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侯建华 《石材》2013,(10):3-M0002
9月12日下午,中国建材联合会会长乔龙德一行到中国石材协会现场办公。办公会首先由中国石材协会秘书长齐子刚代表石材协会进行了工作汇报,会长邹传胜作了几点补充。接着中国建材联合会副会长徐永模、叶向阳、陈国庆和秘书长张东壮分别进行了点评。最后乔龙德做了发言,他首先肯定了石材协会几年来的工作,用了几个“好”字给予了高度评价。  相似文献   

小型热回收装置的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过回收排气中的余热对引入空调系统的新风进行预热或者预冷,可以减少空调系统的能耗。分析了不同装置的原理和性能特点以及适用性特征,初步探讨了热回收设备配置的合理性并举例说明了其节能效果,从而论证了应用的技术可行性。提出了一种简易的经济分析计算方法,评价了经济效果,论证了经济可行性。得出了小型热回收装置用于暖通空调系统可行的结论,并展望了乐观的应用前景。  相似文献   

2016年4期讨论道"世界是一系列固定画面的拼接,还是本身就在不断地流变,这真是两种思想方法"。恰好,前些日子在电视上看到一个小制作电影,只记得片尾是一首河北儿歌:"娃娃呢?上山了。山呢?雪盖了。雪呢?化水了。水呢?和泥了。泥呢?糊墙了。墙呢?猪拱了。……高粱呢?喜鹊叼了。喜鹊呢?飞——了!"听起来,这里像是堆砌了一组毫无逻辑的混乱关系,是一系列无厘头的链接。其实,朴素的儿歌唱出的是中国人,不,  相似文献   

物流园的建设,通过标准化设计使物流仓库单元模块化,减少了材料、构件和设备的种类,缩短了设计周期,同时保证了设计质量。通过采购集中化不但降低了采购价格,而且提高采购效率。通过施工装配化实现了大部分建筑构配件的工厂化生产和现场的"干作业"施工,减少了建筑施工对环境的不良影响,提高了建筑质量,同时缩短建造周期。通过运营灵活化,提高了仓库经营的灵活性和适应性,降低了仓库的空置率。使项目获得了较好的效益,值得在以后物流仓库的建设中进行借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

经济发展下,人工智能得到了十分广泛的运用。人工智能步入了人们的生活中,并且带来了很大的便利。在图书馆中的合理运用,带动了图书馆的持续发展。人工智能对图书馆进行有效的转变,并进行进一步升级。我们可以说人工智能成为了人类的好朋友。图书馆建设中,则运用人工智能组建成为了良好的功能。人工智能为图书馆的持续性发展斩获了充足的空间。所以,从根本上角度出发,阐释了人工智能和图书馆可持续发展。  相似文献   

科学技术的日新月异发展,推进了素质教育的进程,多媒体技术已经走进了课堂,为教师教学开辟了广阔空间。多媒体技术激发了学生浓厚的学习兴趣,化解了教学难点,创设了丰富的教学情境,有效地进行了德育渗透,突出了学生主体地位,提高了课堂教学效率。本文试就小学语文教学运用多媒体技术问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

科学技术的日新月异发展,推进了素质教育的进程,信息技术已经成为教学必备的手段,走进了课堂。信息技术与小学数学教学的整合激发了学习欲望,调动了学生学习的积极性,促进了学生自主探究学习,突出了教学重点难点,提高了课堂教学效率。本文对信息技术与小学数学教学的整合进行了阐述。  相似文献   

2008年1月21上午,昆山市城建档案馆召开了全市乡镇建管所档案管理员会议。全市10个乡镇的建设档案管理员出席了会议。会议总结了2007年各乡镇档案管理工作并提出了对今后工作的意见。会上各镇建设档案管理员进行了相互交流。许奔原馆长主持了会议,将刚刚结束的对建管所档案管理工作的年度考评结果进行了通报,并对2008年的工作提出了要求。  相似文献   

陈敏 《中州建设》2009,(11):37-37
都江堰向峨乡的村民都住上了新房。用他们自己的话来说,这比以前那又脏又破的老房子当然好多了。但也有美中不足,就是不方便,“想晒点腊肉、养猪养鸡都不行了。还有锄头和钉耙,这些农具都没处放了。”尤其在村民住地集中之后,土地使用倒是集约化了,村民离自己耕地却更远了,不便于农事耕作。  相似文献   

多媒体技术的发展使小学数学教学模式发生了根本性变化。课堂体现了学生的主体性原则,多媒体的应用丰富了教学内容,灵活了教学方式,点燃了学生思维的火花,提高了学生听课效率,有效解决了数学教学中的重难点,多媒体是小学数学教学的得力助手。  相似文献   

A whole-landscape approach is critical to ensuring conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in farmed landscapes. Although existing agri-environmental schemes are constrained by property boundaries and voluntary take up, the potential for adopting a whole-landscape approach to planned countryside management is currently favoured by a number of factors. These include economic uncertainty in some agricultural sectors; the introduction of a reformulated rural development policy; increased understanding of relationships between biodiversity and management; and the introduction of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology that allows future landscapes to be visualized by stakeholders. Ecological and socio-economic aspects of whole-landscape planning in a study covering 31 neighbouring farms in west Oxfordshire are reported. A baseline was first compiled that included information on: property boundaries; land cover; relationships between hedge and field margin management and key taxa; and farmer socio-economics and attitudes towards agri-environmental measures, conservation and sustainable agriculture. Future scenarios of integrated wholelandscape management were then developed, designed to deliver amenity, environmental and biodiversity benefits. These scenarios were presented and interpreted to farmers and conservation and amenity stakeholders with the aid of GIS-based maps and three-dimensional virtual reality visualizations. Farmers' responses are reported and the potential for implementing whole-landscape planning is discussed .  相似文献   

在20世纪末期.欧美的博物得变成了一种“加法动物”不断进行着改建、扩建和加建.从而涌现出大量风格方式不间的建筑实例其中既有失败.也有成功。本文选择了部分典型案例如以分析,特别肯定了托马斯·毕比和西萨·佩里的设计概念和方法,并提出了未来的改.扩建将面向未来不断发展的观点。  相似文献   

为了研究支护用锚杆在极限应力作用下力学特性,建立了锚杆托盘及螺母的有限元模型,采用ANSYS程序对螺母及托盘的应力、位移进行了数值仿真分析。研究了托盘及螺母在极限应力下的接触特征;绘制了托盘及螺母的应力云图,得到了托盘及螺母内部的应力、位移分布情况。结果表明,托盘边缘及托盘内部大小圆盘连接位置较为危险;螺母中间位置由于受托盘的挤压容易发生破坏;加肋可以提高锚杆的极限承载力,为结构的优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Magnetoelastic Measurement of Prestressing Force in Civil Structures The knowledge of the tensile force of prestressing steel elements and its reliable and non‐destructive determination are of essential importance for the assessment of the structural health condition of prestressed concrete structures and tie‐back systems in terms of structural safety, serviceability and durability. For the evaluation of the prestressing force in steel tension members, the measurement technique presented in this contribution is using the magneto‐elastic effect (ME‐effect) of ferromagnetic materials. This effect describes the reverse‐proportional correlation between the mechanical stress and the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials. The cylindrical coiled sensors pushed over the tendon and the measuring device developed and practically optimized at the iBMB/MPA of the TU Braunschweig enable a fast and reliable measurement of the prestressing steel force after an initial calibration. In this contribution first the state of the art of prestress measurement techniques for steel tension members is presented. Afterwards, the ME‐measuring method with the basics and merits of magneto‐elastic prestressing force identification is shown. Further recent research results as well as several building applications will be discussed.  相似文献   

The frequent occurrence of algal blooms in drinking water reservoirs causes problems to water supply, one of which is the release of algal organic matter in high concentrations to affect drinking water quality. Algal organic matter, including extracellular organic matter (EOM) and intracellular organic matter (IOM), was characterized. The formation of a variety of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in chlorination and chloramination of EOM, IOM and algal cells was evaluated. Natural organic matter (NOM) isolated from Suwannee River was also studied for comparison. EOM and IOM were rich in organic nitrogen, which consisted of high (over 10 kDa) and low (70–1000 Da) molecular weight (MW) organic matter, whilst the MW of organic carbon in EOM and IOM was relatively lower. IOM had a higher fraction of total organic nitrogen, with larger proportions of higher MW and more hydrophobic contents than did EOM. IOM also contained higher fractions of free amino acids but lower fractions of aliphatic amines than did EOM. During chlorination of EOM and IOM, organic chloramines were first formed and then became undetectable after 1 d. Chlorination of EOM and IOM produced more nitrogenous DBPs (N-DBPs) and haloaldehydes and less carbonaceous DBPs (C-DBPs) than did chlorination of NOM. Organic chloramines were found after 3-d chloramination of EOM and IOM. The amounts of N-DBPs and C-DBPs formed from chloramination of EOM or IOM were much less than that from NOM. EOM produced less DBPs (except for trichloronitromethane) than did IOM and algal cells in chlorination and chloramination.  相似文献   

The paper considers methods of procurement for the construction of water- and sewage-treatment works other than the traditional use of the ICE 5th Edition Conditions of Contract and Bills of Quantities. This is as a consequence of the speed at which schemes are currently required within the water industry.
The paper particularly focuses on the use of target contracts, using the Institution of Chemical Engineers'Green Book form, and considers various types of target. It also discusses the form which tender documents may take, and how targets may be calculated.
Tendering procedures, including the use of two-stage tenders and negotiated targets, are considered, as are the procedures for cost monitoring and the financial management of the contract. Finally, the role of the engineer and quantity surveyor is considered.  相似文献   

Traditional Islamic teachings and traditions involve guidelines that have direct applications in the domestic sphere. The principles of privacy, modesty, and hospitality are central to these guidelines; each principle has a significant effect on the design of Muslim homes, as well as on the organization of space and domestic behaviors within each home. This paper reviews literature on the privacy, modesty, and hospitality within Muslim homes. Nineteen publications from 1986 to 2013 were selected and analyzed for content related to the meaning of privacy, modesty, and hospitality in Islam and the design of Muslim homes. Despite the commonly shared guidelines for observing privacy, modesty, and hospitality within each home, Muslims living in different countries are influenced by cultural factors that operate within their country of residence. These factors help to shape the architectural styles and use of space within Muslim homes in different ways. Awareness of the multifactorial nature of the influences on the Muslim perception of home and the use of space is necessary for architects, building designers, engineers, and builders to be properly equipped to meet the needs of clients.  相似文献   

This paper considers the nature and significance of town and village greens within the landscape of England and Wales. It reflects on problems of definition and on the limited availability of data concerning the origins and geographical distribution of greens. The paper draws attention to the registration of greens following the Commons Registration Act 1965, and summarizes information collated from the registers subsequently prepared by local authorities. Details of numbers of greens and their spatial density at county level are presented, and reference is also made to rights of common on greens, and to the ownership of the greens themselves.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various options adopted in the UK for engineered protection measures aimed at preventing pollution to the environs of landfill sites. The advantages and limitations of both natural and synthetic lining materials are discussed, recognizing the constraints posed by the geometry and geology of prospective landfill sites. Particular attention is given to the Environmental Safety Centre experience with techniques designed to minimize both leachate and gaseous emissions, and hence prevent pollution of ground and surface waters, and reduce hazards to nearby property. Options for operational practices and restoration procedures are discussed in relation to the control of degradation processes and polluting potential. Included in these options are design and operation of leachate and gas collection/treatment systems, phasing of landfilling operations, and progressive restoration of sites. Monitoring requirements are emphasized as a vital measure of the success or failure of site designs and operational practices in ensuring that appropriate environmental protection is achieved and maintained.  相似文献   

我国西南山地城市规划适应性理论研究的一些思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是一个多山的国家,全国2/3的土地、森林、矿产、水能等资源集中于山地。西南地区是人口、民族、资源、地域文化丰富而多样的典型山地区域。国家统筹区域发展和城镇化西部推进战略的实施,西南山地城市(镇)规划与建设显露出理论指导乏力和基础研究薄弱,导致惯性走入“建设性破坏”的误区,造成城乡环境资源、地域文化特色、物质空间形态极大损失。进入新世纪以来,西部地区的城市化发展逐步跃上台阶,“重庆-成都”城市密集的经济发展成为了西部地区重要的经济增长极。创新研究西南山地城市(镇)规划适应性理论与方法,业已成为具有国家高度和重要学术价值的科学问题。论文针对西南山地土地资源稀缺性与生态环境脆弱性的人居建设,城市、建筑空间多维性和自然、人文内涵丰富性的人居环境品质追求,提出指导西南地区城市(镇)规划与建设的适应理论研究目标:山地城镇化适应性理论及发展模式,流域人居环境建设的生态理论及减灾防灾,山地城市(镇)有机更新理论与历史文化遗产保护,山地城市(镇)建设适应性新技术支撑体系。论文拟建立对西南山地城市(镇)规划理论研究的思考并对我国山地城市规划与建设的工作有所指导。  相似文献   

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