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New enrichment functions are proposed for crack modelling in orthotropic media using the extended finite element method (XFEM). In this method, Heaviside and near‐tip functions are utilized in the framework of the partition of unity method for modelling discontinuities in the classical finite element method. In this procedure, by using meshless based ideas, elements containing a crack are not required to conform to crack edges. Therefore, mesh generation is directly performed ignoring the existence of any crack while the method remains capable of extending the crack without any remeshing requirement. Furthermore, the type of elements around the crack‐tip remains the same as other parts of the finite element model and the number of nodes and consequently degrees of freedom are reduced considerably in comparison to the classical finite element method. Mixed‐mode stress intensity factors (SIFs) are evaluated to determine the fracture properties of domain and to compare the proposed approach with other available methods. In this paper, the interaction integral (M‐integral) is adopted, which is considered as one of the most accurate numerical methods for calculating stress intensity factors. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An eigenfunction expansion is used to formulate the global element on the crack tip. The global-local finite element method employs both conventional finite element and classical Rayleigh-Ritz kinematic approach. The hybrid Ritz method not only preserves the finite element modelling capability but adds the advantage of using prior information regarding the anticipate behaviour of the particular problem. Thus, it is able to achieve better accuracy with fewer elements in comparison with conventional finite element. Several examples relative to crack problems are presented to demonstrate the global-local finite element method.  相似文献   

We present an incremental quasi‐static contact algorithm for path‐dependent frictional crack propagation in the framework of the extended finite element (FE) method. The discrete formulation allows for the modeling of frictional contact independent of the FE mesh. Standard Coulomb plasticity model is introduced to model the frictional contact on the surface of discontinuity. The contact constraint is borrowed from non‐linear contact mechanics and embedded within a localized element by penalty method. Newton–Raphson iteration with consistent linearization is used to advance the solution. We show the superior convergence performance of the proposed iterative method compared with a previously published algorithm called ‘LATIN’ for frictional crack propagation. Numerical examples include simulation of crack initiation and propagation in 2D plane strain with and without bulk plasticity. In the presence of bulk plasticity, the problem is also solved using an augmented Lagrangian procedure to demonstrate the efficacy and adequacy of the standard penalty solution. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a novel application of the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) to model dynamic crack propagation problems. Accurate dynamic stress intensity factors are extracted directly from the semi‐analytical solutions of SBFEM. They are then used in the dynamic fracture criteria to determine the crack‐tip position, velocity and propagation direction. A simple, yet flexible remeshing algorithm is used to accommodate crack propagation. Three dynamic crack propagation problems that include mode‐I and mix‐mode fracture are modelled. The results show good agreement with experimental and numerical results available in the literature. It is found that the developed method offers some advantages over conventional FEM in terms of accuracy, efficiency and ease of implementation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Finite element analyses were carried out on cracked 20 mm square plates and bars ranging in thickness from 2.5 mm to a length of 60 mm. The crack extended from the middle of one side of the square to its centre, and was modelled as a narrow, parallel‐sided notch with a semicircular tip. An antiplane loading was applied to the side containing the crack. An infinitely long bar under the antiplane loading used is in pure Mode III. It was found that the central portions of 40, 56 mm and 60 mm long bars were in pure Mode III, and also that KIII was approximately constant. These central portions were therefore representative of an infinitely long bar. Towards the ends of a bar KIII decreased. At the ends of a bar corner point effects meant that Mode II stress intensity factors and displacements were induced in the corner region. The size of the corner region was independent of bar length. In the 2.5, 5 and 10 mm thick plates out of plane bending means that the antiplane loading became a mixed Mode II and Mode III loading. At a centre line KII is zero by symmetry. Behaviour in the corner region was a function of plate thickness. For both plates and bars, as has been predicted theoretically, the ratio KII/KIII tends to a constant value as a surface is approached. For a thickness of 20 mm, that is a 20‐mm cube, behaviour represents a transition between plate and bar behaviour.  相似文献   

利用小波有限元法求解了裂纹悬臂梁的前三阶固有频率,并将其拟合成以裂纹位置和深度作为变量的频响函数曲面。将裂纹识别中的匹配追踪问题转化为多维优化问题,以实测固有频率作为输入,利用遗传算法寻优求解出与输入值相差最小的样本点,进而预测出裂纹的位置和深度。试验研究表明,所提出的裂纹识别方法具有较好的精度和鲁棒性,且易于推广到诸如转子、叶片等复杂结构的裂纹监测诊断场合。  相似文献   

This paper presents fractal finite element based continuum shape sensitivity analysis for a multiple crack system in a homogeneous, isotropic, and two dimensional linear-elastic body subjected to mixed-mode (modes I and II) loading conditions. The salient feature of this method is that the stress intensity factors and their derivatives for the multiple crack system can be obtained efficiently since it only requires an evaluation of the same set of fractal finite element matrix equations with a different fictitious load. Three numerical examples are presented to calculate the first-order derivative of the stress intensity factors or energy release rates.  相似文献   

The newly-developed scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is able to calculate stress intensity factors directly because the singularity in stress solutions at crack tips is analytically represented. By taking this advantage, a mixed-mode crack propagation model based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) was developed in this study. A domain is first divided into a few subdomains. Because the dimensions and shapes of subdomains can be flexibly varied and only the domain boundaries or common edges between subdomains are discretised in the SBFEM, a remeshing procedure as simple as in boundary element methods was developed with minimum mesh changes whereas the generality and flexibility of the FEM is well maintained. Fully-automatic modelling of mixed-mode crack propagation is then achieved by combining the remeshing procedure with a propagation criterion. Three mixed-mode examples were modelled. Comparisons of the numerical results with those from available publications show that the developed model is capable of predicting crack trajectories and load-displacement relations accurately and efficiently.  相似文献   

为提高非均匀材料界面裂纹尖端断裂参数的求解精度,基于非均匀材料界面断裂力学、Cell-Based光滑有限元(Cell-SFEM)和非均匀材料的互交作用积分法,提出了求解非均匀材料界面裂纹尖端断裂参数的CellBased光滑有限元法,推导了基于Cell-Based光滑有限元法的非均匀材料的互交作用积分法,对非均匀材料间的界面裂纹尖端处正则应力强度因子进行了求解,并与参考解进行了比较,讨论了互交积分区域大小和光滑子元个数与正则应力强度因子的关系。数值算例结果表明:本方法具有很高的计算精度,对积分区域大小不敏感,可为设计、制造抗破坏非均匀材料提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a generalization of the eXtended finite element method (X‐FEM) to model dynamic fracture and time‐dependent problems from a more general point of view, and gives a proof of the stability of the numerical scheme in the linear case. First, we study the stability conditions of Newmark‐type schemes for problems with evolving discretizations. We prove that the proposed enrichment strategy satisfies these conditions and also ensures energy conservation. Using this approach, as the crack propagates, the enrichment can evolve with no occurrence of instability or uncontrolled energy transfer. Then, we present a technique based on Lagrangian conservation for the estimation of dynamic stress intensity factors for arbitrary 2D cracks. The results presented for several applications are accurate for stationary or moving cracks. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a coupling technique for integrating the element‐free Galerkin method (EFGM) with the fractal finite element method (FFEM) for analyzing homogeneous, isotropic, and two‐dimensional linear‐elastic cracked structures subjected to mixed‐mode (modes I and II) loading conditions. FFEM is adopted for discretization of the domain close to the crack tip and EFGM is adopted in the rest of the domain. In the transition region interface elements are employed. The shape functions within interface elements which comprise both the EFG and the finite element (FE) shape functions, satisfies the consistency condition thus ensuring convergence of the proposed coupled EFGM–FFEM. The proposed method combines the best features of EFGM and FFEM, in the sense that no special enriched basis functions or no structured mesh with special FEs are necessary and no post‐processing (employing any path independent integrals) is needed to determine fracture parameters, such as stress‐intensity factors (SIFs) and T‐stress. The numerical results show that SIFs and T‐stress obtained using the proposed method are in excellent agreement with the reference solutions for the structural and crack geometries considered in the present study. Also, a parametric study is carried out to examine the effects of the integration order, the similarity ratio, the number of transformation terms, and the crack length to width ratio on the quality of the numerical solutions. A numerical example on mixed‐mode condition is presented to simulate crack propagation. As in the proposed coupled EFGM–FFEM at each increment during the crack propagation, the FFEM mesh (around the crack tip) is shifted as it is to the new updated position of the crack tip (such that FFEM mesh center coincides with the crack tip) and few meshless nodes are sprinkled in the location where the FFEM mesh was lying previously, crack‐propagation analysis can be dramatically simplified. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents fracture mechanics analysis using the wavelet Galerkin method and extended finite element method. The wavelet Galerkin method is a new methodology to solve partial differential equations where scaling/wavelet functions are used as basis functions. In solid/structural analyses, the analysis domain is divided into equally spaced structured cells and scaling functions are periodically placed throughout the domain. To improve accuracy, wavelet functions are superposed on the scaling functions within a region having a high stress concentration, such as near a hole or notch. Thus, the method can be considered a refinement technique in fixed‐grid approaches. However, because the basis functions are assumed to be continuous in applications of the wavelet Galerkin method, there are difficulties in treating displacement discontinuities across the crack surface. In the present research, we introduce enrichment functions in the wavelet Galerkin formulation to take into account the discontinuous displacements and high stress concentration around the crack tip by applying the concept of the extended finite element method. This paper presents the mathematical formulation and numerical implementation of the proposed technique. As numerical examples, stress intensity factor evaluations and crack propagation analyses for two‐dimensional cracks are presented. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We reformulate an extended finite element (FE) framework for embedded frictional cracks in elastoplastic solids to accommodate finite deformation, including finite stretching and rotation. For the FE representation, we consider a Galerkin approximation in which both the trial and weighting functions adapt to the current contact configuration. Contact and frictional constraints employ two Kuhn–Tucker conditions, a contact/separation constraint nesting over a stick/slip constraint for the case when the crack faces are in frictional sliding mode. We integrate finite deformation bulk plasticity into the formulation using the multiplicative decomposition technique of nonlinear continuum mechanics. We then present plane strain simulations demonstrating various aspects of the extended FE solutions. The mechanisms considered include combined opening and frictional sliding in initially straight, curved, and S‐shaped cracks, with and without bulk plasticity. To gain further insight into the extended FE solutions, we perform mesh convergence studies focusing on both the global and the local responses of structures with cracks, including the distribution of the normal component of traction on the crack faces. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new computational tool is developed for the accurate detection and identification of cracks in structures, to be used in conjunction with non‐destructive testing of specimens. It is based on the solution of an inverse problem. Based on some measurements, typically along part of the boundary of the structure, that describe the response of the structure to vibration in a chosen frequency or a combination of frequencies, the goal is to estimate whether the structure contains a crack, and if so, to find the parameters (location, size, orientation and shape) of the crack that produces a response closest to the given measurement data in some chosen norm. The inverse problem is solved using a genetic algorithm (GA). The GA optimization process requires the solution of a very large amount of forward problems. The latter are solved via the extended finite element method (XFEM). This enables one to employ the same regular mesh for all the forward problems. Performance of the method is demonstrated via a number of numerical examples involving a cracked flat membrane. Various computational aspects of the method are discussed, including the a priori estimation of the ill‐posedness of the crack identification problem. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An over‐deterministic method has been employed for calculating the stress intensity factors (SIFs) as well as the coefficients of the higher‐order terms in the Williams series expansions in cracked bodies, using the conventional finite element analysis. For a large number of nodes around the crack tip, an over‐determined set of simultaneous linear equations is obtained, and using the fundamental concepts of the least‐squares method, the coefficients of the Williams expansion can be calculated for pure mode I, pure mode II and mixed mode I/II conditions. A convergence study has been conducted to examine the effects of the number of nodes used, the number of terms in Williams expansion and the distance of the selected nodes from the crack tip, on the accuracy of the results. It is shown that the simple method presented in this paper, yields accurate results even for coarse finite element meshes or in the absence of singular elements. The accuracy of SIFs and the coefficients of higher‐order terms are validated by using the available results in the literature.  相似文献   

对表面裂纹复合型应力强度因子的研究一直是线弹性断裂力学中的重要课题,例如弯扭组合载荷下圆管半椭圆表面裂纹应力强度因子的计算,到现在也没有一个正确的分析解。考虑到裂尖的应力奇异性,在裂纹前沿手动设置三维奇异单元,用三维有限元法中的1/4点位移法计算弯扭组合载荷下圆管表面椭圆裂纹前沿的Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型应力强度因子,并分析其随裂纹深度增加时的变化规律。运用该方法计算了有关模型的应力强度因子,并与该模型的实验值进行了比较,计算结果和实验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

The fractal‐like finite element method (FFEM) is an accurate and efficient method to compute the stress intensity factors (SIFs) of different crack configurations. In the FFEM, the cracked/notched body is divided into singular and regular regions; both regions are modelled using conventional finite elements. A self‐similar fractal mesh of an ‘infinite’ number of conventional finite elements is used to model the singular region. The corresponding large number of local variables in the singular region around the crack tip is transformed to a small set of global co‐ordinates after performing a global transformation by using global interpolation functions. In this paper, we extend this method to analyse the singularity problems of sharp notched plates. The exact stress and displacement fields of a plate with a notch of general angle are derived for plane‐stress/strain conditions. These exact analytical solutions which are eigenfunction expansion series are used to perform the global transformation and to determine the SIFs. The use of the global interpolation functions reduces the computational cost significantly and neither post‐processing technique to extract SIFs nor special singular elements to model the singular region are needed. The numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the FFEM for sharp notched problems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to derive models of fatigue crack growth in real-life applications based on the unified approach.The unified approach enunciates that two parameters-namely, the stress intensity amplitude ΔK and the peak stress intensity Kmax-drive fatigue crack growth. It captures and explicates the various fatigue phenomena coherently. However, its application for damage prediction is still in its infancy. Mathematical models that are consistent with the approach and the various observed characteristics under various environments are imperative for fatigue damage life prediction. These models will reduce cumbersome experimentation that is usually needed for the fatigue crack growth analysis. The framework presented in this paper consists of using the unified approach to design the structure of a model that relates fatigue crack growth with the specified microstructure, applied stress and environmental conditions. The fatigue growth model is derived by parametrizing, using a genetic algorithm, these structural relationships from the known experimental data. This model can quantitatively estimate crack growth rate under the given combination of microstructure, applied stress and environmental conditions. The initial research on modeling fatigue crack growth dynamics in Al-5052 under vacuum and air has revealed that the models resulting from the framework can capture the actual crack growth pattern to within 12% accuracy, and that an automatic rendering of ΔK* vs. trajectories is possible for a given material and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The stress intensity factor is a traditional topic in mechanics and there have been many solutions for many different cases. The closed frictional crack problem has been modeled in the rock mechanics field where fractures are mostly under compression. Further, the effect of finite plate dimensions under biaxial loading has not been considered in the literature. The key contribution of the present paper is to evaluate the effect of the crack length to plate width ratio on the mode I and II stress intensity factors (SIF) of a central slant crack with frictional surfaces in plates with biaxial loading of different patterns, i.e. tension-tension, tension-compression, compression-tension or compression-compression. A plane strain elastic two-dimensional finite element analysis was adopted. Crack length to plate width ratios equal to 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 with biaxial ratios from –1 to 1, crack angles from 0° to 90° and friction coefficients from 0 to 1 were considered. Contact regimes and the effect of the crack length to plate width ratio were found dependent on biaxial ratio and pattern, friction coefficient and crack angle.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical procedure for fracture of brickwork masonry based on the strong discontinuity approach. The model is an extension of the cohesive model prepared by the authors for concrete, and takes into account the anisotropy of the material. A simple central-force model is used for the stress versus crack opening curve. The additional degrees of freedom defining the crack opening are determined at the crack level, thus avoiding the need of performing a static condensation at the element level. The need for a tracking algorithm is avoided by using a consistent procedure for the selection of the separated nodes. Such a model is then implemented into a commercial code by means of a user subroutine, consequently being contrasted with experimental results. Fracture properties of masonry are independently measured for two directions on the composed masonry, and then input in the numerical model. This numerical procedure accurately predicts the experimental mixed-mode fracture records for different orientations of the brick layers on masonry panels.  相似文献   

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