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Mu transposase is a member of a protein family that includes many transposases and the retroviral integrases. These recombinases catalyze the DNA cleavage and joining reactions essential for transpositional recombination. Here we demonstrate that, consistent with structural predictions, aspartate 336 of Mu transposase is required for catalysis of both DNA cleavage and DNA joining. This residue, although located 55 rather than 35 residues NH2-terminal of the essential glutamate, is undoubtedly the analog of the second aspartate of the Asp-Asp-35-Glu motif found in other family members. The core domain of Mu transposase consists of two subdomains: the NH2-terminal subdomain (IIA) contains the conserved Asp-Asp-Glu motif residues, whereas the smaller COOH-terminal subdomain (IIB) contains a large positively charged region exposed on its surface. To probe the function of domain IIB, we constructed mutant proteins carrying deletion or substitution mutations within this region. The activity of the deletion proteins revealed that domains IIA and IIB can be provided by different subunits in the transposase tetramer. Substitution mutations at two pairs of exposed lysine residues within the positively charged surface of domain IIB render transposase defective in transposition at a reaction step after DNA cleavage but prior to DNA joining. The severity of this defect depends on the structure of the DNA flanking the cleavage site. Thus, these data suggest that domain IIB is involved in manipulating the DNA near the cleavage site and that this function is important during the transition between the DNA cleavage and the DNA joining steps of recombination.  相似文献   

A loop comprising residues 454-459 of Dictyostelium myosin II is structurally and functionally equivalent to the switch II loop of the G-protein family. The consensus sequence of the "switch II loop" of the myosin family is DIXGFE. In order to determine the functions of each of the conserved residues, alanine scanning mutagenesis was carried out on the Dictyostelium myosin II heavy chain gene. Examination of in vivo and in vitro motor functions of the mutant myosins revealed that the I455A and S456A mutants retained those functions, whereas the D454A, G457A, F458A and E459A mutants lost them. Biochemical analysis of the latter myosins showed that the G457A and E459A mutants lost the basal ATPase activity by blocking of the isomerization and hydrolysis steps of the ATPase cycle, respectively. The F458A mutant, however, lost the actin-activated ATPase activity without loss of the basal ATPase activity. These results are discussed in terms of the crystal structure of the Dictyostelium myosin motor domain.  相似文献   

gamma B-crystallin is a monomeric member of the beta gamma-superfamily of vertebrate eye lens proteins. It consists of two similar domains with all-beta Greek key topology associating about an approximate two-fold axis. At pH 2, with urea as the denaturant, the domains show independent equilibrium unfolding transitions, suggesting different intrinsic stabilities. Denaturation experiments using recombinant one- or two-domain proteins showed that the N-terminal domain on its own exhibits unaltered intrinsic stability but contributes significantly to the stability of its C-terminal partner. It has been suggested that docking of the domains is determined by a hydrophobic interface that includes phenylalanine at position 56 of the N-terminal domain. In order to test this hypothesis, F56 was substituted by site-directed mutagenesis in both complete gamma B-crystallin and its isolated N-terminal domain. All mutations destabilize the N-terminal domain to about the same extent but affect the C-terminal domain in a different way. Replacement by the small alanine side chain or the charged aspartic acid residue results in a significant destabilization of the C-terminal domain, whereas the more bulky tryptophan residue causes only a moderate decrease in stability. In the mutants F56A and F56D, equilibrium unfolding transitions obtained by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence differ, suggesting a more complex denaturation behavior than the one observed for gamma B wild type. These results confirm how mutations in one crystallin domain can affect the stability of another when they occur at the interface. The results strongly suggest that size, hydrophobicity, and optimal packing of amino acids involved in these interactions are critical for the stability of gamma B-crystallin.  相似文献   

A conserved catalytic core of the ATP-dependent DNA ligases is composed of an N-terminal domain (domain 1, containing nucleotidyl transferase motifs I, III, IIIa and IV) and a C-terminal domain (domain 2, containing motif VI) with an intervening cleft. Motif V links the two structural domains. Deletion analysis of the 298 amino acid Chlorella virus DNA ligase indicates that motif VI plays a critical role in the reaction of ligase with ATP to form ligase-adenylate, but is dispensable for the two subsequent steps in the ligation pathway; DNA-adenylate formation and strand closure. We find that formation of a phosphodiester at a pre-adenylated nick is subject to a rate limiting step that does not apply during the sealing of nicked DNA by ligase-adenylate. This step, presumably conformational, is accelerated or circumvented by deleting five amino acids of motif VI. The motif I lysine nucleophile (Lys27) is not required for strand closure by wild-type ligase, but this residue enhances the closure rate by a factor of 16 when motif VI is truncated. We find that a more extensively truncated ligase consisting of only N-terminal domain 1 and motif V is inert in ligase--adenylate formation, but competent to catalyze strand closure at a pre-adenylated nick. These results suggest that different enzymic catalysts facilitate the three steps of the DNA ligase reaction.  相似文献   

We have mutated two regions within the yeast profilin gene in an effort to functionally dissect the roles of actin and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) binding in profilin function. A series of truncations was carried out at the C terminus of profilin, a region that has been implicated in actin binding. Removal of the last three amino acids nearly eliminated the ability of profilin to bind polyproline in vitro but had no dramatic in vivo effects. Thus, the extreme C terminus is implicated in polyproline binding, but the physiological relevance of this interaction is called into question. More extensive truncation, of up to eight amino acids, had in vivo effects of increasing severity and resulted in changes in conformation and expression level of the mutant profilins. However, the ability of these mutants to bind actin in vitro was not eliminated, suggesting that this region cannot be solely responsible for actin binding. We also mutagenized a region of profilin that we hypothesized might be involved in PIP2 binding. Alteration of basic amino acids in this region produced mutant profilins that functioned well in vivo. Many of these mutants, however, were unable to suppress the loss of adenylate cyclase-associated protein (Cap/Srv2p [A. Vojtek, B. Haarer, J. Field, J. Gerst, T. D. Pollard, S. S. Brown, and M. Wigler, Cell 66:497-505, 1991]), indicating that a defect could be demonstrated in vivo. In vitro assays demonstrated that the inability to suppress loss of Cap/Srv2p correlated with a defect in the interaction with actin, independently of whether PIP2 binding was reduced. Since our earlier studies of Acanthamoeba profilins suggested the importance of PIP2 binding for suppression, we conclude that both activities are implicated and that an interplay between PIP2 binding and actin binding may be important for profilin function.  相似文献   

RAS mutations can be detected in a variable number of patients with myeloproliferative disorders such as myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia, but are rare events in chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase. However, there is good evidence supporting the involvement of RAS signalling pathway in CML and this could be due to alterations in RAS activity regulatory proteins. The neurofibromatosis (NF1) gene down-regulates the RAS signal transduction pathway through the inhibitory function of its GAP-related domain (GRD) on RAS protein. The loss or alteration of neurofibromin (the NF1 protein) may produce a disfunction similar to point mutations in the RAS gene resulting in the permanent stimulation of the RAS signal transduction pathway. Mutations involving the GRD region of the NF1 gene (GRD-NF1) have been described in a variety of tumors such as colon carcinoma and astrocytoma. Germline mutations and deletions in the NF1 gene, as seen in neurofibromatosis type 1, are also associated with certain myeloid disorders. In the present work, we sought to identify mutations in the codons 12/13 and 61 of RAS gene and in the Lys-1423 codon of GRD-NF1, which are well known hot spots in these genes, in a group of 36 adults and ten children with chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase and blast crisis. Using the PCR-SSCP and the allele-specific restriction assay (ASRA) techniques, we were not able to observe any RAS or NF1 detectable mutation. These findings suggest that RAS and GRD-NF1 mutations are not involved either in chronic phase or in the progression to blast crisis in chronic myelogenous leukemia in adults and children.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoprotein (Env) of human immunodeficiency virus mediates virus entry into cells by undergoing conformational changes that lead to fusion between viral and cellular membranes. A six-helix bundle in gp41, consisting of an interior trimeric coiled-coil core with three exterior helices packed in the grooves (core structure), has been proposed to be part of a fusion-active structure of Env (D. C. Chan, D. Fass, J. M. Berger, and P. S. Kim, Cell 89:263-273, 1997; W. Weissenhorn, A. Dessen, S. C. Harrison, J. J. Skehel, and D. C. Wiley, Nature 387:426-430, 1997; and K. Tan, J. Liu, J. Wang, S. Shen, and M. Lu, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:12303, 1997). We analyzed the effects of amino acid substitutions of arginine or glutamic acid in residues in the coiled-coil (heptad repeat) domain that line the interface between the helices in the gp41 core structure. We found that mutations of leucine to arginine or glutamic acid in position 556 and of alanine to arginine in position 558 resulted in undetectable levels of Env expression. Seven other mutations in six positions completely abolished fusion activity despite incorporation of the mutant Env into virions and normal gp160 processing. Single-residue substitutions of glutamic acid at position 570 or 577 resulted in the only viable mutants among the 16 mutants studied, although both viable mutants exhibited impaired fusion activity compared to that of the wild type. The glutamic acid 577 mutant was more sensitive than the wild type to inhibition by a gp41 coiled-coil peptide (DP-107) but not to that by another peptide corresponding to the C helix in the gp41 core structure (DP-178). These results provide insight into the gp41 fusion mechanism and suggest that the DP-107 peptide may inhibit fusion by binding to the homologous region in gp41, probably by forming a peptide-gp41 coiled-coil structure.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli ArcB sensor is involved in anaerobic phosphotransfer signal transduction. ArcB is a hybrid sensor that contains three types of phosphotransfer signaling domains in its primary amino acid sequence, namely, transmitter (or His-Kinase), receiver, and histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains. However, examination of the function of the newly-discovered HPt domain (named ArcBc) is still at a very early stage. To gain a general insight into the structure and function of the widespread HPt domains, on the basis of its three-dimensional crystal structure, in this study we constructed a certain set of mutants each having a single amino acid substitution in the HPt domain of ArcB. These ArcBc mutants were characterized and evaluated, based on the in vivo ability to signal the OmpR receiver via trans-phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of human uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (URO-D), a heme biosynthetic enzyme, catalyzes the multi-step decarboxylation reaction converting uroporphyrinogen I or III to coproporphyrinogen I or III. The URO-D protein has been purified from several sources and its gene has been cloned from many organisms. In spite of this, little is known about the active site(s) of the enzyme. Inhibitor studies suggest that cysteine and histidine residues are important for enzyme activity. We employed the Kunkel method of site-directed mutagenesis to convert each of the six cysteines in human URO-D to serine and each of the three conserved histidines to asparagine. Recombinant mutant URO-D's were expressed in Escherichia coli, partially purified, and their kinetic properties compared to recombinant wild-type URO-D. All cysteine mutants retained approx. 40% wild-type enzyme activity, indicating that no single cysteine is absolutely critical for the integrity of the catalytic site. The three histidine mutants also retained significant enzyme activity and one, (H339N), displayed unique properties. The H339N mutation resulted in an enzyme with high residual activity but decarboxylation of intermediate reaction products of the I isomer series was markedly abnormal. The histidine at residue 339 is likely important in imparting isomer specificity.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll--binding protein CP43 and cytochrome b559, encoded by psbC and psbE/F genes, are the components of photosystem II (PS II). Three psbC- and four psbE/F- mutants were isolated from the collection of PS II-deficient mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. 6803. Restoration of photosynthetic activity was achieved by transformation of psbE/F- mutants with cloned psbE/F gene cluster from wild type cells and each of psbC- mutants--with specific part of wild type psbC gene. DNA fragments carrying the mutations were isolated from mutant cells and sequenced. The mutations which affect PS II activity were identified in psbC gene as "frameshift" mutation, stop-codon formation, or as deletion of three nucleotides resulting in loss of one of three Phe residues in position 422-424 of CP43. Sequence of mutant psbE/F genes revealed single mutations resulting in deletion of Phe-36 or substitution of Pro-63 for Leu in alpha-subunit and Val-29 for Phe in beta-subunit of cytochrome b559.  相似文献   

A culture medium, named olive juice broth, which resembles the natural environment of Lactobacillus plantarum in the traditional Spanish-style green olive fermentation was obtained from green olives. In this medium, the bacteriocin-producing L. plantarum LPCO10 strain was able to produce bacteriocin throughout the incubation time (15 days). Bacteriocin purification from olive juice broth was achieved by a protocol including ammonium sulphate precipitation of cell-free, L. plantarum LPCO10 culture supernatants, and cation-exchange, hydrophobic-interaction and reversed-phase chromatographies. In a series of mixed cultures in olive juice broth, L. plantarum LPCO10 was able to dominate the bacteriocin-sensitive L. plantarum 128/2 strain, whereas the non-bacteriocin-producing, LPCO10 strain derivative, L. plantarum 55-1 strain did not show such capability. These results indicated that olive juice broth may be a valuable experimental substitute for olive fermentation brine in gaining more knowledge about the role of the bacteriocin-producing L. plantarum strains in the control of the Spanish-style green olive fermentation.  相似文献   

RNA guanylyltransferase (capping enzyme) catalyzes the transfer of GMP from GTP to the 5'-diphosphate end of mRNA. The capping reaction proceeds via an enzyme-guanylate intermediate in which GMP is linked covalently to a lysine residue of the enzyme. In the capping enzyme of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, GMP is attached to a 52-kDa polypeptide, identified as the product of the essential CEG1 gene. The amino acid sequence of the CEG1 protein includes a motif, Lys70-Thr-Asp-Gly, that is conserved at the active site of vaccinia virus RNA guanylyltransferase and which is similar to the KXDG sequence found at the active sites of RNA and DNA ligases. To evaluate the role of this motif in the function of the yeast enzyme, we have expressed the CEG1 protein in active form in Escherichia coli. Replacement of Lys70 or Gly73 with alanine abrogated enzyme-guanylate formation in vitro; in contrast, alanine substitutions at Thr71 or Asp72 merely reduced activity relative to wild-type enzyme. The K70A and G73A mutations were lethal to yeast, whereas yeast carrying the T71A and D72A alleles of CEG1 were viable. These results implicate Lys70 as the active site of yeast guanylyltransferase and provide evidence that cap formation per se is an essential function in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The Tol-Pal proteins of Escherichia coli are involved in maintaining outer membrane integrity. They form two complexes in the cell envelope. Transmembrane domains of TolQ, TolR, and TolA interact in the cytoplasmic membrane, while TolB and Pal form a complex near the outer membrane. The N-terminal transmembrane domain of TolA anchors the protein to the cytoplasmic membrane and interacts with TolQ and TolR. Extensive mutagenesis of the N-terminal part of TolA was carried out to characterize the residues involved in such processes. Mutations affecting the function of TolA resulted in a lack or an alteration in TolA-TolQ or TolR-TolA interactions but did not affect the formation of TolQ-TolR complexes. Our results confirmed the importance of residues serine 18 and histidine 22, which are part of an SHLS motif highly conserved in the TolA and the related TonB proteins from different organisms. Genetic suppression experiments were performed to restore the functional activity of some tolA mutants. The suppressor mutations all affected the first transmembrane helix of TolQ. These results confirmed the essential role of the transmembrane domain of TolA in triggering interactions with TolQ and TolR.  相似文献   

Sixteen substitution mutations of the conserved DvExNPGP sequence, implicated in cardiovirus and aphthovirus primary polyprotein cleavage, were created in encephalomyocarditis virus cDNA, expressed, and characterized for processing activity. Nearly all the mutations severely decreased the efficiency of the primary cleavage reaction during cell-free synthesis of viral precursors, indicating a stringent requirement for the natural sequence in this processing event. When representative mutations were tested in full-length genomic contexts, they were lethal and no revertants were observed. Not only were the primary cleavage reactions deficient in these polyproteins, but subsequent cleavage of P1 by endogenous or exogenous 3C pro was also impaired. This indicates that primary cleavage has a role in the proper processing of the viral capsid precursor.  相似文献   

Hypophosphatemic rickets is commonly an X-linked dominant disorder (XLH or HYP) associated with a renal tubular defect in phosphate transport and bone deformities. The XLH gene, referred to as PHEX, or formerly as PEX (phosphate regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidases on the X-chromosome), encodes a 749-amino acid protein that putatively consists of an intracellular, transmembrane, and extracellular domain. PHEX mutations have been observed in XLH patients, and we have undertaken studies to characterize such mutations in 46 unrelated XLH kindreds and 22 unrelated patients with nonfamilial XLH by single stranded conformational polymorphism and DNA sequence analysis. We identified 31 mutations (7 nonsense, 6 deletions, 2 deletional insertions, 1 duplication, 2 insertions, 4 splice site, 8 missense, and 1 within the 5' untranslated region), of which 30 were scattered throughout the putative extracellular domain, together with 6 polymorphisms that had heterozygosity frequencies ranging from less than 1% to 43%. Single stranded conformational polymorphism was found to detect more than 60% of these mutations. Over 20% of the mutations were observed in nonfamilial XLH patients, who represented de novo occurrences of PHEX mutations. The unique point mutation (a-->g) of the 5'untranslated region together with the other mutations indicates that the dominant XLH phenotype is unlikely to be explained by haplo-insufficiency or a dominant negative effect.  相似文献   

Use of cementless acetabular cups, which are slightly larger than the reamed acetabulum, can provide press-fit stability without screws; however, the ideal cup geometry to maximize stability is not clear. Acetabular strain distribution, deformation, and implant stability were studied using an axisymmetric finite-element model, and mechanical stability was assessed by testing lever-out and extraction forces required to displace different cup geometries from foam bones. The implants tested included four nonhemispheric cup geometries and 1- and 2-mm oversized hemispheric geometries. A nonhemispheric cup that provides a gradual transition from a hemisphere at the dome to a larger peripheral dimension appears to maximize peripheral strains and implant stability without increasing overall acetabular deformation as much as a larger oversized hemispheric cup.  相似文献   

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