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The emergence of new visualization technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) had been widely implemented in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. Although cumulative evidence pointed out a positive impact of these visualization technologies on construction task performance, there is still an obvious disagreement on the benefits or implications of these new visualization technologies, due to the lack of understanding of the mechanisms in which the visualization affects cognitive processes related to information processing. To obtain more evidence, this paper presents a human-subject experiment (n = 90) to investigate the impact of information format on the performance of an industrial pipeline maintenance task. The investigation centers around how different engineering information formats affect the attention patterns as a potential explanation for the changes in performance. A between-group experiment design was used where the participants were randomly assigned to one of the three groups (2D group, 3D group, and VR group) depending on what type of information was given to review the pipe operation instruction. After the review session, the participants were asked to perform the operation task in the virtual environment based on their memory. The results showed that the 3D and VR groups outperformed the 2D group in task performance. The analysis of eye-tracking data further indicated that the information format significantly changed the gaze scanning pattern when participants were reviewing the operational instructions. We also found that the task performance was correlated with eye-tracking features including gaze movement and pupil dilation. Our findings provided more evidence about the mechanisms in which new visualization technologies affect the attention patterns, helped resolve the current disagreement within the literature. In addition, a prediction model was proposed to use eye-tracking features to predict construction task performance.  相似文献   

It is common knowledge that attention is important for learning. We need to utilize attention in order to learn something efficiently and effectively. Similarly, we may also need to acquire familiarity with (i.e., learn) our surroundings in order to utilize our attention. In this study, learning is defined as a product of one’s exposure to natural visual stimuli. Using a virtual model of a natural scene, we investigate both attention and its relationship to learning, according to this definition. Specifically, our focus is the effect of environment familiarity on gaze direction. Our findings reveal that the factor of familiarity with one’s surroundings in virtual reality environments exerts a significant influence on peoples’ ability to detect a variety of specific changes that occur within scenes under their observation.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of personalization in banner advertising on visual attention to the advertisement. A 2 (ad type: personalized vs. non-personalized) × 2 (task cognitive demand: high vs. low) eye-tracking experiment (N = 93) was conducted to examine how personally salient information attracts consumers' attention, and how it interacts with different levels of cognitive load for given tasks. Consistent with previous literature, participants paid relatively longer and more attention to the personalized compared to non-personalized advertisements. However, task cognitive demand was shown to moderate the effects of personalization on attention, such that the personalized advertisement was much more effective in attracting consumers' attention than the non-personalized advertisement when people were engaged in a highly cognitively demanding task. No significant interactions between personalization and cognitive demand of task were found on perceived goal impediment and attitude toward the advertisement. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Firefighters are often exposed to extensive wayfinding information in various formats owing to the increasing complexity of the built environment. Because of the individual differences in processing assorted types of information, a personalized cognition-driven intelligent system is necessary to reduce the cognitive load and improve the performance in the wayfinding tasks. However, the mixed and multi-dimensional information during the wayfinding tasks bring severe challenges to intelligent systems in detecting and nowcasting the attention of users. In this research, a virtual wayfinding experiment is designed to simulate the human response when subjects are memorizing or recalling different wayfinding information. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are designed for automated attention detection based on the power spectrum density of electroencephalography (EEG) data collected during the experiment. The performance of the personalized model and the generalized model are compared and the result shows a personalized CNN is a powerful classifier in detecting the attention of users with high accuracy and efficiency. The study thus will serve a foundation to support the future development of personalized cognition-driven intelligent systems.  相似文献   

The aircraft maintenance industry is a complex system consisting of several interrelated human and machine components. Recognizing this, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has pursued human factors related research. In the maintenance arena the research has focused on the aircraft inspection process and the aircraft inspector. Training has been identified as the primary intervention strategy to improve the quality and reliability of aircraft inspection. If training is to be successful, it is critical that we provide aircraft inspectors with appropriate training tools and environment. In response to this need, the paper outlines the development of a virtual reality (VR) system for aircraft inspection training.

VR has generated much excitement but little formal proof that it is useful. However, since VR interfaces are difficult and expensive to build, the computer graphics community needs to be able to predict which applications will benefit from VR. To address this important issue, this research measured the degree of immersion and presence felt by subjects in a virtual environment simulator. Specifically, it conducted two controlled studies using the VR system developed for visual inspection task of an aft-cargo bay at the VR Lab of Clemson University. Beyond assembling the visual inspection virtual environment, a significant goal of this project was to explore subjective presence as it affects task performance. The results of this study indicated that the system scored high on the issues related to the degree of presence felt by the subjects. As a next logical step, this study, then, compared VR to an existing PC-based aircraft inspection simulator. The results showed that the VR system was better and preferred over the PC-based training tool.  相似文献   

The efficiency of training visual attention in the central and peripheral visual field was investigated by means of a visual detection task that was performed in a naturalistic visual environment including numerous, time-varying visual distractors. We investigated the minimum number of repetitions of the training required to obtain the top performance and whether intra-day training improved performance as efficiently as inter-day training. Additionally, our research aimed to find out whether exposure to a demanding task such as a microsurgical intervention may cancel out the effects of training.

Results showed that performance in visual attention peaked within three (for tasks in the central visual field) to seven (for tasks in the periphery) days subsequent to training. Intra-day training had no significant effect on performance. When attention training was administered after exposure to stress, improvement of attentional performance was more pronounced than when training was completed before the exposure. Our findings support the implementation of training in situ at work for more efficient results.

Practitioner Summary: Visual attention is important in an increasing number of workplaces, such as with surveillance, inspection, or driving. This study shows that it is possible to train visual attention efficiently within three to seven days. Because our study was executed in a naturalistic environment, training results are more likely to reflect the effects in the real workplace.  相似文献   

Knowledge about complex spatial structures can be acquired through self-directed interaction with virtual models. In the present study, interactive controls enabled flexible exploration of desktop virtual multi-level building models from an allocentric perspective (providing zoom, rotation, and selection of building levels) as well as from the egocentric perspective (providing virtual movement). Short-time training for deliberate exploration were investigated with respect to spatial knowledge acquisition (N = 115, 59 females and 56 males). Four training conditions were included: (1) no training, (2) interaction with a training model with a basic exploration task, (3) cognitive prompts stimulating organisation of spatial information, (4) cognitive and meta-cognitive prompts stimulating planning and controlling the exploration activity. In addition, spatial abilities, real-world spatial strategies and computer game experience were considered as aptitudes. Aptitude variables explained up to 30% of the variance in spatial learning and mediated an effect of sex. Training explained up to 10% of the variance in spatial learning. Qualified training with prompts (conditions 3, 4) did not improve spatial learning compared with training with the basic task (condition 2). Training strongly diminished the role of aptitudes.  相似文献   

Organizational memory information systems: a transactive memory approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effective management of organizational memory (OM) is critical to collaboration and knowledge sharing in organizations. We present a framework for managing organizational memory based on transactive memory, a mechanism of collective memory in small groups. While being effective in small groups, there are difficulties hindering the extension of transactive memory to larger groups. We claim that information technology can be used to help overcome these difficulties. We present a formal architecture for directories of meta-memories required in extended transactive memory systems and propose the use of meta-knowledge to substitute for the lack of tacit group knowledge that exists in small groups.  相似文献   

The present research aimed to examine how social comparison and individual differences in creativity might influence creative performance and attention paid to ideas generated by a partner during an electronic brainstorming session. After completing a creativity scale, forty-one psychology undergraduates generated ideas by computer with a remote partner/confederate presented as a student in either Arts (upward comparison) or Sciences (downward comparison) and who was instructed to give a list of pretested ideas. During the idea-generation task, the eye movements of each participant were tracked to measure the attention they paid to the ideas of their partner. As predicted, results showed that the quality (but not the quantity) of ideas was greater in upward than downward comparison, but only for high creative participants. Similar patterns were found for attention allocated to the partner’s ideas. We discuss the role of motivational and attentional processes for electronic brainstorming research.  相似文献   

Intersection accidents result in a significant proportion of road fatalities, and attention allocation likely plays a role. Attention allocation may depend on (limited) working memory (WM) capacity. Driving is often combined with tasks increasing WM load, consequently impairing attention orienting. This study (n = 22) investigated WM load effects on event-related potentials (ERPs) related to attention orienting. A simulated driving environment allowed continuous lane-keeping measurement. Participants were asked to orient attention covertly towards the side indicated by an arrow, and to respond only to moving cars appearing on the attended side by pressing a button. WM load was manipulated using a concurrent memory task. ERPs showed typical attentional modulation (cue: contralateral negativity, LDAP; car: N1, P1, SN and P3) under low and high load conditions. With increased WM load, lane-keeping performance improved, while dual task performance degraded (memory task: increased error rate; orienting task: increased false alarms, smaller P3).

Practitioner Summary: Intersection driver-support systems aim to improve traffic safety and flow. However, in-vehicle systems induce WM load, increasing the tendency to yield. Traffic flow reduces if drivers stop at inappropriate times, reducing the effectiveness of systems. Consequently, driver-support systems could include WM load measurement during driving in the development phase.  相似文献   

In spatial cognition studies several cognitive factors were analysed in order to identify the aspect that could constitute the basis for the capacity of organising spatial knowledge into survey maps.  相似文献   

Previous research identified that learning assembly tasks in Virtual Environments (VEs) is more difficult than in Real Environments (REs). This work's objective is to identify the key visual areas for both environments when performing an assembly task for ten consecutive cycles, when following visual instructions and when having visual distractors. Using an eye-tracker, we identified the key visual areas required for an assembly task in both environments. Results indicate that practice allowed participants to reduce their assembly time in both environments. They also indicate that two areas, Assembly Area and Blocks, concentrated a higher proportion of eye-fixations; 59.98% for REs and 81.48% for VEs, with a statistically significant observation difference between environments (t-test value = −14.23, with p-value <0.00001 and Cohen's d = 6.36). We conclude that participants considered the same key visual areas for both environments and that VE interaction has a significant role in observation behavior.  相似文献   

基于空间信息网格SIG框架的上海城市空间信息应用服务系统中城市空间特征、绿化、环保、水系、土地、道路网络等各类城市空间信息资源分布在网络的不同节点上;建立了集中的元数据库提供相关数据的描述信息;以分布在不同节点上的GIS Web Service提供空间数据处理服务。平台以门户网站的方式提供元数据检索,利用检索结果获取分布式的各类空间信息数据资源;提供空间数据处理网络应用程序,调用GIS Web Service,提供格式转换、坐标转换、地图综合、空间分析等空间数据处理功能;提供GIS Web Service的搜索和注册。此平台已经在上海公务网中实际运行。  相似文献   

In this paper we formalise three different views of a virtual shared memory system and show that they are equivalent. The formalisation starts with five basic component processes specified in the language of CSP [Hoa85], which can be adapted as necessary by two operations called labelling and clamping, and are combined in two basic ways: either they are chained, so that the output of one component becomes the input of the next, or they are put in parallel, so that their communications are arbitrarily interleaved. Using the laws of CSP we show that these basic processes and operators satisfy a number of algebraic equivalences, which enable us to prove equivalence of the different models of the memory system by reasoning entirely at the level of processes, instead of at the lower and more complicated level of events. As a result the proofs of equivalence of the different models are purely algebraic and very simple.The specification is intended to provide a general framework for any architecture using an interconnection network, such as the on-chip interconnect between macrocells or the networks of processor nodes connected by bit-serial interconnect which are described in [Jon93]. It addresses architecture independent design issues such as access transparency, connectivity, addressing models and serialisability. By structuring it as a hierarchy of models it is hoped that the treatment of these many issues is made as clear and tractable as possible, whilst the proofs of equivalence ensure consistency.Funded by Esprit Project 7267/ OMI-Standards.  相似文献   

Diagnostic automation has been posited to alleviate the high demands of multiple-task environments; however, mixed effects have been found pertaining to performance aid success. To better understand these effects, attention allocation must be studied directly. We developed a multiple-task environment to study the effects of automation on visual attention. Participants interacted with a system providing varying levels of automation and automation reliability and then were transferred to a system with no support. Attention allocation was measured by tracking the number of times each task was viewed. We found that participants receiving automation allocated their time according to the task frequency and that tasks that benefited most from automation were most harmed when it was removed. The results suggest that the degree to which automation affects multiple-task performance is dependent on the relative attributes of the tasks involved. Moreover, there is an inverse relationship between support and cost when automation fails.  相似文献   

Human beings can become experts in performing specific vision tasks, for example, doctors analysing medical images, or botanists studying leaves. With sufficient knowledge and experience, people can become very efficient at such tasks. When attempting to perform these tasks with a machine vision system, it would be highly beneficial to be able to replicate the process which the expert undergoes. Advances in eye-tracking technology can provide data to allow us to discover the manner in which an expert studies an image. This paper presents a first step towards utilizing these data for computer vision purposes. A growing-neural-gas algorithm is used to learn a set of Gabor filters which give high responses to image regions which a human expert fixated on. These filters can then be used to identify regions in other images which are likely to be useful for a given vision task. The algorithm is evaluated by learning filters for locating specific areas of plant leaves.  相似文献   

This study describes and analyzes the learning interactions of nine high-school students’ free exploration of a virtual solar system (VSS). The VSS is a non-immersive three dimensional virtual environment based on real NASA planetary images. The computer screen serves as a “spacecraft’s window” for the learner to “fly” between objects, to change the system’s frame of reference and its pace. A systematic analysis of participants’ real-time observable interactions together with what they said revealed that each of them created an unique learning pattern within at least five different dimensions: (1) the cognitive dimension, (2) the affective dimension, (3) the navigation dimension, (4) the interface dimension, and (5) the assistance seeking dimension. The construction of meaning emerged as a non-linear process, which includes transitions between and within these dimensions. Three different styles of learning interactions were identified, suggesting that individual differences might be enhanced due to the unique VSS’ features. Overall, the VSS served as an enriching and motivational learning experience. The design of additional navigation tools and content scaffolding might help participants’ in building a sustained deep scientific understanding.  相似文献   

Having garnered interest both in clinic and research areas, the Virtual Classroom (Rizzo et al., 2000) assesses children's attention in a virtual context. The Digital MediaWorks team (www.dmw.ca) has evolved the original basic classroom concept over a number of iterations to form the ClinicaVR Suite containing the Classroom-CPT as one of its components. The present study has three aims: investigate certain validity and reliability aspects of the tool; examine the relationship between performance in the virtual test and the attendant sense of presence and cybersickness experienced by participants; assess potential effects of gender and age on performance in the test. The study was conducted with 102 children and adolescents from Grade 2 to Grade 10. All participants were enrolled in a regular school program. Results support both concurrent and construct validity as well as temporal stability of ClinicaVR: Classroom-Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Gender exerted no effect on performance, while age did. The test did not cause much cybersickness. We recommend ClinicaVR: Classroom-CPT as an assessment tool for selective and sustained attention, and inhibition, in clinic and research domains.  相似文献   

In this paper, we sketch out a computational theory of spatial cognition motivated by navigational behaviours, ecological requirements, and neural mechanisms as identified in animals and man. Spatial cognition is considered in the context of a cognitive agent built around the action–perception cycle. Besides sensors and effectors, the agent comprises multiple memory structures including a working memory and a longterm memory stage. Spatial longterm memory is modelled along the graph approach, treating recognizable places or poses as nodes and navigational actions as links. Models of working memory and its interaction with reference memory are discussed. The model provides an overall framework of spatial cognition which can be adapted to model different levels of behavioural complexity as well as interactions between working and longterm memory. A number of design questions for building cognitive robots are derived from comparison with biological systems and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Current computer systems separate main memory from storage, and programming languages typically reflect this distinction using different representations for data in memory and storage. However, moving data back and forth between these different layers and representations compromise both programming and execution efficiency. To remedy this, the concept of orthogonal persistence (OP) was proposed in the early 1980s advocating that, from a programmer's standpoint, there should be no differences in the way that short-term and long-term data are manipulated. However, at that time, the underlying implementations still had to cope with the complexity of moving data across memory and storage. Today, recent nonvolatile memory (NVM) technologies, such as resistive RAM and phase-change memory, allow main memory and storage to be collapsed into a single layer of persistent memory, opening the way for more efficient programming abstractions for handling persistence. In this work, we revisit OP concepts in the context of NVM architectures and propose a persistent heap design for languages with automatic memory management. We demonstrate how it can significantly increase programmer and execution efficiency, removing the impedance mismatch of crossing semantic boundaries. To validate and demonstrate the presented concepts, we present JaphaVM, an implementation of the proposed design based on JamVM, an open-source Java Virtual Machine. Our results show that JaphaVM, in most cases, executes the same operations between one and two orders of magnitude faster than regular database-based and file-based implementations, while requiring significantly less lines of code.  相似文献   

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