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V Ratanatharathorn C Karanes J Uberti LG Lum MM de Planque KR Schultz S Cronin ME Dan A Mohamed M Hussein 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,81(8):2194-2199
Preparative regimens containing busulfan (BU) followed by allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) were used in 27 consecutive patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The median age was 33 years (range, 4 to 54). Ten were female and 17 male. Sixteen patients had primary MDS, 11 other patients had antecedent hematologic diseases or developed MDS after cytotoxic and/or radiation therapy. Six patients had leukemic transformation and received antileukemic therapy before BMT. Pre-BMT cytogenetic studies showed complex chromosomal abnormalities in 13 patients, a simple abnormality in 5 patients, and normal chromosome in 8 patients. Three BU-based preparative regimens were used: 1 patient received BU 4 mg/kg orally (PO) daily for 4 days and cyclophosphamide (CY) 50 mg/kg intravenously (IV) daily for 4 days (BUCY-4); 24 patients received BU 4 mg/kg PO daily for 4 days, cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) 2 g/m2 IV every 12 hours for 4 doses, and CY 60 mg/kg IV daily for 2 days (BAC); and 2 patients with preceding Fanconi anemia received BU 2 mg/kg PO daily for 4 days followed by total lymphoid irradiation of 5 Gy. Seventeen of 27 patients are alive with no evidence of disease. Ten patients have died: 2 from hepatic veno-occlusive disease, 3 from sepsis, 1 from a cerebral bleed, 1 from a massive gastrointestinal (GI) bleed associated with acute graft-versus-host disease, 1 from hemolytic uremic syndrome with adult respiratory distress syndrome, 1 from bronchiolitis obliterans, and the only patient who did not engraft died from acute myeloid leukemia. Regimen-related toxicities (RRT) include GI tract (diarrhea, 14; stomatitis, 11), liver (9), cardiac (1), and skin (5). Patients who received a genotypically matched marrow graft had a significantly better disease-free survival (DFS) than patients who received a nongenotypic marrow graft (P = .02). The Kaplan-Meier analysis projects an overall DFS of 56% +/- 13% and 78% +/- 10% for patients who received a genotypically matched marrow graft. With the exception of a child who did not engraft, there was no relapse of MDS or leukemia. Excellent DFS, acceptable RRT, and the ease of administration are advantages of this regimen. 相似文献
Y Shounan K MacKenzie A Dolnikov M Miller G Symonds 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,11(10):1641-1649
p53 mutations are the most common genetic alterations observed in human cancers including lymphomas and leukemias. We have previously shown that transduction of normal murine hematopoietic cells with mutant p53 alone in vitro results in an enhanced proliferative capacity and modified differentiation potential of transduced cells. In order to investigate further the role of mutant p53 in hematopoietic cell transformation, mutant p53-transduced bone marrow cells were used to reconstitute the hematopoietic system of lethally irradiated mice. The results show that overexpression of mutant p53 can initiate the transformation of immature murine hematopoietic cells in vivo and induce two types of hematopoietic disorders, myeloproliferative disease and myelodysplastic syndrome. 相似文献
TR Kollmann A Kim X Zhuang M Hachamovitch H Goldstein 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,91(17):8032-8036
Investigation of human hematopoietic maturation has been hampered by the lack of in vivo models. Although engraftment of irradiated C.B-17 scid/scid (SCID) mice with human progenitor cells occurred after infusion with human pediatric bone marrow cells, significant engraftment of the mouse bone marrow with human cells was dependent upon continuous treatment with exogenous human cytokines. Furthermore, despite cytokine treatment, only minimal peripheral engraftment of these mice with human cells was observed. In the present study, after infusion of irradiated SCID mice with pre-cultured human fetal bone marrow cells (BM-SCID-hu mice), their bone marrow became significantly engrafted with human precursor cells and their peripheral lymphoid compartment became populated with human B cells and monocytes independently of the administration of extraneous human cytokines. Examination of the bone marrow of the BM-SCID-hu mice for human cytokine mRNA gene expression demonstrated human leukemia inhibitory factor mRNA and interleukin 7 mRNA in nine of nine BM-SCID-hu mice and macrophage-colony-stimulating factor mRNA in seven of eight BM-SCID-hu mice. This was an intriguing observation because these cytokines regulate different stages of human hematopoiesis. Since engraftment occurs in the absence of exogenous cytokine treatment, the BM-SCID-hu mouse model described should provide a useful in vivo system for studying factors important in the maturation of human myeloid and lymphoid cells in the bone marrow and the behavior of the mature human cells after dissemination into the peripheral lymphoid tissue. 相似文献
S Tanikawa H Sakamaki S Mori H Akiyama H Miyamoto Y Tanaka H Yoshinaga R Okamoto Y Maeda T Mukaiyama T Sasaki H Kaku Y Matsuura K Hiruma Y Onozawa Y Adachi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,38(12):1249-1253
The aim of this study was to evaluate the yield of nucleated cells in bone marrow harvested by means of Downs' Islam aspiration needles with or without side-holes. Twenty marrow donors for HLA identical sibling transplants were studied. Bone marrow nucleated cells were harvested 50 ml in the right iliac bone with a Downs' Islam aspiration needle with or without side-holes and 50 ml in the left with another kind of needle by means of 5 ml aspirations in each donor. There were no significant difference between the number of nucleated cells by means of Downs' Islam aspiration needles with and without side-holes by cross-over analysis. All nucleated cell counts were 33.06 +/- 12.93 x 10(3)/microliter (mean +/- standard deviation) by means of the needle with side-holes and 32.90 +/- 15.25 x 10(3)/microliter by means of the needle without side-holes. The Downs' Islam aspiration needle without side-holes seems to be better in bone marrow harvest from normal volunteers than that with side-holes, because the former may be stronger than the latter. 相似文献
PR Taylor GH Jackson AL Lennard PJ Hamilton SJ Proctor 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,11(10):1650-1653
Between May 1984 and October 1995 we performed 114 autologous stem cell transplants for lymphoma in our centre; 77/114 (68%) were transplanted after primary therapy. The conditioning regimen varied according to diagnosis; 26 patients were conditioned with melphalan and total body irradiation, 66 received melphalan and etoposide and the remainder (50) were conditioned with melphalan alone. The median follow-up is 62 months. Only two new haematological malignancies have occurred, both in patients with Hodgkin's disease. One patient developed Ph+ chronic myeloid leukaemia 18 months post-transplant. In this case, because of the timing of the haematological disorder, we considered the malignancy to be concurrent with or to have preceded the transplant. A second patient developed acute myeloid leukaemia 20 months post-transplant. She had been treated for Hodgkin's disease for 10 years and was transplanted in third complete remission. Cytogenetic analysis in this case showed trisomy 11. We believe this to have been an unequivocal second malignancy. Our finding of a 1.1% incidence of secondary haematological malignancy (95% CI 0.02-4.96) from a census population adds weight to the hypothesis that haematological problems post-transplant reflects prior chemotherapy rather than toxicity from the transplant procedure itself. 相似文献
RK Maryniak 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,99(2):110-113
The findings of this pilot study provide some support that there is a significant positive relationship between the level of achievement rating of critical case (basic psychomotor skills) and the level of barmentoring (encouragement) of novice nurses in clinical nursing practice. The leadership gained from the developmental refinement of the mentor/protégé relationship is a key to acting and thinking as a professional in nursing practice. Although the mentor/protégé relationship may contribute to personal and professional goal attainment, mentoring should not be regarded as a panacea, but as one modality for enhancing professional development (Messner, 1991; Yoder, 1990). The limitations of the study include a fairly homogenous sample, self-reported data, and lack of knowledge of the sample's preceptors. The sample size notably affects the generalizability of the findings as well as the statistical findings in the study. 相似文献
We report herein a case of extramedullary myeloid tumor arising bilaterally in the testes of a 66-year-old man, who had previously been diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome. Light microscopy of the testicular neoplasm demonstrated a tumor composed of large, slightly polygonal cells with pale blue to weakly eosinophilic cytoplasm. The tumor cells were immunoreactive for CD45, myeloperoxidase, lysozyme, CD43, and MB2. Many of the cells also expressed chloroacetate esterase. Peripheral blood and bone marrow findings were consistent with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (FAB-CMML), particularly in the most recent material, which showed clear cellular dysplasia and an increase in the percentage of blasts in the bone marrow (15% to 20% of all nucleated cells). This case of extramedullary myeloid tumor is unusual in view of the patient's age and the testicular location. It emphasizes the importance of including extramedullary myeloid tumor in the differential diagnosis of histologically undifferentiated large-cell tumors, as well as a need to use a broad panel of immunohistochemical stains in such cases. 相似文献
O Tanaka S Takagi K Matsuura T Ichikawa Y Kobayashi J Nagai 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,55(12):837-844
MR imaging of the femoral marrow was performed in 30 patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 11 cases of which evolved to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The MRI appearance was classified into five patterns: 1) fatty marrow; 2) faint signal; 3) nodular pattern; 4) heterogeneous infiltration; and 5) diffuse infiltration. For each type of MDS, MRI patterns of the femoral marrow were evaluated and compared with those in normal subjects as well as in patients with aplastic anemia. Signal intensity alteration, a low signal on T1-weighted SE image and a high signal on STIR image, began in the proximal femoral marrow almost symmetrically in patients with MDS. The area of abnormal signal intensity tended to gradually extend towards the distal portion of the femur as the disease progressed. MRI patterns of the femoral marrow correlated with marrow cellularity, and diffuse marrow infiltration was noted in patients with a more advanced type of MDS or with severe anemia. There were limitations to making an accurate diagnosis of the MDS type on the basis of the MRI pattern. Progression of the MRI appearance in the course of MDS was thought to be a sign suggesting evolution to AML. It was difficult to differentiate hypoplastic MDS from aplastic anemia, although the nodular pattern was commonly seen in the latter disease. 相似文献
D Seong P Thall HM Kantarjian M Talpaz J Swantkowski J Xu Y Shen A Glassman L Ramagli MJ Siciliano 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,4(4):861-867
Monitoring the frequency of the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is important in determining the effectiveness of treatment for patients during therapy. This can be done with high resolution by subjecting short-term bone marrow cultures (48 h) to 24 h of mitotic arrest before harvest and detecting Ph-positive (Ph+) metaphases by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in a procedure termed hypermetaphase FISH or HMF. Here, we compared procedures for detecting Ph+ interphase cells (interphase FISH or I-FISH) in peripheral blood polymorphonucleocytes (PMNs) with HMF results on the bone marrow of the same 26 CML patients in different stages of remission. The probes for I-FISH in these experiments were relatively large (200-300 kb) and sufficiently resolved in PMNs so that 97.5% of the cells were scorable. The correlation between the frequencies of Ph+ cells from the two different cell sources was excellent (r = 0.983, P < 0.0001); however, there was a consistently higher level of Ph+ cells observed in the cycling marrow cells than in the peripheral blood PMNs. This was discussed in terms of current theories of apoptosis in CML cells. The large number of PMNs analyzable by I-FISH (approximately 500/patient in this study) provided sufficiently narrow 99% confidence intervals to suggest the procedure as an effective and efficient method for monitoring the frequency of Ph+ cells in CML patients undergoing therapy. However, for detection and quantification of minimal residual disease, HMF is preferable to I-FISH because of the much lower frequency of false-positive readings with the former procedure. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To compare intraoperative anaesthetic and haemodynamic effects of clonidine-bupivacaine, morphine-bupivacaine and placebo-bupivacaine combinations during continuous spinal anaesthesia. METHODS: Thirty six geriatric patients, undergoing knee replacement using continuous spinal anaesthesia were randomly assigned to: Placebo (n = 12), clonidine (n = 12) and morphine (n = 12), where 1 ml saline, 0.15 mg clonidine or 0.15 mg morphine were mixed with 10 mg bupivacaine 0.5%. Anaesthetic variables studied were maximal sensory level and degree of motor block, duration of surgical analgesia and duration of anaesthesia. Changes in systolic arterial pressure and vasopressor requirements were evaluated. RESULTS: Maximal sensory level and degree of motor block were comparable among the groups. Before surgery two patients in the placebo group, three in the clonidine and one in the morphine group received one additional ml bupivacaine 0.5% because of inadequate anaesthesia and were not considered for determination of duration of surgical analgesia. In the remainder, 1/9 in the clonidine group, 8/10 in placebo and 8/11 in morphine (P < 0.05) received reinjection of bupivacaine for surgical pain. These injections were given about 2 1/2 hr after the initial intrathecal injection, the duration of anaesthesia being about four hours. During the first 30 min after the initial injection the decrease in systolic pressure was greater in the clonidine and morphine than in the placebo group (P < 0.05). Thereafter, vasopressor requirements were higher only in the clonidine group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In elderly patients 0.15 mg clonidine but not 0.15 mg morphine prolonged surgical analgesia when added to 10 mg plain bupivacaine. 相似文献
T De Witte A Van Biezen J Hermans M Labopin V Runde R Or G Meloni SB Mauri A Carella J Apperley A Gratwohl JP Laporte 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,90(10):3853-3857
Intensive chemotherapy followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) may provide an alternative therapy for young patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or acute myeloid leukemia following MDS (sAML) lacking a suitable donor. We report the results for 79 patients with MDS/sAML transplanted with autologous marrow in first complete remission (CR). Within the total group of 79, a cohort of 55 patients for whom the duration of first CR was known were compared with a matched control group of 110 patients with de novo AML. The 2-year survival, disease-free survival (DFS), and relapse rates for the 79 patients transplanted in first CR were 39%, 34%, and 64%, respectively. The relapse risk was greater than 55% for all stages and all disease categories. Patients younger than 40 years had a significantly (P = .04) better DFS (39%) than patients older than 40 years (25%). The DFS at 2 years was 28% for the cohort of 55 patients transplanted for MDS/sAML and 51% for those transplanted for de novo AML (P = .025). Relapse rates were 69% for patients with MDS/sAML and 40% for those with de novo AML (P = .007). ABMT for MDS or secondary leukemia results in a lower DFS when compared with similarly treated patients with de novo AML due to a higher relapse rate. The DFS of 28% for these patients suggests that autotransplantation may be a valuable therapy for this disease. The low treatment-related mortality rate of less than 10% supports the view that sufficient numbers of hematopoietic stem cells are present in patients with MDS to allow adequate repopulation after autologous stem-cell transplantation. 相似文献
IL-4 is produced promptly in response to certain infections and plays a key role in the Th1/Th2 T cell dichotomy; however, the cellular source remains a matter of debate. Here we describe the induction of IL-4 in bone marrow cells of normal and RAG-/- mice by both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its major cell wall glycolipid, lipoarabinomannan. Characterization of the cell type responsible indicated that it was distinct from the NK1+ or CD4+ T cell previously ascribed the function of rapid IL-4 secretion. Cell-sorting experiments identified CD19+/B220+ precursor cells, presumably pre-B cells that produced IL-4 constitutively and whose frequency was rapidly and markedly up-regulated by lipoarabinomannan. Thus, pathogenic mycobacteria and their glycolipids may influence hemopoiesis by rapidly inducing IL-4 secretion in the bone marrow. 相似文献
S Bhatia NK Ramsay D Weisdorf H Griffiths LL Robison 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,22(1):87-90
Hitherto the biology of proteolysis in prokaryotes, particularly in archaea, is only poorly understood. We have used the tri-peptide vinyl sulfone inhibitor carboxybenzyl-leucyl-leucyl-leucine vinyl sulfone (Z-L3VS) to study the in vivo function of proteasomes in Thermoplasma acidophilum. Z-L3VS is a potent inhibitor of the Thermoplasma proteasome and is capable of modifying 75 to 80% of the proteasomal beta-subunits in cell cultures. Inhibition of proteasomes has only marginal effects under normal growth conditions. Under heat shock conditions, however, the effects of proteasome inhibition are much more severe, to the extent of complete cell growth arrest. These data suggest that other proteolytic systems may exist that can compensate for the loss of proteasome function in T. acidophilum. 相似文献
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is an effective treatment for myelodysplastic syndromes, providing a probable cure in about one-third of cases overall. It is generally reserved for patients under 50 years who have an HLA-compatible donor. Post-transplant disease-free survival rates vary according to several prognostic factors, which often overlap with those predicting the spontaneous outcome of the disease. Consequently, it is sometimes difficult to choose the indications and timing of bone marrow transplantation in this setting. Here we review the literature in an attempt to draw up relevant guidelines. 相似文献
TJ Nevill HC Fung JD Shepherd DE Horsman SH Nantel HG Klingemann DL Forrest CL Toze HJ Sutherland DE Hogge SC Naiman A Le DA Brockington MJ Barnett 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,92(6):1910-1917
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is the only curative therapy available for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). In an attempt to identify prognostic factors influencing outcome, we collected data retrospectively on 60 consecutive adult patients who had undergone BMT at our center for primary MDS or acute myelogenous leukemia evolving from preexisting primary MDS (sAML). Patients were divided into subgroups according to cytogenetic abnormalities based on a recently described International MDS Workshop categorization system. The 7-year actuarial event-free survival (EFS), relapse rate, and nonrelapse mortality (NRM) for all patients were 29% (95% confidence interval [CI], 16% to 43%), 42% (CI, 24% to 67%), and 50% (CI, 37% to 64%), respectively. The EFS for the good-, intermediate-, and poor-risk cytogenetic subgroups were 51% (CI, 30% to 69%), 40% (CI, 16% to 63%), and 6% (CI, 0% to 24%), respectively (P = .003). The corresponding actuarial relapse rates were 19% (CI, 6% to 49%), 12% (CI, 2% to 61%), and 82% (CI, 48% to 99%), respectively (P = . 002) with no difference in NRM between the subgroups. Univariate analysis showed cytogenetic category, French-American-British (FAB) subtype, and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis used to be predictive of relapse and EFS. In multivariate analysis, only the cytogenetic category was predictive of EFS, with the relative risk of treatment failure for the good-, intermediate-, and poor-risk cytogenetic subgroups being 1.0, 1.5, and 3.5, respectively (P = . 004). For adults with primary MDS and sAML, even after BMT, poor-risk cytogenetics are predictive of an unfavorable outcome; novel treatment strategies will be required to improve results with allogeneic BMT in this patient population. 相似文献
目的 观察HAG预激化疗作为诱导缓解方案在治疗老年急性髓系白血病(AML)和骨髓增生异常综合征-难治性贫血伴原始细胞增多型(MDS-RAEB)患者中的疗效.方法 对应用HAG预激方案治疗的21例AML和9例MDS-RAEB患者(≥60岁)的临床资料进行回顾性总结,包括疾病完全缓解(CR)率、有效率以及不良反应.结果 21例老年AML患者中,HAG诱导缓解的有效率为66.7%(14/21),其中CR率为47.6%(10/21);9例老年MDS-RAEB患者中,CR率为55.6%(5/9):HAG预激化疗的主要不良反应为因骨髓抑制继发的感染,调整化疗方案后所有患者均能耐受.结论 HAG预激化疗作为诱导缓解方案适用于老年AML和MDS-RAEB患者. 相似文献
JL Merlin AP Guerci S Marchal C Bour P Colosetti A Kataki O Guerci 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,103(2):480-487
From August 1987 through February 1995 we performed 42 surgical procedures in 29 patients with occluded or stenotic radiocephalic arteriovenous fistulae. Operations were designed to preserve native veins for cannulation (Group I) or to preserve access in the same forearm, bypassing the failed fistula (Group II). For 27 procedures in 22 Group I patients, cumulative primary patency was 70%, 57%, and 47% at 6, 12, and 18 months, respectively. A subgroup of patients was identified, however, in whom excellent results could be reliably predicted. Among 19 hemodynamically stable patients with mature fistulae amendable to more proximal arteriovenous anastomoses, cumulative primary patency was 100%, 81%, and 67% at 6, 12, and 18 months, respectively. Secondary patency for 17 such patients was 100%, 89% and 89% for these same intervals. In Group II only two of ten patients required use of other access sites (9 1/2, 18 1/2 months). We believe that all occluded or stenotic radiocephalic arteriovenous fistulae should be considered for surgical salvage. Excellent results can be predicted for (1) hemodynamically stable patients with (2) mature fistulae that (3) fail near the arterial anastomosis and are (4) amendable to new more proximal arteriovenous anastomoses. 相似文献