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The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a widely used deep neural network. Compared with the shallow neural network, the CNN network has better performance and faster computing in some image recognition tasks. It can effectively avoid the problem that network training falls into local extremes. At present, CNN has been applied in many different fields, including fault diagnosis, and it has improved the level and efficiency of fault diagnosis. In this paper, a two-streams convolutional neural network (TCNN) model is proposed. Based on the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) spectral and Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC) input characteristics of two-streams acoustic emission (AE) signals, an AE signal processing and classification system is constructed and compared with the traditional recognition methods of AE signals and traditional CNN networks. The experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Compared with single-stream convolutional neural network and a simple Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, the performance of TCNN which combines spatial and temporal features is greatly improved, and the accuracy rate can reach 100% on the current database, which is 12% higher than that of single-stream neural network.  相似文献   

Handwritten character recognition systems are used in every field of life nowadays, including shopping malls, banks, educational institutes, etc. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, and it is the fourth spoken language in the world. However, it is still challenging to recognize Urdu handwritten characters owing to their cursive nature. Our paper presents a Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) model to recognize Urdu handwritten alphabet recognition (UHAR) offline and online characters. Our research contributes an Urdu handwritten dataset (aka UHDS) to empower future works in this field. For offline systems, optical readers are used for extracting the alphabets, while diagonal-based extraction methods are implemented in online systems. Moreover, our research tackled the issue concerning the lack of comprehensive and standard Urdu alphabet datasets to empower research activities in the area of Urdu text recognition. To this end, we collected 1000 handwritten samples for each alphabet and a total of 38000 samples from 12 to 25 age groups to train our CNN model using online and offline mediums. Subsequently, we carried out detailed experiments for character recognition, as detailed in the results. The proposed CNN model outperformed as compared to previously published approaches.  相似文献   

简川霞  陈鑫  林浩  张韬  王华明 《包装工程》2021,42(15):275-283
目的 针对目前印刷套准识别方法依赖于经验人工设计特征提取的问题,提出一种不需要人工提取图像特征的卷积神经网络模型,实现印刷套准状态的识别.方法 采用图像增强技术实现不均衡训练集的均衡化,增加训练集图像的数量,提高模型的识别准确率.设计基于AlexNet网络结构的印刷套准识别模型的结构参数,分析批处理样本数量和基础学习率对模型性能的影响规律.结果 文中方法获得的总印刷套准识别准确率为0.9860,召回率为1.0000,分类准确率几何平均数为0.9869.结论 文中方法能自动提取图像特征,不依赖于人工设计的特征提取方法.在构造的数据集上,文中方法的分类性能优于实验中的支持向量机方法.  相似文献   

Underwater target recognition is a key technology for underwater acoustic countermeasure. How to classify and recognize underwater targets according to the noise information of underwater targets has been a hot topic in the field of underwater acoustic signals. In this paper, the deep learning model is applied to underwater target recognition. Improved anti-noise Power-Normalized Cepstral Coefficients (ia-PNCC) is proposed, based on PNCC applied to underwater noises. Multitaper and normalized Gammatone filter banks are applied to improve the anti-noise capacity. The method is combined with a convolutional neural network in order to recognize the underwater target. Experiment results show that the acoustic feature presented by ia-PNCC has lower noise and are well-suited to underwater target recognition using a convolutional neural network. Compared with the combination of convolutional neural network with single acoustic feature, such as MFCC (Mel-scale Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) or LPCC (Linear Prediction Cepstral Coefficients), the combination of the ia-PNCC with a convolutional neural network offers better accuracy for underwater target recognition.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is one of the most widespread causes of bone cancer globally and has a high mortality rate. Early diagnosis may increase the chances of treatment and survival however the process is time-consuming (reliability and complexity involved to extract the hand-crafted features) and largely depends on pathologists’ experience. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN—an end-to-end model) is known to be an alternative to overcome the aforesaid problems. Therefore, this work proposes a compact CNN architecture that has been rigorously explored on a Small Osteosarcoma histology Image Dataaseet (a high-class imbalanced dataset). Though, during training, class-imbalanced data can negatively affect the performance of CNN. Therefore, an oversampling technique has been proposed to overcome the aforesaid issue and improve generalization performance. In this process, a hierarchical CNN model is designed, in which the former model is non-regularized (due to dense architecture) and the later one is regularized, specifically designed for small histopathology images. Moreover, the regularized model is integrated with CNN’s basic architecture to reduce overfitting. Experimental results demonstrate that oversampling might be an effective way to address the imbalanced class problem during training. The training and testing accuracies of the non-regularized CNN model are 98% & 78% with an imbalanced dataset and 96% & 81% with a balanced dataset, respectively. The regularized CNN model training and testing accuracies are 84% & 75% for an imbalanced dataset and 87% & 86% for a balanced dataset.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of modal acoustic emission (AE), when the convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to identify rotor rub-impact faults, the training data has a small sample size, and the AE sound segment belongs to a single channel signal with less pixel-level information and strong local correlation. Due to the convolutional pooling operations of CNN, coarse-grained and edge information are lost, and the top-level information dimension in CNN network is low, which can easily lead to overfitting. To solve the above problems, we first propose the use of sound spectrograms and their differential features to construct multi-channel image input features suitable for CNN and fully exploit the intrinsic characteristics of the sound spectra. Then, the traditional CNN network structure is improved, and the outputs of all convolutional layers are connected as one layer constitutes a fused feature that contains information at each layer, and is input into the network’s fully connected layer for classification and identification. Experiments indicate that the improved CNN recognition algorithm has significantly improved recognition rate compared with CNN and dynamical neural network (DNN) algorithms.  相似文献   

In general, we describe three different methods to select an appropriate distribution form:histogram, probability plots, and hypothesis test. The life distribution is recognized by a neural network method. The relationship among life distribution with life data is described through threshold and weight of neural networks. The method is convenient to use. An example is presented to validate this method, and the results are satisfactory.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic poses an additional serious public health threat due to little or no pre-existing human immunity, and developing a system to identify COVID-19 in its early stages will save millions of lives. This study applied support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (K-NN) and deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms to classify and detect COVID-19 using chest X-ray radiographs. To test the proposed system, chest X-ray radiographs and CT images were collected from different standard databases, which contained 95 normal images, 140 COVID-19 images and 10 SARS images. Two scenarios were considered to develop a system for predicting COVID-19. In the first scenario, the Gaussian filter was applied to remove noise from the chest X-ray radiograph images, and then the adaptive region growing technique was used to segment the region of interest from the chest X-ray radiographs. After segmentation, a hybrid feature extraction composed of 2D-DWT and gray level co-occurrence matrix was utilized to extract the features significant for detecting COVID-19. These features were processed using SVM and K-NN. In the second scenario, a CNN transfer model (ResNet 50) was used to detect COVID-19. The system was examined and evaluated through multiclass statistical analysis, and the empirical results of the analysis found significant values of 97.14%, 99.34%, 99.26%, 99.26% and 99.40% for accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, recall and AUC, respectively. Thus, the CNN model showed significant success; it achieved optimal accuracy, effectiveness and robustness for detecting COVID-19.  相似文献   

Retinopathy is a human eye disease that causes changes in retinal blood vessels that leads to bleed, leak fluid and vision impairment. Symptoms of retinopathy are blurred vision, changes in color perception, red spots, and eye pain and it cannot be detected with a naked eye. In this paper, a new methodology based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is developed and proposed to intelligent retinopathy prediction and give a decision about the presence of retinopathy with automatic diabetic retinopathy screening with accurate diagnoses. The CNN model is trained by different images of eyes that have retinopathy and those which do not have retinopathy. The fully connected layers perform the classification process of the images from the dataset with the pooling layers minimize the coherence among the adjacent layers. The feature loss factor increases the label value to identify the patterns with the kernel-based matching. The performance of the proposed model is compared with the related methods of DREAM, KNN, GD-CNN and SVM. Experimental results show that the proposed CNN performs better.  相似文献   

为实现易拉罐灌装过程中喷码字符实时检测,提出了一种基于卷积神经网络的实时检测方法。该方法首先对采集的图像进行直方图均衡化和OSTU处理,然后对图像进行形态学膨胀操作,通过连通域面积法提取出喷码字符区域并进行旋转矫正,再采用投影法将字符区域分割为单个字符,在离线状态下采用卷积神经网络对字符进行训练,从而在在线检测时进行识别。实验表明,该方法检测一帧图像平均时间为46 ms,准确率达98.97%,实时性和准确性较高,可以满足工业易拉罐喷码字符在线实时检测要求。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the principle for recognition of engine work -wave signal with neural net-work. A diagnosis method for recognizing engine trouble by its ivork wave is proposed. The designing process is illustrated by diagnosing the voltage trouble of the fuel injector of an electronic control (EC) engine.  相似文献   

ECG signal is of great importance in the clinical diagnosis of various heart diseases. The abnormal origin or conduction of excitation is the electrophysiological mechanism leading to arrhythmia, but the type and frequency of arrhythmia is an important indicator reflecting the stability of cardiac electrical activity. In clinical practice, arrhythmic signals can be classified according to the origin of excitation, the frequency of excitation, or the transmission of excitation. Traditional heart disease diagnosis depends on doctors, and it is influenced by doctors' professional skills and the department's specialty. ECG signal has the characteristics of weak signal, low frequency, large variation, and easy to be interfered. In this investigation, an ECG anomaly automatic classification system based on the convolutional neural network is proposed. The training sets of the convolutional neural network are ECG beats extracted from the MIT-BIH database as training sets. A 36-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained based on Caffe framework to classify ECG signals automatically. The experimental results show that it can reach or even exceed the level of a senior cardiologist in judging three diseases: FIB, AFL and IVR.  相似文献   

为克服传统模板匹配方式识别字符存在的缺陷,采用BP神经网络技术,有效识别字符特征,快速识别字符.运用C++编程以及OpenCV计算机视觉库,降低系统实现的复杂程度,实现了字符的快速准确识别.  相似文献   

张立峰  王智  吴思橙 《计量学报》2022,43(10):1306-1312
提出了一种基于卷积神经网络(CNN)与门控循环单元(GRU)的垂直管道气液两相流流型识别方法。该方法基于电阻层析成像(ERT)系统的重建图像,对其填充处理后进行离散余弦变换(DCT),求取最大、最小 DCT 系数的差值,选取一定帧数长度数据作为网络输入,对流型进行识别。分析了输入序列长度对CNN-GRU、CNN 及 GRU 网络分类准确的影响,确定了最佳输入向量维度分别为 60、65 及 50,使用实验数据对3种网络进行训练、测试,结果表明,CNN-GRU网络分类准确率最高,平均流型识别准确率可达 99.40%。  相似文献   

目的 建立一种快速、准确、无损的塑料打包带的检验及分类方法。方法 利用高光谱在波长为350~990 nm的条件下采集52个不同来源的塑料打包带样品的高光谱数据,并对样品进行Savitzky-Golay平滑处理,同时结合主成分分析对样品进行降维。将提取到的主成分进行K-Means聚类,以聚类结果为依据建立径向基函数神经网络(RBFNN)与BP神经网络模型(BPNN)。结果 打包带样品的高光谱谱图在400~500 nm、600~700 nm处有较大区别。实验共提取了5个初始特征值大于1的主成分,可以解释96.633%的原始数据。通过K-means聚类将塑料打包带样品分为6类,Calinski-Harabasz指数为28.76,RBFNN分类准确率为86.7%;BPNN分类准确率为98.1%,BPNN的分类效果更好。结论 研究表明神经网络在高光谱谱图分类处理上具有较高的准确度,同时也验证了高光谱在区分检验塑料打包带类物证的可行性与科学性,为公安机关提供了一种新的检验方法。  相似文献   

针对目前的深度卷积神经网络(CNN)模型规模大、训练参数多、计算速度慢以及难以移植到移动端等问题,提出了一种深度可分离卷积结合3重注意机制模块(DSC-TAM)的视觉模型.首先,通过深度可分离卷积网络来减少模型参数,提高网络模型的计算速度;其次,引入3重注意机制模块提高网络的特征提取能力,改善网络性能.实验结果表明:该...  相似文献   

刘照邦  袁明辉 《包装工程》2020,41(1):149-155
目的为快速统计货架商品信息,提出一种基于深度神经网络的货架商品自动识别方法。方法摄像头采集的货架商品图像经过深度神经网络算法处理,得到了图像中商品的SKU和位置。针对货架商品识别这种密集检测场景,文中方法改进了通用深度神经网络目标检测算法,将算法分为检测和分类2个阶段且重新设计了部分网络结构。最后,将文中方法和传统货架商品识别方法以及通用深度神经网络目标检测方法进行了比较。结果实验证明该方法的检测阶段的模型平均正确率达到96.5%,分类阶段的分类准确率达到99.9%。整图测试的查准率为97.56%,查全率为99.26%。结论相较于以往使用传统的目标检测模型进行货架商品识别以及使用SIFT等人工算子提取特征并分类识别商品具体SKU,文中方法的商品检出率和分类准确率都有了大幅度的提升,具有很好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Aim to countermeasure the presentation attack for iris recognition system, an iris liveness detection scheme based on batch normalized convolutional neural network (BNCNN) is proposed to improve the reliability of the iris authentication system. The BNCNN architecture with eighteen layers is constructed to detect the genuine iris and fake iris, including convolutional layer, batch-normalized (BN) layer, Relu layer, pooling layer and full connected layer. The iris image is first preprocessed by iris segmentation and is normalized to 256×256 pixels, and then the iris features are extracted by BNCNN. With these features, the genuine iris and fake iris are determined by the decision-making layer. Batch normalization technique is used in BNCNN to avoid the problem of over fitting and gradient disappearing during training. Extensive experiments are conducted on three classical databases: the CASIA Iris Lamp database, the CASIA Iris Syn database and Ndcontact database. The results show that the proposed method can effectively extract micro texture features of the iris, and achieve higher detection accuracy compared with some typical iris liveness detection methods.  相似文献   

Recently, the effectiveness of neural networks, especially convolutional neural networks, has been validated in the field of natural language processing, in which, sentiment classification for online reviews is an important and challenging task. Existing convolutional neural networks extract important features of sentences without local features or the feature sequence. Thus, these models do not perform well, especially for transition sentences. To this end, we propose a Piecewise Pooling Convolutional Neural Network (PPCNN) for sentiment classification. Firstly, with a sentence presented by word vectors, convolution operation is introduced to obtain the convolution feature map vectors. Secondly, these vectors are segmented according to the positions of transition words in sentences. Thirdly, the most significant feature of each local segment is extracted using max pooling mechanism, and then the different aspects of features can be extracted. Specifically, the relative sequence of these features is preserved. Finally, after processed by the dropout algorithm, the softmax classifier is trained for sentiment classification. Experimental results show that the proposed method PPCNN is effective and superior to other baseline methods, especially for datasets with transition sentences.  相似文献   

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