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In this work, the influence of the Zener-Hollomon (Z) parameter on the microstructure and mechanical properties of copper subjected to friction stir welding (FSW) was investigated. Liquid N2 cooling was conducted to control the cooling rate after the FSW. The obtained results demonstrate that the Z parameter was dependent on the tool rotation rate during the FSW, i.e., a higher tool rotating rate resulted in a lower Z parameter. The grain size in the stir zone decreased with the increase in the Z parameter. The relationship between the yield strength and the Z parameter is established as σ0.2 = σ0 + kZn. This relationship exhibited two different plots under the conditions of air cooling and liquid N2 cooling. Even at a similar Z parameter, a significant yield strength difference occurred because massive dislocations, which were caused by the prevention of the post-annealing effect, were maintained in the stir zone. This study suggests that the influence of the post-annealing effect should not be neglected when analyzing the relationship between the Z parameter, microstructure, and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The investigation concentrates on friction stir welded (FSW) Al-Cu-Li alloy concerning its local microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. The grain features were characterized by electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) technology, while precipitate characterization was conducted by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) aligned along [011]Al and [001]Al zone axes. The mechanical properties are evaluated through micro-hardness and tensile testing. It can be found that nugget zones exhibit finely equiaxed grains evolved through complete dynamic recrystallization (DRX), primarily occurring in continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) and discontinuous dynamic recrystallization (DDRX). In the thermal-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ), numerous sub-structured grains, exhibiting an elongated morphology, were created due to partial DRX, signifying the dominance of CDRX, DDRX, and geometric dynamic recrystallization (GDRX) in this region. T1 completely dissolves in the nugget zone (NZ) leading to the formation of Guinier-Preston zones and increase of δ′, β′ and S′. Conversely, T1 partially solubilizes in TMAZ, the lowest hardness zone (LHZ) and heat affected zone (HAZ), and the residual T1 undergoes marked coarsening, revealing various T1 variants. The solubilization and coarsening of T1 are primary contributors to the degradation of hardness and strength. θ′ primarily dissolves and coarsens in NZ and TMAZ, whilst this precipitate largely coarsens in HAZ and LHZ. σ, TB, grain boundary phases (GBPs) and precipitate-free zone (PFZ) are newly generated during FSW. σ exists in the TMAZ, LHZ and HAZ, whereas TB nucleates in NZ. GBPs and PFZ mostly develop in LHZ and HAZ, which can cause strain localization during tensile deformation, potentially leading to LHZ joint fracture.  相似文献   

Friction stir lap welding of a DP1180 advanced ultrahigh strength steel was successfully carried out by using three welding tools with different pin lengths. The effects of the welding heat input and material flow on the microstructure evolution of the joints were analyzed in detail. The relationship between pin length and mechanical properties of lap joints was studied. The results showed that the peak temperatures of all joints exceeded A c3, and martensite phases with similar morphologies were formed in the stir zones. These martensite retained good toughness due to the self-tempering effect. The formation of ferrite and tempered martensite was the main reason for the hardness reduction in heat-affected zone. The mechanical properties of the lap joints were determined by loading mode, features of lap interface and the joint defects. When the stir pin was inserted into the lower sheet with a depth of 0.4 mm, the lap joint exhibited the maximum tensile strength of 12.4 kN.  相似文献   

X80 pipeline steel plates were friction stir welded(FSW) under air, water, liquid CO_2 + water, and liquid CO_2 cooling conditions, producing defect-free welds. The microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of these FSW joints were studied. Coarse granular bainite was observed in the nugget zone(NZ) under air cooling, and lath bainite and lath martensite increased signifi cantly as the cooling medium temperature reduced. In particular, under the liquid CO_2 cooling condition, a dual phase structure of lath martensite and fi ne ferrite appeared in the NZ. Compared to the case under air cooling, a strong shear texture was identifi ed in the NZs under other rapid cooling conditions, because the partial deformation at elevated temperature was retained through higher cooling rates. Under liquid CO_2 cooling, the highest transverse tensile strength and elongation of the joint reached 92% and 82% of those of the basal metal(BM), respectively, due to the weak tempering softening. A maximum impact energy of up to 93% of that of the BM was obtained in the NZ under liquid CO_2 cooling, which was attributed to the operation of the dual phase of lath martensite and fi ne ferrite.  相似文献   

AA2198–T851 sheets were welded by bobbin tool friction stir welding using a rotational speed of 800?rpm and welding speed of 42?mm?min?1. The microstructure and precipitates within the joint were characterised by transmission electron microscopy. The global and local mechanical behaviour was determined using a digital image correlation system. Specific attention was given to the relationship between the local microstructure and properties across the joint, which govern the global strength and ductility of the welds. A lower global elongation of the joint is caused by the premature strain localisation in the softened zone.  相似文献   

In this study for the first time, the effects of decrease in heat inflow to the weld metal in friction stir process by utilising semisolid processing and decreasing the pin rotational speed as well as increasing the pin transverse speed were examined. As a result, the characteristic loss of hardness and strength in the weld zone were eliminated. The results showed that by approaching the ultrafine microstructure in the weld zone through the hybrid FSW/SSW process, the hardness and elongation values reached to 90?Hv and 8.88%, respectively. These are only slightly different from those of the base metal of the welded samples. Furthermore, the ultimate tensile strength of the samples welded by the hybrid technique was found to be about 167?MPa that was higher than those of the samples welded by friction stir welding (151?MPa) and semisolid welding (114?MPa) techniques.  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦焊对AZ91D镁合金进行焊接试验,研究了搅拌摩擦焊接头的组织与性能.结果表明,当转速为1 000~1 400 r/min、焊速为50~150 mm/min时,均可得到表面成形良好、内部无孔洞和隧道的焊缝;焊接区与母材组织差异极大,焊接区形成细小、均匀的再结晶组织,具有锻造组织特征;热影响区为部分再结晶组织,再结晶晶粒沿原铸造晶粒的晶界生长;对接头进行拉伸试验,断裂发生在母材处,表明接头的抗拉强度高于母材.  相似文献   

The status quo of aluminium-to-copper joining by friction stir welding (FSW) drastically changed in recent years, as a result of the increased interest of the scientific community on this subject. Actually, since 2006 a large increase in the number of research groups addressing Al–Cu FSW has been witnessed all over the world, together with a significant increase in the amount of published studies. A chronological perspective on the evolution in Al–Cu FSW research is provided in this work, highlighting the pioneer and original contribution of several researchers to the current knowledge on the subject. Detailed and comprehensive investigations on the material flow mechanisms, the phenomena governing the formation and distribution of intermetallic phases during Al–Cu FSW, their relations with the welding parameters and their impact on the morphological, structural and mechanical properties of the welds are thoroughly discussed. The main findings reported in the literature are summarised in thematic tables.  相似文献   

Microstructural evolution and strain hardening behavior of a friction stir welded(FSWed) high-strength7075Al-T651 alloy were evaluated.The nugget zone was observed to consist of fine and equiaxed recrystallized grains with a low dislocation density and free of original precipitates,but containing uniformly distributed dispersoids.The strength,joint efficiency,and ductility of the FSWed joints increased with increasing welding speed.A joint efficiency of *91% was achieved at a welding speed of 400 mm/min and rotational rate of 800 r/min,while the ductility remained basically the same as that of the base metal.There was no obvious strain rate sensitivity observed in both base metal and welded joints.While both the base metal and FSWed joints exhibited stage III and IV hardening characteristics,the hardening capacity,strain hardening exponent,and strain hardening rate all increased after friction stir welding.  相似文献   

Underwater friction taper plug welding for X65 pipeline steel was performed using Q345 structural steel and 316L stainless steel plugs. Weld microstructures, defects formation and mechanical properties were investigated. Using Q345 plugs can produce defect free and overmatching welded joints whose impact toughness was also favourable. Lower bainite and lath martensite in the weld zone resulted in high hardness with maximum value up to 418?HV10. Using 316L plugs can significantly reduce weld zone hardness due to austenite dominated microstructure. Microcracks can easily emerge at and may propagate along γ–δ phase boundaries to form macrocracks. Intermittent cracks were found along the bonding interface of all the 316L plug welds, which should be caused by the relief of the residual stress.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to investigate on the mechanical and microstructural properties of dissimilar 2024 and 7075 aluminium sheets joined by friction stir welding (FSW). The two sheets, aligned with perpendicular rolling directions, have been successfully welded; successively, the welded sheets have been tested under tension at room temperature in order to analyse the mechanical response with respect to the parent materials. The fatigue endurance (S–N) curves of the welded joints have been achieved, since the fatigue behaviour of light welded sheets is the best performance indicator for a large part of industrial applications; a resonant electro-mechanical testing machine load and a constant load ratio Rmin/σmax =0.1 have been used at a load frequency of about 75 Hz. The resulted microstructure due to the FSW process has been studied by employing optical and scanning electron microscopy either on ‘as welded’ specimens and on tested specimen after rupture occurred.  相似文献   


For friction stir welding (FSW) of advanced high strength steel (AHSS) sheets with tensile strength grades between 590 and 1180?N?mm?2, the appropriate welding condition range and the influence of welding conditions on microstructures and mechanical properties of the welds were investigated. The appropriate welding conditions to avoid defects such as the incomplete consolidation at the bottom of the weld were obtained for the steel sheets up to 1180?N?mm?2 grade. The higher tool rotation speed evidently resulted in the larger volume fraction of martensite and higher hardness in the stir zone (SZ), attributed to an increase in the peak temperature of its thermal cycle. The tensile strength of the weld joint was as high as that of the base metal for the steels up to 980?N?mm?2 grade, but slightly lower than that of the base metal for the steel of 1180?N?mm?2 grade due to the heat affected zone (HAZ) softening.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the joints of Q235 mild steel, which was formed by the friction stir welding (FSW). The results indicated that, after the FSW, the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the retreating side (HAZRS) and the HAZ of the advancing side (HAZAS) recovered under the influence of the heating cycle. The transformation of the phases in the thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ) of the retreating side (TMAZRS), the stir zone (SZ) and the TMAZ of the advancing side (TMAZAS) generated the pearlite and acicular ferrite. The continuous dynamic recrystallization occurred in all the three zones, whereas the grains were refined. The SZ mainly consisted of D1, D2 and F shear textures, while the TMAZAS was made up of only the F shear texture. The fine-grained structure, pearlite and the acicular ferrite improved the hardness and tensile strength of the joint. Its ultimate tensile strength was 479 MPa, which was 1.3% higher than that of the base metal. However, the uniform elongation was 16%, which showed a decrease of 33%. The fracture was a ductile fracture with the appearance of dimples. Besides, the joints of the FSW showed an excellent bending performance.  相似文献   

Friction stir welding was employed for joining of 12Cr heat resistant ferritic steel. Microstructure and mechanical properties in the obtained welds were examined and their relationship was established. The stir zone microstructure was found to consist of quenched martensite with numerous fine dispersoids uniformly distributed in grain interiors. The formation of this microstructure remarkably strengthened the stir zone. Tempering for 3·6 ks at 923 K reduced the as welded hardness of friction stir weld to nearly base material level.  相似文献   

Rapid formation of sigma phase occurred in 304 stainless steel during friction stir welding. A possibility was suggested that the sigma formation can be accelerated by the emergence of delta-ferrite at high temperature and the subsequent decomposition of the ferrite under the high strain and recrystallization induced by friction stirring.  相似文献   

The influence of overlap multi-pass friction stir processing on the microstructure and the mechanical properties, in particular, strength, ductility and hardness of die cast Al–7Si–3Cu aluminum alloy was investigated.It was observed that increase in the number of overlap passes friction stir processing resulted in significant refinement and redistribution of aluminum silicon eutectic phase and elimination of casting porosities. The microstructural refinement by the friction stir processing not only increases the ultimate tensile strength from 121 to273 MPa, but also increases the ductility as observed by the increase in fracture strain from 1.8% to 10%. Analysis of the fractured surface reveals that the microstructural refinement obtained by friction stir processing plays a vital role in transforming the fracture mode from completely mixed mode to the ductile mode of the fracture with increasing number of passes. The change in the size, shape, morphology and distribution of eutectic silicon particles and elimination of the porosities are the main reasons for the increases in tensile strength and ductility due to friction stir processing.  相似文献   

The influences of pin offset on the formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded joint of Ti6 Al4 V and AZ31 B Mg dissimilar alloys were investigated. The results show that sound joints are obtained at different offsets. With the offset decreasing from 2.5 to 2.1 mm, the number of Ti alloy fragments is increased, and the stir zone(SZ) is enlarged and the grains in SZ become coarser. A hook-like structure is formed at the Mg/Ti interface and its length is increased with the decrease in pin offset. The Al element has an enrichment trend at the Ti alloy side near the Mg/Ti interface when the offset is decreased, which is beneficial to the bonding of the interface. An Al-rich layer with a thickness of 3–5μm forms at the offset of 2.1 mm. All the joints fracture at the interface and present a mixed ductile-and-brittle fracture mode. The joint tensile strength is increased with the offset decreasing from 2.5 to 2.1 mm, and the maximum tensile strength of 175 MPa is acquired at the offset of 2.1 mm.  相似文献   

G. Buffa  S. Pasta 《CIRP Annals》2008,57(1):287-290
In friction stir welding and processing both a thermal flux and a mechanical action are exerted on the material determining metallurgical evolutions, changes in the mechanical behaviour and a complex residual stress state. In the paper, the metallurgical changes are examined through numerical simulation and experiments to highlight and distinguish the effects of thermal and mechanical loadings. A particular focus is made on the residual stresses generated during the stir processing of AA7075-T6 aluminium blanks. The predictions of FE model are validated by experimental measurements. Lastly, this paper presents an in-process quenching of the processed blanks for improved mechanical properties and microstructure.  相似文献   


A prominent benefit of friction stir welding process is to join plates with dissimilar material. In this study, an attempt is made to find effects of tool offset, plunge depth, welding traverse speed and tool rotational speed on tensile strength, microhardness and material flow in dissimilar friction stir welding of AA1100 aluminium alloy and A441 AISI steel plates. Here, one factor at a time experimental design was utilised for conducting the experiments. Results indicated the strongest joint obtained at 1·3?mm tool offset and 0·2?mm plunge depth when the tool rotational speed and linear speed were 800?rev min??1 and 63?mm min??1 respectively. The maximum tensile strength of welded joints with mentioned optimal parameters was 90% aluminium base metal. Fracture locations in tensile test at all samples were in aluminium sides. Owing to the formation of intermetallic compounds at high tool rotational speed, the microhardness of joint interface goes beyond that of A441 AISI steel.  相似文献   

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