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正如英国小说家狄更斯在其著名小说《双城记》中对巴黎和伦敦两个城市的描述一样,东南亚的大都市对于政治动乱也毫不陌生。雅加达(Jakarta)和曼谷(Bangkok)的人们已经或多或少习惯于生活在革命暴乱和政局的不稳定之中。生活还在继续,但是过渡时期的混乱对这里的生活方式和当地经济还是产生了一些消极的影响。例如,旅游业是印度尼西亚和泰国的重要产业,而雅加达和曼谷作为这两个国家的主要旅游门户,如果发生政治动荡就非常不利于当地经济的发展。  相似文献   

西班牙葡萄酒,虽然过去不为国人所熟悉,但近期却被越来越多人津津乐道。说起这里的酒,还带着点塞万提斯笔下的骑士“堂吉诃德”的影子,虽被归类于旧世界,却有着更为开放的思想、敢想、敢做,愿意接受新的技术与方法,酿出了精彩纷呈的葡萄酒。  相似文献   

品葡萄酒如同作文,是需要想象力的. 想象力的来源,在于对葡萄特性的掌握与了解,对自然的热爱及熟悉程度.只有葡萄酒,才能给人带来贴近大自然的享受.  相似文献   

品葡萄酒如同作文,是需要想象力的。 想象力的来源,在于对葡萄特性的掌握与了解,对自然的热爱及熟悉程度。只有葡萄酒,才能给人带来贴近大自然的享受。  相似文献   

我们都知道,澳大利亚是一个盛产纯正的世界级葡萄酒的国度.其中,60%的葡萄酒出自南澳大利亚州,它有着澳洲葡萄酒之都的美誉.而这个州最便利游客品酒的地方,大概非首府阿得莱德市区和周边乡村莫属.在阿得莱德大学主校区靠近植物园的一条街上,设有国家葡萄酒中心.这既是阿得莱德大学酿酒与葡萄栽培教育中心,更是集展览、教育、餐饮于一体的多功能中心.在阿得莱德最惬意的事,莫过于能在中央广场咖啡馆内品尝全澳洲最醇的葡萄酒了.  相似文献   

印尼首都雅加达,到处可见浓密的绿树丛林,改善了环境,使人感到空气清新。雅加达市区没有造纸厂,但周围地区的万隆省地界之内约有十多家造纸厂。这些纸厂的业主绝大多数都是雅加达人,家住在首都,各纸厂在首都一般都设有办事处,承办原材料和成  相似文献   

素来以弘扬民族服饰文化为己任的报喜鸟北京旗舰店终于落户于华贸商街,地下一层地上三层的营业面积共计1000平方米左右,黑白调为主的背景色彩、大气的设计风格传承着品牌对经典与品质追求的理念。  相似文献   

张新建 《中国酒》2013,(5):38-41
出离了丝竹乱耳.案牍劳形.终于驶入属于自己的宁静港湾。夜深了.贪睡的猫咪早已蜷缩在沙发靠垫上进入梦乡。身心疲惫的我.既懒得去睡.也不愿多想.任思绪游丝缥缈.信马由缰.  相似文献   

宋淑运 《美食》2003,(3):57-57
“民以食为天”,饮食是人类社会生活的重要内容。从食物的采集、生产、加工、储运、销售到烹饪方式、饮食习惯,都可以反映出不同国家、不同民族的生产模式、民族性格、化传统、审美时尚、创造能力,以至哲学思想、伦理道德观念等等。不仅如此,由于不同地域特征,不同国家、不同民族的饮食化还带有特殊的地方化色彩。  相似文献   

姓名证书编号工作单位发证时间曾庆卓ZJ-130211贵州茅台酒股份有限公司2006-01-06陈平ZJ-130212贵州金沙窖酒厂2006-01-06张琴ZJ-130213贵州茅台酒股份有限公司2006-01-06钟应强ZJ-130214贵州茅台酒股份有限公司2006-01-06姓名证书编号工作单位发证时间刘涛ZJ-130215贵州茅台酒股份有限公司2006-01-06李云银ZJ-130216贵州茅台酒股份有限公司2006-01-06宋刚ZJ-130217贵州金沙窖酒厂2006-01-06姓名证书编号工作单位发证时间杨代永ZJ-110295贵州茅台酒股份有限公司2006-01-06万波ZJ-110296贵州茅台酒股份有限公司2006-01-06程光辅ZJ-11…  相似文献   

“噗……” “花罢成絮.因风飞扬,落湿地即生。” 小时候。有谁没有吹过蒲公英?有谁没有在吹送它之前默默地许下个愿望.希望那随风远去的小小降落伞。帮我们完成一个个梦想?[编者按]  相似文献   

Abstract: This article is an exploration of the history of sushi consumption in the United States and how the ingredients of sushi are regulated. The article delineates the course of sushi's culinary history in Japan, and will attempt to present an overview on the incremental process by which sushi as a cuisine evolved from a humble street food with scarce recognition to an immensely sophisticated popular cuisine in Japan and America. After describing and analyzing the historical background of sushi, the article will present the underpinnings of the confounding set of etiquettes that center the art of consuming sushi. This article will also examine sushi as an exemplary form of successful, multi‐directional product of globalization. It is intriguing to observe sushi as a circulating global commodity that internalizes and promotes regional dietary preferences and cultural practices. The second half of the article will discuss both the health benefits and health hazards associated with the sushi cuisine. While the seafood, seaweed, and seasoning involved with eating sushi have high nutritional value, sushi consumers need to be aware of the perilous nature of mercury poisoning and the biological contaminants that are embedded in improperly processed sushi fish. The FDA's current consumer advisory scheme on mercury poisoning is incomprehensible, conflicts with the guidelines that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) delineates, and its inspection and surveillance guidelines are in practice difficult to enforce. The last section of the article will trace the development of the Seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan and compare its prospective policy visions and practical guidelines with the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department's (FEHD) Sushi Surveillance Guidelines.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to explore the urban knitting movement, a worldwide phenomenon that tries to combine a domestic activity, street or folk art, the reshaping of do-it-yourself culture, and peaceful forms of urban guerrilla protest. The activists employ colorful displays of knitted or crocheted cloth to enhance, beautify, personalize, and gentrify abandoned public places. Furthermore, they use the Internet to share knowledge on techniques and experiences, to organize collective actions, and to record and document their artistic installations. This article is focused on an urban knitting project realized in L'Aquila (Italy) three years after the 2009 earthquake. It was called “Mettiamoci una pezza” (“Let's Patch It”). The main aim of this project was to “dress up” the main square of the city, covering the gray metal barricades that still block off citizens from some areas of downtown and adding a sprinkle of color and warmth to the devastated city. We studied this movement in an ethnographic way, by applying a qualitative content analysis of the online materials and nonparticipatory observation of this event in L'Aquila in order to investigate what the collective action did both practically and symbolically. Our research shows how the movement was able to promote a very complex and meaningful political initiative.  相似文献   

2011年4月12-17日的米兰国际家具展期间,米兰运河边上的托尔托纳ZONA TORTONA设计园区打破了往日的宁静,迎来了数以万计的来自全球各地的建筑、家具、服装、时尚品等行业的设计师.因为这里正举行每年一度的魅力无穷的米兰设计周(Milan Design Week2011).这个创意园区位于米兰市的旧厂房区,在大...  相似文献   

泰国亚洲食品配料展览会于2002年11月6-8日在泰国首都曼谷市举行,中国食品添加剂生产应用工业协会和中国贸促会轻工行业分会组织了中国食品添加剂展团赴泰参展,来自10个企业的29人,参加了亚洲食品配料展览会的展出,现将有关情况总结如下:  相似文献   

刘珍 《印刷杂志》2007,(10):11-13
<正>曾几何时,取得印刷订单是多么简单的一件事。印刷企业只是在自己熟悉的领域内竞争,主要提供一些小册子、明信片、直邮函件、年度报告以及技术和服务文件等的印刷服务。其中一部分印刷企业主攻高端的市场,而另外一部分企业则主要从事大众印刷品的中低端市场。因此,一些企业报价贵一些,  相似文献   

2008年2月27日~3月2日,第41届曼谷珠宝首饰展在泰国曼谷的IMPACTING会展中心举行,来自35个国家和地区的1100多个企业和机构共占用了中心的3个展厅,3100多个展位展出了各具特色的产品及最新成果。其中909家泰国本土参展商占据了2800多个展位,190多家国外参展商则抢占了300个展位。这是一个五彩斑斓的世界,也是一个呈现彩色宝石和首饰设计潮流的专业平台。  相似文献   

“Même si tu revenais, Ulysse … tu serais toujours l'histoire du depart …” (Adonis, Terre sans retour) 2 2. Should you return, Ulysse … you will always remain the story of departure … View all notes

This article is about the Jewish Egyptian narrative found in Claudia Roden's and Colette Rossant's cookbook memoirs. The purpose is to explore the unique ways in which associations with remembered culinary pleasures and their recreation offer insight into individual perceptions of historical moments. In both Roden's and Rossant's books, the recollections of food have been wedged into the emotional landscape separating their “homeland” from their “exile.” The article suggests that the narratives found in these memoirs are ideal themes and texts to combine with the fragile topic of contested pasts.  相似文献   

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