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1. The results of multiple studies have shown evidence that immediate access to the operating room has significantly contributed to improved outcome in several categories of trauma patients. 2. "Walk through" table top exercises were held in the OR suite to identify problems. These mock resuscitations were particularly helpful in solving logistical and equipment problems. 3. Prehospital care providers were given classes regarding triage criteria and operating room logistics. 4. Continuing education for OR and trauma nurses included videotape review and critique of ORR, trauma-specific inservice programs presented by the trauma coordinators and physicians, and attendance at weekly videotape review and trauma conference presented by the Division of Trauma. Easy recognition of individual team members, an important issue, required the use of name badges.  相似文献   

Blunt thoracic trauma are frequent and often severe. Their management is improved in the prehospital settings by the involvement of a medical team, and the admission in a specialized trauma center. Diagnostic and therapeutic steps are closely linked. They are based on the stabilization of life threatening problems and the appropriate use of recent advances in medical imaging. Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation are indicated for respiratory distress. Immediate surgical management is mandatory for an hypovolemic shock related to massive hemothorax. On the contrary, multiple ribs fractures and flail chest without major pulmonary contusion are managed with regional analgesia allowing effective physiotherapy and avoiding the infectious complications related to prolonged mechanical ventilation.  相似文献   

There is no agreement as to appropriate fluid resuscitation in patients undergoing liposuction. This has assumed greater significance, as surgeons have undertaken larger volume aspirations (> or = 4 liters) and the potential complications of hypovolemia and fluid overload have materialized. This prospective study of 53 consecutive healthy patients undergoing liposuction using a superwet technique served to develop general guidelines for safe perioperative fluid management, especially in regard to large-volume aspirations. In this context, "aspirate" is defined as the total fat and fluid that is removed during liposuction. All patients were monitored using standard noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring. Thirty-six patients were monitored perioperatively with Foley catheters. The 53 patients underwent liposuction alone. We did not include patients who underwent concurrent aesthetic surgical procedures because our intention was to establish fluid administration guidelines for the liposuction patient. There were no significant complications in our series. The intraoperative fluid ratio, defined as (intravenous fluid + infiltrate)/aspirate, was 2.1 for the small-volume group and 1.4 for the large-volume group. These values were significantly different (p < .001, t test). Average urine output in the operating room and recovery room and on the floor was satisfactory (> 0.5 to 1 cc/kg/hr) and did not relate to volume aspirated (p = 0.21, 0.91, and 0.6, respectively, t test). Four patients who underwent "large-volume" aspirations (> or = 4 liters) had transient hypotension, which was immediately responsive to crystalloid fluid boluses in the first postoperative hours. All other patients required only maintenance intravenous crystalloid postoperatively until oral intake had been resumed. There were no statistically significant differences in postoperative fluid administration between the small- and large-volume groups. Ninety-three percent of patients were discharged within 24 hours of surgery. Our suggested guidelines for fluid resuscitation based on this retrospective study are as follows: (1) small volume (< 4 liters aspirated): maintenance fluid + subcutaneous wetting solution; (2) large volume (> or = 4 liters aspirated): maintenance fluid + subcutaneous wetting solution + 0.25 cc of intravenous crystalloid per cc of aspirate removed after 4 liters. This formula has since been used in the care of 94 patients who have undergone liposuction exclusively. All patients have had unremarkable hospital courses. These guidelines do not replace sound clinical judgment. Good communication between the surgeon and anesthesiologist is critical to optimal patient care and safety.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous models comparing normal saline (NS) with lactated Ringer's solution (LR) for resuscitation use only mild or moderate hemorrhage and do not address the clinical situation of massive hemorrhage and resuscitation (MHR). This work compares NS and LR by using a new rat model of MHR. METHODS: NS and LR were compared by using both a traditional model of moderate pressure-controlled hemorrhage and a model of MHR. Moderate hemorrhage animals were bled to mean arterial pressure (MAP) = 60 mm Hg x 2 hour then resuscitated with crystalloid (NS or LR) for 1 hour. MHR animals were bled at a rate of 1 estimated blood volume (EBV) per hour for 2 hours with simultaneous resuscitation by using washed red blood cells (B) and crystalloid (LR+B or NS+B). MAP was kept at 60 mm Hg during the 2 hours of hemorrhage. Bleeding was then stopped, and animals were resuscitated for 1 additional hour with blood and crystalloid to MAP more than 90 mm Hg or until 10x EBV was given. Group means were compared with Student's t test (p < 0.01 significant) and 2-week survival rates were compared by using Fisher's exact test (p < 0.05 significant). RESULTS: The moderate hemorrhage group was bled 36% of EBV. In this setting, resuscitation with NS and LR was equivalent. The final hematocrit, pH, and base excess were not different, and all animals survived in both groups. MHR animals were bled 218% of EBV. Animals resuscitated with NS+B were significantly more acidotic than animals resuscitated with equal volumes of LR+B (pH 7.14+/-.06 vs. 7.39+/-.04, respectively) and had significantly worse survival (50% vs. 100%, respectively). CONCLUSION: With moderate hemorrhage, NS and LR are equivalent, but in the setting of massive hemorrhage and resuscitation, significantly more physiologic derangement and mortality occurs with NS than LR. LR is superior to NS for use in massive resuscitation.  相似文献   

Accidental hypothermia (AH) can be defined as an unintentional decrease in core temperature below 35 degrees C during cold exposure by individuals without intrinsic thermoregulatory dysfunction. Pathophysiological changes can be attributed both to the severity of hypothermia and to co-morbid factors such as trauma, submersion, intoxication and underlying diseases. In trauma victims stratified according to the Injury Severity Score, the factor hypothermia is considered to be a poor prognostic sign for survival. In these patients rewarming therapy should be applied as soon as possible. In the Utrecht University Hospital, adult patients with AH are managed according to an algorithm based on their presenting hemodynamic conditions. Patients with perfusing cardiac rhythms and systolic pressures over 80 mmHg will receive continuous arteriovenous rewarming (CAVR). Arrested and hemodynamically instable patients are treated with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). In a 3-year period, 22 patients with AH were admitted to the emergency department. Fourteen patients had a trauma as the cause of hypothermia. Twenty patients were treated according to the algorithm (CAVR n = 18, CPB n = 2) and two patients were alternatively managed. Mortality in the CAVR group was 28% and total mortality reached 32%. Complications of CAVR are related to placement and removal of vascular catheters and may be severe in these patients with impaired coagulation. CAVR permits a good access to the (trauma-) patient and rewarming can be continued synchronously with diagnosis and treatment of various injuries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the effects of isotonic crystalloids compared with colloids in fluid resuscitation. DATA SOURCES: Computerized bibliographic search of published research and citation review of relevant articles. STUDY SELECTION: All randomized clinical trials of adult patients requiring fluid resuscitation comparing isotonic crystalloids vs. colloids were included. Pulmonary edema, mortality, and length of stay were evaluated. Independent review of 105 articles identified 17 relevant primary studies of 814 patients. Weighted c about article inclusion was high (0.76). DATA EXTRACTION: Data on population, interventions, outcomes, and methodologic quality of the studies were obtained by duplicate independent review with differences resolved by consensus. Weighted ic on the validity assessment was moderate (0.54). DATA SYNTHESIS: No difference was observed overall between crystalloid and colloid resuscitation with respect to mortality and pulmonary edema; however, the power of the aggregated data was insufficient to detect small but potentially clinically important differences. Subgroup analysis suggested a statistically significant difference in mortality in trauma in favor of crystalloid resuscitation (relative risk 0.39, 95% confidence intervals: 0.17 to 0.89). Several methodologic issues are noteworthy regarding the primary studies, including lack of blinding (except in three studies). The type, dose, and duration of fluid administration and outcomes measured were different across these trials. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, there is no apparent difference in pulmonary edema, mortality, or length of stay between isotonic crystalloid and colloid resuscitation. Crystalloid resuscitation is associated with a lower mortality in trauma patients. Methodologic limitations preclude any evidence-based clinical recommendations. Larger well-designed randomized trials are needed to achieve sufficient power to detect potentially small differences in treatment effects if they truly exist.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the current level of psychiatric training in internal medicine residencies, satisfaction with this training, and perceived need, if any, for more training. Surveys were mailed to all training directors of accredited primary care (N = 178) and categorical (N = 410) internal medicine residencies in the United States; 110 primary care (62%) and 238 categorical (58%) training directors returned the surveys. Seventy-five percent of categorical and 66% of primary care training directors thought their program should spend more time on psychiatric disorders. For all categories of psychiatric disorder, training intensity was greater and satisfaction with training higher in the primary care programs, but less than half of the directors were satisfied with their current level of training, e.g., 33% of categorical and 47% of primary care directors were satisfied with their residents training concerning depression. Training in somatoform disorders, psychotropic drugs, and office psychotherapy were most frequently identified as deficient. The most favored additions to the curriculum were psychiatric consultants in medical clinics and on medical wards. Although most outpatient care for psychiatric disorders is given by primary care physicians, internal medicine training directors perceive current levels of training in their residencies as inadequate. Innovative collaborations between medicine and psychiatry departments will be necessary if treatment of psychiatric disorders in primary care is to be improved.  相似文献   

CASE REPORT: A 23-year-old male pharmacist ingested 1040 mg arsenic trioxide (788 mg trivalent arsenic, 13 mg/kg). After 7 asymptomatic hours, frequent vomiting and diarrhea occurred. Fearing death from shock, he drank 5 L of water over 5 hours. When he was brought to our hospital with chief complaint of constricted vision about 20 hours after ingestion, the major abdominal symptoms had already subsided. Despite a lethal plasma arsenic on admission, all toxic symptoms including hepatic dysfunction, erythematous dermal eruption, and peripheral neuropathy improved during his hospital stay with no treatment except for dimercaptopropanol.  相似文献   

MJ Vassar  CA Perry  JW Holcroft 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,34(5):622-32; discussion 632-3
Small volume infusions of hypertonic saline combined with dextran are very effective in resuscitating animals that have been subjected to hemorrhagic shock, and seem to be effective in resuscitating trauma patients with severe injuries. In this study, the contribution of the dextran component was investigated in a prospective, three-armed, double-blind, randomized trial. Trauma patients transported by ambulance to the hospital with a systolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or less were given 250 mL of (1) normal saline (NS); (2) 7.5% NaCl (HS, for hypertonic saline); or (3) 7.5% NaCl in 6% dextran 70 (HSD). Infusion of the study solution was followed by administration of conventional isotonic fluids as the patients' conditions indicated. By predetermined hypothesis, the observed survival rates in the three treatment groups were compared with the predicted survival rates from the TRISS methodology. The 7.5% NaCl solution significantly improved upon the predicted survival for the entire cohort and for high-risk patients when compared with the survival estimates from the TRISS methodology. The addition of a colloid, in the form of 6% dextran 70, did not offer any additional benefit, at least in this setting of rapid urban transport.  相似文献   

Socio-hygienic analysis of the mortality of disabled subjects is carried out on the basis of clinical and socio-statistical records with due consideration for the levels and structure of death causes, types and groups of disability, duration of stable disability, etc. Scientific approaches to analysis of mortality of disabled subjects as a medico-demographic problem have been outlined and basic information singled out to be used in development of special medicosocial programs.  相似文献   

Ear trauma is one of the most important epidemiological factors in causation of deafness. The causation of otologic trauma in eighty three patients is analysed. The triad of pain, hearing loss and tinnitus comprised the most frequent presenting complaints. Physical assault was the most common causation in 49.4% of the cases, road traffic accidents in 19.3% and self-inflicted injury in 15.6%. Law enforcement agencies constituted the most prominent factor in assault cases. Iatrogenic trauma was confined to 13.3% who were all below ten years of age. Road traffic accidents and violence from law enforcers were significant contributors to severe otologic damage as defined by dead ears and cerebrospinal otorrhoea.  相似文献   

Thromboembolic complications are frequent in patients with multiple trauma. The efficacy of unfractionated heparin for venous thrombosis prophylaxis has not been established. Based on limited prospective data, low-molecular-weight heparin appears to be more effective than unfractionated heparin and at least as effective as compression devices for preventing thromboembolic complications in these patients. Vena cava filters should be considered in high-risk patients who cannot receive anticoagulant therapy, but long-term filter use without concomitant anticoagulant therapy is associated with a substantial risk of recurrent thromboembolism.  相似文献   

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