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Industry 4.0 promises the fourth industrial revolution by integration of cyber and physical worlds through technology. Industry 4.0 implementation will result in human interaction with technical system in a specialised manner. Therefore, Industry 4.0 will also be a socio (human related) and technical (nonhuman related) system in pursuit of a common goal. The purpose of this study is to suggest a mechanism to include Socio-Technical Systems Theory perspective while designing architecture for integration while implementing Industry 4.0. Building on the previous literatures on Socio-Technical Systems Theory and Industry 4.0, the article proposes bringing the two approaches together and presents a framework for integration mechanism. Successful implementation of Industry 4.0 warrants vertical, horizontal and end-to-end integration. This study suggests a design mechanism for three types of integration mechanism in Industry 4.0 by considering the socio-technical systems impact on people, infrastructure, technology, processes, culture and goals. Further, the integration is also suggested for analysis on the impact of stakeholders, economic situation and regulatory frameworks around which the operating organizations are operating. This is the first paper to propose the consideration of Socio-Technical Systems theory while designing the horizontal, vertical and end-to-end integration for sustainable implementation of Industry 4.0. 相似文献
介绍了智能型CAPP系统的体系结构,研究了工艺实例分类索引树机制和基于模糊推理的工艺实例匹配算法,解决了具有复杂特征属性的工艺实例相似检索问题,实现了基于实例模糊推理的智能CAPP系统. 相似文献
基于案例推理方法的基本原理,将案例推理方法应用于项目管理辅助决策支持分析,论述了基于案例推理的项目管理决策支持系统中的一些关键步骤,研究了项目管理中项目任务问题案例的知识案例表达、属性权重分析和近邻方法相结合的检索模型,实现了案例检索和匹配,提出了辅助项目任务问题案例辅助决策支持系统的结构,开发了原型系统,并给出应用实例. 相似文献
提出了一种运用实例推理在SolidWorks 2005环境下开发通用零部件设计系统的方法.通用零部件设计系统是基于SolidWorks 2005最底层API函数,采用寄生式软件开发的方法,利用微软的 Microsoft Visual C 6.0作为开发语言,以提高企业产品开发生命周期的服务系统.阐述了通用零部件设计系统的体系结构和主要功能模块;给出了各模块的实现流程;说明了系统实现的关键技术;用设计实例进行了验证. 相似文献
本文从水泥回转窑设备的实际运转特征出发,应用模糊数学理论,讨论了回转窑的故障现象分类方法,提出了针对水泥回转窑的基于案例推理和模糊推理相结合的诊断思想。 相似文献
为了实现大数量软件需求的优选,提出了一种基于自然语言理解的需求聚类和需求优选方法。该方法首先基于自然语言处理技术对需求进行深层次语言理解,找到相同语义的需求并只保留一条。随后,采用基于超图分割的需求聚类方法对大量需求进行聚类。最后,提出了需求优选目标函数,该目标函数根据需求聚类结果为需求优先级打分,并在综合考虑需求与类别的相似性、类别的权重以及聚类标准的权重的基础上,最终给出一个合理的需求优选结果。在大规模真实的需求集合上进行了实验,实验结果表明:基于自然语言处理技术的需求聚类性能优异;需求聚类对后续的需求优选起有着非常重要的作用;基于超图分割的需求聚类,以及在此基础上提出的需求优选函数相对于基线方法有着明显的提高。 相似文献
Rapid changes in market structures and technology lead to misalignment between strategy and operations. Whist this phenomenon is most prevalent in technology-based manufacturing industries, utility organisations (e.g. electricity and telecoms) provide a useful context to explore the Performance measurement (PM) and technology alignment challenges from a Dynamic Capabilities Theory perspective where there is a progressive shift towards deregulated markets. The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to explore the role of Dynamic Capabilities Theory and PM approaches in improving the alignment between business strategy and technology strategy (Level 1 alignment); second, to explore the role of Dynamic Capabilities Theory and PM approaches in aligning technology strategy with operational technology routines and practices (Level 2 alignment). In the absence of overarching theory, an inductive approach draws upon Dynamic Capabilities theory. Four longitudinal case studies are used leading to the development of a conceptual framework and propositions for multilevel technology alignment. Data from 38 interviews and 8 separate focus groups, documentation and participant observations (over a three-year period) are used. The theory-building process shows the need to identify and develop PM-based technology alignment Dynamic Capabilities (PM-DCs) which help in improving and maintaining alignment between business strategy and technology strategy (Level 1 alignment) and between technology strategy and technology practices (Level 2 alignment). This approach requires critically reflective action-learning approaches to identify and nurture these PM-DCs. 相似文献
基于实例推理的产品包装成本估算研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
快速、有效地估算产品包装成本,可及时响应顾客对产品包装的询价、报价等方面的需求,也可为产品包装设计方案的技术经济评价、成本的降低提供支持。给出了针对产品包装特点的实例检索过程,采用分层实例推理的思路,以及知识引导策略和最相邻近策略相结合的检索方法,提出了利用相似实例的成本估算方法。以汽机旁路产品的包装成本估算为例,验证了方法的可行性及有效性。 相似文献
针对我国大型调水工程建设施工索赔经验少、索赔专家稀缺的实际情况,将人工智能中的基于事例推理(CBR)技术和基于规则推理(RBR)技术应用于索赔管理,将以往的水利工程索赔事例以一定的结构和方式存储,设计并实现了基于知识的施工索赔决策支持系统,具有较强的实用性。目前研究应用于某大型调水工程施工管理系统。 相似文献
基于实例推理的镀膜机快速设计研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
目的研究大规模定制模式下镀膜机的快速设计方法。方法阐述了基于实例推理技术的基本原理和关键技术,将基于实例推理的快速设计技术应用到镀膜机的设计过程中;研究了镀膜机的实例表示、检索和修正的具体实现方法,即采用数据库表的实例表示方法构建了镀膜机的实例库,运用最相邻策略法进行镀膜机实例的检索,采用基于框架的方案变换方法对检索的最相似实例进行修正。结果以Pro Engineer 5.0为开发平台,开发了基于实例推理的镀膜机快速设计系统,实现了资源的整合和重复利用。通过测试,该系统使设计效率提高了30%。结论将基于实例推理的快速设计技术引入到镀膜机的设计中,能够提高产品的设计效率和缩短产品的开发周期,从而解决客户个性化需求与大批量生产之间的矛盾,提高企业的市场竞争力。 相似文献
Willemien Visser 《Design Studies》1996,17(4):417-434
On the basis of data collected in three empirical studies conducted on industrial designers, this paper identifies two different types of ‘spontaneous’ use of analogy in design. Focus is on the first ‘stages’ of analogical reasoning, i.e. construction of a target representation, and search and retrieval of a source. At the action-execution level, analogies are used in order to solve the current design problem; at the action-management level, in order to make the action-execution process cognitively more economical. Differences between the uses concern their dependence on the routine character of the task, the distance between target and source, and their link with creativity and reuse (or case-based reasoning). 相似文献
Many previous research studies have demonstrated game strategies enabling virtual players to play and take actions mimicking humans. The Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) strategy tries to simulate human thinking regarding solving problems based on constructed knowledge. This paper suggests a new Action-Based Reasoning (ABR) strategy for a chess engine. This strategy mimics human experts’ approaches when playing chess, with the help of the CBR phases. This proposed engine consists of the following processes. Firstly, an action library compiled by parsing many grandmasters’ cases with their actions from different games is built. Secondly, this library reduces the search space by using two filtration steps based on the defined action-based and encoding-based similarity schemes. Thirdly, the minimax search tree is fed with a list extracted from the filtering stage using the alpha-beta algorithm to prune the search. The proposed evaluation function estimates the retrievably reactive moves. Finally, the best move will be selected, played on the board, and stored in the action library for future use. Many experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed engine. Moreover, the engine played 200 games against Rybka 2.3.2a scoring 2500, 2300, 2100, and 1900 rating points. Moreover, they used the Bayeselo tool to estimate these rating points of the engine. The results illustrated that the proposed approach achieved high rating points, reaching as high as 2483 points. 相似文献
Abnormal production (AP) is an unavoidable evil in which manufacturers must hold all production resources until the AP issue is resolved. This study proposes a new case-based diagnosis mechanism (named eDM) that allows manufacturers to accelerate AP resolution. eDM consists of two intelligent agents implemented by an enhanced case-based reasoning algorithm. Also, eDM provides the AP factor analysis result from four dimensions: human operator, equipment, raw material, and production method. The feature-aggregation function diagnoses AP by inferring the potential symptoms to improve the accuracy of the AP factor analysis. To validate the feasibility and efficiency of eDM, this study investigates a manufacturer in Taiwan as the experimental target and conducts two field experiments. Experimental results show that for all the cases the diagnosis can be accomplished after two to three iterations of eDM. Compared with a general diagnosis process in terms of 188 cases, eDM evaluates, on average, seven to eight cases for each iteration that exhibits a relative increase in reasoning efficiency. eDM is also shown to be an intelligent expert system that provides inexperienced production engineers (PEs) with suggestions based on historical cases to accelerate the AP resolution process. 相似文献
集成环境下的冲压模具CAD系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
论述了一种基于集成环境的智能冲压模具CAD系统的设计原理和实现方法,针对模具设计过程中信息的共享问题,提出冲压件信息集成模型。基于该模型,运用事例推理技术,实现了基于事例的模具设计,并详细论述了模具服务对象和事例库中典型零件的相似性匹配问题,同时以实例说明该模具CAD系统的工作过程。 相似文献
Fixture is an important manufacturing activity.Afixture design system based on case-based reasoning(CBR) is proposed in this paper.A nwe method of case representation on the basis of fixture function is presented,where the case representation is constituted of workpiece knowledge,processing feature knowledge,and fixture feature knowledge.Running the prototype system shows that the knowl-edge representation method ,using cases,is a better way to transform and explain the design knowl-edge. 相似文献