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Rock 《电脑迷》2013,(4):27
《孤岛危机》历来都被广大游戏玩家誉为"显卡危机",CryEngine3游戏引擎的确为我们带来了近似CG电影一样的游戏画质,但出色的画质也让这款游戏对硬件尤其是显卡的硬件规格要求变得非常高,几乎每一代《孤岛危机》问世时,游戏发烧友们都难免要升级显卡才能驾驭这款游戏。  相似文献   

卡麦克:“我相信DOOM3的图形技术将在未来5年内引领游戏引擎的潮流。”1993年,idSoftware推出了第一人称射击游戏——DOOM,这个游戏彻底改变了电脑游戏的历史。由卡麦克打造的这款FPS游戏在画面以及技术上超越了当时所有的游戏,包括不可一世的家用游戏机软件;而由DOOM衍生的一系列游戏包括Quack、半条命等也都成为了震撼业界的经典作品,idSoftware以及卡麦克也成为了计算机3D图形领域的王者。在2001年E3大展上,idSoftware展示了自己最新的FPS游戏——DOOM3,这款游戏带来了人们以前从未领略过的3D图像,宣告了新一轮3D技术革命以及新硬件测试平台的到来。  相似文献   

《孤岛危机》历来都被广大游戏玩家誉为“显卡危机”,CryEngine 3游戏引擎的确为我们带来了近似CG电影一样的游戏画质,但出色的画质也让这款游戏对硬件尤其是显卡的硬件规格要求变得非常高,几乎每一代《孤岛危机》问世时,游戏发烧友们都难免要升级显卡才能驾驭这款游戏.如今《孤岛危机3》已正式发售,大家是否又在考虑升级显卡的问题了呢?  相似文献   

作为主攻游戏市场的第一款激光鼠标。微软在这款产品上倾注的希望可谓巨大。高达 6000fps和1000cpi的数据已经让所有玩家浮想联翩。加上激光定位引擎的加入,这款产品还未上市就成为很多FPS游戏玩家梦寐以求的极品装备。其实,这款产品在参数上的改进并非来自新的IE引擎,它内部首次采用了安捷伦A6000  相似文献   

1998年,Haif Life发售了.这款采用Quake2引擎制作的游戏完全颠覆了当时的FPS理念。因为以前还没有一款FPS游戏有一个完整的故事情节,没有哪个FPS游戏里面的主角会和NPC产生互动;玩家也没有遇见过无法杀死的巨大异型;也没有一个FPS游戏里面的敌人AI如此的强大。这一切都导致Half Life成为FPS领域里的  相似文献   

《孤岛危机》历来都被广大游戏玩家誉为“显卡危机”,CryEngine 3游戏引擎的确为我们带来了近似CG电影一样的游戏画质,但出色的画质也让这款游戏对硬件尤其是显卡的硬件规格要求变得非常高,几乎每一代《孤岛危机》问世时,游戏发烧友们都难免要升级显卡才能驾驭这款游戏。如今《孤岛危机3》已正式发售,大家是否又在考虑升级显卡的问题了呢?  相似文献   

匪气 《电脑知识》2008,(1):109-111
优秀引擎打造精美画面 完美时空目前旗下的所有游戏都是使用了自主研发的3D引擎,而这款引擎能够给游戏带来什么样的游戏画面,相信所有玩过《完美世界》、《武林外传》以及《诛仙》的玩家都已经非常了解了。不可否认的是,从3D技术和画面的精细程度以及特效渲染上来说,完美时空在国产网络游戏研发公司中是处于前列的。  相似文献   

《灵魂回响》这款网游作为韩系精品,在韩国公测时就成为一匹黑马,如今引入国内则更显诱人。这款游戏虽然引擎偏向A卡,但因优化不好,A卡反倒会出现掉帧问题。究竟如何选择,只能由玩家自行决断了。处理器选购奔腾双核就够《灵魂回响》是由韩国Nvius公司开发的一款3D热血战斗MMORPG,游戏以热血的战斗、异常丰富的游戏内容为主要卖点。结合其优秀的数值设定、高品质画面表现以及独到的灵魂系统,在韩国公测时便引发了韩国网游界海啸,更豪夺包括"月度最佳游戏"在内的众多顶级大奖。目前游戏已携全新史诗级  相似文献   

本专栏所介绍的链接所指向的文章,版权归原文作者或所发表网站所有,其观点不代表本刊,仅为读者提供更多与电脑相关的信息来源,也不构成任何建议。《帝国时代3》背后的秘密?《帝国时代3》试玩版已经推出了,除了“暴强”的画面和可玩性外,还有一些细节不知你是否注意到,炸弹在人群里面爆炸的过程、房屋被毁的时候会是一点点倒塌等。这些在背后影响游戏的是什么呢?它就是“物理引擎”,“物理引擎”影响了一个游戏的平衡性等方面,让我们来看看Havok物理引擎的威力吧。要知道在《半条命2》中就是使用这款物理引擎的。文章链接:http://www.pcpop.…  相似文献   

大狗 《电脑校园》2003,(11):83-84
开发商:Reflexive Entertainment发行商:Black Isle Sstudios游戏类型:角色扮演官方网址:http://lionheart.blackisle.com/黑岛工作室在角色扮演游戏的制作方面是无可争议的王者,其制作和参与制作的作品包括《异尘余生》、《柏德之门》、《冰风谷》和《异域镇魂曲》等,均已成为经典。这些作品使用的都是Infinity引擎,由于Infinity引擎的版权属于BioWare公司,在与BioWare产生裂痕之后,黑岛工作室开始物色新的合作伙伴。他们最终找到了Reflexive娱乐公司为其开发《狮心王:十字军传奇》,尝试将Reflexive公司的Velocity引擎与自己的S.P.E…  相似文献   

In recent years, social commitment based approaches have been proposed to solve problems issuing from previous mentalistic based semantics for agent communication languages. This paper follows the same line of thought since it presents the latest version of our dialogue game based agent communication language – DIAlogue-Game based Agent Language (DIAGAL) – which allows agents to manipulate the public layer of social commitments through dialogue, by creating, canceling and updating their social commitments. To make apparent such commitments, we consider here Agent Communication Language (ACL) from the dialectic point of view, where agents “play a game” based on commitments. Such games based on commitments are incorporated in the DIAGAL language, which has been developed having in mind the following questions: (a) What kind of structure does the game have? How are rules specified within the game? (b) What kind of games compositions are allowed? (c) How do participants in conversations reach agreement on the current game? How are games opened or closed? Using such games we show how we can study the commitments dynamic to model agent dialogue and we present metrics that can be used to evaluate the quality of a dialogue between agents. Next, we use an example (summer festival organization) to show how DIAGAL can be used in analyzing and modeling automated conversations in offices. Finally, we present the results and analysis of the summer festival simulations that we realized through our dialogue game simulator (DGS).  相似文献   

Unlike the bulk of electronic media the computer game or video game is a distinctly gendered medium. All investigations confirm that we are dealing with a medium which almost exclusively appeals to and is used by, boys and young men. Therefore, the video games and computer games are very suited for investigating the form of entertainment, the pleasure, that appeals to men, i.e. the specific ‘masculine pleasure’. The paper deals with questions such as: What do computer games mean? What does violence in computer games signify? Why do computer games, especially the violent ones, mean something special to a certain group of men? These questions are discussed from the perspective of semiotics, media and control studies. Finally, the paper discusses the connections between women and the male dominated video games, and attempts to explain why, nevertheless, some girls and women do play these games.  相似文献   

What is the economic impact of cyber terrorism? Can organizations achieve strategic advantage in the cyber terrorism game? A general game theoretical model is proposed to study the optimal information systems (ISs) security investment and then applied to compare the losses caused by cyber terrorists and common hackers. Literature is reviewed on IS security, game theoretical models of IS security, cyber terrorism, cyber deterrence and IS security breach function. Simulations with varying levels of attacker’s preference, breach function sensitivity and deterrence level are carried out to determine sensitivity to the optimal IS security investment. Results suggest that organizations should invest more to protect their strategic information systems against cyber terrorists who have long-term goals.  相似文献   

Graphics hardware is far faster, smaller, cheaper, and more capable than 20 years ago, and it will obviously continue on that path. Memory and processor advances have let us move texture mapping and surface occlusion from software to hardware. We'll no doubt move more sophisticated modeling, lighting and imaging operations into future hardware. Chip I/O rates will continue to advance more slowly than transistor count and, as a result, graphics processors and memory will become ever more highly integrated. Putting memory and processor on the same chip will encourage massive parallelism, because on-chip bandwidth is staggering compared to that between chips. Integrating CPU and graphics is more a business issue than a technical one; game consoles represent one area where tight integration is mandatory. A more interesting question for looking 20 years into the future might be: what will be new? What fundamentally new capabilities can we predict as a result of hardware advances? What fundamentally new capabilities would we like to have but can't predict how, or if, we can achieve them? Advances in image generation hardware haven't fundamentally changed what an individual can actually do in an application; in contrast, some graphics hardware advances have created fundamental changes. We already have a start on some promising graphics hardware technologies that may enable fundamental changes in what we do in graphics over the next 20 years  相似文献   

Are game and entertainment systems different than work-oriented systems? What drives the user's experience in a collaborative game? To answer these questions, we performed a participant-observation study of a combat MUD, a game similar to Dungeons and Dragons. Our interest is in how this social world is arranged and managed (rather than, for example, in how participants form or display individual identities). The study explores the social arrangements and activities that give meaning and structure to the participants. We found that conflict and cooperation were the dominant social activities on this MUD, much more so than sociability. The game's management played a critical function in maintaining and promoting these activities. Moreover, novelty and entertainment were important for the design of both the system features and the sociality itself.  相似文献   

架构师的英文单词architect,最早来源于希腊文中的arkhitekton,该词有两个词根arkhi和tekton,分别意味着chief和builder。该词汇一直用于建筑学之中,在建筑行业中的架构师,其决策会影响到公共安全,因为必须经受专业的培训和教育,同时还要具备足够的实践经验,这样才能有资格去设计建筑物的架构,也就是说,要想成为公众认可的架构师:正规教育、技术积累和实践经验,这三者缺一不可。  相似文献   

The development of a new technology like microsystems is not only a technological step, but also a process of the society in correlations with many fields of our personal and social life. This paper has the intention of looking at the dynamics of microsystems in the field put up by technology, economy and society. The following are the three main questions: 1. What are the typical features of microsystems? Where are the advantages and drawbacks? 2. What is known about the microsystems market and its dynamics? Published market studies are critically reviewed. 3. What are the most important prerequisites for application? Four main topics are identified: availability of production, performance, reliability and cost.  相似文献   

The development, dissemination, and proliferation of multimedia and media convergent texts raise a number of pressing questions for literacy scholars in general and compositionists in particular. What kinds of literacy practices are students developing through their use and composition of multimodal and new media texts? What genres are used in the creation of such texts, and why? Are there particular genres that are favored? How are older genres remediated or recast through media convergence? What research methodology challenges are posed when attempting to study multimodal and new media texts? How might compositionists use media convergence to teach students about academic literacies, about research, about the changing nature of “writing?” What might media convergence look like in the future? Perhaps most immediately, the phrase itself—“media convergence”—begs a question: what, exactly, is converging? This special issue of Computers and Composition on “Media Convergence” poses answers—sometimes tentative, sometimes provocative—to these questions.  相似文献   

Gotterbarn  D. 《Software, IEEE》1999,16(6):58-64
The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice has recently been approved. This article looks at the immediate and long-term implications: Why does a profession need a code of ethics? How will this code function in an emerging profession like software engineering? What impact will it have on software practitioners?  相似文献   

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