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WDM网络分布式物理损伤感知RWA算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着传输速率的不断升级,在透明传送过程中,各种损伤的积累会对光信号的质量造成严重影响,因而不能保证高QoS(服务质量)地传输信号.文章提出一种物理损伤感知的分布式RWA(波长路由分配)算法,将物理层传输质量评估分布在中继段路由和波长信道中,分别由损伤感知路由、波长通道传输质量排序和按优先级分配3部分构成.仿真实例证明了...  相似文献   

In this article, we find that the limiting hop count in a lightpath impacts on the performance of optical networks. Based on this observation, we propose a dynamic hop count shifting (DYHOS) algorithm that limits the hop count of lightpaths dynamically, depending on the traffic load. The proposed algorithm searches an available route, while minimizing the waste of network resources and limiting excessive traffic on the network. Hence, the proposed algorithm increases the network throughput and reduces the blocking probability. Comparing with shortest path routing and adaptive path routing algorithms, we show the performance of the proposed algorithm has the lowest blocking probability influenced by the hop count of lightpaths for a given routing algorithm.
Jeonghoon MoEmail:

The fact that wavelength conversion hardly improves the performance of static routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks has been observed in many previous studies. However, other than simulation results, until now there was no formal proof of such fact. In this paper, we formally prove that wavelength conversion does not improve the Lagrangian bound of the static RWA problem.  相似文献   

基于在波长可变光网络中的波长分层图模型,本文提出了一种在动态业务情况下的支持不同QoS要求的路由波长分配算法,根据客户层业务不同的QoS要求,通过分层图模型中参数的不同取值,对其光路建立请求区别对待,提供不同级别的光路建立.仿真结果表明该算法具有很好的性能,提高了全网的资源利用率,满足了客户层业务在建立光通路时不同的QoS要求对网络阻塞率的要求.  相似文献   

Distributed wavelength provisioning is becoming one of the most important technologies for supporting next-generation optical networks. This paper describes the evaluation of the performance of distributed wavelength provisioning in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) optical networks with sparse wavelength conversion (i.e., where wavelength conversion is available at only a subset of network nodes). Using the well-known destination-initiated reservation method as a case study, a highly accurate analytical model supported by comprehensive simulation validation is proposed. Both analytical and simulation results show that, in optical networks with distributed wavelength provisioning, sparse wavelength conversion still helps to significantly lower the connection-blocking probabilities. However, unlike that in centralized wavelength provisioning, sparse wavelength conversion may not easily achieve nearly the same performance as that of full wavelength conversion, especially under light traffic loads. This paper evaluates how the potential contribution of sparse wavelength conversion depends on different factors, such as the number of wavelength converters, the number of wavelength channels per fiber, the burstiness of traffic loads, and the network size, and discusses the influence of the signaling scheme.  相似文献   

基于节约网络资源和降低网络的阻塞率和波长分配代价的思想,在WRON网络的动态路由波长分配算法中考虑波长相关性.根据波长之间转换度变化,详细定义波长转换器的可转换波长之间的波长转换度,并定义了一个利用二进制数表示的空闲波长指示参数,利用该参数对链路上的空闲波长进行表示,用蚁群系统的蚁群波长信息素更新的计算公式来更新这个指示参数,简化波长分配的过程.通过仿真,证明本算法能够达到节约波长资源,降低网络的阻塞率和波长分配代价的目的.  相似文献   

WDM网络中一种基于分层图模型的RWA算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种基于分层图的最大边不相关(Layered Graph-Based Edge Disjoint Path)算法,该算法不同于现有研究大多将WDM网络的RWA问题拆分为选路和分配波长两个子问题,而是将波长分层图和图论中的最大边不相关原理引入RWA问题中,可同时进行选路和波长分配.仿真证明,该算法可以有效节省网络波长资源,且易于实施.  相似文献   

Presents a heuristic algorithm for effectively assigning a limited number of wavelengths among the access stations of a multihop network wherein the physical medium consists of optical fiber segments which interconnect wavelength-selective optical switches. Such a physical medium permits the limited number of wavelengths to be re-used among the various fiber links, thereby offering very high aggregate capacity. Although the optical connectivity among the access station can be altered by changing the states of the various optical switches, the resulting optical connectivity pattern is constrained by the limitation imposed at the physical level. The authors also study two routing schemes, used to route requests for virtual connections. The heuristic is tested on a realistic traffic model, and the call blocking performance of new requests for virtual connections is studied through extensive simulations and compared against the blocking performance of an ideal infinite capacity centralized switch (lowest possible call blocking caused exclusively by congestion on the finite capacity user input/output links, never by the switch fabric itself). Surprisingly, the authors find that, for a wide range of parameters, the blocking performance of the lightwave network is almost the same as that of the ideal centralized switch. From these results, they conclude that the heuristic algorithm is effective and the routing scheme is efficient  相似文献   

Unlike broadcast-and-select networks, wavelength-routing networks offer the advantages of wavelength reuse and scalability and are thus suitable for wide-area networks (WANs) We study the effects of topological connectivity and wavelength conversion in circuit-switched all-optical wavelength-routing networks. A blocking analysis of such networks is given. We first propose an analytical framework for accurate analysis of networks with arbitrary topology. We then introduce a model for networks with a variable number of converters and analyze the effect of wavelength converter density on the blocking probability. This framework is applied to three regular network topologies that have varying levels of connectivity: the ring, the mesh-torus, and the hypercube. The results show that either a relatively small number of converters is sufficient for a certain level of performance or that conversion does not offer a significant advantage. The benefits of conversion are largely dependent on the network load, the number of available wavelengths, and the connectivity of the network. Finally, the tradeoff between physical connectivity, wavelength conversion, and the number of available wavelengths is studied through networks with random topologies  相似文献   

In this paper, a survivable routing algorithm is proposed for shared segment protection (SSP), called optimal self-healing loop allocation (OSHLA), which dynamically allocates spare capacity for a given working lightpath in mesh wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) networks with partial wavelength conversion capability. Two novel graph transformation approaches, namely graph of cycles and wavelength graph of paths, are introduced to solve this problem, in which the task of survivable routing is formulated as a series of shortest path searching processes. In addition to an analysis on the computation complexity, a suite of experiments is conducted to verify OSHLA on four networks with different topologies and traffic loads. We find that the blocking probability and computation complexity are dominated by the upper bound on the length of the working and protection segments. Comparison is made between OSHLA and four other reported schemes in terms of blocking probability. The results show that OSHLA can achieve the lowest blocking probability under the network environment of interest. We conclude that OSHLA provides a generalized framework of survivable routing for an efficient implementation of SSP in mesh WDM partial wavelength convertible networks. With OSHLA, a compromise is initiated by manipulating the upper bound on the length of working and protection segments such that the best performance-computation complexity gain can be achieved.  相似文献   

基于节点功能的WDM光网络分布式路由与波长分配算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了一种具有节点功能区分的WDM多波长光网络模型,根据节点功能将其分为A、B两类,在此基础上提出了波长等价弧和等价网络等概念,并根据此类多波长光网络模型的节点和网络结构特点以及相应的选路和波长分配策略,提出了一种基于节点功能的多波长光网络分布式路由与波长分配算法——BONF算法,证明了算法的可行性,分析了算法的计算复杂度,比较了此算法与其它同类型算法的区别,指出了BONF算法的优点和不足。  相似文献   

Tunable wavelength conversion of a 10 Gb/s signal over a broad wavelength range of about 90 nm is achieved by using a super structure grating distributed Bragg reflector laser. The extinction ratio dependence of converted signal light on input signal light power and bias current to the laser active region is discussed. The extinction ratio becomes large when the input signal light power increases and the bias current decreases. Bit error rate measurements show that error-free, penalty-free wavelength conversion is achieved when the extinction ratio is large (12.5 dB) and that the bit rate which error-free wavelength conversion is possible increases as the input signal light power increases. Twenty Gb/s signal wavelength conversion is also demonstrated  相似文献   

We study reconfigurable multi-granular optical cross-connects (MG-OXCs) in waveband switching networks with limited wavelength conversion and propose a heuristic algorithm to minimize the number of used wavelength converters while reducing the blocking probability.  相似文献   

This paper proposes optical wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks with limited wavelength conversion that can efficiently support lightpaths (connections) between nodes. Each lightpath follows a route in a network and must be assigned a channel on each link along the route. The load λmax of a set of lightpaths is the maximum over all links of the number of lightpaths that use the link. At least λmax wavelengths will be needed to assign channels to the lightpaths. If the network has full wavelength conversion capabilities, then λmax wavelengths are sufficient to perform the channel assignment. Ring networks with fixed wavelength conversion capability within the nodes are proposed that can support all lightpath sets with load λmax at most W-1, where W is the number of wavelengths in each link. Ring networks with a small additional amount of wavelength conversion capability within the nodes are also proposed that allow the support of any set of lightpaths with load λmax at most W. A star network is also proposed with fixed wavelength conversion capability at its hub node that can support all lightpath sets with load λmax at most W. These results are extended to tree networks and networks with arbitrary topologies. This provides evidence that significant improvements in traffic-carrying capacity can be obtained in WDM networks by providing very limited wavelength conversion capability within the network  相似文献   

简要分析了各种全光波长变换技术的原理,评价了各自的优缺点,并指出全光波长变换在光通信系统中的应用前景。  相似文献   

This work describes a distributed algorithm inspired by ant colony optimisation for a solution to the problem of dynamic routing and wavelength assignment with wavelength continuity constraint in optical burst switched networks. The evaluation was conducted in a wavelength division multiplexed network environment with limited number of wavelength channels and in a flexible spectrum network environment undergoing transmission impairments. The simulations in the flexible spectrum network environment aim to replicate the effects of both linear and nonlinear physical layer impairments. Under these effects, an optical burst control packet could be lost during traversal of the network with no measure in place to notify the network of the loss or to free up optical resource reservations. The optical burst switching acknowledgement protocol has been modified in this work to account for a burst control packet failure by implementing a traversal acknowledgement to cater for its loss. The performance of the distributed ant-based algorithm has been extensively evaluated on several network topologies and compared with that obtained by shortest path routing and ant colony routing and wavelength assignment. The results show that the distributed ant-based algorithm significantly improves the burst transmission success probability in the wavelength division multiplexed network environment and provides a good solution in the flexible spectrum network environment undergoing transmission impairments.  相似文献   

Previous analytic approaches for all-optical networks have only allowed a random wavelength assignment policy in spite of the fact that network performance can be improved by other wavelength assignment policies such as first-fit wavelength assignment. We develop an approximate analytic method to allow flexible wavelength assignment policies by virtue of a layered-graph approach. Our analysis is also applicable to the networks that wavelength conversion is limitedly provided. By comparing with simulation results, we show that our analytic approach has good accuracies when the number of wavelengths is not large. We also show that our analysis is applicable to general network topologies  相似文献   

Finely tunable wavelength conversion of high bit-rate signals is analyzed numerically and demonstrated experimentally-to a wavelength range from 1530 to 1560 nm-by using a superstructure-grating distributed Bragg reflector laser. Transmission of a 10 Gb/s converted signals over a 100 km-long optical fiber is also demonstrated using a dispersion-shifted optical fiber  相似文献   

A large wavelength tuning range is demonstrated for a three-electrode distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser by applying both forward and reverse bias to the passive Bragg section. In the reverse direction the tuning towards longer wavelengths is mainly attributed to electrical heating. By also using the phase tuning section, all wavelengths within a range of 22.1 nm can be reached with a side-mode suppression better than 25 dB and with an output power exceeding 4.4 mW.<>  相似文献   

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