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For membrane bioreactors (MBR) applied to wastewater treatment membrane fouling is still the prevalent issue. The main limiting phenomena related to fouling is a sudden jump of the transmembrane pressure (TMP) often attributed to the collapse of the fouling layer. Among existing techniques to avoid or to delay this collapse, the addition of active particles membrane fouling reducers (polymer, resins, powdered activated carbon (PAC), zeolithe…) showed promising results.Thus the main objective of this work is to determine if fouling can be reduced by inclusion of inert particles (500 nm and inert compared to other fouling reducers) and which is the impact on filtration performances of the structuring of the fouling. Those particles were chosen for their different surface properties and their capability to form well structured layer.Results, obtained at constant pressure in dead end mode, show that the presence of particles changes foulant deposition and induces non-compressible fouling (in the range of 0.5-1 bar) and higher rejection values compared to filtration done on supernatant alone. Indeed dead end filtration tests show that whatever interactions between biofluid and particles, the addition of particles leads to better filtration performances (in terms of rejection, and fouling layer compressibility). Moreover results confirm the important role played by macromolecular compounds, during supernatant filtration, creating highly compressible and reversible fouling.In conclusion, this study done at lab-scale suggests the potential benefit to engineer fouling structure to control or to delay the collapse of the fouling layer. Finally this study offers the opportunities to enlarge the choice of membrane fouling reducers by taking into consideration their ability to form more consistent fouling (i.e. rigid, structured fouling).  相似文献   

The effects of addition of six types of flocculants (aluminium sulfate, ferric chloride, polyaluminium chloride, polymeric ferric sulfate, Chitosan, polyacrylamide) on mitigation of membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBR) were investigated respectively. The biomasses in various MBRs were characterized by morphological properties (mean floc size (dp), fractal dimension (df)), physical parameters (surface charge, relative hydrophobicity (RH), dynamic viscosity) and the biochemical components of the mixed liquor (extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), soluble microbial products (SMP)). Statistical methods such as normalization, nondimensionalization and multiple linear regressions were used to identify the dominant membrane-fouling contributors and to simulate membrane-fouling rates. The results demonstrated that addition of flocculants had significant impact on sustainable filtration time and the key factors affecting membrane fouling varied in different flocculants added MBRs. For the organic flocculants added MBRs, membrane-fouling alleviation was mainly due to the decrease in SMP and df as well as the increase in dp. For the inorganic flocculants added MBRs, the lower fouling rate could be mainly attributed to the decrease in SMP and surface charge as well as the increase in RH. For each type of flocculants, the empirical equations of sustainable filtration time (Γ45) were simulated to predict membrane-fouling rates in different MBRs.  相似文献   

Kang IJ  Lee CH  Kim KJ 《Water research》2003,37(5):1192-1197
Factors affecting filtration performance were investigated in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) coupled with a submerged microfiltration module. Special bioreactors for aerobic and anoxic phases were specifically designed in order to differentiate the effect of dissolved oxygen (DO) from that of mixing intensity, on membrane filterability. When the filterability of a submerged microfilter was examined at each SBR phase, DO concentration, as well as mixing intensity proved to have a major influence on the membrane performance regardless of the SBR phase. A higher DO concentration resulted in a slower rise in TMP, corresponding to less membrane fouling, which was investigated in depth through a series of analyses including resistance measurements and compressibility of the cake layer as well as particle sizes as a functions of DO for both aerobic and anoxic phases in SBR.  相似文献   

对活性污泥-膜生物反应器与悬浮填料-膜生物反应器的膜污染情况进行对比,结果表明两种反应器的除污效果无明显差别,但悬浮填料-膜生物反应器的膜污染情况较为严重。通过测定混合液的颗粒粒径分布及其比阻,说明了导致悬浮填料-膜生物反应器膜污染严重的原因是混合液中能堵塞膜孔的微小颗粒含量较高及混合液过滤性能较差。采取增大曝气强度和投加絮凝剂等措施可改善悬浮填料-膜生物反应器的膜污染程度。  相似文献   

The critical flux and chemical cleaning-in-place (CIP) in a long-term operation of a pilot-scale submerged membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment were investigated. Steady filtration under high flux (30 L/(m2 h)) was successfully achieved due to effective membrane fouling control by sub-critical flux operation and chemical CIP with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in both trans-membrane pressure (TMP) controlling mode (cleaning with high concentration NaClO of 2000-3000 mg/L in terms of effective chorine was performed when TMP rose to 15 kPa) and time controlling mode (cleanings were performed weekly and monthly respectively with low concentration NaClO (500-1000 mg/L) and high concentration NaClO (3000 mg/L)). Microscopic analysis on membrane fibers before and after high concentration NaClO was also conducted. Images of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that NaClO CIP could effectively remove gel layer, the dominant fouling under sub-critical flux operation. Porosity measurements indicated that NaClO CIP could partially remove pore blockage fouling. The analyses from fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) with attenuated total reflectance accessory (ATR) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) demonstrated that protein-like macromolecular organics and inorganics were the important components of the fouling layer. The analysis of effluent quality before and after NaClO CIP showed no obvious effect on effluent quality.  相似文献   

MBR biochemical conditions have an effect on membrane fouling and SMP have been attributed to be the main MBR foulant. Thus, predicting the SMP concentration is essential for understanding and controlling MBR fouling. However, existing SMP models are mostly too complex and over-parameterized, resulting in inadequate or absent parameter estimation and validation. This study extends the existing activated sludge model No. 2d (ASM2d) to ASM2dSMP with introduction of only 4 additional SMP-related parameters. Dynamic batch experimental results were used for SMP parameter estimation leading to reasonable parameter confidence intervals. Finally, the ASM2dSMP model was used to predict the impact of operational parameters on SMP concentration. It would found that solid retention time (SRT) is the key parameter controlling the SMP concentration. A lower SRT increased the utilization associated products (UAP) concentration, but decreased the biomass associated products (BAP) concentration and vice versa. A SRT resulting in minimum total SMP concentration can be predicted, and is found to be a relatively low value in the MBR. If MBRs operate under dynamic conditions and biological nutrient removal is required, a moderate SRT condition should be applied.  相似文献   

This work aims to characterise the impact of hydrodynamics on sludge properties and consequently on fouling mechanisms in side-stream membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Two side-stream processes which generate very different shear stresses are compared, without filtration. This operating mode permits specific quantification of the impact of the external loop (and of induced shear stress) on floc structure/morphology, supernatant quality and fouling propensity. The study shows that low constraints (7 × 10−3 Pa) generated on submerged side-stream hollow fibre modules have no significant impact on sludge properties. In contrast, high shear stresses (72 Pa) associated with a crossflow configuration induce very significant modifications of the mixed liquor which increases its fouling propensity (measured in a standard filtration cell). A theoretical explanation of the role of turbulence on the floc size distribution is given. Based on a Kolmogorov microscale calculation, it seems possible to predict the mean floc size reached in both filtration systems, for a given shear stress intensity. Disaggregation is characterised by a two-step kinetic: first a short-term breakage attributed to fragmentation and loss of weak strength bonds, and secondly a longer-term breakage probably due to erosion phenomena and removal of high strength bonds. Only the second step induces a significant release and an accumulation of soluble protein-like substances. Soluble organic matter strongly enhances the fouling propensity of the mixed liquor. This seems to be amplified by the concentration of protein-like substances. The importance of considering the protein and carbohydrate content as well as floc size is also pointed out in the paper.  相似文献   

Liu L  Zhao C  Yang F 《Water research》2012,46(6):1969-1978
Prepared by coating TiO2/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on a low cost polyester filter cloth (22 μm), a composite membrane (10 μm pore size) was successfully used in an anoxic/oxic membrane bioreactor (A/O-MBR) for treating a simulate wastewater in removing nitrate/ammonium for water reuse in a polyester fiber production plant. Its permeate flux and the anti-fouling properties against extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were studied. Comparing with a commercial (0.1 μm) PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) membrane, similar effluent qualities were achieved, meeting the basic COD requirements for reuse. Anti-EPS accumulation, the TiO2/PVA Polyester composite membrane had higher sustained permeability and required less frequent cleaning. Its filtration time was 4 times longer when operated at a higher flux than the PVDF membrane. The nano-TiO2 enhances the interaction between PVA and polyester, forms a more hydrophilic surface, drastically reduces the contact angle with water and reduces EPS fouling. The slow (trans-membrane pressure) TMP rise, loose cake layer, the low filtration resistances, and the EPS, SEM analysis confirmed the advantage of the composite membrane. Potential in lowering the membrane cost, the operation and maintenance cost, and in enhancing MBR waste water treatment efficiency is expected by the use of this new composite membrane.  相似文献   

Ultrafiltration membranes were prepared from blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)/cellulose acetate (CA) via phase inversion method. The effect of different coagulation bath compositions on the morphology and performance of the blend membrane prepared from casting solution of PVDF/CA with ratio of 80/20 was investigated using sewage wastewater. NaCl and ethanol were used as additives of coagulation bath. Fouling analysis was conducted with Bovine Serum Albumin solution and critical flux evaluation was performed using a lab‐scale membrane bioreactor. In terms of morphological structure, the macrovoids decreased and changed to finger‐like structure. The irreversible fouling reduced and the flux recovery ratio (FRR) of the modified membranes increased remarkably while the reversible fouling caused by deposition of foulants on the surface of the membranes increased. The maximum values of FRR and critical flux of irreversibility were reached by the membrane which was prepared in the coagulation bath containing the highest concentration of NaCl.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of 195 days of pilot-scale submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) experiments on settled municipal wastewater. Short-term and long-term thickening experiments were performed at a constant membrane flux of 30L/(m(2)h) to determine the impact of the following mixed liquor properties: colloidal material, soluble COD, soluble microbial products, extracellular polymeric substances, and viscosity along with aeration intensity on membrane fouling at high mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations. The normalized permeability declined with increasing MLSS concentrations in all experiments and increasing the coarse bubble aeration intensity increased the permeability at a given MLSS concentration. Using a dynamic approach, this work demonstrates the importance of mixed liquor viscosity, which impacts the efficacy of the coarse bubble aeration, in sustaining membrane permeability. Over an extended thickening time period, a small increase in MLSS concentration and mixed liquor viscosity becomes more prevalent and leads to greater permeability decline at a given MLSS concentration.  相似文献   

The fates of several macrolide, sulphonamide, and trimethoprim antibiotics contained in the raw sewage of the Tel-Aviv wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) were investigated after the sewage was treated using either a full-scale conventional activated sludge (CAS) system coupled with a subsequent ultrafiltration (UF) step or a pilot membrane bioreactor (MBR) system. Antibiotics removal in the MBR system, once it achieved stable operation, was 15-42% higher than that of the CAS system. This advantage was reduced to a maximum of 20% when a UF was added to the CAS. It was hypothesized that the contribution of membrane separation (in both systems) to antibiotics removal was due either to sorption to biomass (rather than improvement in biodegradation) or to enmeshment in the membrane biofilm (since UF membrane pores are significantly larger than the contaminant molecules). Batch experiments with MBR biomass showed a markedly high potential for sorption of the tested antibiotics onto the biomass. Moreover, methanol extraction of MBR biomass released significant amounts of sorbed antibiotics. This finding implies that more attention must be devoted to the management of excess sludge.  相似文献   

A novel Bio-Entrapped Membrane Reactor (BEMR) packed with bio-ball carriers was constructed and investigated for organics removal and membrane fouling by soluble microbial products (SMP). An objective was to evaluate the stability of the filtration process in membrane bioreactors through backwashing and chemical cleaning. The novel BEMR was compared to a conventional membrane bioreactor (CMBR) on performance, with both treating identical wastewater from a food and beverage processing plant. The new reactor has a longer sludge retention time (SRT) and lower mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) content than does the conventional. Three different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 6, 9, and 12 h were studied. The results show faster rise of the transmembrane pressure (TMP) with decreasing hydraulic retention time (HRT) in both reactors, where most significant membrane fouling was associated with high SMP (consisting of carbohydrate and protein) contents that were prevalent at the shortest HRT of 6 h. Membrane fouling was improved in the new reactor, which led to a longer membrane service period with the new reactor. Rapid membrane fouling was attributed to increased production of biomass and SMP, as in the conventional reactor. SMP of 10-100 kDa from both MBRs were predominant with more than 70% of the SMP <100 kDa. Protein was the major component of SMP rather than carbohydrate in both reactors. The new reactor sustained operation at constant permeate flux that required seven times less frequent chemical cleaning than did the conventional reactor. The new BEMR offers effective organics removal while reducing membrane fouling.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy was employed to characterize dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR). Three fluorescence peaks could be identified from the EEM fluorescence spectra of the DOM samples in the MBR. Two peaks were associated with the protein-like fluorophores, and the third was related to the visible humic acid-like fluorophores. Only two main peaks were observed in the EEM fluorescence spectra of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) samples, which were due to the fluorescence of protein-like and humic acid-like matters, respectively. However, the EEM fluorescence spectra of membrane foulants were observed to have three peaks. It was also found that the dominant fluorescence substances in membrane foulants were protein-like substances, which might be due to the retention of proteins in the DOM and/or EPS in the MBR by the fine pores of the membrane. Quantitative analysis of the fluorescence spectra including peak locations, fluorescence intensity, and different peak intensity ratios and the fluorescence regional integration (FRI) analysis were also carried out in order to better understand the similarities and differences among the EEM spectra of the DOM, EPS, and membrane foulant samples and to further provide an insight into membrane fouling caused by the fluorescence substances in the DOM in submerged MBRs.  相似文献   

Qu F  Liang H  Wang Z  Wang H  Yu H  Li G 《Water research》2012,46(5):1490-1500
This paper focused on the membrane fouling caused by extracellular organic matters (EOM) which was extracted from lab-cultured Microcystis aeruginosa in stationary phase. The characteristics of EOM such as molecular weight distribution, hydrophobicity and fluorescence were measured. It was found that high molecular weight (MW) and hydrophilic organics accounted for the major parts of algal EOM which was comprised of protein-like, polysaccharide-like and humic-like substances. Ultrafiltration (UF) experiments were carried out in a stirring cell and hydrophobic polyethersulfone (PES) membranes which carried negative charge were used. Prefiltration, calcium addition and XAD fractionation were employed to change the interfacial characteristics of EOM. Then the effects of these interfacial characteristics on flux decline, reversibility and mass balance of organics were compared. Algal EOM proved to cause serious membrane fouling during UF. The fraction of algal EOM between 0.45 μm and 100 kDa contributed a significant portion of the fouling. Hydrophobic organics in EOM tended to adhere to membrane surface causing irreversible fouling, while the cake layer formed by hydrophilic organics caused greater resistance to water flow due to hydrophilic interaction such as hydrogen bond and led to faster flux decline during UF. The results also indicated that the algal EOM was negatively charged and the electrostatic repulsion could prevent organics from adhering to membrane surface. In term of fouling mechanisms, cake layer formation, hydrophobic adhesion and pore plugging were the main mechanisms for membrane fouling caused by algal EOM.  相似文献   

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