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Wolf-Hall CE 《International journal of food microbiology》2007,119(1-2):89-94
Fusarium infections in grains can have severe effects on malt and beer. While some degree of Fusarium mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol, present in infected barley may be lost during steeping, the Fusarium mold is still capable of growth and mycotoxin production during steeping, germination and kilning. Therefore, detoxification of grain before malting may not be practical unless further growth of the mold is also prevented. Methods to reduce the amount of mold growth during malting are needed. Physical, chemical and biological methods are reviewed. Irradiation looks very promising as a means to prevent Fusarium growth during malting, but the effect on the surviving mold to produce mycotoxins and the effect on malt quality needs further study. Chemical treatments such as ozonation, which would not leave residual chemical in the beer also appear to be promising. Although biological control methods may be desirable, due to the use of "natural" inhibition, the effects of these inhibitors on malt and beer quality requires further investigation. It may also be possible to incorporate detoxifying genes into fermentation yeasts, which would result in detoxification of the wort when mold growth is no longer a problem. Development of these types of technological interventions should help improve the safety of products, such as beer, made from Fusarium infected grain. 相似文献
乳化型香肠生产原理和常见问题分析 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10
主要探讨了乳化型香肠的加工原理以及斩拌和乳化时的温度、p H、脂肪颗粒大小、可溶性蛋白的数量和类型、乳化物的粘度等因素对肉糜乳化物稳定性的影响 ,并对如何控制这些因素、生产高质量的产品进行了分析。 相似文献
The mycotoxin tenuazonic acid (TA) was analyzed in different infant foods and beverages including tea infusions (fruit, herbal and fennel tea), puree infant food in jars (complementary food and side dishes) and infant cereals (for preparation of meals after addition of water or milk) by means of a stable isotope dilution assay (SIDA). The median content of TA in infant tea infusions (n = 12) was 2 μg/L, but values up to 20 μg/L were found in fennel tea infusions. In puree infant food in jars (n = 12), the median content of TA was 7 μg/kg, but higher values were detected in products containing tomato (25 μg/kg), banana and cherry (80 μg/kg) and sorghum (20 μg/kg). Infant cereals on the basis of wheat and/or oats, rice, spelt and barley (n = 4) did not contain TA in values higher than 30 μg/kg, but if sorghum was the major ingredient (n = 12), the mean content of TA was 550 μg/kg and the maximum level was 1,200 μg/kg. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) evaluated the toxicological potential of TA by following the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) approach yielding a TTC value of 1,500 ng TA/kg body weight per day. Although long-term studies are needed to enlarge the database on TA contamination of sorghum-based infant food, our preliminary study points out to a tendency that the TTC value may be exceeded by infants consuming predominantly sorghum-based food. Nevertheless, further toxicity data on TA are required with high priority to assess potential health hazards. 相似文献
A total of 50 samples of frozen fresh beef sausage were collected from grocery stores at Beni Suef City. These samples were examined for enumeration, isolation and identification of psychrotrophic bacteria. All samples contained psychrotrophic bacteria in variable numbers. The mean counts of psychrotrophic bacteria, psychrotrophic Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, Brochothrix thermosphacta and Lactic acid bacteria were 2 × 105 ± 103, 6 × 103 ± 4 × 102, 103 ± 2 × 102, 4 × 102 ± 8 × 10, 8 × 102 102 and 8 × 102 2 ± 102 organisms per gram, respectively. Psychrotrophic Enterobacteriaceae isolates were identified biochemically. The hygienic significance of the isolates, their public health importance as well as supposed measures to improve the product are discussed. 相似文献
The authors studied the content of volatile N-nitrosamines (NA) in the most common sausage products. It was established that the total content of NA in sausage products is not high and ranges from trace amounts up to 10 micrograms/kg product. The allowable doses of nitrite in the sausage manufacture being low, no relationship was discovered between the content of NA and residual nitrite in meat products. 相似文献
<正> 为了提高香肠的质量,保证生产过程安全卫生,抽真空灌装技术的应用愈来愈普遍,Handtmann AL系统提供了一套全自动化的真空灌肠生产线。就整个系统的结构组件而言,可分为:真空灌肠机、监测器控制系统、肠衣自动贮存送料装置、导向装置、结扎装置及吊挂装置,适合生产各种不同类型的香肠应用,如以合成肠衣或胶原肠衣灌装的直条形、弯曲形和环形香肠,以及其他以全自动方法生产的香肠生产线。 由于AL系统是由多个功能装置组成,具有很高的灵活性,不仅能处理13~55毫米口径的肠衣,而且分份准确性高,达到3,000份/分钟的分份能力,还能产生出重量和长度恒定的香 相似文献
在传统广式腊肠的加工过程中添加适量的猪皮,通过对比试验。添加猪皮的腊肠在感官和理化指标上均好于传统腊肠。 相似文献