有关一切的,愤怒,怜悯,无知,怅惘。[编者按]  相似文献   

本对Oracle图灵机在接受计算中的查询次数加以限制,并且得到结果:存在无穷多个非多等价的递归集A,B,A',B',A'',B'',A''',B''',它们满足性质:P(A,q)=P(A,q+1),P(B,q)≠P(B,q+1),p(A',q)=P(A'),P(B',q)≠P(B'),NP(A'',q+1),NP(B'',q)≠NP(B'',q+1),NP(A'',q)=NP(A''),NP(B  相似文献   

叶泊 《现代计算机》2008,(11):125-125
一家大公司在报纸上刊登了招聘公关的启事,要求非常高:女性,未婚,没有男友,22周岁,身高一米七,名牌大学中文系本科毕业,长相甜美,笑起来有酒窝,身材苗条,腰围一尺八,乌黑长发,没有染过,气质优雅,有大家闺秀的风范……  相似文献   

A new type of self-tuning pole-placement controller is proposed based on multi-step cost function minimization and using single-input single-output models of the controlled autoregressive moving average form. The generalized pole-placement (GPP) algorithm has advantages over standard pole-placement self-tuners in having a set of tuning knobs for improving transient response and overall control performance. The GPP is particularly suitable for programmed control in which future set-point values are known.  相似文献   

Some critical computations in pole-placement design and in that of many model reference adaptive systems are described. These numerical problems are associated with the resolution of the diophantine equation. They occur when the assumption of no common poles and zeros is violated. Regularization techniques which cope with ill-conditioning are presented. The resulting algorithm combines a standard indirect pole-placement adaptive control algorithm and a dimension-free regularization procedure of the design equations, thus avoiding the pole-zero cancellation problem and yet retaining the other properties of the algorithm. The application of this control scheme in a pulsed liquid-liquid extraction column is described. The control objective is to optimize the column behaviour. Extraction columns are subject to changes in feed compositions, feed flow-rates, physical properties of the solvent (the extractor) and the solute (liquid mixture) and various disturbances. The column exhibits highly non-linear and time-varying dynamics. The conductivity measured at a specific place in the column and the pulse frequency have been selected as control variables. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness and the robustness of this regularized pole-placement adaptive control algorithm.  相似文献   

一种基于广义预测的极点配置自适应控制算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文提出了一种新的极点配置自适应控制算法.当对象受到不确定性干扰作用时,该算 法能保证系统的稳定性,最后,本文给出了一个仿真算例.  相似文献   

In this note, an extension of Elliott's direct adaptive pole-placement algorithm [1] for plants having purely deterministic disturbances consisting of sine waves and/or bias is given.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的极点配置自适应控制算法。当对象受到不确定性干扰作用时,该算法能保证系统的稳定性。最后,本文给出了一个仿真算例。  相似文献   

本文通过在指标函数中引入加权多项式,为由脉冲响应模型描述的系统提出一种基于多步预测的极点配置自校正控制器,这种控制器能确保控制系统的稳定性,并能消除控制系统的稳态误差,算法的计算也比其它的预测控制算法如MAC,GPC等小。  相似文献   

The author proposes design procedures based on state-space pole-placement techniques for systems with multiple operating conditions. This is the so-called simultaneous pole-placement problem. First, the full state feedback problem is studied, in which a nonlinear local pole-placement solution is proposed. The design condition is formulated in terms of the rank condition of a multimode controllability matrix. Then, the output feedback problem is approached using a multimodel controller design, which is an extension of the observer design to multimode systems. The design is decomposed into separated global pole-placement subproblems and a local pole-placement subproblem. For a system with some operating conditions having modes on the j ω-axis, but no modes at the origin in the open right-half of the complex plane, stabilizability and detectability conditions for the design of an asymptotically stabilizing control are established, without any restriction on the number of inputs or outputs. Relations of this approach to other simultaneous control design approaches are pointed out  相似文献   

An algorithm for the evaluation of the fixed modes of interconnected large-scale systems with respect to decentralized feedback gains is presented, as well as a procedure for the determination of decentralized stabilization and/or pole-placement feedback gains. The approach is based on eigenvalue dynamics, and closed-form expressions for eigenvalue sensitivities with respect to the decentralized feedback gains are obtained.  相似文献   

Tape mechanisms must be able to transport the tape with a constant velocity for achieving high rate of data transfer. In this paper, a multivariable model of tape transport mechanism including the take-up and supply reel servos for tape tension control and capstan servo for speed control is considered. To achieve desired performance, pole-placement approach based on general canonical control form (GCCF) is used. Instead of using expensive tension sensors, an observer is designed. A regulator system is developed for disturbance rejection; and a modified integral control is designed for perfect tracking of desired set-points in tape speed and tensions. Since the real dynamic model associates with parametric uncertainties, an algorithm is developed for robust pole-placement. Eigenvalues of the uncertain control system are chosen such that appropriate responses are achieved while control efforts remain small bounded. Results show that robust performance is obtained for uncertain models with various parametric uncertainties.  相似文献   

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