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在有效质量近似下,采用变分法,研究了内建电场和杂质对双电子柱形GaN/AlxGa1-xN量子点系统束缚能的影响。结果表明:杂质带负电时,体系基态能量都比较大,不易形成稳定的束缚态。带电量为e的施主杂质位于量子点中心时,杂质电子的束缚能随量子点高度和半径的增加先缓慢增大后减小,存在最大值;随着Al含量的增加,体系的束缚能增大。随着杂质从量子点下界面沿z轴移至上界面,体系的束缚能先增大后减小。与单电子杂质态相比,内建电场对双电子量子点系统束缚能的影响比较显著;当量子点高度L<6nm时,杂质双电子量子点系统的束缚能大于单电子杂质态束缚能,而当量子点高度L>6nm时,杂质双电子量子点系统的束缚能小于单电子杂质态束缚能。  相似文献   

张彬  闫祖威  张敏 《半导体学报》2011,32(6):062003-5
本文采用有效质量近似,考虑类LO声子,类TO声子以及内建电场的影响,利用变分法研究了应变GaN/AlxGa1-xN柱形量子点中的极化子效应。数值计算表明,极化子效应显著降低了杂质态的结合能。而且,类LO声子对结合能的贡献起主要作用,各向异性的角度和Al组分对结合能的影响则很小。  相似文献   

在有效质量和有限高势垒近似下,变分研究了应变和流体静压力对纤锌矿GaN/AlxGa1-xN柱形量子点中激子发光波长和电子空穴复合率的影响。计算结果表明,在量子点高度较大情况下( >3.8 nm ),考虑应变后的发光波长比不考虑应变的发光波长大。而在量子点高度较小情况下( <3.8 nm )则相反。由于应变效应,为了获得有效的电子、空穴复合过程,GaN量子点的高度必须小于5.5nm。发光波长随流体静压力的增大而线性减小,电子空穴复合率随流体静压力的增大而近线性增大。在量子点尺寸较大的情况下,流体静压力对发光波长的影响比较显著,而在量子点尺寸较小的情况下,流体静压力对电子空穴复合率的影响比较显著。此外,我们将零流体静压力下光跃迁能的理论计算值和实验值进行了比较,理论值和实验值相符合。  相似文献   

GaN/GaAlN宽量子阱的二类激子特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑了内建电场的影响,用变分法计算了GaN/GaAlN量子阱(QW)的电子子带和激子结合能.结果表明,对于阱宽较大情形,电子和空穴高度局域在QW边沿附近.内建电场造成的电子空穴空间的较大分离使QW激子表现出二类阱特征.重空穴基态结合能对Al浓度变化不敏感.  相似文献   

在有效质量近似和变分原理的基础上,考虑量子点的三维约束效应和内建电场.研究了ZnO/MgxZn1-xO0耦合量子点中激子结合能、带间光跃迁能以及电子-空穴复合率随量子点结构参数(量子点高度和势垒层厚度)的变化.结果表明:激子结合能、带间光跃迁能和电子-空穴复合率随量子点高度或势垒层厚度的增加而降低.  相似文献   

在有效质量和偶极矩近似下,考虑了由于压电极化和自发极化所引起的内建电场和量子点的三维约束效应,对纤锌矿对称Al_xGa_(1-x)N/GaN/Al_xGa_(1-x)N/GaN/Al_xGa_(1-x)N圆柱型应变耦合量子点中激子非线性光学性质进行了研究。计算结果表明,内建电场使吸收光谱向低能方向移动,发生红移现象,并且使吸收峰强度大大减小。量子限制效应使光吸收峰强度随着量子点尺寸的减小而增强,并且随着量子点尺寸的减小,吸收光谱发生蓝移现象。  相似文献   

Within the framework of the effective-mass approximation and the dipole approximation, considering the three-dimensional confinement of the electron and hole and the strong built-in electric field(BEF) in strained wurtzite Zn O/Mg0:25Zn0:75O quantum dots(QDs), the optical properties of ionized donor-bound excitons(D+, X)are investigated theoretically using a variational method. The computations are performed in the case of finite band offset. Numerical results indicate that the optical properties of(D+, X) complexes sensitively depend on the donor position, the QD size and the BEF. The binding energy of(D+, X) complexes is larger when the donor is located in the vicinity of the left interface of the QDs, and it decreases with increasing QD size. The oscillator strength reduces with an increase in the dot height and increases with an increase in the dot radius. Furthermore, when the QD size decreases, the absorption peak intensity shows a marked increment, and the absorption coefficient peak has a blueshift. The strong BEF causes a redshift of the absorption coefficient peak and causes the absorption peak intensity to decrease remarkably. The physical reasons for these relationships have been analyzed in depth.  相似文献   

采用Tokuda修正的线性组合算符和幺正变换方法,研究了非对称量子点中弱耦合束缚磁极化子的性质。推导出了磁极化子基态能量随量子点横向、纵向受限长度和磁场的变化关系。进行了数值计算,计算结果表明:考虑自旋影响时,束缚磁极化子基态能量分裂成自旋向上(向下)两个分支。并且磁极化子基态能量、自旋向上(向下)分裂能随量子点横向、纵向受限长度的增加而减少,随磁场强度的增加而增大。  相似文献   

采用线性组合算符、LLP幺正变换和变分方法,研究Rashba效应下量子点中强耦合束缚极化子有效质量的性质。对RbCl量子点数值计算的结果表明:极化子的振动频率、有效质量均随极化子速率、受限强度和库仑束缚势的增大而增大,原因是极化子速率增大电子动能增加,库仑束缚势增大导致电子-声子间相互作用增强,受限强度增大使电子运动的有效范围减小导致电子能量增大,进而使极化子的振动频率和有效质量增大。受Rashba自旋轨道相互作用的影响,极化子的有效质量发生劈裂,劈裂间距随极化子速率的增大而减小。  相似文献   

Within the effective-mass approximation, a variational method is adopted to investigate the polaron effect in a strained GaN/AlxGa1-xN cylindrical quantum dot. The electron couples with both branches of longitudinal optical-like (LO-like) and transverse optical-like (TO-like) phonons and the built-in electric field are taken into account. The numerical results show that the binding energy of the bound polaron is reduced obviously by the polaron effect on the impurity states. Furthermore, the contribution of LO-like phonons to the binding energy is dominant, and the anisotropic angle and Al content influence on the binding energy are small.  相似文献   

Within the effective-mass approximation,a variational method is adopted to investigate the polaron effect in a strained GaN/AlxGa1-xN cylindrical quantum dot.The electron couples with both branches of longitudinal optical-like(LO-like)and transverse optical-like(TO-like)phonons and the built-in electric field are taken into account.The numerical results show that the binding energy of the bound polaron is reduced obviously by the polaron effect on the impurity states.Furthermore,the contribution of LO-like phonons to the binding energy is dominant,and the anisotropic angle and Al content influence on the binding energy are small.  相似文献   

张敏  班士良 《半导体学报》2010,31(5):052002-7
对应变纤锌矿GaN/AlxGa1-xN异质结系统,引入简化相干势近似,利用改进的LLP变换和变分法计算了流体静压力和外场作用下束缚极化子的结合能。考虑由于晶格失配所致的单、双轴应变以及界面光学声子模和半空间光学声子模与电子和杂质之间的相互作用,讨论了结合能随压力、杂质位置和流体静压力的变化关系以及声子对于斯塔克能量移动的影响。数值计算结果表明,高频支界面声子模和类LO半空间声子模对于结合能和斯塔克能移的影响是主要的,且随压力的增加而显著增大,而低频支界面声子模和类TO声子模的作用则很小,且对于杂质位置和流体静压力的变化不敏感。计算还表明,导带的弯曲也不容忽视。  相似文献   

Zhang Min  Ban Shiliang 《半导体学报》2010,31(5):052002-052002-7
The binding energies of bound polarons near the interface of a strained wurtzite GaN/AlxGa1-xN heterojunction are studied by using a modified LLP variational method and a simplified coherent potential approximation under hydrostatic pressure and an external electric field.Considering the biaxial strain due to lattice mismatch or epitaxial growth,the uniaxial strain effects and the influences of the electron-phonon interaction as well as impurity-phonon interaction including the effects of interface-optical phonon modes and half-space phonon modes,the binding energies as functions of pressure,the impurity position,areal electron density and the phonon effect on the Stark energy shift are investigated.The numerical result shows that the contributions from the interface optical phonon mode with higher frequency and the LO-like half space mode to the binding energy and the Stark energy shift are important and obviously increase with increasing hydrostatic pressure,whereas the interface optical phonon mode with lower frequency and the TO-like half space mode are extremely small and are insensitive to the impurity position and hydrostatic pressure.It is also shown that the conductive band bending should not be neglected.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of the electric field and magnetic fields on the ground state energy of a polaron in a spherical semiconductor quantum dot (QD) using the modified Lee Low Pines (LLP) method.The numerical results show the increase of the ground state energy with the increase of the electric field and the electron-phonon coupling constant, and the decrease with the magnetic field and the longitudinal confinement length.It is also seen that the temperature is an increasing function of the cyclotron frequency and the coupling constant whereas it decreases with the electric field strength.The modulation of the electric field, the magnetic field and the confinement length leads to the control of decoherence in the system.  相似文献   

抛物量子点中弱耦合杂质束缚磁极化子的光学声子平均数   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
采用线性组合算符和幺正变换方法研究库仑场对抛物量子点中弱耦合杂质束缚磁极化子的振动频率和光学声子平均数的影响。导出量子点中弱耦合杂质束缚磁极化子的振动频率和光学声子平均数随量子点的有效受限长度、库仑束缚势和磁场的回旋共振频率的变化关系。数值计算结果表明:弱耦合杂质束缚磁极化子的振动频率和光学声子平均数随量子点的有效受限长度的减小而迅速增大,表现出奇特的量子尺寸效应。随磁场的回旋共振频率和库仑束缚势的增加而增加。  相似文献   

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