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SJ Soldo SL Norris JR Gober LJ Haywood PM Colletti M Terk 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,12(5):711-717
To assess the utility of double oblique, ECG-gated 1H magnetic resonance (MR) derived volume curves for assessing LV function, cardiac short axis images were acquired with a fast field echo technique. We applied this methodology to assess left ventricular function in three groups: normals, patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, and dilated cardiomyopathy. Six slices with 16-20 phases per RR interval were analyzed, representing the initial 75-80% of the cardiac cycle. For each slice, the endocardial border of the left ventricular (LV) chamber was manually traced. Using Simpson's rule, the total LV volume at a given phase was determined considering the traced area, thickness and position in three-dimensional space of each of the six constituent slices. The calculated volumes were plotted against time and the stroke volume, ejection fraction and cardiac output were determined. The volume vs time plots for the systolic and diastolic portions of the curve were individually fit to third degree polynomials using a least squares approximation. From the fit curves, the following data were extracted: the mean slope (dV/dT) during filling and emptying, and the time to 1/4, 1/3 and 1/2 filling and emptying. These parameters are valuable indices of the functional status of the myocardium; thus, accurate and useful estimates of LV function can be obtained using MRI derived volume curves in normal and abnormal states. 相似文献
The effect of pressure or volume overload on the geometry of the left ventricle (LV) was determined in order to examine the feasibility and accuracy of LV volume determinations from one minor axis or two dimensions (one minor axis and the longest length). The longest length (LL) and minor axis (MA) in both the anteroposterior (AP) view and lateral (LAT) view were determined from the LV cine silhouette in patients with normal LV volume and pressure (group 1), LV pressure (LVP) overload group (LVP greater than 140 mm Hg, group 2), and LV volume overload group (LV end-diastolic volume greater than 124% of normal, group 3). The ratio of the MA to the LL, which represents the spherical configuration of the LV, was less than "normal" in group 2, and higher than "normal" in group 3. In all groups the LV was less spherical at end-systole than at end-diastole. Additionally, the (MA)3 had a different relationship to true LV volume (biplane LV volume) in the three groups and from diastole to systole in each group. Left ventricular volume calculation from one minor axis was associated with a large error. In contrast, left ventricular volume can be accurately determined from two ventricular dimensions using either the anteroposterior or lateral ventricular image (r larger than or equal to 0.97). 相似文献
The nuclear stethoscope: a simple device for generation of left ventricular volume curves 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Initial evaluation has begun of a system for displaying left ventricular time-activity curves, relating the intraventricular content of radioactivity with the cardiac cycle as determined by the patient's electrocardiogram. Major problems include proper positioning of the detector, correction for background radioactivity outside the ventricle and calibration of the device to permit conversion of measurement of radioactivity to measurement of ventricular volumes. 相似文献
GC Zhang T Tsukada S Nakatani M Uematsu Y Yasumura N Tanaka Y Masuda K Miyatake M Yamagishi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,62(10):755-759
Previous reports have indicated that echocardiography with automatic boundary detection (ABD) is useful for the noninvasive estimation of left ventricular volume. However, few data exist regarding the measurement of left atrial (LA) volume, which also provides pivotal information in the clinical setting. Therefore, the feasibility of LA volume measurement by ABD in comparison with the manual tracing using modified Simpson's method (SM) was evaluated. Fifty-nine patients with coronary artery-disease with sinus rhythm were examined. Using ABD, a region of interest was set around the LA border and mitral annulus from an apical four-chamber view. The maximal and minimal LA volume (Vmax and Vmin) were measured from the volume waveform. Using the SM, the maximal and minimal LA volume were measured by the manual tracing on frozen frames at the apical four-chamber view. The ABD displayed a curve of LA volume change that consisted of passive emptying, diastasis, and active emptying phases during the left ventricular diastolic period. Under these conditions, the Vmax and Vmin were 43.7 +/- 11.2 ml and 21.1 +/- 7.6 ml, respectively, yielding the volume change of 22.6 +/- 6.0 ml. By the SM, Vmax and Vmin were 43.1 +/- 9.9 ml (r = 0.94, p < 0.0001, y(ABD) = 0.91x (SM) + 3.6) and 22.0 +/- 9.0 ml (r = 0.91, p < 0.0001, y = 0.94x + 0.7), respectively, and the volume change was 22.8 +/- 6.1 ml (r = 0.82, p < 0.0001, y = 0.84x + 3.8). These results indicate that the ABD from the apical four-chamber approach could provide an accurate estimation of LA volume change, suggesting the potential value of this method in assessing LA function, although some technical difficulties need to be further overcome. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the agreement of left ventricular ejection fraction determinations from two-dimensional echocardiography, radionuclide angiography and contrast cineangiography. BACKGROUND: Previously published reports suggest that two-dimensional echocardiography, radionuclide angiography and contrast cineangiography are equally acceptable methods of assessing left ventricular ejection fraction on the basis of high coefficients of correlation. However, correlation of methods does not necessarily imply agreement. METHODS: In a prospective analysis, 25 consecutive subjects all had two-dimensional echocardiography and radionuclide angiography performed within 10 days of each other in the cardiology department of metropolitan community hospital. A retrospective computer search (Medline) revealed seven studies, using the coefficient of correlation (r), comparing two-dimensional echocardiographic left ventricular ejection fraction (n = 268) with radionuclide angiographic (n = 174) or contrast cineangiographic (n = 119) left ventricular ejection fractions. RESULTS: The eight individual studies (n = 293) comparing two-dimensional echocardiography with either radionuclide angiography or contrast cineangiography exhibited coefficients of correlation ranging from 0.78 to 0.93. Agreement analysis using the method of Bland and Altman was performed by averaging the results obtained from the two techniques and determining how disparate any single ejection fraction was (with 95% confidence limits) from the mean value. Agreement ranged from 23% to 42% around the mean ejection fraction. The average lack of agreement between the two methods for all studies involved was 17%, with an average r value of 0.86. CONCLUSIONS: Left ventricular ejection fraction determinations by means of two-dimensional echocardiography, radionuclide angiography and contrast cineangiography exhibit high correlation and only moderate agreement. High correlation does not always imply high agreement. These results suggest that, when validated by agreement analysis, multiple studies may not be necessary in appropriate clinical situations, potentially reducing costs. 相似文献
Recent echocardiographic ABD algorithms can estimate LV volume on-line from a single long-axis plane. The objective of this study was to assess the capability and limitations of transesophageal ABD to estimate stroke volume and cardiac output in patients before and after coronary artery bypass surgery by correlating these data with simultaneous thermodilution measurements. ABD data were acquired on-line from the transverse-plane four-chamber view and the longitudinal-plane two-chamber view and calculated by automated area-length and Simpson's rule formulas for volume. Thirty-three studies were attempted in 18 patients. Technically adequate ABD data were available in all patients from at least one view. Twenty-two (67%) of 33 studies from the four-chamber view and 27 (82%) of 33 studies from the two-chamber view were technically adequate. Cardiac output by all ABD methods was significantly correlated with thermodilution values (r range 0.72 to 0.89; SEE range 0.48 to 0.55 L/min). The two-chamber view underestimated cardiac output slightly, by an average of 0.4 L/min, whereas the four-chamber view consistently underestimated cardiac output by an average of 1.9 L/min. The area-length and Simpson's rule algorithms produced similar results. Biplane transesophageal ABD is an alternative method for estimating cardiac output; the two-chamber view in particular has potential for on-line volume determination. 相似文献
Biplane integration method for left ventricular volume determination is applicable to routine work since digital contour memories, calculation of the cross-section area and summation of all volume slices are computerized. The longest measured axis is recommended for volume calculation. A second calculation with interchanged axis and averaging of both results led to a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.997 (comparison of true volume and calculated volume). Comparison of stroke volume in patients with coronary heart disease determined by the Fick principle and the reported method showed a significantly better correlation for the biplane than for the monoplane method. 相似文献
CH McCollough WP Miller MS Van Lysel JD Folts WW Peppler DJ Albright 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,125(6):1667-1675
Densitometric analysis of images obtained by digital subtraction angiography (DSA) allows for more reproducible and less operator-dependent quantitation of ventricular function. Conventional DSA uses temporal subtraction but is limited by misregistration artifacts. Dual-energy digital subtraction angiography (DE-DSA) is immune to such misregistration artifacts. The ability of DE-DSA to quantitate changes in regional ventricular volume resulting from ischemia was tested. Densitometric analysis of both phase-matched and ejection fraction DE-DSA images was used to quantitate regional left ventricular systolic function during four levels of ischemia ranging from mild to severe in open-chest dogs (n = 10). DE-DSA left ventriculograms were obtained by means of central venous injections of iodinated contrast medium. Ischemia was graded according to percentage of systolic wall thickening as measured by sonomicrometry. Phase-matched end-systolic images were obtained at each of four levels of ischemia by subtracting an end-systolic control image from each end-systolic ischemic image. Ejection fraction images were obtained at the control level and at each level of ischemia by subtracting an end-systolic image from an end-diastolic image of the same cardiac cycle. The resulting wall motion difference signals represent the changes in regional ventricular volumes and were quantitated by densitometry. Densitometry was able to detect the effect of all levels of ischemia on regional function, even the mildest. Densitometric analysis of both phase-matched and ejection fraction DE-DSA images provides a sensitive technique for detecting and quantitating the changes in regional left ventricular systolic volume that occur with ischemia. 相似文献
YF Nosir J Stoker JD Kasprzak MH Lequin A Dall'Agata FJ Ten Cate JR Roelandt 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1999,137(1):134-143
OBJECTIVES: Three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) calculates left ventricular volumes (LVV) and ejection fraction (EF) without geometric assumptions, but prolonged analysis time limits its routine use. This study was designed to validate a modified 3DE method for rapid and accurate LVV and EF calculation compared with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Forty subjects included 15 normal volunteers (group A) and 25 patients with segmental wall motion abnormalities and global hypokinesis caused by ischemic heart disease (group B) who underwent 3DE with precordial rotational acquisition technique (2-degree interval with electrocardiographic and respiratory gating) and MRI at 0.5 T, electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggered multislice multiphase T1-weighted fast field echo. End-diastolic and end-systolic LVV and EF were calculated from both techniques with Simpson's rule by manual endocardial tracing of equidistant parallel left ventricular short-axis slices. Slicing from the 3DE data sets were done by both 2.9-mm slice thickness (method 3DE-A) and by 8 equidistant short-axis slices (method 3DE-B); for MRI analysis, 9-mm slice thickness was used. RESULTS: Analysis time required for manual endocardial tracing of end-diastolic and end-systolic short-axis slices was 10 minutes for the 3DE-B method compared with 40 minutes by the 3DE-A method. For all 40 subjects the mean +/- SD of end-diastolic LVV (mL) were 181 +/- 76, 179 +/- 73, and 182 +/- 76; for end-systolic LVV (mL), 120 +/- 76, 120 +/- 75, and 122 +/- 77; and for EF (%), 39 +/- 18, 38 +/- 18, and 38 +/- 18 for MRI, 3DE-A, and 3DE-B methods, respectively. The differences between 3DE-A and 3DE-B with MRI for calculating end-diastolic and end-systolic LVV and EF were not significant for the whole group of subjects as well as for the subgroups. The 3DE-B method had excellent correlation and close limits of agreement with MRI for calculating end-diastolic and end-systolic LVV and EF: r = 0.98 (-1.3 +/- 26.6), 0.99 (-1.6 +/- 21. 2), and 0.99 (0.2 +/- 5.2), respectively. The correlation between 3DE-A and MRI were r = 0.97, 0.98, and 0.98, and the limits of agreement were -1.4 +/- 36, -0.6 +/- 26, and 0.6 +/- 8 for calculating end-diastolic and end-systolic LVV and EF, respectively. In addition, excellent correlation and close limits of agreement between 3DE-A and 3DE-B with MRI for LVV and EF calculation was also found for the subgroups. Intraobserver and interobserver variability (SEE) of MRI for calculating end-diastolic and end-systolic LVV and EF were 6.3, 4.7, and 2.1; and 13.6, 11.5, and 4.7; respectively, whereas that for 3DE-B were 3.1, 4.4, and 2.2; and 6.2, 3.8, and 3. 6; respectively. Comparable observer variability was also found for the A and B subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The 3DE-A and 3DE-B methods have excellent correlation and close limits of agreement with MRI for calculating LVV and EF in both normal subjects and cardiac patients. The 3DE-B method by paraplane analysis with 8 equidistant short-axis slices has observer variability similar to MRI and reduces the 3DE analysis time to 10 minutes, therefore offering a rapid, reproducible, and accurate method for LVV and EF calculation. 相似文献