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一种普适机器人系统同时定位、标定与建图方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机器人定位、传感器网络标定与环境建图是普适机器人系统中三个相互耦合的基本问题, 其有效解决是普适机器人系统提供高效智能服务的前提. 本文提出了普适机器人系统同时机器人定位、传感器网络标定与环境建图的概念, 通过分析三者之间的耦合关系, 给出同时定位、标定与建图问题的联合条件概率表示, 基于贝叶斯公式和马尔科夫特性将其分解为若干可解项, 并借鉴Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波的思想分别求解. 首先, 联合传感器网络对机器人的观测、机器人对已定位环境特征的观测以及机器人自身控制量,设计了位姿粒子的采样提议分布和权值更新公式; 其次, 联合传感器网络对机器人运动轨迹及已定位环境特征的观测,设计了传感器网络标定的递推公式; 然后, 联合传感器网络和机器人对(已定位或新发现)环境特征的观测,设计了环境建图的递推公式. 给出了完整的同时定位、标定与建图算法, 并通过仿真实验验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文给出一种数值求解液膜除酚综合传质模型方程(一类抛物型动边界问题)的方法。实际计算表明,本方法是合理可行的,它也适用于求解一大类化学工程中的动边界问题。  相似文献   

一种能同时获得模型阶次和参数的递推辨识算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对SISO线性差分方程模型,可以构造一种新的数据乘积矩矩阵,称信息压缩阵.对信息压缩阵进行递推UD分解,便得到一种新的递推辨识算法,它能在每步递推中同时得到模型的阶次和参数,从而降低了辨识过程的计算量.该方法还同时具有良好的数值计算品质.  相似文献   

提出一种结合蚁群系统(Ant Colony System,ACS)和变邻域下降搜索(Variable Neighborhood Descent,VND)的混合启发式算法ACS_VND,求解卸装一体化车辆路径问题.利用基于插入的ACS解构造方法产生多个弱可行解,再逐个转换成强可行解,并选择其中最好的作为VND的初始解.在VND过程中使用三种不同的邻域结构:插入、交换和2-opt依次对解进行迭代优化.对55个规模为22~199的benchmark算例的求解结果表明,算法ACS_VND能在较短时间内获得52个算例的已知最好解,并且更新了其中44个算例的已知最好解,求解性能优于现有算法.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the robust simultaneous stabilization (RSS) and robust adaptive simultaneous stabilization (RASS) problem for a set of port‐controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) systems. Some results for designing a family of robust simultaneous controllers with tuning parameters for such systems are proposed. Firstly, using the dissipative Hamiltonian structural properties, these systems are combined to generate an augmented PCH system, and two simultaneous stabilization controllers with parameters are designed for the systems: one is a robust controller and the other is adaptive. Secondly, an algorithm for solving the tuning parameters’ ranges of controller is proposed with symbolic computation. Finally, a numerical example is studied by applying the method obtained in this paper to a set of PCH systems with external disturbance. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by simulations. Compared with conventional simultaneous stabilization control, the controller obtained in this paper not only has strong robustness for a set of systems, but also can optimize the robustness for the systems by adjusting the parameters’ values.  相似文献   

基于照片的混合建模系统几何模型求解原理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了快速精确地建立建筑实体的三维模型,提出了一种混合建模系统中的单目视觉求解算法,该方法从二维图片数据中提取三维实体的边缘轮廓,并咐加约束条件,以构造三维实体的空间参数约束方程,然后通过求解得到实体的空间坐标参数,再利用纹理提取及转换等技术,来实现从照片到计算机中三维真实感实体的创建。实验表明,该求解模型建模效率高、实用性强,能够用于大多数建筑实体的建模。  相似文献   

针对船用污水处理装置运行状态的监测问题,提出一种含时间因子的正交状态基设备运行状态分类模型.根据设备系统的运行特点、条件及各状态的时间属性,确定训练集变量的取值特征,将输入向量映射到一个正交完备的特征空间,生成各数据类别的正交状态基,由此得到判别矩阵,井引入时间相位因子构成含时正交状态基矢量,从而实现对未知状态的分类....  相似文献   

In this work, we extend upon the results of Raissi and Seshaiyer [A multi-fidelity stochastic collocation method for parabolic partial differential equations with random input data, Int. J. Uncertain. Quantif. 4(3) (2014), pp. 225–242]. In Raissi and Seshaiyer (2014), the authors propose to use deterministic model reduction techniques to enhance the performance of sampling methods like Monte-Carlo or stochastic collocation. However, in order to be able to apply the method proposed in Raissi and Seshaiyer (2014) to non-linear problems a crucial step needs to be taken. This step involves local improvements to reduced-order models. This paper is an illustration of the importance of this step. Local improvements to reduced-order models are achieved using sensitivity analysis of the proper orthogonal decomposition.  相似文献   

The implementation and evaluation of the performances on the ICL DAP of two algorithms for the parallel computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of moderately large real symmetric matrices of order N, where 64 < N 256, is reported. The first of the algorithms is a modified form of a Parallel Orthogonal Transformation algorithm proposed by Clint et al., which has already been implemented on the DAP for matrices of order N, where N < 65. The second, which has also been implemented on the DAP for matrices of order N, where N < 65, is Jacobi's algorithm, in the modified form proposed by Modi and Pryce. A comparison of the efficiency of the two algorithms for the solution of a variety of large matrices is given.  相似文献   

GRAPES是中国气象局自主研发的一个全球/区域分析预报系统。其模式计算方程组经过离散化之后,积分求解过程最终归结为对一个椭圆方程或Helmholtz(赫姆霍兹)方程的求解,这个求解是整个动力框架计算的核心。在目前GRAPES全球模式的准业务计算中,对于分辨率为0.5o的系统,Helmholtz方程的求解时间占到了整个模式计算时间的三分之一强。而且随着未来高分辨率模式的进一步加细,以及模式计算精度的提高,方程求解计算总量更是呈指数式增长。为此,本文分析了GRAPES模式中求解Helmholtz方程所采用的广义共轭余差法(GCR),并对比给出了利用PETSC函数库中提供的GMRES方法求解Helmholtz方程的一些初步测试结果。结果表明,采用高精度的GMRES方法可以减少模式预报偏差,改善模式预报准确度,在大规模并行计算时具有更好的可扩展性能。  相似文献   

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