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Corrosion sensors were devised to develop a system whereby the depth of chloride permeation from concrete surfaces can be monitored non‐destructively on a real‐time basis using such sensors embedded in cover concrete of reinforced concrete structures. The proposed corrosion sensors were subjected to accelerated corrosion in NaCl solutions, mortar specimens intrinsically containing chlorides, and mortar specimens impregnated with chloride solutions, while recording the changes in the resistance readings. The resistance of sensors increased as the degree of corrosion increased. The time to the first change in the resistance decreased and the corrosion degree and resistance increased as the chloride concentration increased and as the distance from mortar surfaces decreased. It was therefore confirmed that the corrosion sensors are capable of monitoring the depth of chloride permeation with sufficient accuracy.  相似文献   

Thermally sprayed titanium coatings were investigated in the laboratory as anodes for the cathodic protection of reinforced concrete. Three proprietary catalyst systems were used to activate the titanium anode coatings. Some experiments were conducted that applied the catalyst as a precoat on the metallizing wires; in other experiments, the catalyst solution was applied onto concrete blocks before or after arc spraying with titanium. The coated reinforced concrete blocks were powered at a constant current density and in a 95% relative humidity for more than 95 days. The driving voltages measured across the samples demonstrated that precoating the catalyst on the titanium wires had little effect on the driving voltage over the recorded lifetime. In other experiments, where the catalyst was directly applied to the surface of the reinforced concrete blocks, only the cobalt oxide catalyst significantly reduced the driving voltage requirements. The cobalt oxide reduced the driving voltages regardless of whether it was applied on the concrete blocks before or after arc spraying with titanium.  相似文献   

Stable operation of cobalt catalyzed thermal sprayed titanium anodes for cathodic protection (CP) of bridge reinforcing steel was maintained in accelerated tests for a period equivalent to 23 years service at Oregon Department of Transportation (Oregon DOT) bridge CP conditions with no evidence that operation would degrade with further aging. The cobalt catalyst dispersed into the concrete near the anodeconcrete interface with electrochemical aging to produce a more diffuse anode reaction zone. The titanium anode had a porous heterogeneous structure composed of α-titanium containing interstitial oxygen and nitrogen, and a fee phase thought to be Ti(O,N). Splat cooling rates were 10 to 150 K/s, and microstructures were produced by equilibrium processes at the splat solidification front. Nitrogen gas atomization during thermal spraying produced a coating with more uniform composition, less cracking, and lower resistivity than using air atomization.  相似文献   

Up to this time all the methods to measure the corrosion rate of reinforcing steels embedded in hardened concrete have been of the destructive type, which requires much time and materials and makes the full scale study of the phenomenon difficult. The authors have applied the polarization resistance method to bars embedded in hardened mortar and immersed in Ca(OH)2-saturated solution, and have found an acceptable agreement between the gravimetric and the electrochemical weight loss data.  相似文献   

海工钢筋混凝土的腐蚀与防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水具有很强的腐蚀性。如果不采取防护措施,海工钢筋混凝土结构会受到严重腐蚀。本文结合当前现有研究成果,对海洋环境下钢筋混凝土结构的腐蚀特征和防护技术进行了论述。  相似文献   

Corrosion potential measurements were analyzed using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). The corrosion potentials estimate the probability of corrosion of steel embedded in concrete. The CWT of the corrosion potential data estimates the behaviour in time of the energy distribution associated with the corrosion process. The results obtained indicate that CWT-based ratios can be successfully applied to better understand the different processes involved in the corrosion phenomenon, such as the cracking of concrete.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the determination of current and potential distribution in reinforced concrete elements partially submerged in seawater aimed at predicting the throwing power of cathodic prevention applied by means of sacrificial anodes. Experimental results from previous laboratory tests showed that the throwing power of cathodic prevention is higher compared to that of cathodic protection [1]. In order to extend the results obtained on small-scale specimens to elements of higher dimensions, FEM numerical simulations of potential distribution were carried out. Several cases were considered, representative of conditions differing in electrochemical behaviour of steel bars, geometry of the pile and of sacrificial anodes, concrete resistivity. The results allowed to discuss the role of different factors on the throwing power that can be reached by using sacrificial anodes immersed in the seawater to protect reinforcing steel bars in the emerged part of a pile.  相似文献   

This communication analyses information supplied by the electrochemical parameters related to rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete structures (RCS). Corrosion potential and corrosion current density are determined for different sets of conditions. Tests are performed to gather data on conflictive aspects of the two electrochemical parameters, with regard to evaluating the results of RCS inspections. Consideration is made of the limitations of potential measurements if not accompanied by complementary indications such as concrete resistivity, rebar surface area involved in the measurements, or the instrumentally determined corrosion current. The capacity of galvanostatic pulses applied directly on large RCS to offer a reliable guide to corrosion rate of steel reinforcements is discussed.  相似文献   


Difficulties associated with the interpretation of site data collected over long periods of time from commonly used corrosion monitoring techniques for steel reinforcement in concrete, such as corrosion potential measurements and linear polarisation resistance, often make it difficult to assess accurately the extent of corrosion. An alternative methodology for the interpretation of data is proposed, based upon a model of the quality of the passive film on the steel surface. This model leads to a representation of the corrosion state by means of the relationship, over a long period of time, between the corrosion potential and the logarithm of the linear polarisation resistance. For the reinforced concrete panels tested in this study, data points representing this relationship closely fitted a family of results. This led to the development of a so called 'monitoring control diagram', MCD, in which for a fixed geometry and fixed experimental conditions, a relationship between the corrosion potential and polarisation resistance of steel exists. The establishment of an MCD may enable the development of a useful monitoring tool.  相似文献   

Corrosion and spalling of reinforced concrete columns particularly in tidal seawater zones is a major concern worldwide. A greater emphasis is being given to the maintenance and preservation of existing structures rather than the expensive alternative of replacement. Cathodic protection has been identified as one of the most effective means of arresting corrosion on steel reinforcement. This paper describes a newly developed technique of applying cathodic protection to steel reinforced concrete. The components comprise of conductive tape and mixed metal oxide coated titanium mesh anode (CAT) system. Protection is provided with an even current distribution over the surface via the conductive tape. An extremely long system life is predicted due to the low current densities involved and the elimination of shotcrete type cementitious overlays which tend to be the weak link. A major advantage of the CAT system is that it does not require the use of specialised equipment and that installation time is minimal. Two trials performed on road bridges in Victoria and Queensland, Australia are described in detail. The CAT systems were installed to protect the tidal zones and above. Polarisation effects and the possibility of current “dumping” in submerged zones were investigated. The long term evaluation and assessment of the performance of the system is an ongoing process. Monitoring will be performed on a regular basis over the next few years.  相似文献   

Stainless steels such as STS 304, 316 and 630 are frequently used as shaft materials in small fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) fishing boats. If the shaft material is exposed to a severely corrosive environment such as seawater, it should be protected using appropriate methods. The impressed current cathodic protection was used to inhibit corrosion in shaft materials. In anodic polarization, passivity was remarkably more evident in STS 316 stainless steel than in STS 304 and STS 630. The pitting potentials of STS 304, 316, and 630 stainless steels were 0.30, 0.323, and 0.260 V, respectively. The concentration polarization due to oxygen reduction and activation polarization due to hydrogen generation were evident in the cathodic polarization trends of all three stainless steeds. STS 316 had the lowest current densities in all potential ranges, and STS 630 had the highest. Tafel analysis showed that STS 316 was the most noble in the three. In addition, the corrosion current density was the lowest for STS 316.  相似文献   

Chloride‐induced damage of reinforcing steel is especially for parking garages and bridges often very severe as large amounts of chlorides act on horizontal surfaces which could lead to fast ingress of these detrimental ions up to the level of the reinforcement and subsequently to high rates of corrosion. In order to avoid the disadvantages of conventional rehabilitation (unreliable prognosis with patch repair or high costs and regular maintenance with cathodic protection using impressed current) a new combined protection system was developed where the principle of drying out the concrete (by means of a surface protection system) is combined with a temporary cathodic protection (by means of a sprayed zinc layer) during the transitional period of the drying out process. This new system was tested both in the laboratory and on‐site at a pilot application. Based on the results obtained the possibilities and limitations of the new system are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

In this article,microbiologically influenced corrosion behavior of Fe3Al intermetal-lic compound in microorganism culture medium has been investigated by using weight loss methods,electrochemical techniques,and electron microscopy.Polar-ization curves showed that a sharp electrical current peak caused by surface pitting could be observed after Fe3Al electrodes were immersed in culture medium for 15 days when the polarization potential was about-790 mV vs SCE.Based on the electrochemical impedance spectrosco...  相似文献   

Corrosion in reinforced concrete structures is a major problem that seriously affects the service life of the structures. In order to detect rebar corrosion, a fiber optic corrosion sensor (FOCS) made of one fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor and twin steel rebar elements was designed and packaged up with concrete. Subsequently, a series of experiments were carried out to verify its feasibility. A constant current accelerated corrosion test was performed on five fiber optic corrosion sensors and the relationship between reflected wavelength change from the grating and the weight loss rate of rebar was obtained by the gravimetric weight loss method. The experiment shows that it is feasible to monitor the degree of corrosion of reinforced steel in reinforced concrete structures using FOCS.  相似文献   

In steel reinforced and prestressed concrete structures depassivation of the reinforcing steel can take place due to carbonation of the concrete cover. Depending on humidity and oxygen availability subsequent corrosion reactions will be initiated. Such conditions require measures to exclude corrosion induced damages during the designed lifetime of the structure. In the last few years an electrochemical realkalisation treatment has been proposed as adequate rehabilitation technique for carbonated concrete. This temporary treatment should increase the pH-value of the concrete pore water solution due to penetration of alkaline electrolyte from the concrete surface as well as repassivate the reinforcement due to electro chemical reactions at the steel surface. In order to clarify the different mechanisms taking place during electrochemical realkalisation laboratory tests have been carried out using carbonated reinforced mortar specimens. The investigations were aimed at checking the influence of various parameters, e.g. treatment time and current density, as well as the efficiency and long-term durability of this rehabilitation method.  相似文献   

the passivating film of the inner layer was absolutely destroyed by microbial metabolic products.  相似文献   


Electrochemical methods were used to evaluate sodium phosphate and sodium nitrite as inhibitors for the corrosion of steel in saturated calcium hydroxide solution containing chloride ions. The studies included immersion, potentiodynamic, potentiostatic, and galvanostatic tests. The results obtained from these methods were in good agreement. They show that sodium nitrite is an anodic inhibitor which is not effective if its concentration is lower than that of the chloride ions. Sodium phosphate acts as an anodic inhibitor if its concentration is higher than 0·6 times the chloride concentration. It is totally effective when its concentration equals the chloride concentration.  相似文献   

In this article, microbiologically influenced corrosion behavior of Fe3Al intermetallic compound in microorganism culture medium has been investigated by using weight loss methods, electrochemical techniques, and electron microscopy. Polarization curves showed that a sharp electrical current peak caused by surface pitting could be observed after Fe3Al electrodes were immersed in culture medium for 15 days when the polarization potential was about -790 mV vs SCE. Based on the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the equivalent circuit parameters of the associated system, the corrosion products were found to exhibit a two-layer structured feature and the microorganisms could induce pitting and erosion corrosion of the inner layer. In addition, the passivating film of the inner layer was absolutely destroyed by microbial metabolic products.  相似文献   

Composites are promising alternatives for space structures because of their versatile characteristics such as high specific stiffness and strength. When composite structures are exposed to the space environments (low Earth orbit, LEO), however, they are known to undergo considerable temperature change induced by the direct sunlight and the Earth's shadow in addition to ultraviolet, high vacuum, atomic oxygen and so forth. Therefore, for the successful completion of their missions, it is important for the structures to maintain the consistent dimensional stability in such a thermal cycling condition. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the structures is suitable to express the dimensional stability, and it is needed to be monitored throughout the mission. For this purpose, fiber optic sensors, which have many advantages, were investigated to check their suitability in this paper.Two fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been adopted for the simultaneous measurement of thermal strain and temperature to get the CTE change of a carbon/epoxy composite laminate. LEO conditions with high vacuum, ultraviolet and thermal cycling environments were simulated in a thermal vacuum chamber. As a pre-test, a FBG temperature sensor was calibrated and a FBG strain sensor was evaluated through the comparison with the electric strain gauge (ESG) attached on an aluminum specimen in the same temperature range as the thermal cycling. The change of the transverse CTE in a composite laminate exposed to the space environment was measured for intervals of aging cycles in real time. As a whole, there was no abrupt change of the CTE after 1000 aging cycles. After aging, however, the CTE decreased a little all over the test temperature range. These changes are thought to have been caused by outgassing, moisture desorption, matrix cracking, etc. In this paper, embedding application of FBG sensors to composites operated under space environment and their successful real-time monitoring of thermal deformations over a long time was shown.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the peculiarities of cathodic protection applied to steel in carbonated concrete, which are strictly connected to the production of alkalinity at the steel surface. Results of a research on the application of cathodic protection to specimens with steel bars in carbonated concrete are discussed. A thin layer of concrete was realkalized within a period of 4–5 months by applying a current density of 10 mA/m2 and steel could repassivate even in the presence of small contents of chlorides. A lower current density of 5 mA/m2 could only maintain steel passive when the concrete in the vicinity of the steel had been previously realkalized through the application of a start‐up current density of 70 mA/m2 for one month. Protection mechanisms are investigated and design of cathodic protection of steel in carbonated concrete is outlined. The possibility of obtaining protection on deeper rebars is also considered.  相似文献   

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