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The text classification process has been extensively investigated in various languages, especially English. Text classification models are vital in several Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. The Arabic language has a lot of significance. For instance, it is the fourth mostly-used language on the internet and the sixth official language of the United Nations. However, there are few studies on the text classification process in Arabic. A few text classification studies have been published earlier in the Arabic language. In general, researchers face two challenges in the Arabic text classification process: low accuracy and high dimensionality of the features. In this study, an Automated Arabic Text Classification using Hyperparameter Tuned Hybrid Deep Learning (AATC-HTHDL) model is proposed. The major goal of the proposed AATC-HTHDL method is to identify different class labels for the Arabic text. The first step in the proposed model is to pre-process the input data to transform it into a useful format. The Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) model is applied to extract the feature vectors. Next, the Convolutional Neural Network with Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) model is utilized to classify the Arabic text. In the final stage, the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) is applied to fine-tune the CRNN model’s hyperparameters, showing the work’s novelty. The proposed AATC-HTHDL model was experimentally validated under different parameters and the outcomes established the supremacy of the proposed AATC-HTHDL model over other approaches.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm enables end users to access networking services amongst diverse kinds of electronic devices. IoT security mechanism is a technology that concentrates on safeguarding the devices and networks connected in the IoT environment. In recent years, False Data Injection Attacks (FDIAs) have gained considerable interest in the IoT environment. Cybercriminals compromise the devices connected to the network and inject the data. Such attacks on the IoT environment can result in a considerable loss and interrupt normal activities among the IoT network devices. The FDI attacks have been effectively overcome so far by conventional threat detection techniques. The current research article develops a Hybrid Deep Learning to Combat Sophisticated False Data Injection Attacks detection (HDL-FDIAD) for the IoT environment. The presented HDL-FDIAD model majorly recognizes the presence of FDI attacks in the IoT environment. The HDL-FDIAD model exploits the Equilibrium Optimizer-based Feature Selection (EO-FS) technique to select the optimal subset of the features. Moreover, the Long Short Term Memory with Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM-RNN) model is also utilized for the purpose of classification. At last, the Bayesian Optimization (BO) algorithm is employed as a hyperparameter optimizer in this study. To validate the enhanced performance of the HDL-FDIAD model, a wide range of simulations was conducted, and the results were investigated in detail. A comparative study was conducted between the proposed model and the existing models. The outcomes revealed that the proposed HDL-FDIAD model is superior to other models.  相似文献   

Automatic deception recognition has received considerable attention from the machine learning community due to recent research on its vast application to social media, interviews, law enforcement, and the military. Video analysis-based techniques for automated deception detection have received increasing interest. This study develops a new self-adaptive population-based firefly algorithm with a deep learning-enabled automated deception detection (SAPFF-DLADD) model for analyzing facial cues. Initially, the input video is separated into a set of video frames. Then, the SAPFF-DLADD model applies the MobileNet-based feature extractor to produce a useful set of features. The long short-term memory (LSTM) model is exploited for deception detection and classification. In the final stage, the SAPFF technique is applied to optimally alter the hyperparameter values of the LSTM model, showing the novelty of the work. The experimental validation of the SAPFF-DLADD model is tested using the Miami University Deception Detection Database (MU3D), a database comprised of two classes, namely, truth and deception. An extensive comparative analysis reported a better performance of the SAPFF-DLADD model compared to recent approaches, with a higher accuracy of 99%.  相似文献   

Cybersecurity-related solutions have become familiar since it ensures security and privacy against cyberattacks in this digital era. Malicious Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) can be embedded in email or Twitter and used to lure vulnerable internet users to implement malicious data in their systems. This may result in compromised security of the systems, scams, and other such cyberattacks. These attacks hijack huge quantities of the available data, incurring heavy financial loss. At the same time, Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models paved the way for designing models that can detect malicious URLs accurately and classify them. With this motivation, the current article develops an Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm (AFSA) with Deep Learning Enabled Malicious URL Detection and Classification (AFSADL-MURLC) model. The presented AFSADL-MURLC model intends to differentiate the malicious URLs from genuine URLs. To attain this, AFSADL-MURLC model initially carries out data preprocessing and makes use of glove-based word embedding technique. In addition, the created vector model is then passed onto Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) classification to recognize the malicious URLs. Finally, AFSA is applied to the proposed model to enhance the efficiency of GRU model. The proposed AFSADL-MURLC technique was experimentally validated using benchmark dataset sourced from Kaggle repository. The simulation results confirmed the supremacy of the proposed AFSADL-MURLC model over recent approaches under distinct measures.  相似文献   

Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) has become a widespread illness among diabetics across the globe. Retinal fundus images are generally used by physicians to detect and classify the stages of DR. Since manual examination of DR images is a time-consuming process with the risks of biased results, automated tools using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to diagnose the disease have become essential. In this view, the current study develops an Optimal Deep Learning-enabled Fusion-based Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Classification (ODL-FDRDC) technique. The intention of the proposed ODL-FDRDC technique is to identify DR and categorize its different grades using retinal fundus images. In addition, ODL-FDRDC technique involves region growing segmentation technique to determine the infected regions. Moreover, the fusion of two DL models namely, CapsNet and MobileNet is used for feature extraction. Further, the hyperparameter tuning of these models is also performed via Coyote Optimization Algorithm (COA). Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is also utilized to identify DR. The experimental results of the analysis, accomplished by ODL-FDRDC technique against benchmark DR dataset, established the supremacy of the technique over existing methodologies under different measures.  相似文献   

In recent times, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are commonly employed in different healthcare applications. IoT gadgets generate huge volumes of patient data in healthcare domain, which can be examined on cloud over the available storage and computation resources in mobile gadgets. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the deadliest diseases that has high mortality rate across the globe. The current research work presents a novel IoT and cloud-based CKD diagnosis model called Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA)-based Deep Neural Network (DNN) model abbreviated as FPA-DNN. The steps involved in the presented FPA-DNN model are data collection, preprocessing, Feature Selection (FS), and classification. Primarily, the IoT gadgets are utilized in the collection of a patient’s health information. The proposed FPA-DNN model deploys Oppositional Crow Search (OCS) algorithm for FS, which selects the optimal subset of features from the preprocessed data. The application of FPA helps in tuning the DNN parameters for better classification performance. The simulation analysis of the proposed FPA-DNN model was performed against the benchmark CKD dataset. The results were examined under different aspects. The simulation outcomes established the superior performance of FPA-DNN technique by achieving the highest sensitivity of 98.80%, specificity of 98.66%, accuracy of 98.75%, F-score of 99%, and kappa of 97.33%.  相似文献   


Abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract are widespread worldwide today. Generally, an effective way to diagnose these life-threatening diseases is based on endoscopy, which comprises a vast number of images. However, the main challenge in this area is that the process is time-consuming and fatiguing for a gastroenterologist to examine every image in the set. Thus, this led to the rise of studies on designing AI-based systems to assist physicians in the diagnosis. In several medical imaging tasks, deep learning methods, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have contributed to the state-of-the-art outcomes, where the complicated nonlinear relation between target classes and data can be learned and not limit to hand-crafted features. On the other hand, hyperparameters are commonly set manually, which may take a long time and leave the risk of non-optimal hyperparameters for classification. An effective tool for tuning optimal hyperparameters of deep CNN is Bayesian optimization. However, due to the complexity of the CNN, the network can be regarded as a black-box model where the information stored within it is hard to interpret. Hence, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques are applied to overcome this issue by interpreting the decisions of the CNNs in such wise the physicians can trust. To play an essential role in real-time medical diagnosis, CNN-based models need to be accurate and interpretable, while the uncertainty must be handled. Therefore, a novel method comprising of three phases is proposed to classify these life-threatening diseases. At first, hyperparameter tuning is performed using Bayesian optimization for two state-of-the-art deep CNNs, and then Darknet53 and InceptionV3 features are extracted from these fine-tunned models. Secondly, XAI techniques are used to interpret which part of the images CNN takes for feature extraction. At last, the features are fused, and uncertainties are handled by selecting entropy-based features. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods by achieving an accuracy of 97% based on a Bayesian optimized Support Vector Machine classifier.


Automated segmentation of blood vessels in retinal fundus images is essential for medical image analysis. The segmentation of retinal vessels is assumed to be essential to the progress of the decision support system for initial analysis and treatment of retinal disease. This article develops a new Grasshopper Optimization with Fuzzy Edge Detection based Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation and Classification (GOFED-RBVSC) model. The proposed GOFED-RBVSC model initially employs contrast enhancement process. Besides, GOAFED approach is employed to detect the edges in the retinal fundus images in which the use of GOA adjusts the membership functions. The ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) feature extractor is exploited to generate feature vectors. Finally, Improved Conditional Variational Auto Encoder (ICAVE) is utilized for retinal image classification, shows the novelty of the work. The performance validation of the GOFED-RBVSC model is tested using benchmark dataset, and the comparative study highlighted the betterment of the GOFED-RBVSC model over the recent approaches.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer related death owing to its destructive nature and postponed detection at advanced stages. Early recognition of lung cancer is essential to increase the survival rate of persons and it remains a crucial problem in the healthcare sector. Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) models can be designed to effectually identify and classify the existence of lung cancer using medical images. The recently developed deep learning (DL) models find a way for accurate lung nodule classification process. Therefore, this article presents a deer hunting optimization with deep convolutional neural network for lung cancer detection and classification (DHODCNN-LCC) model. The proposed DHODCNN-LCC technique initially undergoes pre-processing in two stages namely contrast enhancement and noise removal. Besides, the features extraction process on the pre-processed images takes place using the Nadam optimizer with RefineDet model. In addition, denoising stacked autoencoder (DSAE) model is employed for lung nodule classification. Finally, the deer hunting optimization algorithm (DHOA) is utilized for optimal hyper parameter tuning of the DSAE model and thereby results in improved classification performance. The experimental validation of the DHODCNN-LCC technique was implemented against benchmark dataset and the outcomes are assessed under various aspects. The experimental outcomes reported the superior outcomes of the DHODCNN-LCC technique over the recent approaches with respect to distinct measures.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral remote sensing/imaging spectroscopy is a novel approach to reaching a spectrum from all the places of a huge array of spatial places so that several spectral wavelengths are utilized for making coherent images. Hyperspectral remote sensing contains acquisition of digital images from several narrow, contiguous spectral bands throughout the visible, Thermal Infrared (TIR), Near Infrared (NIR), and Mid-Infrared (MIR) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. In order to the application of agricultural regions, remote sensing approaches are studied and executed to their benefit of continuous and quantitative monitoring. Particularly, hyperspectral images (HSI) are considered the precise for agriculture as they can offer chemical and physical data on vegetation. With this motivation, this article presents a novel Hurricane Optimization Algorithm with Deep Transfer Learning Driven Crop Classification (HOADTL-CC) model on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images. The presented HOADTL-CC model focuses on the identification and categorization of crops on hyperspectral remote sensing images. To accomplish this, the presented HOADTL-CC model involves the design of HOA with capsule network (CapsNet) model for generating a set of useful feature vectors. Besides, Elman neural network (ENN) model is applied to allot proper class labels into the input HSI. Finally, glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) algorithm is exploited to fine tune the ENN parameters involved in this article. The experimental result scrutiny of the HOADTL-CC method can be tested with the help of benchmark dataset and the results are assessed under distinct aspects. Extensive comparative studies stated the enhanced performance of the HOADTL-CC model over recent approaches with maximum accuracy of 99.51%.  相似文献   

As the amount of online video content is increasing, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in various product names appearing in videos, particularly in cosmetic-product names in videos related to fashion, beauty, and style. Thus, the identification of such products by using image recognition technology may aid in the identification of current commercial trends. In this paper, we propose a two-stage deep-learning detection and classification method for cosmetic products. Specifically, variants of the YOLO network are used for detection, where the bounding box for each given input product is predicted and subsequently cropped for classification. We use four state-of-the-art classification networks, namely ResNet, InceptionResNetV2, DenseNet, and EfficientNet, and compare their performance. Furthermore, we employ dilated convolution in these networks to obtain better feature representations and improve performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that YOLOv3 and its tiny version achieve higher speed and accuracy. Moreover, the dilated networks marginally outperform the base models, or achieve similar performance in the worst case. We conclude that the proposed method can effectively detect and classify cosmetic products.  相似文献   

The era of the Internet of things (IoT) has marked a continued exploration of applications and services that can make people’s lives more convenient than ever before. However, the exploration of IoT services also means that people face unprecedented difficulties in spontaneously selecting the most appropriate services. Thus, there is a paramount need for a recommendation system that can help improve the experience of the users of IoT services to ensure the best quality of service. Most of the existing techniques—including collaborative filtering (CF), which is most widely adopted when building recommendation systems—suffer from rating sparsity and cold-start problems, preventing them from providing high quality recommendations. Inspired by the great success of deep learning in a wide range of fields, this work introduces a deep-learning-enabled autoencoder architecture to overcome the setbacks of CF recommendations. The proposed deep learning model is designed as a hybrid architecture with three key networks, namely autoencoder (AE), multilayered perceptron (MLP), and generalized matrix factorization (GMF). The model employs two AE networks to learn deep latent feature representations of users and items respectively and in parallel. Next, MLP and GMF networks are employed to model the linear and non-linear user-item interactions respectively with the extracted latent user and item features. Finally, the rating prediction is performed based on the idea of ensemble learning by fusing the output of the GMF and MLP networks. We conducted extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, MoiveLens100K and MovieLens1M, using four standard evaluation metrics. Ablation experiments were conducted to confirm the validity of the proposed model and the contribution of each of its components in achieving better recommendation performance. Comparative analyses were also carried out to demonstrate the potential of the proposed model in gaining better accuracy than the existing CF methods with resistance to rating sparsity and cold-start problems.  相似文献   

The extensive proliferation of modern information services and ubiquitous digitization of society have raised cybersecurity challenges to new levels. With the massive number of connected devices, opportunities for potential network attacks are nearly unlimited. An additional problem is that many low-cost devices are not equipped with effective security protection so that they are easily hacked and applied within a network of bots (botnet) to perform distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) based on deep learning that aims to identify suspicious behavior in modern heterogeneous information systems. The proposed approach is based on a deep recurrent autoencoder that learns time series of normal network behavior and detects notable network anomalies. An additional feature of the proposed IDS is that it is trained with an optimized dataset, where the number of features is reduced by 94% without classification accuracy loss. Thus, the proposed IDS remains stable in response to slight system perturbations, which do not represent network anomalies. The proposed approach is evaluated under different simulation scenarios and provides a 99% detection accuracy over known datasets while reducing the training time by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Deep learning (DL) techniques, which do not need complex pre-processing and feature analysis, are used in many areas of medicine and achieve promising results. On the other hand, in medical studies, a limited dataset decreases the abstraction ability of the DL model. In this context, we aimed to produce synthetic brain images including three tumor types (glioma, meningioma, and pituitary), unlike traditional data augmentation methods, and classify them with DL. This study proposes a tumor classification model consisting of a Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet121)-based DL model to prevent forgetting problems in deep networks and delay information flow between layers. By comparing models trained on two different datasets, we demonstrated the effect of synthetic images generated by Cycle Generative Adversarial Network (CycleGAN) on the generalization of DL. One model is trained only on the original dataset, while the other is trained on the combined dataset of synthetic and original images. Synthetic data generated by CycleGAN improved the best accuracy values for glioma, meningioma, and pituitary tumor classes from 0.9633, 0.9569, and 0.9904 to 0.9968, 0.9920, and 0.9952, respectively. The developed model using synthetic data obtained a higher accuracy value than the related studies in the literature. Additionally, except for pixel-level and affine transform data augmentation, synthetic data has been generated in the figshare brain dataset for the first time.  相似文献   

淡卫波  朱勇建  黄毅 《包装工程》2023,44(1):133-140
目的 提取烟包图像数据训练深度学习目标检测模型,提升烟包流水线拣包效率和准确性。方法 基于深度学习建立一种烟包识别分类模型,对原始YOLOv3模型进行改进,在原网络中加入设计的多空间金字塔池化结构(M–SPP),将64×64尺度的特征图下采样与32×32尺度的特征图进行拼接,并去除16×16尺度的预测特征层,提高模型的检测准确率和速度,并采用K–means++算法对先验框参数进行优化。结果 实验表明该目标检测模型平均准确率达到99.68%,检测速度达到70.82帧/s。结论 基于深度学习建立的图像识别分类模型准确率高且检测速度快,有效满足烟包流水线自动化实时检测。  相似文献   

In the area of medical image processing, stomach cancer is one of the most important cancers which need to be diagnose at the early stage. In this paper, an optimized deep learning method is presented for multiple stomach disease classification. The proposed method work in few important steps—preprocessing using the fusion of filtering images along with Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), deep transfer learning-based features extraction, optimization of deep extracted features using nature-inspired algorithms, and finally fusion of optimal vectors and classification using Multi-Layered Perceptron Neural Network (MLNN). In the feature extraction step, pre-trained Inception V3 is utilized and retrained on selected stomach infection classes using the deep transfer learning step. Later on, the activation function is applied to Global Average Pool (GAP) for feature extraction. However, the extracted features are optimized through two different nature-inspired algorithms—Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with dynamic fitness function and Crow Search Algorithm (CSA). Hence, both methods’ output is fused by a maximal value approach and classified the fused feature vector by MLNN. Two datasets are used to evaluate the proposed method—CUI WahStomach Diseases and Combined dataset and achieved an average accuracy of 99.5%. The comparison with existing techniques, it is shown that the proposed method shows significant performance.  相似文献   

In the machine learning (ML) paradigm, data augmentation serves as a regularization approach for creating ML models. The increase in the diversification of training samples increases the generalization capabilities, which enhances the prediction performance of classifiers when tested on unseen examples. Deep learning (DL) models have a lot of parameters, and they frequently overfit. Effectively, to avoid overfitting, data plays a major role to augment the latest improvements in DL. Nevertheless, reliable data collection is a major limiting factor. Frequently, this problem is undertaken by combining augmentation of data, transfer learning, dropout, and methods of normalization in batches. In this paper, we introduce the application of data augmentation in the field of image classification using Random Multi-model Deep Learning (RMDL) which uses the association approaches of multiDL to yield random models for classification. We present a methodology for using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate images for data augmenting. Through experiments, we discover that samples generated by GANs when fed into RMDL improve both accuracy and model efficiency. Experimenting across both MNIST and CIAFAR-10 datasets show that, error rate with proposed approach has been decreased with different random models.  相似文献   

In recent years, progressive developments have been observed in recent technologies and the production cost has been continuously decreasing. In such scenario, Internet of Things (IoT) network which is comprised of a set of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), has received more attention from civilian to military applications. But network security poses a serious challenge to UAV networks whereas the intrusion detection system (IDS) is found to be an effective process to secure the UAV networks. Classical IDSs are not adequate to handle the latest computer networks that possess maximum bandwidth and data traffic. In order to improve the detection performance and reduce the false alarms generated by IDS, several researchers have employed Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to address the intrusion detection problem. In this view, the current research article presents a deep reinforcement learning technique, optimized by Black Widow Optimization (DRL-BWO) algorithm, for UAV networks. In addition, DRL involves an improved reinforcement learning-based Deep Belief Network (DBN) for intrusion detection. For parameter optimization of DRL technique, BWO algorithm is applied. It helps in improving the intrusion detection performance of UAV networks. An extensive set of experimental analysis was performed to highlight the supremacy of the proposed model. From the simulation values, it is evident that the proposed method is appropriate as it attained high precision, recall, F-measure, and accuracy values such as 0.985, 0.993, 0.988, and 0.989 respectively.  相似文献   

Indian agriculture is striving to achieve sustainable intensification, the system aiming to increase agricultural yield per unit area without harming natural resources and the ecosystem. Modern farming employs technology to improve productivity. Early and accurate analysis and diagnosis of plant disease is very helpful in reducing plant diseases and improving plant health and food crop productivity. Plant disease experts are not available in remote areas thus there is a requirement of automatic low-cost, approachable and reliable solutions to identify the plant diseases without the laboratory inspection and expert's opinion. Deep learning-based computer vision techniques like Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and traditional machine learning-based image classification approaches are being applied to identify plant diseases. In this paper, the CNN model is proposed for the classification of rice and potato plant leaf diseases. Rice leaves are diagnosed with bacterial blight, blast, brown spot and tungro diseases. Potato leaf images are classified into three classes: healthy leaves, early blight and late blight diseases. Rice leaf dataset with 5932 images and 1500 potato leaf images are used in the study. The proposed CNN model was able to learn hidden patterns from the raw images and classify rice images with 99.58% accuracy and potato leaves with 97.66% accuracy. The results demonstrate that the proposed CNN model performed better when compared with other machine learning image classifiers such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Decision Tree and Random Forest.  相似文献   

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