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风电已成为我国的第三大电源和清洁能源利用的支柱之一,当前我国风电存在较大比例的限电现象,解决这一问题需要多种路径的探索,增加当地电力负荷、促进当地消纳是一条有效途径。本文针对北方地区弃风电量用于制氢的商业应用,提出了自备电厂且氢气就地利用、自备电厂且氢气外输利用、直供且氢气就地利用、自备电厂且氢气接入天然气管网四种模式方案,对各方案的经济性进行估算和对比分析,得出风电制氢经济性的最关键因素是氢市场、风电直供经济性优于外输氢气、风电制氢接入天然气管网需要多方面的经济政策支持等初步结论,提出优先选择限电相对高且有一定氢市场需求地区开展风电制氢示范试点的建议。  相似文献   

文章以美国最近完成的风电项目为例,介绍了一种估算风电成本的简易方法,分析了影响风电成本的主要因素,着重阐明了现代技术在降低成本中的作用。  相似文献   

苏晓 《风能》2012,(4):34-37
根据全球风能理事会(GWEC)发布的全球风电市场装机数据,2011年,全球新增风电装机容量达到40561MW,该新增容量使全球累计风电装机达到237669MW。这一数据表明全球累计装机实现了21%的年增长,新增装机增长达到6%。到目前为止,全球75个国家有商业运营的风电装机,其中22个国家的装机容量超过1000MW。在全球经济的大背景下,风电继续成为  相似文献   

根据全球风能理事会(GWEC)公布的数字,全球风电工业在2004年的装机容量为7976MW,总装机容量增长了20%。全球风能理事会说,全球风电总装机容量已达到47317MW。  相似文献   

2009年全球风电产业发展概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>2009年,全球风电产业取得了举世瞩目的进展,全球新增风电机组装机容量达3810.3万kW。截至2009年12月底,全球风电机组累计装机容量达1.6亿kW;累计装机容量增长率为31%,比2008年的29%又有明显提高。目前,已安装的风电机组年发电量达3400亿kWh,等于全球电力消耗的1.6%;  相似文献   

全球风电发展现状及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在过去的25年里风电取得了长足的进步,风电发展情景分析表明,在未来30年内,风电将在为全球提供清洁电力方面作出重要贡献,并且在能源供应体系中占有越来越重要的地位。  相似文献   

GWEC 《风能》2014,(2):GWEC
正全球风能理事会(GWEC)近期发布了2013全球风电发展统计数据,全球风电累计装机容量达到31813.7万千瓦,在过去五年(2009年—2013年),全球风电市场规模几乎增长了2亿千瓦。然而,2013年新增风电装机3546.7万千瓦,比2012年的增量下降了约1000万千瓦。导致2013年新增容量下降的主要原因是美国PTC政策(风电税额抵免政策)在2012年底中断。对于整个产业12.5%的累积增长率,2013年又是一个风电发展的艰难年份,  相似文献   

2006年全球新增风电装机容量约15GW,同比增长约30%,其中美国新增约2.8GW,德国新增约2.23GW,印度新增1.5GW,中国新增1.0GW。美、德、印、中四国2006年新增风电装机容量7.53GW,占全球新增过半。  相似文献   

利用蒙特卡罗法对电能生产过程进行模拟,并在此基础上分析电能生产边际成本。模拟过程考虑了负荷的不确定性、常规机组的随机强迫停运和风电出力的随机性。算例分析结果表明,风电接入会降低电能生产边际成本,其下降程度与风电场容量以及风况均有密切的关系。  相似文献   

中国风电CDM项目经济性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国风电项目开发的主要障碍在于投资不足和融资风险相对较高。分析中国风电项目融资中的问题.对促进我国风电行业发展具有前瞻意义。文中通过构造并网型风电项目案例,讨论了项目经济性评估以及CDM合格性认定中存在的典型问题,提出了综合考虑国家政策和国际CDM资金的并网风电类项目的评价模式,以期能对中国风电行业发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to put forward a methodology in order to evaluate the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) of a Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FOWF). In this paper CBS is evaluated linked to Life-Cycle Cost System (LCS) and taking into account each of the phases of the FOWF life cycle. In this sense, six phases will be defined: definition, design, manufacturing, installation, exploitation and dismantling. Each and every one of these costs can be subdivided into different sub-costs in order to obtain the key variables that run the life-cycle cost. In addition, three different floating platforms will be considered: semisubmersible, Tensioned Leg Platform (TLP) and spar. Several types of results will be analysed according to each type of floating platform considered: the percentage of the costs, the value of the cost of each phase of the life-cycle and the value of the total cost in each point of the coast. The results obtained allow us to become conscious of what the most important costs are and minimize them, which is one of the most important contributions nowadays. It will be useful to improve the competitiveness of floating wind farms in the future.  相似文献   

An economic evaluation of a hybrid wind/photovoltaic/fuel cell (FC) generation system for a typical home in the Pacific Northwest is performed. In this configuration the combination of a FC stack, an electrolyser, and hydrogen storage tanks is used as the energy storage system. This system is compared to a traditional hybrid energy system with battery storage. A computer program has been developed to size system components in order to match the load of the site in the most cost effective way. A cost of electricity, an overall system cost, and a break-even distance analysis are also calculated for each configuration. The study was performed using a graphical user interface programmed in MATLAB.  相似文献   

The Turkish wind energy industry is one of the most competitive and fastest growing industries in the energy sector. Industrial energy demands, Kyoto agreement and carbon trade are shown as probable causes. Currently, Turkey has a total installed capacity of about 48.5 GW for electricity from all energy sources. High energy prices and unstable suppliers have stimulated Turkey's growing interest in wind business and wind power. This paper analyzes Turkey's wind energy future perspective and power generation strategy with a view to explaining Delphi approach to wind energy development. In this study, the two‐round Delphi survey was conducted by experts to determine and measure the expectations of the sector representatives through online surveys where a total of 70 experts responded from 24 different locations. The majority of the Delphi survey respondents were from 23 different universities (60%), electricity generation industries (21%), two different governmental organizations (11%), nongovernmental organizations (6%) and other institutions (2%). The article discusses not only the expert sights on wind energy technology but also all bibliometrical approaches. The results showed that Turkey's wind power installed capacity is expected to exceed 40 GW by the end of the 2020 s and in the middle of the 2030 s, and Turkey would be the European leading country in the field of electricity generation from the wind. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

平准化成本(LCOE)是国内外学者广泛应用于评估各种发电技术综合竞争力的经济性指标。文章根据LCOE的基本原理及平准化成本分析模型,提出了适用于我国大型风电项目的 LCOE分析模型,并进行了算例分析;结合算例,探讨了影响风电项目LCOE的敏感性因素,对不同情景下的LCOE进行了预测研究。该研究结果对于风电项目的经济性评估及风电产业的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国风力发电成本下降和减排碳价分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周祎  顾阿伦 《可再生能源》2019,(7):1084-1090
根据2009-2016年实证数据构建了中国风电学习曲线模型,并采用逐步回归的方法探究干中学,研究中学和用中学3种机制对投资成本下降的推动作用。结果显示,中国风电最符合干中学单因素模型,学习率为8.87%; 2030年,在风电累计装机量分别达到400 GW,600 GW,800 GW的情况下,单位投资成本较2016年下降10.9%~18.8%,度电成本下降21.3%~27.6%,年均投资分别为186亿美元,335亿美元,476亿美元;当碳价水平高于减排碳价时,风电的装机部署将带来额外社会收益;2017-2030年风电的减排碳价将逐步降低,装机增长越快,减排碳价越低。建议国家制定促进提高碳价水平的政策,加快风电装机部署,更快地实现能源转型和更大社会收益的双赢。  相似文献   

This work presents an assessment of per unit cost of electricity generated from 15 MW wind farm at 40 locations in the coastal areas of Pakistan using the method of net present value analysis. The Nordex N43/600 wind turbine has been selected and used as reference wind turbine. Wind duration curves were developed and utilized to calculate per unit cost of electricity generated from chosen wind turbine. In Sindh province, the minimum cost of electricity generated was found to be 4.2 ¢/kWh at Jamshoro, while the corresponding maximum was 7.4 ¢/kWh at Kadhan site. In Balochistan, the minimum cost of electricity generated was found to be 6.3 ¢/kWh at Aghore, while the corresponding maximum was 21.0 ¢/kWh at Mand site. The study concludes that at most of the locations especially in Sindh province, wind power is competitive to conventional grid connected thermal power even without considering the externalities.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the potential for electricity generation on Hong Kong islands through an analysis of the local weather data and typical wind turbine characteristics. An optimum wind speed, uop, is proposed to choose an optimal type of wind turbine for different weather conditions. A simulation model has been established to describe the characteristics of a particular wind turbine. A case study investigation allows wind speed and wind power density to be obtained using different hub heights, and the annual power generated by the wind turbine to be simulated. The wind turbine's capacity factor, being the ratio of actual annual power generation to the rated annual power generation, is shown to be 0.353, with the capacity factor in October as high as 0.50. The simulation shows the potential for wind power generation on the islands surrounding Hong Kong.  相似文献   

直驱式风力发电系统的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合目前市场应用和实验研究情况,综合评述了直驱式风力发电系统。具体介绍了5种直驱式风力发电系统的特点、优劣及应用状况,直驱式风力发电系统中应用的电力电子变换器概况。通过综合比较,指出了直驱式风力发电系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

对我国风电产业发展中存在问题的分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言 近10年来风力资源得到了前所未有的重视。作为一种清洁、可再生能源,风力资源取之不尽,用之不竭。据统计,中国潜在可利用风力资源约为250GW,居世界首位。但我国的风电产业开发的进展却相对缓慢。随着经济的增长,能源供给的问题日益凸显,随着用电量的激增,国内以火力发电作为能源主体的能源供给方式已达到瓶颈:运煤量占到全国铁路运输总量的40%;对环境的日益关注,也限制了火力发电的发展。因此加速发展风电产业,调节国内电力组成的比例,改变国内电力组成单一的格局,已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

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