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单涂层微波吸收材料参量的匹配机制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析单涂层吸波材料内电磁波传输损耗机制,提出了单涂层吸波匹配设计的基本原则和匹配配解析式,得出了电磁参量取值规律,此外,还分析了电磁参量扰动对吸波性能的影响。  相似文献   

张锐 《中国造纸》2021,40(2):108-110
随着经济的迅速发展,市场对纸和纸板的需求不断增加,纸和纸板的生产量迅速增加,因此造纸厂需要快速建造仓库对浆板和成品纸进行储存,而单层门式刚架结构刚好符合这类仓库的要求.本文结合当前单层门式刚架结构(以下简称“门式刚架”)的发展现状,从实际工程的门式刚架设计工作经验出发,分析了门式刚架结构的主构件设计、围护构件的优化设计...  相似文献   

程芳静  孙耀  王宜  宋虹  耿浩  胡健 《中国造纸》2016,35(5):39-45
通过造纸法制备了一种可用于制备吸波蜂窝的纸基吸波材料,分别选用短切碳纤维(CF)、短切碳化硅纤维(SCF)和碳纳米管(CNT)作为吸波剂,对位芳纶浆粕(PPTA)作为基体,对比了不同吸波剂及其用量对纸基吸波材料电磁参数及吸波性能的影响。结果显示,吸波剂用量(对绝干基的质量分数)在0.1%~50%的范围内,SCF-PPTA纸基吸波材料的复介电常数实部小于CF-PPTA和CNT-PPTA纸基吸波材料的。当吸波剂用量大于3%时,CNT-PPTA纸基吸波材料的介电损耗大于另外2种材料的。当吸波剂用量分别为1%、20%和3%时,对应CF-PPTA、SCF-PPTA和CNT-PPTA纸基吸波材料的反射率最低分别可达-15.08、-28.49和-13.69d B,此时纸基吸波材料对应的厚度分别为2.45、4.35和2.98 mm。  相似文献   

随着我国工业经济的快速发展,建筑行业对于工厂厂房的抗震设计越来越关注了,特别是南方地区的工厂厂房的抗震设计。在南方的中小型企业中大多采用单层砖柱厂房,这类的厂房具有构造简单、选料比较低廉、施工比较简单,工期也比较短等特点。南方地区相对于北方地区来说属于地震多发区,所以要特别注意厂房的抗震功能,而砖柱厂房主要是由砖柱墙作为承重的,所选择的材料比较脆,相比混凝土来说抗震能力比较弱;相比民用房来说,砖柱厂房的内部比较空旷,而且隔墙之间的间距也比较大,所以抗地震倒塌能力就很弱。所以我们必须在认识到砖柱厂房的震害特点的基础上针对其弱点提出可行的具体措施,提高厂房的抗震能力。  相似文献   

本论文系统地研究了在由DMTNF(TNF的一种衍生物)为电子传输材料,DEH为空穴传输材料和Y-TiOPc或H2Pc为电荷产生材料构成的单层结构有机光导体的静电照相性能。研究结果表明光导体的量子收率和感光度与CGM浓度和充电极性有很大依赖关系。Y-TiOPc光导体的最高峰在800nm处,半衰曝光量为0.588μJ/cm^2(正充电),0.828μJ/cm^2(负充电):H2Pc光导体正充电最高峰在780nm处,半衰曝光量为1.50μJ/cm^2(正充电),半衰曝光量为1.97μJ/cm^2(负充电)。  相似文献   

通过重氮化、偶合和氧化成环反应合成了苯并三唑类紫外线吸收剂A,再经酰胺化反应合成了3只不同结构的紫外线吸收剂B、C、D,利用核磁共振谱和熔点测定等手段确证了其结构.采用DMF为溶剂,测量了4只紫外线吸收剂的最大吸收波长;分析了紫外线吸收剂质量浓度与吸光度的关系.将4只紫外线吸收剂经分散后用高温高压浸染法对涤纶织物进行抗紫外线整理,通过测量涤纶织物的UPF值及紫外线透过率,研究了其抗紫外线效果.结果表明:4只紫外线吸收剂均具有优异的抗紫外线性能.  相似文献   

以三聚氯氰、间二甲苯为原料,经过Friedel-Craft反应,合成了2-氯-4,6-二(2',4'二甲基苯基)-1,3,5-均三嗪(Ⅰ),化合物Ⅰ在三氯化铝作用下再与间苯二酚反应,得到了2-(2’,4'-二羟苯基)-4,6-二(2”,4”-二甲基苯基)-1,3,5-均三嗪(Ⅱ).化合物Ⅱ在碱性条件下与环氧氯丙烷缩合并水解得到了该均三嗪类的紫外线吸收剂2-[2’-羟基-4’-(2''',3''')-二羟基丙烷氧基苯基]-4,6-二(2”,4”)-二甲基苯基-1,3,5-均三嗪(ZLG-1),总收率为61.8%.讨论了反应温度、时间及反应物配比对各步反应收率的影响;并对化合物Ⅱ和ZLG-1的结构用IR、^1HNMR、MS进行了表征.由ZLG-1的UV光谱数据表明其紫外线吸收性能和三嗪-425相当.  相似文献   

静态负荷性能是缓冲器的重要性能之一,关系着人员在坠落过程中能否安全制动悬停。研究了缝纫工艺对织带间缝合强力、缓冲器静态负荷性能的影响,发现由缝纫花型决定的加固方式和总针迹数对其强力影响较大,通过改变针迹间距、缝纫线线密度可以提高其强力。  相似文献   

通过建立垂直管吸收器内泡式吸收过程中传热传质的数学物理模型,研究了泡式吸收方式;利用模型对吸收过程中出现的搅拌流、活塞流、泡状流等分别进行分析,获得了泡式吸收方式吸收过程中的一些传热传质特性.  相似文献   

为优化经编单层立体提花鞋面织物的设计与生产,提出了一种鞋面样板设计及贾卡花型设计的方法,并研究了其生产工艺。在鞋面设计方面,通过基线设计法获得鞋面各特征点的位置;归纳了鞋面平行配置、鞋头和鞋后跟交错配置这两种排版方法的设计原则及注意事项;根据鞋面美观性及功能性需求,探究了贾卡花型的设计方法。在生产工艺方面,首先分析了贾卡同向垫纱、反向垫纱的提花原理,然后基于市场上现有单层提花鞋面织物的生产工艺,提出了鞋面原料、组织结构、工艺参数及后整理的快速设计方法,为单层立体提花鞋面织物的设计与生产提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The combined effect of chitosan (1%) and an oxygen absorber on shelf life extension of fresh ground meat stored at 4 °C was investigated. Parameters monitored over a 10‐day storage period were Total Viable Count (TVC), Pseudomonas spp., Brochothrix thermosphacta, lactic acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA), colour, odour and taste. Microbial populations were reduced by 0.4–2.0 log CFU g?1 for a given sampling day using either chitosan or the oxygen absorber, with the more pronounced effect being achieved by the combination of two. Thiobarbituric acid values for all samples increased during storage with the exception of samples treated with both chitosan and the oxygen absorber in which Thiobarbituric acid values decreased. Changes in pH values with time/different treatments were statistically insignificant. Colour parameters were affected by most treatments. On the basis of microbiological and sensory evaluation, a shelf life extension of 5–6 days was obtained for samples treated with the chitosan and the oxygen absorber combination.  相似文献   

Because rapid rancidities of lipids in unpolished grains, such as brown rice and whole grain wheat, are often problematic, Suppressions of their lipid degradations during postharvest therefore important for their further utilization. In this study, effect of oxygen absorber on lipid deterioration in unpolished grain during storage was investigated. Kernels and flours of brown rice, rice with germ and whole grain wheat were stored for eight weeks at 4 °C and 26 °C, with and without oxygen absorber. Free fatty acids (FFAs) accumulation in the unpolished grains during storage was accelerated by polishing, milling and storage at high temperature (26 °C), because these storage conditions stimulated activities of their lipid hydrolyses. When oxygen absorber was added and the storage system was sealed, additional FFAs accumulations in these unpolished grains. Decreases both in absolute amounts of linoleic acids of the lipids and in total tocochromanols contained in these unpolished grains were depressed by addition of oxygen absorber to the storage system, which was confirmed by an anti-oxidative effect of oxygen absorber. These results suggested that introduction of oxygen absorber into the storage system of unpolished grains would be effective under the condition where their hydrolytic activities of lipids are suppressed.  相似文献   

研究了一类具有非局部源的反应扩散方程组的初边值问题,首先利用上下解方法,构造出不同结构的上解,结合比较原理,得到解的整体存在的充分条件,其次利用特征函数和常微分方程的解,构造问题在有限时刻爆破的下解,得出了解在有限时间内爆破的充分条件.  相似文献   

猪PSE肉的pH值判定及其与汁液流失关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了猪体不同部位肌肉的pH值变化规律及其汁液流失状况。结果表明较高的pH值下降速率和较低的最终pH值,将导致较高的汁液流失率,并促进PSE肉的发生。  相似文献   

The contribution of food availability to food insecurity and poverty reduction, makes food loss an important issue. The study provides findings on the economic and nutritional implications of produce loss at different stages of the common bean value chain and discuss farmers role in reducing losses through their measurement of loss and awareness of loss factors. Average losses at the postharvest handling stage, storage and marketing stage were estimated to be 85.6%, 11.6% and 2.8% of the total loss along the chain respectively. The analysis was extended to determining the economic and nutrient losses along the value chain. Losses contributes to economic losses of $269,417.6 and $8,035.2 at the production and marketing stages respectively. The true cost based on value added loss estimations was however found to be $423,737.8 at the production stage. Findings revealed that out of the total nutrients lost at the post harvest handling stage contributes (88.07%) contributes to majority of the losses compared to the storage stage (11.93%). Losses were found to be caused by unfavourable weather, seed quality, insects, diseases and inefficient handling practices. More than 60% of both producers and traders measured their losses and had a fair understanding of the factors causing losses with a significant difference being observed between measurers and non-measurers. Lack of awareness was not found to be a contributing factor to losses but inability to manage them. Improvement in the capacity of agents to better manage losses is expected to result in lower levels of losses.  相似文献   

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