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针对低轨卫星通信系统中微带天线的特性要求,首先利用高频结构仿真软件HFSS建立微带天线模型,并对该模型运用电磁理论和优化理论进行仿真优化,得到了最佳的微带天线结构和电参数.然后根据设计参数研制了符合要求的中心频率为398 MHz的微带天线,并且缩减尺寸至可以植入卫星通信中的便携式终端设备.利用矢量网络分析仪对该天线各参数实测结果表明,研制的微带天线的性能与实际要求的指标吻合,证明了设计的有效性.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种用于UWB无线通信系统的新型微带天线结构,即在介质基片的接地板上开个圆环缝隙,微带线耦合馈电。天线通过仿真和加工测试达到了设计要求,并提高了天线的性能。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种用于UWB无线通信系统的新型微带天线结构,即在介质基片的接地板上开个圆环缝隙,微带线耦合馈电。天线通过仿真和加工测试达到了设计要求,并提高了天线的性能。  相似文献   

根据地铁通信的要求,需要在地铁车顶上安装体积小、轮廓低的全向天线。首先详细地介绍了单极天线的特性,研究了如何降低天线高度和增加使用带宽的技术方法,全面地讨论了倒F天线的设计方法和主要参数;然后对倒F天线的结构和电性能进行了仿真分析;最后制作出了一种性能较好的倒F天线,通过实际测试,验证了仿真结果。该形式全向天线在地铁通信中已经得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

软件无线电是智能天线的基础技术,通过软件可在通用的硬件平台上实现不同的算法。文中在智能天线基本原理的基础上,讨论了一个适于扩频通信的智能天线接收系统的硬件平台搭建以及固定波束形成,以及设计时需要考虑的一些关键问题。  相似文献   

论文提出了一种新型宽带圆极化天线,成本低廉,结构简单,性能优异.此天线基板采用普通FR4板材,其辐射体由方形地、钩形分枝及倒L形分枝三部分组成,并由50Ω微带阻抗传输线进行馈电.天线尺寸为55×55mm2,工作在1.75GHz~2.9GHz.频段.天线的10dB回波损耗相对带宽和3dB轴比(AR)相对带宽分别为49%(1.75GHz~2.9GHz)和50%(1.8GHz~3GHz),其良好的圆极化和阻抗性能可以在相关的无线通信系统中得到很好地应用.  相似文献   

This article presents the design of a planar high gain and wideband antenna using a negative refractive index multilayer superstrate in the X‐band. This meta‐antenna is composed of a four‐layer superstrate placed on a conventional patch antenna. The structure resonates at a frequency of 9.4 GHz. Each layer of the metamaterial superstrate consists of a 7 × 7 array of electric‐field‐coupled resonators, with a negative refractive index of 8.66 to 11.83 GHz. The number of layers and the separation of superstrate layers are simulated and optimized. This metamaterial lens has significantly increased the gain of the patch antenna to 17.1 dBi. Measurements and simulation results proved about 10 dB improvement of the gain.  相似文献   

天馈线监测系统与远端监控终端的通信在移动基站的维护保障工作中具有重要的意义,通过对该通信需求的研究,使用基于公共电话网采用调制解调器的数据传输方法,能够更好的实现通信功能。  相似文献   

文章介绍了“动中通”移动卫星通信车天线系统的关键技术及技术要求,制定了测试方法。通过测试数据分析是否满足天线系统的技术要求。  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel and compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with band-notched characteristics for body-centric communication is examined and implemented. The shape of the designed antenna looks like a ‘swan’ with a slotted patch. The performance parameters of this antenna for both the free space and on-body scenario for body-centric communication are analyzed and investigated through the simulation process using Computer Simulation Technology (CST). This antenna can avoid the interference caused by Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) (5.15–5.825 GHz) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) (5.25–5.85 GHz) systems with a band notch because of newly designed UWB antenna is revised small form factor sized. At first, the performance parameters like return loss response, gain, radiation patterns, and radiation efficiency on the free space of this UWB antenna are evaluated. After that, the on-body performance parameters of the antenna are also examined to place the antenna at various distances like 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, and 10 mm away from 3-layers of phantom body model at frequencies of 3.5 GHz, 5.2 GHz, 5.8 GHz, 8 GHz, and 10 GHz. All the on-body performance parameter results are compared and analyzed with free space performance parameter results. Lastly, by changing patch slot length and ground plane length, parametric studies were done for performance comparison. Due to its compact size, novel shape and significant on-body performance, the proposed antenna is very suitable for multi-purpose healthcare applications and sports performance monitoring.  相似文献   

本文对车载天线方舱在运输状态和工作状态的稳定性进行了设计分析,并给出了详细的设计过程和计算结果。天线作为车栽电子设备的重要组成部分,其中有相当一部分天线的尺寸、重量较大,其对于设备装车形式的选择、设备的总体布局、战技指标保障等方面形成了决定性因素。本文通过对车载天线方舱稳定性的校核计算,希望能对较大型的天线的装车设计提供一种参考。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种新颖超宽带微带天线。该天线由微带宽槽天线的基本结构变形而来,其结构由矩形馈电微带贴片与矩形宽槽孔贴片组成。矩形宽槽孔开在金属GND板上,而矩形馈电贴片在介质板的另一面并在矩形宽槽孔框内偏下方。贴片与馈电线对接处采用渐变结构来达到阻抗匹配。以矩形宽槽尺寸为主构成了低频段的等效谐振电长度,而馈电贴片尺寸构成了高频段的等效谐振电长度。在各自的谐振频区上,矩形宽槽与馈电微带贴片两者相互耦合,构成两谐振电长度的天线叠合组成为一共面天线,从而拓展了天线的带宽。该文运用HFSS仿真软件,根据设定尺寸进行了仿真设计,制备了两只不同频段的样品天线。仿真结果和实验结果基本一致,表明该原理设计出的天线可实现超宽带特性。  相似文献   

文章设计了一种垂直极化磁性收信天线,详细论述了该天线的设计方法,并给出了天线系统的方向图。  相似文献   

The metamaterial elements and structures have been noticed for obtaining circular polarization (CP) while developing various procedures. In this paper, we have mentioned some of these cases and compared the metamaterial loads effect on antenna current distribution. We have classified them into four categories. The first case covers patch antenna based on composite right/left‐handed method, where the metamaterial has been used for changing the current distribution in the loop form. The second case has been achieved by radome and metasurface. In the third model, the interaction between feed and metamaterial load has been considered and the last case has been made by the metamaterial load with truncated structure. The metamaterial loading has been modeled based on Nicolson‐Ross or transmission/reflection techniques for extracting the permittivity and permeability. While the microstrip slot antennas are attractive for wider bandwidth, the truncated structure can change the current for achieving CP. Here, we have studied the antenna for wireless and WiMAX applications.  相似文献   

微带阵列天线的使用对飞机的隐身性能、机动性能等都具有非常重要的现实意义,在分析矩形微带天线设计原理的基础上,依据指标设计要求,完成了一个C频段微带天线阵的设计;同时,利用三维电磁场仿真软件(Ansoft HFSS)进行了仿真,并对其设计的参数进行了优化;在此基础上,通过实物加工,暗室实测,以及与AnsoftHFSS仿真结果进行比较,达到了C频段微带天线阵设计的目的,具有一定的实用工程价值.  相似文献   

该文讨论了简单无线通信系统的结构、实现方式,以及在VisualBasic环境下开发无线通信系统管理程序的有关问题,并着重分析了VB环境下串行通信接口管理、协议规划等问题。最后结合实际介绍了在VB环境下通过RS232串行接口管理通信模块的软硬件实现方案。  相似文献   

智能天线波束形成的分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
波束形成是智能天线的关键技术之一。在介绍智能天线结构模型基础上,对其基本原理进行研究,分析了波束形成技术,并对波束方向图进行了仿真及比较。  相似文献   

一种低复杂度的线性离散码发射天线选择技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了充分利用多天线系统的性能增益,通过研究集中式MIMO(Multiple input multiple output)系统中最大化最小后验SNR (Signal to noise ratio)准则的局限性,提出了一种低复杂度的基于线性离散码的发射天线选择方案.然后分析了分布式MIMO系统中,移动台距不同基站间不同的大尺度衰落对信道特征值的影响,证明了所提天线选择准则在分布式系统中的有效性.仿真结果表明,在准静态信道环境下,所提天线选择准则具有比最大化最小后验SNR准则更好的性能,并且复杂度更低.  相似文献   

该文讨论了简单无线通信系统的结构、实现方式,以及在VisualBasic环境下开发无线通信系统管理程序的有关问题,并着重分析了VB环境下串行通信接口管理、协议规划等问题。最后结合实际介绍了在VB环境下通过RS232串行接口管理通信模块的软硬件实现方案。  相似文献   

In this paper performance of three different designs of a 60 GHz high gain antenna for body-centric communication has been evaluated. The basic structure of the antenna is a slotted patch consisting of a rectangular ring radiator with passive radiators inside. The variation of the design was done by changing the shape of these passive radiators. For free space performance, two types of excitations were used—waveguide port and a coaxial probe. The coaxial probe significantly improved both the bandwidth and radiation efficiency. The center frequency of all the designs was close to 60 GHz with a bandwidth of more than 5 GHz. These designs achieved a maximum gain of 8.47 dB, 10 dB, and 9.73 dB while the radiation efficiency was around 94%. For body-centric applications, these antennas were simulated at two different distances from a human torso phantom using a coaxial probe. The torso phantom was modeled by taking three layers of the human body—skin, fat, and muscle. Millimeter waves have low penetration depth in the human body as a result antenna performance is less affected. A negligible shift of return loss curves was observed. Radiation efficiencies dropped at the closest distance to the phantom and at the furthest distance, the efficiencies increased to free space values. On the three layers human body phantom, all three different antenna designs show directive radiation patterns towards off the body. All three designs exhibited similar results in terms of center frequency and efficiency but varied slightly by either having better bandwidth or maximum gain.  相似文献   

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