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Optimal prehospital care of near-drowning victims requires bystanders and emergency-response personnel who are knowledgeable in CPR and proper rescue techniques. Primary care physicians can play an important role when asked to teach CPR, first-responder, or emergency-care classes or to serve as medical director for a local ambulance group. Rapid response and appropriate ventilation and airway protection by prehospitalization providers can improve the condition of near-drowning victims on arrival in the emergency department and their chances for neurologically intact survival. With knowledge of the local risks of drowning, proper emergency treatment, appropriate referral, and conscientious efforts at prevention conducted in the office and the community, primary care physicians can have maximum impact on this summer-time killer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND and PURPOSE: We sought (1) to determine the effect of brief periods of no flow on the subsequent forebrain blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and (2) to test the hypothesis that hypothermia prevents the impact of the no-flow duration on cerebral blood flow (CBF) during CPR. METHODS: No-flow intervals of 1.5, 3, and 6 minutes before CPR at brain temperatures of 28 degreesC and 38 degreesC were compared in 6 groups of anesthetized dogs. Microsphere-determined CBF and metabolism were measured before and during vest CPR adjusted to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure at 25 mm Hg. RESULTS: Increasing the no-flow interval from 1.5 to 6 minutes at 38 degreesC decreased the CBF (18. 6+/-3.6 to 6.1+/-1.7 mL/100 g per minute) and the cerebral metabolic rate (2.1+/-0.3 to 0.7+/-0.2 mL/100 g per minute) during CPR. Cooling to 28 degreesC before and during the arrest eliminated the detrimental effects of increasing the no-flow interval on CBF (16. 8+/-1.0 to 14.8+/-1.9 mL/100 g per minute) and cerebral metabolic rate (1.1+/-0.1 to 1.3+/-0.1 mL/100 g per minute). Unlike the forebrain, 6 minutes of preceding cardiac arrest did not affect brain stem blood flow during CPR. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing the no-flow interval to 6 minutes in normothermic animals decreases the supratentorial blood flow and cerebral metabolic rate during CPR at a cerebral perfusion pressure of 25 mm Hg. Cooling to 28 degreesC eliminates the detrimental impact of the 6-minute no-flow interval on the reflow produced during CPR. The brain-protective effects of hypothermia include improving reflow during CPR after cardiac arrest. The effect of hypothermia and the impact of short durations of no flow on reperfusion indicate that increasing viscosity and reflex vasoconstriction are unlikely causes of the "no-reflow" phenomenon.  相似文献   

In the United States debate continues about the necessity of ventilation during CPR because of fear of contracting infectious diseases. Three questions will be considered in this article. First, is ventilation necessary for the treatment of cardiac arrest? Second, is mouth-to-mouth ventilation any better than no ventilation at all? Third, are other techniques of ventilation as effective or more effective than mouth-to-mouth ventilation during basic life support CPR? Although research is still inconclusive with regard to the need for ventilation during CPR, recent findings have clarified the effect of ventilation during low blood flow states and how ventilation influences resuscitation. Ventilation affects oxygenation, carbon dioxide elimination, and pH during times of low rates of blood flow. Ventilation may be unnecessary during the first few minutes of CPR. Under conditions of prolonged, untreated cardiac arrest, ventilation during CPR affects return of spontaneous circulation. Isolated hypoxemia and hypercarbia independently have adverse effects on survival of cardiac arrest. Because ventilation with exhaled gas contains as much as 4% CO2 and less oxygen than air, it may have adverse effects during CPR. Spontaneous gasping may provide sufficient ventilation during CPR. Chest compression alone provides some pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange. Active chest compression-decompression may improve gas exchange better than does standard chest compression. Other forms of manual ventilation may also have a role in CPR.  相似文献   

A cohort of 123 infertile couples was studied by life tables over a 30-month follow-up period to determine the influence on reproductive prognosis of clinical features, namely the women's age, previous gestational events, evolution time, and a number of conditioning infertility factors. The cumulative pregnancy rate (CPR) was 60% at 30 months. Women aged 32 years or less had a CPR of 65% and those over 32 years had a CPR of 31%. Couples with previous pregnancy had a CPR of 88%, while those with primary infertility had a CPR of 45% (marginal statistical difference). The group with infertility evolution of 36 months or less had a CPR of 75% and those with greater than 36 months infertility evolution had a CPR of 43% (p < .05). With one conditioning infertility factor a CPR of 75% was found, and with multiple factors a CPR of 47% (p < .05) was found. With these results a grading chart was created using all the analyzed criteria, determining the proportion of pregnancies per number of negative points obtained; at greater grades the proportion of pregnancy was reduced (p < .01). This report establishes the prognostic value of different variables observed in the evaluation of infertile men and women, and a simple procedure to calculate the probability to achieve pregnancy is proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of manual and a new mechanical chest compression device (Heartsaver 2000) during prolonged CPR with respect to haemodynamics and outcome were tested in a prospective, randomized, controlled experimental trial during ventricular fibrillation in 12 dogs of 9-13 kg body weight after 1 min of cardiac arrest. During the first 10 min of CPR the dogs were resuscitated according to the Basic Life Support (BLS) algorithm, followed by 20 min of Advanced Life Support (ALS) algorithm. After 30 min of CPR both manual and mechanical CPR groups were resuscitated following a standardized ALS protocol. During CPR, coronary perfusion pressure and end tidal CO2 were greater with mechanical CPR. All animals were successfully resuscitated and neurological deficit scores were not different. The CPR trauma score was less in the mechanical group. Mechanical external chest compression provided better haemodynamics than the manual technique, though outcome did not differ. Both optimally performed manual and mechanical techniques produce flow sufficient to maintain organ viability for 30 min of CPR after a 1 min arrest interval.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the policies and practices of nursing homes with respect to the resuscitation of residents who do not have a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order. Responses from a survey of 36 facilities revealed that most residents had DNR orders and most facilities were capable of providing basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Less than 30% had performed CPR in the past 6 months, and 22.8% had no written CPR policies. More facilities required CPR in witnessed arrests of non-DNR residents (79.3%) than in unwitnessed arrests (24%). Methods for identifying CPR status need improvement to enable accurate identification and prompt resuscitation of residents who want CPR.  相似文献   

All drownings of people under 15 years of age in Tasmania from 1981 to 1993 were identified from the Tasmanian coroner's case files. Age- and sex-specific mortality rates were calculated and found to be similar to Australian drowning mortality rates. An exception was the lower drowning rate for Tasmanian females aged 0 to 4 years. Only 9 per cent of drowning deaths were caused by immersion in a swimming pool, 32 per cent of deaths occurred in dams and ponds and 21 per cent occurred in a river. Most drownings (88 per cent) associated with dams, ponds, swimming pools and baths were in the 0-to-4-year age group. Compared with Australia as a whole, toddlers drowning in swimming pools is uncommon in Tasmania; however, there are relatively more drownings in dams and ponds. Strategies for the prevention of drowning in childhood in Tasmania should consider the hazards associated with rural living.  相似文献   

Primary care physicians may need to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) from time to time. Knowledge regarding CPR has become extensive, and it is hoped that greater success will be achieved in the future with the advent of new methods. A number of techniques and devices have received attention in the lay and professional press. If appropriate care is to be delivered, practicing physicians must be aware of what is proven technology and what is investigational.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of balloon occlusion of the proximal descending aorta during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on hemodynamics, restoration of spontaneous circulation, and 24-hr survival. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, controlled trial. SETTING: Experimental laboratory in a university hospital. SUBJECTS: Eighteen anesthetized dogs. INTERVENTIONS; Catheters were placed for hemodynamic and blood gas monitoring. An aortic balloon catheter was placed with its tip just distal to the left subclavian artery. After 10 mins of ventricular fibrillation without CPR, 3 mins of Basic Life Support (chest compressions and ventilation with 100% oxygen) was followed by up to 30 mins of Advanced Cardiac Life Support with canine drug dosages. In the treatment group (n = 8), the intra-aortic balloon was inflated when Advanced Cardiac Life Support started and not deflated until shortly after restoration of spontaneous circulation. The control animals (n = 10) were treated with an identical resuscitation but without intra-aortic balloon occlusion. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In the treatment group, coronary perfusion pressure was greater during Advanced Cardiac Life Support (p = .026). Restoration of spontaneous circulation was more frequent (7/8 dogs) as compared with the control group (3/10 dogs) (p = .025). There was a trend toward greater 24-hr survival in the treatment group (5/8 dogs) than in the control group (3/10 dogs). CONCLUSIONS: Balloon occlusion of the proximal descending aorta during experimental CPR improves restoration of spontaneous circulation. Further laboratory and human studies are needed to determine the clinical efficacy of this technique.  相似文献   

Among the different techniques proposed to integrate the standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (sCPR) protocol, mechanical CPR (mCPR) and interposed abdominal compression (IAC) were found to be particularly effective for the simplicity of the procedure and the significant results obtained. A case of a 54-year old male with cardiogenic shock following viral infection, in which prolonged mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation with interposed abdominal compression was performed, is presented. Five hours after admission in the ICU, the patient's condition worsened with subsequent cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity (PEA). Mechanical CPR was promptly started, subsequently associated with IAC and prolonged for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Although the patient survived for only eight hours following cardiac arrest, prolonged IAC-mCPR allowed to start extra corporeal circulation (CPP). The patient was then transferred to the cardiosurgical operating theatre for ventricular assistance by centrifugal pump (VAP). Cardiovascular data obtained from patients monitoring did not shown any cardiac lesions or adverse effects as observed by autoptic examination and suggest the reliability of this mechanical method, which allows a better performance when compared to standard CPR. In prolonged resuscitations a few contraindications to both mCPR and IAC suggest the application of the associated techniques at all times in cardiac arrest, combining the benefits of both procedures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Thirty years ago, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was primarily developed for otherwise healthy individuals who experienced sudden cardiac arrest. Today, CPR is widely viewed as an emergency procedure that can be attempted on any person who undergoes a cessation of cardiorespiratory function. Therefore, the appropriateness of CPR has been questioned as a matter of the outcome, the patient's preferences, and the cost. The objective of this article is to analyse ethical issues in prehospital resuscitation. ARGUMENTS: CPR is bound by moral considerations that surround the use of any medical treatment. According to Beauchamp and Childress, the hierarchy of justification in biomedical ethics consists of ethical theories, principles, rules, and particular judgements and actions. The decision to start CPR is based on the medical judgement that a person is suffering from circulatory arrest. The decision is justified by the moral rule that the victim of a cardiac arrest has the right to survive and to receive CPR. Moral rules are more specific to contexts and are based on ethical principles. The principle of beneficence means the provision of benefits for the promotion of welfare. Talking about beneficence in resuscitation means once again reporting stories of success, as many victims of pre- and in-hospital sudden death have been saved in the past. Nevertheless, resuscitative efforts still remain unsuccessful in the majority of cases, involving the principle of nonmaleficence. There is potential harm in CPR. Survivors may recover cardiac function, but sustain severe hypoxic brain damage, at worst surviving without awakening for months or years. In particular, post-traumatic CPR is associated with an extremely poor outcome, leading to the issue of futility. However, futility should be defined in a strict fashion, as there might be an individual chance of survival. The principle of respect for autonomy means the right of a patient to accept or reject medical treatment, which continues in emergency conditions and after the patient has lost consciousness. The time frame in CPR requires medical decision-making within seconds, and CPR is usually initiated without the patient's involvement. If the patient's wish's can be ascertained later on, life-sustaining therapies might be withdrawn at the time. Terminally ill but still competent patients should be encouraged to write a no-CPR document, which does not deny patients relief from severe symptoms, but might facilitate withholding resuscitative efforts at the scene. The principle of justice affects priorities in the allocation of health care resources. The decision made for a particular patient might delay or prevent emergency treatment in other patients who could receive greater benefit. CONCLUSIONS: The standard of care remains the prompt initiation of CPR. However, ethical principles such as beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice have to be applied in the unique setting of emergency medicine. Physicians have to consider the therapeutic efficacy of CPR, the potential risks, and the patient's preferences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Prehospital providers are often unable to obtain intravenous (i.v.) access in cardiac arrest victims. While several drugs can be administered via the endotracheal (ET) route, serum drug levels are lower than those obtained with the i.v. route. The authors hypothesized that a 90-degree torso tilt after ET drug administration would increase drug levels. METHODS: A randomized, prospective, unblinded laboratory trial was conducted. Twenty-three mixed-breed domestic swine (20-25 kg) were sedated, anesthetized, instrumented, shocked into cardiac arrest, and randomized into three groups. Lidocaine was administered either i.v. (1.5 mg/kg), traditional ET (4.5 mg/kg), or ET followed by a 5-second 90-degree upright torso tilt (4.5 mg/kg). While standard CPR was performed, lidocaine levels were obtained at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 minutes after administration. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used for data analysis (alpha = 0.05). RESULTS: Experimental ET compared with traditional ET administration produced significantly higher levels at all time points except 0.5 minutes. Comparing experimental ET with i.v. administration yielded significantly higher levels for the i.v. route at 0.5 and 1 minute and for the experimental ET route at 4 and 5 minutes. i.v. lidocaine administration resulted in significantly higher levels at 0.5, 1, and 2 minutes when compared with traditional ET administration. CONCLUSIONS: Endotracheal instillation of lidocaine followed by a 90-degree torso tilt resulted in better drug absorption, as evidenced by higher serum lidocaine levels, than did traditional recumbent ET delivery at all but the earliest time point and produced more sustained lidocaine levels than i.v. administration at 4 and 5 minutes. ET drug delivery followed by a 5-second 90-degree torso tilt and the mechanisms for this enhanced absorption warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

We describe a cardiac arrest which occurred during general anaesthesia in the prone position for surgical correction of lumbar kyphosis in a patient with Marfan's syndrome. Peroperative monitoring was routine with ECG, non-invasive arterial pressure, oximetry, PETCO2 and central venous pressure, plus aortic blood flow and and systolic time intervals via an oesophageal echo-Doppler device. Forty-five minutes after the start of surgery, a sudden decrease in aortic blood flow followed by a decrease in PETCO2 suggested acute cardiac failure despite continuation of the ECG signal. Initial CPR in the prone position produced a slight increase in PETCO2. When the patient was turned to the supine position and the legs elevated, chest compression was more efficient and spontaneous circulation was rapidly restored. Circulatory arrest could be explained by incompletely treated hypovolaemia, or by myocardial depression (decrease in aortic blood flow and lengthened pre-ejection period) combined with excessive hypotension in a patient with Marfan's syndrome, thus compromising coronary blood flow producing ST segment depression. Continuous non-invasive aortic blood flow and PETCO2 monitoring proved valuable in the early detection and treatment of circulatory arrest and in the evaluation of the efficiency of peroperative CPR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of adding first-responder defibrillation by fire-fighters to an existing advanced life-support emergency medical services system. DESIGN: Nonrandomized, controlled clinical trial with periodic crossover. SETTING: Memphis, Tenn, a city of 610,337 people, which is served by a fire department-based emergency medical services system. All city ambulances provide advanced life support. PATIENTS: Adult victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to heart disease. INTERVENTION: Twenty of 40 participating engine companies were equipped with an automated external defibrillator and ordered to apply it immediately in all cases of cardiac arrest. The other 20 companies were ordered to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately and wait for paramedics to arrive. Every 75 days, group roles were reversed. Care otherwise proceeded according to 1986 American Heart Association guidelines. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Return of spontaneous circulation in the field, survival to hospital admission, survival to hospital discharge, and neurological status at discharge. RESULTS: During the 39-month study interval, 879 patients were treated by a project engine company. Four hundred thirty-one (49%) of these were found in ventricular fibrillation. Bystander CPR was started in only 12% of cases. Overall, firefighters reached the scene a mean of 2.5 minutes faster than simultaneously dispatched paramedics. Although our automated external defibrillators proved to be reliable and efficacious for terminating ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia, patients treated by an automated external defibrillator-equipped engine company were no more likely than CPR-treated controls to be resuscitated (32% vs 34%, respectively), to survive to hospital admission (31% vs 29%), or to survive to hospital discharge (14% vs 10%). Neurological outcomes were also similar in the two treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: In a fast-response, urban emergency medical services system served by paramedics, the impact of adding first-responder defibrillation appears to be small. Early defibrillation alone cannot overcome low community rates of bystander CPR. Careful attention to every link in the "chain of survival" is needed to achieve optimal rates of survival after cardiac arrest.  相似文献   

Although continuing care is strongly related to positive treatment outcomes for substance use disorder (SUD), participation rates are low and few effective interventions are available. In a randomized clinical trial with 150 participants (97% men), 75 graduates of a residential Veterans Affairs Medical Center SUD program who received an aftercare contract, attendance prompts, and reinforcers (CPR) were compared to 75 graduates who received standard treatment (STX). Among CPR participants, 55% completed at least 3 months of aftercare, compared to 36% in STX. Similarly, CPR participants remained in treatment longer than those in STX (5.5 vs. 4.4 months). Additionally, CPR participants were more likely to be abstinent compared to STX (57% vs. 37%) after 1 year. The CPR intervention offers a practical means to improve adherence among individuals in SUD treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the computer-derived measures of median frequency or peak amplitude of ventricular fibrillation (VF), obtained by fast Fourier transform of the VF waveform, change during selective aortic arch perfusion in a canine model of cardiac arrest. METHODS: Eight mongrel dogs (including 4 control animals) were sedated, intubated, catheterized, and instrumented to record the electrocardiogram (digitally at 100 Hz, filtered with a finite impulse response filter at 2 Hz), right atrial pressure, and aortic pressure during resuscitation in a model of VF-induced cardiac arrest. After 10 minutes of VF-induced arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with a mechanical chest compression device was initiated. Beginning 2 minutes later, the 4 study animals received, every 2 minutes, 45 seconds of selective aortic arch perfusion (SAAP) with autologous blood infusions under high pressure. Defibrillation was attempted after 3 minutes of CPR and every minute thereafter. Both study and control groups received standard-dose epinephrine (.01 mg/kg) every 3 minutes by means of an intraaortic catheter. The median frequency, peak amplitude, and coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) during the 5-second period just before defibrillation were obtained with the use of computer algorithms. RESULTS: All SAAP animals and 1 control animal were resuscitated. Baseline measures of median frequency (8.4 +/- 1.5 versus 6.6 +/- 1.0 Hz) and peak amplitude (.18 +/- .05 versus .36 +/- .13 mV) were not different between the SAAP and control groups, respectively, at the start of CRP. SAAP infusion resulted in significant increases in the SAAP group compared with the control group: median frequency, 9.6 +/- .4 versus 7.3 +/- 1.4 Hz; peak amplitude, .74 +/- .21 versus .39 +/- .15 mV; and CPP, 40.5 +/- 7.1 versus 18.0 +/- 15.0 mm Hg, respectively. Median frequency correlated with CPP (r2 = .67). Peak amplitude did not correlate with CPP (r2 = .06). CONCLUSION: Median frequency and peak amplitude increase with SAAP during cardiac arrest in a canine model. This method of resuscitation was reliable in allowing restoration of a stable perfusing rhythm after defibrillation. Changes in measures of peak amplitude and median frequency may reflect interventions that enhance the likelihood of successful defibrillation and may thereby offer a noninvasive means of monitoring interventions during cardiac arrest.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be poor, in terms of life expectancy and quality of life. OBJECTIVES: To determine the impact of patient characteristics before, during, and after CPR on these outcomes, and to compare results of the quality-of-life assessment with published studies. METHODS: In a cohort study, we assessed by formal instruments the quality of life, cognitive functioning, depression, and level of dependence of survivors after inhospital CPR. Follow-up was at least 3 months after discharge from the hospital (tertiary care center). RESULTS: Of 827 resuscitated patients, 12% (n = 101) survived to follow-up. Of the survivors, 89% participated in the study. Most survivors were independent in daily life (75%), 17% were cognitively impaired, and 16% had depressive symptoms. Multivariate regression analysis showed that quality of life and cognitive function were determined by 2 factors known before CPR-the reason for admission and age. Factors during and after resuscitation, such as prolonged cardiac arrest and coma, did not significantly determine the quality of life or cognitive functioning of survivors. The quality of life of our CPR survivors was worse compared with a reference group of elderly individuals, but better than that of a reference group of patients with stroke. The quality of life did not importantly differ between the compared studies of CPR survivors. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is frequently unsuccessful, but if survival is achieved, a relatively good quality of life can be expected. Quality of life after CPR is mostly determined by factors known before CPR. These findings may be helpful in informing patients about the outcomes of CPR.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Almost all dermatologic surgery is accomplished using local anesthesia. To make our patients more comfortable, there is a constant search for less painful methods of administering anesthetic agents. Topical EMLA as well as iontophoresis are both useful in this regard. OBJECTIVE: In this study we compared topical EMLA with lidocaine delivered by iontophoresis in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Our goal was to assess the degree of anesthesia obtained as well as the relative rapidity of onset. METHODS: A double-blind controlled study was performed on 10 healthy volunteers between 26 and 37 years of age. Three test sites were placed on each forearm. EMLA or a moisturizer control was placed on two of the three test sites on each arm. Each site was wiped free of cream and tested for sensitivity to pinprick 30 and 60 minutes after cream placement. One iontophoretic unit was placed on each forearm. Both units were saturated with anesthesia with the control unit being turned off. Sensitivity to pinprick was evaluated at the iontophoretic sites and one of the EMLA sites 30 minutes after site placement on the subject. The additional EMLA-treated site was tested in the same manner 60 minutes after placement. RESULTS: Both EMLA cream and the iontophoretic unit delivered topical anesthesia greater than the control. Significantly more anesthesia was acquired 1 hour after application of EMLA than was seen 30 minutes earlier. The iontophoretic patch-treated area provided greater anesthesia than the EMLA-treated sites evaluated 30 and 60 minutes after placement. Both modalities provided significant anesthesia when left in place for 60 minutes. CONCLUSION: Both iontophoresis of lidocaine and topical EMLA delivered significant, and sometimes complete, local anesthesia. A greater degree of anesthesia is delivered via iontophoresis after 30 minutes as compared with EMLA left on the skin for 30 or 60 minutes. Both modalities have important and unique advantages and disadvantages. Topical EMLA and iontophoretically delivered lidocaine are both valuable tools for the dermatologic surgeon.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantity the fetal vascular changes during flare-up, and to evaluate the sensitivity and the specificity of Doppler indices for the prediction of acute fetal distress at the end of the pregnancy. METHOD: Every day of flare-up the umbilical resistance (Rp), cerebral resistance (Rc), cerebro-placental ratio (CPR = Rc/Rp), and hypoxia index (HI = delta % CPR x crisis duration) were calculated. RESULTS: Twenty-three pregnancies were investigated at St Laurent du Maroni Hospital (French Guiana). During flare-ups the Doppler placental resistance increased (placental disorder), cerebral resistance decreased (vasodilation), CPR decreased (flow redistribution toward the brain), and HI increased. An abnormal CPR (< 1) was associated with abnormal fetal heart rate (FHR) in 61.5% of the cases, a CPR > 1 was associated with a normal FHR in 80% of the cases. (sensitivity: 80%, specificity 61%). A CPR < 1 was associated with one of the abnormalities (abnormal FHR, cesarean section, abnormal Apgar) in 71% of the cases, a CPR > 1 was associated with normal delivery in 55% of the cases (sensitivity: 71.4%, Specificity 55%). A HI higher than 150 was associated with abnormal FHR in 75% of the cases, a HI < 150 was associated with normal FHR in 90% of the cases (sensitivity: 89%, specificity: 77%). Lastly the combination (HI > 150 + CPR < 1) was associated with abnormal FHR in 80% of the cases, 1 or 2 of these parameters were associated with normal FHR in 84.6% of the cases (sensitivity: 80%, specificity: 84%). The minimum CPR and the HI during malaria flare-up can be used to predict acute fetal distress at delivery.  相似文献   

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