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AbstractInductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) offers excellent possibilities for multi-element trace analysis of photographic silver halide emulsions. In the present study, an analytical method was developed for the simultaneous determination of essential elements, such as ruthenium, rhodium, iridium and gold, in small emulsion samples, both overall as well as on the crystal surface. Sample preparation was performed by dissolving the silver halide emulsion into a self-made acid fixer. In-house standard reference emulsion material was prepared to verify the accuracy and precision of the quantitative method. The final result is a quantitative method for the selected elements with a precision of typically 1 per cent or better with relative standard deviations of 0.1–2.0 per cent. Detection limits were in the range 0.01–0.03 μg/kg. Using the scanning mode option of the instrument, the complete mass spectrum can be generated. Overlays can be made of two mass spectra and used as ‘fingerprints’ to reveal sensitometric deviations. Hence elemental trends can be traced or anomalies pinpointed in large batches of samples. 相似文献
目的 研究4种印刷不同油墨的PET薄膜在酸性条件下26种化学元素的迁移行为。方法 采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES),测定铅、镉、铬等26种化学元素在PET薄膜中的初始含量;采用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定这26种化学元素向食品模拟物(体积分数为3%的乙酸)的迁移量。结果 铅、镉、铬等26种元素的迁移量随着温度和时间的增加而增大,并且均能达到各自的迁移平衡。ICP-OES方法的加标回收率为80.2%~109.7%,其相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.3%~12.9%;ICP-MS方法的加标回收率为83.1%~118.6%,其相对标准偏差为0.7%~14.8%。结论 26种化学元素向体积分数为3%乙酸的最大迁移量均低于标准限量值。 相似文献
用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定铬铁中铬磷硅存在的问题是一些高碳铬铁、氮化铬铁等试样难以用酸溶解,在碱熔基体中,大量的易电离元素钠的存在使得测定困难,铬铁中高含量铬和微量的磷、硅等同时测定尤为困难。ICP-AES法同时测定铬铁中铬磷硅是一种新颖的方法。通过试验研究,确定了利用氢氧化钠-过氧化钠混合熔剂熔样的样品处理方法。在用ICP进行测试时,不同谱线所受到的干扰不同。推荐选择Cr 267.716 nm、Cr 206.158 nm、P 213.617 nm、Si 251.611 nm、Si 288.158 nm为分析线;对于干扰,采用基体匹配和两点校正法消除,方法的线性相关系数在0.995以上,磷的测试精密度在5.0%,铬、硅在1.0%以下;铬、硅检出限在0.006%以下,磷为0.002%。准确度试验表明,分析结果与推荐值和手工分析结果间的分析误差在试验允许的误差范围内。 相似文献
采用智能样品消解仪并以硝酸、氢氟酸溶解样品,建立了电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪(ICPOES)测定氟钽酸钾中钙、镁、铁、硅的分析方法。实验优化了仪器工作条件,选择Ca 396.847 nm、Mg 279.553nm、Fe 239.562 nm和Si 251.612 nm谱线作为分析线,采用基体匹配、扣除背景和标准加入法克服了基体效应和光谱干扰。结果表明,各元素的检出限为0.001 3—0.005 9μg/m L,加标回收率在94.4%—106.0%,相对标准偏差RSD≤4.19%,钙、镁、铁测定结果与直流电弧原子发射光谱法测定结果吻合,硅测定结果与甲基绿-硅钼杂多酸分光光度法的一致,具有较好准确度和精密度。 相似文献
Determining the cause of an arson fire is the most difficult part of fire investigation. In this study, the researcher used various clues and several pieces of fire debris collected from the actual fire site to conduct a series of experiments and analyses in sequence, starting from metallographic analysis to inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and then a thermal analysis experiment to determine the cause of a fire. It was found that when the temperature was elevated at a rate of 2 °C/min, polyurethane (PU) foam, a structural component of refrigerators, started thermal decomposition. At about 130 °C, the thermal decomposition accelerated, and eventually at 384 °C, about 4883.33 J/g of maximum heat was released. In the end, remaining debris was about 4.96%. Therefore, the combustion of PU foam is an ultrafast type of combustion reaction. The content as well as the experimental procedure of the study is useful for fire investigators in determining the cause of arson fires. 相似文献
建立了以盐酸、硝酸和氢氟酸溶解Al-60Mo-20Zr合金样品、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)内标法测定合金中主量元素Mo、Zr的分析方法。通过优化仪器工作条件,选择Mo 202.030 nm、Zr 396.621 nm谱线作为分析线,Co 231.160 nm作为内标分析线,采用基体匹配结合内标法,消除了基体干扰效应和仪器信号漂移的影响,提高了测定主量元素Mo、Zr的稳定性。结果表明,加标回收率在98.3%—104.0%之间,精密度均小于0.78%,线性相关系数r大于0.999 8。用于样品分析的Mo、Zr测定结果与X荧光光谱法吻合,在相同的仪器条件下,本方法的精密度和准确度明显优于ICP-AES外标法。 相似文献
ICP-AES同时测定废氰化镀金溶液中Au,Cu,Ni,Fe含量 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了快速测定废氰化镀金溶液中Au,Cu,Ni,Fe四种元素含量,采用一步消解直接进行ICP-AES测定。并对分析谱线、元素干扰和等离子体参数进行了讨论。结果表明,方法检出限为0.014—0.019μg/ml,加标回收率在97.3—101.0%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)小于2.54%。该方法准确、快速、简便。应用于废氰化镀金溶液的回收生产,结果令人满意。 相似文献