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自1998年深化住房制度改革以来,青岛市的住房制度经历了以福利制、商品化、“双轨制”为特点的三个阶段。围绕着解决居民住房问题,实现了从计划经济体制下的福利性的住房实物分配模式,到住房商品化、住房靠市场解决,再到市场主导下的“市场”+“保障”的双轨制结构的转变。特别是近几年来,政府在坚持培育和发展房地产市场、  相似文献   

住房制度改革与住宅小区设计理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶迎君 《住宅科技》1999,(11):29-31
根据国务院精神,我国将稳步推进住房商品化、社会化,逐步建立适应我国国情以及社会主义市场经济体制的城镇住房新制度。住房制度的商品化、社会化,也必将对城市住宅小区的规划设计产生新的影响。1住房制度改革对住宅小区的影响城市住房制度改革经过了十几年的探索,虽然各地  相似文献   

城市居民住房市场化改革推进中的新问题国发[1991]30号《国务院关于继续积极稳妥地进行城镇往房制度改革的通知》中规定:“实行新房新制度,为了使新建住房不再进入旧的住房体制,有利于今后住房制度改革的顺利进行,对新竣工的公有住房,实行新房新租、先卖后租...  相似文献   

城镇住房制度中的产权问题●马洪云我国早已确立了住房商品化的房改目标,要把住房这种特殊商品推向市场,通过出售、出租两种形式建立新的住房制度。而作为市场经济体制下配置资源的基本手段的市场交易活动,其实质就是权利的转让。因而,判断住房制度在配置住房资源方面...  相似文献   

重点研究探索和总结推广改革住房分配体制,推进住房由实物分配向货币分配转化,实行新房新制度,完善住房公积金制度,发展住房金融,发育房地产二、三级市场等经验,积极开拓符合市场运行机制的住房供应新体制,促进住房消费市场发展。切实抓好降低住宅售价、改善住宅建设质量、消化空置商品房和搞好服务维修。逐步推行住宅及设备、部件的质量赔偿和质量保险制度,减除居民购房后顾之忧。  相似文献   

1999年1月在贵阳市开始的贵州省住房货币化分配方案的实施试点为各地(州)市住房货币化分配方案的实施奠定了较好的基础。一、围绕大局,领导重视是房改方案顺利实施的先决条件住房制度改革直接涉及到群众的切身利益,自然成为群众最关心的热点问题。同时,房改对扩大内需,扩大消费,拉动国民生产总值的增长起着十分重要的作用。贵州省的房改方案实施一年以来,推动了全省的住房建设、住房供应技启金融和住房分配体制的改革,取得了突破性进展。全省在住房建设方面,1999年新开工住宅面积488万平方米,竣工面积417万平方米,总投资37亿元…  相似文献   

我国城市住房体制由原先的计划福利体制向以市场为主导的体制的转变要求住房规划方法的相应转变。本文在分析住房供应和需求分层的基础上,提出了住房次级市场动态变化的理论框架,揭示了住房次级市场形成、运作和动态变化的过程。通过对上海两个案例住宅区1994-2005年住房次级市场变化的实证研究,提出了加强住房市场研究,以提高城市住房规划科学性和完善相关政策的建议。  相似文献   

波兰属于由计划经济向市场经济转型的国家之一。这种转型使得包括建筑和住房领域在内的整个社会经济经历了种种变化。这些变化其中一个显著标志就是,由政府包揽住房建设与维护资金的旧体制已经瓦解。波兰的经济改革非常迅速,在国家退出对建筑领域的干预方面获得了一些成功经验。同时波兰也是在建筑与住房领域实行大规模私有化的典型。这一点将在下文中通过市场分析加以说明。  相似文献   

顾云昌 《城市规划》1998,(6):29-30,55
刚刚结束的全国城镇住房制度改革和住房建设工作会议明确提出,深化城镇住房制度的指导思想是:稳步推进住房商品化、社会化进程,逐步建立适应社会主义市场经济体制要求和我国国情的城镇住房新制度;加快住房建设,促使住宅业成为新的经济增长点,不断满足城镇居民日益增...  相似文献   

我国中低收入家庭住房政策改革诌见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献分析法、比较研究法,总结和分析了具有代表性的欧美国家的中低收入家庭住房保障体系,其主要形式为:供给补贴、需求补贴、控租金、建立租赁市场、建立金融支撑体系。我国当前应通过租赁市场、税收杠杆、贷款保险及中介服务体系的建立和公积金改革来加快中低收入人群住房保障体制的建设和发展。  相似文献   

The Chilean housing policy, which anticipated the enabling approach widely advocated by international institutions in the 1990s, has succeeded in improving housing conditions in the country. The analysis of this experience indicates that this success only partially comes from reforms in the housing sector, and that its financial mechanisms are the result of reforms in capital markets and a stable macroeconomic environment. Lessons from this experience include the need for an integrated approach to reform including housing production and financing mechanisms and the full consideration and prevention of the urban impacts of housing policies that succeed in increasing housing production.  相似文献   

上海市住房保障体系建设概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东 《时代建筑》2011,(4):16-19
目前,上海已基本构建起廉租住房、经济适用住房、公共租赁住房、动迁安置住房"四位一体"的住房保障体系。廉租住房、经济适用住房分别解决城镇户籍低收入和中低收入家庭的住房困难;公共租赁住房主要解决城镇户籍青年职工、来沪务工人员和引进人才等常住人口的阶段性居住困难;动迁安置住房主要解决城市改造区域动迁居民的住房改善问题。各项基本制度和配套政策已在推行实施,并将不断优化完善。"十二五"规划期间,上海居民的住房困难将得到明显改善。  相似文献   

This paper sets out details of New Zealand's recent housing reforms and examines some of the criticisms levelled at the changes that have occurred. It is argued that the introduction of an Accommodation Supplement has the potential to promote fiscal ‘blowout’ in government expenditure, may contribute to housing affordability problems and, combined with the changes in the management of public housing, increase socio-spatial polarisation within urban areas.  相似文献   

This study examines the particular role, services and functions of property agents in the housing markets in mainland China. Since the implementation of housing market reforms, cities on the Chinese mainland have transferred from a centrally-directed, welfare-oriented housing system to a more decentralized, market-based one. Commodification of housing has expanded the opportunity of new market intermediaries to service the growing urban housing markets. Yet there appears to be little research on these agents, which bear similarity in name, but not exactly in operation, to those in a market society. Based upon insights from new institutional economics, this study examines how the existing institutions in China have constrained and facilitated their services in the housing transaction process. This micro-analytical study provides a different means towards understanding the market transformation of a socialist housing system.  相似文献   

张昊  高捷 《室内设计》2013,28(4):95-101
运用居住结构的概念对中国大城市居住问题进行研究,结合我国大城市居住现状的特点,赋予中国大城市居住结构新内涵,包括就业与居住布局、公共服务设施和住房供应体系,并分析中国大城市居住结构存在的问题,从这三个方面对我国大城市居住结构的优化对策提出相关建议,分别是紧凑的就业与居住布局、均衡的公共服务设施和多层次的住宅供应体系,同时强调了公共住宅和非正式住宅在大城市居住结构中的必要性。  相似文献   

快速城市化和工业化成功推动了中国城市发展,同时也导致了严重的住房供需矛盾,低收入阶层住房得不到有效保障。纵观西方国家保障性住房的发展历程,各国政府综合运用了多种政策工具对市场进行干预,形成了有效的住房保障发展模式。其中,德国的住房保障体系建设堪称典范,其发展经验受到广泛借鉴。本文对德国住房保障体系的政策演变、资金筹措和监督体系等方面进行了分析,最后结合中国住房保障体系的发展现状提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Housing Reform in Kolkata: Changes and Challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 1991 the housing sector in Kolkata has been the subject of significant reforms based on profound changes in the political economy of the State of West Bengal. The paper reviews four reform initiatives: public-private partnership, privatisation of public rental housing, development of New Towns, and the finance sector deregulation in Kolkata and discusses their relevance to the urban context of the city. It is observed that the new reform measures have been successful in reviving the housing market by attracting private and foreign investment and producing housing for the middle- and upper-income population, but have led to the loss of safety nets, and ignored the informal urban context of the city, resulting in the exclusion of about a third of the city population who live in slums and bustees. As a result, the benefits of housing market growth have been offset by the failure to meet the broader social agenda. While a general consensus in favour of the reform is evident, there is growing concern that the broader ideology of housing the poor is being discounted in favour of capital-driven development fuelled by globalisation and privatisation.  相似文献   

巴西作为经济发达与社会分化显著并存的发展中国家,长期以来因其严重的城市住房短缺问题引起了全球社会的关注。本文全面回顾了巴西自1940年代以来国家公共住房政策的发展历程,以及新时期公共住房建设面临的挑战和发展策略,最后总结并评述其发展经验和教训,作为完善中国公共住房政策体系的有益借鉴。  相似文献   

魏晓云 《福建建筑》2009,(10):143-144,149
城市新区的住房发展政策关系到地区未来的可持续发展。本文以晋江市晋南地区为例,借鉴新加坡住房体系的经验,探讨目前住房制度的优缺点,并提出适于晋南地区的住房发展政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper aims to understand how renters make their housing decisions in urban China, where market mechanisms are being introduced into a previously welfare-oriented housing system. It is argued that while renters now enjoy more housing options, their choices are constrained not only by socio-economic factors as is the case in the West, but also by persisting socialist institutions such as the hukou system and work units. Using a national survey carried out in 1996 and a technique of multi-level modelling, the empirical study suggests that while private housing is becoming an important option, renters who can access public housing are still more likely to choose public housing because of heavy subsidies. Yet, renters with rural and temporary hukou, and those working in low-ranking work units are at a disadvantage in the housing market. In general they do not qualify for public housing, and private housing is their only option. Although the socialist housing system is under reform, it still defines renters' housing access and thus shapes their behaviour in the late 1990s.  相似文献   

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