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This issue of Textile Progress reviews the way that fashion retailing has developed as a result of the application of the World Wide Web and information and communications technology (ICT) by fashion-retail companies. The review therefore first considers how fashion retailing has evolved, analysing retail formats, global strategies, emerging and developing economies, and the factors that are threatening and driving growth in the fashion-retail market. The second part of the review considers the emergence of omni-channel retailing, analysing how retail has progressed and developed since the adoption of the Internet and how ICT initiatives such as mobile commerce (m-commerce), digital visualisation online, and in-store and self-service technologies have been proven to support the progression and expansion of fashion retailing. The paper concludes with recommendations on future research opportunities for gaining a better understanding of the impacts of ICT and omni-channel retailing, through which it may be possible to increase and develop knowledge and understanding of the way the sector is developing and provide fresh impetus to an already-innovative and competitive industry.  相似文献   

Chinaisthehomeofsilk.Chinesepeo plemasteredthetechniqueofsilkdye inglongtimeago.DuringtheMingdy nasty,thetechniqueofdyestuffextrac tionanddyeingwithvegetabledyes waslaunched.Inrecentdecades,thetextiledyeingandfinishingindustryof Chinahasmadesignificantp…  相似文献   

A workshop held at the 2018 Sensometrics conference in Montevideo aimed at a data-based comparison between three temporal methods, namely Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA), Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), and Temporal Dominance of Sensations by Modality (MTDS). Data on 8 yoghurts designed following a full-factorial design have been evaluated using the three protocols. In this paper, we compare the data obtained with regard to discriminative power and highlight potential pitfalls when making significance-based comparisons. TCATA is found to provide overall highest discrimination, while for special purposes, the other methods may have advantages. We further compare the dominance and selection rates from the methods, addressing the arbitrariness of necessary standardizations. Finally, we compare results from correspondence analyses with trajectories, showing noteworthy differences between the protocols. In the discussion, it is argued that a reasonable comparison between the methods might not be possible or even reasonable, as they address quite different concepts. Rather than being considered as alternatives for the same objective, they should better be considered as complimentary, addressing different project needs.  相似文献   

The best system for protecting public health is one that involves two layers of control before food reaches the consumer. The first layer of control is the industry's clear responsibility to prepare food that is safe. The second layer of control is the monitoring that is provided by government to ensure that the industry is doing its job and is in fact producing safe food.

While some may view this “second layer” as an impediment in the development and marketing of new technologies, there is another way to look at the “regulatory environment”. The regulatory environment itself, is not an impediment to the development of food science and technology.

The regulatory environment, with all its components — scientists, consumers, industry, and Congress — defines “safety” within the context of today's technology, scientific capability, and tolerance level of the lay public. The entire regulatory environment serves to guide the development of food science and technology by providing signposts, in the form of scientifically sound regulatory decisions. The scientific basis of these decisions becomes building blocks on which to rest further refinement of the technology, product, ingredient, or packaging material or on which research in related technologies or research in innovative directions can build.

This scientific groundwork becomes very important as more and more companies move away from having self‐contained research laboratories toward using commercial laboratories and academic institutions, as well as participating in cooperative research endeavors to meet food safety and product development research needs. These changes in the way industry is doing business today clearly indicate a direction that will impact on the “regulatory environment” in the next few years — a direction that will include deeper commitment of private/public sector cooperation in generating the data and information that defines safety for any given technology or product. The shift to commercial labs and academic institutions is occurring at the same time the consumer continues to believe that food is “safe”, novel technologies and products are entering the market at an ever increasing rate, the market is moving toward a more global food supply, and significant changes are taking place in the food safety/inspection infrastructure. To meet these challenges, the academic institutions will take on more importance. To the extent that food scientists from industry dissipate, other food scientists — particularly those in academic settings — must assume additional responsibilities. Further changes will come in the way we do business.

In the words of Robert McVicker, Kraft General Foods’ Dr. VP of Technology, Quality Assurance and Scientific Relations, describing one public/private sector cooperative effort, the National Center for Food Safety and Technology, “It is clear that in forming the National Center our key objective is the generation and fostering of scientific and technical knowledge and the exchange of this knowledge among the agency, industry, and academic partners. In working side by side, I believe we will learn that our goals are very similar and are, in fact, identical. Through partnerships and strategic alliances such as we are forging, we will continue to deliver safe and wholesome foods to American consumers.”  相似文献   

Chickpea is grain legumes grown mainly in areas with temperate and semiarid climate. It is characterized by a high content of protein, fat, vitamins, fiber, and a lower content of carbohydrates than flour of wheat. Chickpeas may contain antinutritional compounds that can impair utilization of the nutrients by people. Heat treatment is an effective method to increase the amount of protein available for intestinal digestibility. Adding chickpeas to a foodstuff can increase their nutritional value and reduce the acrylamide content. Acrylamide is an antinutritional substance present in foods, such as bread, snacks, and chips. Chickpea flour and protein may be new way to a reduce the content of acrylamide in products of this type. The addition of chickpea flour affects the sensory and textural properties.  相似文献   

α-Amylase is an endoenzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of internal α-l,4 glycosidic linkages in polysaccharides to produce maltose, maltotriose, and α-limit dextrins. It is widely used in the laboratorial and industrial workflow for several applications. There are several methods utilizing different techniques and substrates to assess α-amylase activity, among which the spectroscopic methods have found widespread applicability due to their ease of use and cost-effectiveness. Depending upon the reaction principle, these assays are classified into four groups: reducing sugar, enzymatic, chromogenic, and amyloclastic methods. Despite the presence of numerous methods, there is no general reliable method to assess α-amylase activity. Each method is shown to have its own merits and demerits. Many improvements have been made to make the available methods more accurate, reliable, and easy. This communication briefly discusses the basic reaction mechanisms and critically reviews the advantages and shortcomings associated with each method. Further recommendations are made for future development. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

sizes more on the regulation of authentication and trade mark, pays more attention to methods of food eating, and concerns the differences among eaters more. Also, they differ rather obviously in public administration.“ Food quality”, a definition of“ degree”, means the degree of food quality, including both high-class food and low-grade food. Bu“tfood safety”is an“ absolute” definition, meaning that there is no acute or chronic danger in the food.“ Food sanitary” is also an“ absolute” definition. The opinion h  相似文献   

Tree nuts are important economic crops and are consumed as healthy snacks worldwide. In recent years, the increasing needs for more efficient and effective postharvest processing technologies have been driven by the growing production, higher quality standards, stricter food safety requirements, development of new harvesting methods, and demand to achieve energy saving and carbon neutralization. Among all, the technologies related to drying, disinfection, and disinfestation and downstream processes, such as blanching, kernel peeling, and roasting, are the most important processes influencing the quality and safety of the products. These processes make up the largest contribution to the energy consumptions and environmental impacts stemming from tree nut production. Although many studies have been conducted to improve the processing efficiency and sustainability, and preserve the product quality and safety, information from these studies is fragmented and a centralized review highlighting the important technology advancements of postharvest processing of tree nuts would benefit the industry. In this comprehensive review, almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are selected as the representative crops of tree nuts. Current statuses, recent advances, and ongoing challenges in the scientific research as well as in the industrial processing practices of these tree nuts are summarized. Some new perspectives and applications of tree nut processing waste and by-products (such as the hulls and shells) are also discussed. In addition, future trends and research needs are highlighted. The material presented here will help both stakeholders and scientists to better understand postharvest tree nut processing and provide technological recommendations to improve the efficiency and sustainability, product quality and safety, and competitiveness of the industry.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1999,65(3):353-357
The percentages of total, soluble and dialysable calcium of human milk, cow milk and milk and soy based infant formulas were determined in order to detect possible differences in the calcium bioavailability of the samples. For this purpose an in vitro method was applied to these four calcium sources. The ranking of the analysed samples in terms of calcium bioavailability depends on the criteria applied. Calcium ranked dialysis percentage was: cow milk>human milk>soy based formula>milk based formulas. Calcium ranked solubility percentage was: human milk>cow milk>soy-based formula>milk-based formulas. Comparison of the results of the in vitro assay with the information available on in vivo calcium absorption showed that the total soluble calcium contents agree with the in vivo absorption values better than with calcium dialysis percentages.  相似文献   

Over the past century, advancements within the mainstream dairy foods processing industry have acted in complement with other dairy-affiliated industries to produce a human food that has few rivals with regard to safety, nutrition, and sustainability. These advancements, such as milk pasteurization, may appear commonplace in the context of a modern dairy processing plant, but some consideration of how these advancements came into being serve as a basis for considering what advancements will come to bear on the next century of processing advancements. In the year 1917, depending on where one resided, most milk was presented to the consumer through privately owned dairy animals, small local or regional dairy farms, or small urban commercial dairies with minimal, or at best nascent, processing capabilities. In 1917, much of the retail milk in the United States was packaged and sold in returnable quart-sized clear glass bottles fitted with caps of various design and composition. Some reports suggest that the cost of that quart of milk was approximately 9 cents—an estimated $2.00 in 2017 US dollars. Comparing that 1917 quart of milk to a quart of milk in 2017 suggests several differences in microbiological, compositional, and nutritional value as well as flavor characteristics. Although a more comprehensive timeline of significant processing advancements is noted in the AppendixTable A1 to this paper, we have selected 3 advancements to highlight; namely, the development of milk pasteurization, cleaning and sanitizing technologies, and sanitary specifications for processing equipment. Finally, we provide some insights into the future of milk processing and suggest areas where technological advancements may need continued or strengthened attention and development as a means of securing milk as a food of high safety and value for the next century to come.  相似文献   

Omega-3 fatty acids are generally under-consumed in Western diets; a factor that may largely be attributed to low intake of oily fish. Although supplementation strategies offer one approach in terms of improving blood fatty acid levels, rates of compliance are generally low due to difficulties in swallowing capsules, or unfavorable aftertastes. Consequently, new approaches, including food-based strategies, may be an alternative approach to improving omega-3 status and the health of public sectors. This paper sets out to discuss and review how the use of novel food vehicle and delivery advancements may be used to improve omega-3 status, which may have wider benefits for public health and well-being.  相似文献   

Vegetable oil processing has been identified as one of the potential nonaqueous applications of membrane technology. Membrane-based processing has been largely attempted on individual steps of the conventional refining process with reasonable success. With the advent of organic-solvent-nanofiltration, membrane desolventizing of hexane oil miscella has received greater attention, revitalizing the prospects of integrated membrane processing. A practical evaluation of membrane augmented desolventizing revealed that approximately 65% energy savings towards solvent evaporation could be achieved in an industrial environment. Further, a pragmatic appraisal advocated that an integrated membrane process with a focus on pretreatment and desolventizing along with physical refining would be a desirable approach for fortifying the benefits. The present review intends to channelize the efforts to overcome the current limitations and highlights the importance of developing better membranes, process evaluation under appropriate practical conditions, and developing suitable cleaning protocols for stable performance. In the case of alternate solvents to hexane, membrane solvent recovery would be a favorable approach to overcome the limitation of associated higher thermal energy requirements. Nevertheless, solvent selection should be based on a composite evaluation of extraction and membrane desolventizing, specific to the type of oil. Finally, a comprehensive process scheme has been proposed to realize the benefits in extraction-refining plants. In this direction, a few pilot demonstration plants need to be established and operated for 1–2 years to understand and overcome the practical difficulties and limitations of the technology, leading to its industrial adoption.  相似文献   

A model of the key drivers influencing the food supply chain is tested by considering the historical and current examples of technologies and used to speculate on the probabilities of success of new technologies. The successful technologies are likely to be those that offer benefits to each element of the supply chain. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Limitations of microwave processing due to inhomogeneities of power input and energy absorption have been widely described. Over- and underheated product areas influence reproducibility, product quality, and possibly safety. Although a broad range of methods is available for temperature measurement and evaluation of time/temperature effects, none of them is sufficiently able to detect temperature differences and thermally induced effects within the product caused by inhomogeneous heating. The purpose of this review is to critically assess different methods of temperature measurement for their suitability for different microwave applications, namely metallic temperature sensors, thermal imaging, pyrometer measurement, fiber optic sensors, microwave radiometry, magnetic resonance imaging, liquid crystal thermography, thermal paper, and biological and chemical time-temperature indicators. These methods are evaluated according to their advantages and limitations, method characteristics, and potential interference with the electric field. Special attention is given to spatial resolution, accuracy, handling, and purpose of measurement, that is, development work or online production control. Differences of methods and examples of practical application and failure in microwave-assisted food processing are discussed with a special focus on microwave pasteurization and microwave-assisted drying. Based on this assessment, it is suggested that infrared cameras for measuring temperature distribution at the product surface and partially inside the product in combination with a chemical time/temperature indicator (e.g., Maillard reaction, generating heat-induced color variations, depending on local energy absorption) appear to be the most appropriate system for future practical application in microwave food process control, microwave system development, and product design. Reliable detection of inhomogeneous heating is a prerequisite to counteracte inhomogeneity by a targeted adjustment of process and product parameters in microwave applications.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1797-1814
The complex and interrelated management components of dairy farming are associated with health, production, and profitability of the herd, yet there is limited objective data on current management practices of the far-off, close-up, and fresh periods across Canadian dairy farms. We aimed to describe management practices of Canadian dairy farms by using a pre-existing risk assessment tool and outline potential management opportunities. Upon veterinarians' or producers' request, a transition management risk assessment (The Vital 90, Elanco) was performed by trained observers (n = 10) during farm visits (n = 78) between August 2014 and March 2018. Most farms were in Ontario (n = 64), whereas the remaining were in Alberta (n = 5), British Columbia (n = 4), Manitoba (n = 1), Prince Edward Island (n = 2), Newfoundland (n = 1), and Saskatchewan (n = 1). The study included 79 questions about nutrition, pen management, and cow comfort of the dry (approximate ranges: far-off, ?60 to ?20 d in milk; close-up, ?20 to 0 d in milk) and fresh (0–30 d in milk) periods. The herds averaged 125 milking cows, and most had 2 defined dry groups (81%). Freestall (FS; 54%) and straw-bedded loose pack (BP; 81%) were the most common housing systems observed in the far-off and close-up periods, respectively. Heifers and cows were housed together in 56, 80, and 59% of the far-off, close-up, and fresh pens, respectively. A large proportion of the far-off (FS: >100% stocking density; BP: <9.3 m2/cow; 41%), close-up, and fresh pens (FS: >80% stocking density; BP: <13.9 m2/cow; 52 and 49%, respectively) were overstocked. Poor water access was observed across all periods (65, 58, and 24% of the far-off, close-up, and fresh, respectively). Only a few farms had proper heat abatement systems in place (absence of properly functioning soakers or fans; <10% in the dry and 15% in the fresh periods). Cows were able to sort their ration in 60% of the dry period pens and 31% of the fresh pens. In 73% of the farms, fresh cow health monitoring protocols were not in place. Colostrum cows and sick cows were housed together in 40% of the farms; 59% separated the newborn from the dam within 2 to 12 h of birth with colostrum harvested immediately thereafter. This work describes prevalent management practices in the dry and fresh periods and highlights areas for potential improvement. Future research should focus on the associations between management choices and health performance of dairy farms.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of processing operations such as drying/dehydration, canning, extrusion, high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric field, and ohmic heating on the phytochemicals of fruits, vegetables, and grains is important in retaining the health benefiting properties of these antioxidative compounds in processed food products. Most of the previous investigations in the literature on the antioxidants of fruits, vegetables, and grains have shown that food-processing operations reduced the antioxidants of the processed foods, which is also the usual consumer perception. However, in the last decade some articles in the literature reported that the evaluation of nutritional quality of processed fruits and vegetables not only depend on the quantity of vitamin C but should include analyses of other antioxidant phytochemicals and antioxidant activity. Thermal processing increased the total antioxidant activity of tomato and sweet corn. Most importantly, analysis also depends on the condition, type, and mechanism of antioxidant assays used. This review aims to provide concise information on the influence of various thermal and nonthermal food-processing operations on the stability and kinetics of health beneficial phenolic antioxidants of fruits, vegetables, and grains.  相似文献   

In this study the effectiveness of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in inactivating two bacterial pathogens on inoculated pastırma was investigated. In addition, the effect of this treatment on the total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB) and yeast–mold counts was also observed. Pastırma samples were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes and subjected to CAP applications using oxygen (100%), argon (100%) and two oxygen/argon mixtures (25%O2/75%Ar and 50%O2/50%Ar) for 180 and 300 s. Maximum reduction of 0.85 log CFU/cm2 for S. aureus counts and 0.83 log CFU/cm2 for L. monocytogenes counts were found from starting level of 5.78 and 5.71 log CFU/cm2, respectively. However, it was determined that the TMAB and yeast–mold counts were reduced by 1.41 log CFU/cm2 and 1.66 log CFU/cm2, respectively. It was found that pastırma samples had a 7.34% decrease in moisture content as a result of CAP application due to evaporated water from the sample's surface. In the light of these results, this study showed that cold atmospheric plasma can be used to lower levels of S. aureus and L. monocytogenes in pastırma.Industrial relevanceThermal treatments can cause sensory and nutrient changes in meat products. Non-thermal food processing technologies are innovative applications that continue to attract attention. Cold plasma, which is one of the non-thermal technologies, is environmentally friendly and causes minimal changes to treated products. In this study, cold atmospheric plasma treatment was effective against S. aureus and L. monocytogenes inoculated on pastırma and reduced their counts. Moreover, it also succeeded in reducing counts of TMAB and yeast–mold in the pastırma.  相似文献   

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